1: Learning how to read and pronounce the korean alphabet, 'Hangul'.

The easiest to memorize, Which is basic.

I will show an example on how to construct the word 'hangul'.


ㅎ + ㅏ + ㄴ= 한  

ㄱ +  ㅡ + ㄹ = 글

한 + 글 = 한글.



But you don't know which letter is which? You'll know in a moment.


ㅏ= A

ㅑ = Ya

ㅓ= Eo

ㅕ= Yeo

ㅗ = O

ㅛ = Yo

ㅜ = U

ㅡ = Eu

ㅣ= I




ㄱ = G

ㄴ = N

ㄹ = L/R

ㅁ = M

ㅂ = B

ㅅ = S

ㅇ = Silent or Ng after two letters. (랑 = Rang 아 = A)

ㅈ = J

ㅊ = Ch

ㅋ = K

ㅌ = T

ㅍ = P

ㅎ = H





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Whatever13 #1
jaskdjlasjklj leaving a comment....

thank you!
it's actually very similar to the English alphabet although a lot simpler. every letter in ABC has a corresponding sound/s, but it's much simpler in Korean since almost (i said ALMOST) all of the letters have one sound with the exception of some letters which pronunciations change depending on the letter that would follow it either on the next word or syllable. plus you have the doubles, too, but really it's easier to learn than any other language with no proximity to English ^^
우아! 우리 같이 한국말으로 대화 할수있으면 좋겠어^^
Memorization and Repitition of Usage is the key
seems easy buuuuuut