Tips to Learn Korean.

1: Learning how to read hangeul. It's not hard! As a matter of fact, it's the easiest alphabet to learn out of all Asian languages. Normally sticking to romanized korean makes words sound unnatural and often mispronounced. For example, 수건 romanized as su-geon. Take time learning how to read and pronounce the characters before taking any further steps.

2. Being consistent. It's common to procrastinate on a task, but making a routine or schedule could simplify your learning. You could consider taking some of your free time practicing simple phrases. Later on, you'll struggle less if you decide to take advanced classes.

3. Notes. It's very important to have a journal, diary or notebook to set everything in order to practice on the go, during lunchtime, on the weekend, on any free time you have. Having written down notes of things you have to work on really helps you learn faster.

Another individual tip is to use language learning applications like Memrise, Duolingo, HelloTalk or HiNative, where you can be a student and a teacher at the same time.

Good luck! You'll learn a lot. 행운을 빌어요!


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