Do you guys have anything funny to watch?

I'm a bit depressed and I want to watch a funny video or variety shows or interviews but the sad thing is that I have watched many stuff and I don't know what to watch anymore! So can you guys recommend me something funny or nice to watch? I have watched most EXO videos out there, so I want BTS or B.A.P stuff, but then any other group is welcome too! Please~?


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C-Clown's CTC!

Or actually any MADTOWN video, really. Recently, I love their Let's Dance and ASC vids.

I know something that ALWAYS makes me laugh here XD
baka_ming95 #3
watch bts rookie king or american hustle life? :D

or re watch some bangtan bombs.. xD

Infinite Ranking King is fun. I like episode 6, where they utterly fail at trivia questions, ha.
C-Clown's Chubby Bunny Challenge?