

1 a: resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature <fabulous wealth>

   b: wonderful, marvelous fabulous time>

2 : told in or based on fable

      —fab•u•lous•ly | adverb

      —fab•u•lous•ness | noun

Examples of FABULOUS

       I had fabulous time.

       The weather has been fabulous.

        He is making fabulous amounts of money.

Origin of FABULOUS

        Middle English, from Latin fabulosus, from fabula

        First Known Use: 15th century

Related to FABULOUS


                   fabled, mythical, legendary


                  actual, existent, existing, real

The actual Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of fabulous. Who knew right? Fabulous is like, one of my most used words, I say fabulous in pretty much every sentence. Well. This is pretty fab


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manoorah #1
wow !!
you know that you are good in explaining things .
you are FABULOUS!!! haha