15 zloty, one shoelace and six people

(title is an inside joke, so don't worry, only my dearest Racherella has to understand :P)

Anyway, "finally' I am back from Warsaw. God guys, I have SO much to write about (and so many drabbles to write.. those who like my HunHan stories are gonna be happy soon...:P) And oh, I have TONS of photos, too. And for one, I won't be lazy and I'll show 'em to you :P 

First of all, let's talk about all those good things.

- Our hotel was pretty. Neat, not too big but it was cheap and still nice. 

- Even with a Hungarian wallet, Warsaw is CHEAP. Like.. cheap enough for me to get ANOTHER scarf. It's so bootiful :3

- Block B was A-MA-ZING. like... I.. I just cannot. P.O will always be MY bias, but that does not mean that the others weren't..special. And omg all that fanservice 

- Food and coffe was also lovely :3 And oh, the people too. I adored being there, actually.

Now come the bad things. I only have THREE things I want to mention, one is only partially connected to my little trip.

- So..local fans (how, I don't know, I haven't had the time to check the full story behind it before) ended up having a check-up for the concert at 3 AM without ANYONE ELSE KNOWING. (or at least,neither of the groups we were in had anything bout it in them.) Look. people.

I know that everyone wants to be in first row. We wanted to be, too. Heck, even in like the... 5-6th row I had the time of my life but... if we had known, we would have been there earlier. I froze my bottom off even at 6 but yeah) but..we would have been there... and no. There was no info about it. Honestly, it's not me who I pity and not my bff (lucky B ended up like 2 meters from the stage) BUT imagine buying an early entrance ticket and arriving EXACTLY at 6 (the supposed check up) with already like.. 200 people in front of you- I also freaking PITY the organizers I met one of them preeetty often and daamn poor thing looked on the verge of breaking down :/ Sure, living in the area of the venue is AWESOME. yes. Everyone is LUCKY to live there but..

think of others, okay?


Okay so given that most of the readers here already know that I study Korean and I like Chinese (Mandarin) as well, you know that by no means I am racist. BUT. Some Asian fans (Maybe locals too, but we didn't see any) snuck in forbidden objects like cameras and tablets... I ended up seeing even if one of them was right in front of me (and I'm short, I dunno how I managed it but yeah) but... please, do think of other fans who like.. WANT TO SEE THE STAGE.

sure. fancams made by these lovely ladies are good. HD is always lovely but.. hey. we go to see the concert, no? (although those who can't go may appreciate fancams more xDD)

Security was pretty poop tho. I only threw out my water cause of naivety, they didn't check your bags... so.. you could have snuck in anything and no one would have noticed (I actually talked to this girl who came from faaaar away and her water was taken as well, but she saw others sneaking in their drinks... notsofair if you ask me)

- okay, so the last thing is very personal. people keep asking for private poster requests. So.. you should know about me that I CAN'T refuse things. I'm too nice :/ but I'm busy, my wrist is getting worse again (out of my own fault, didn't wrap it up theway I should have...) and I just want some peace... but no, people who KNOW that I am busy ask me.. Look, I don't hate ANY of you. Actually, some of you are the loveliest people here but... I need a break. I have no idea how I willl finish my current requests, I don't know how I'll get a visa to the USA, I don't know what's happening now...at all.

so please just.. those who read this, DON'T request from me via PM. just for a while.

(HOWEVER, I would LOVE to start a RP with anyone. I need to be distracted by something that's not 'work'. Just..for fun. So PM me if you're interested)

And now that I ranted a lot even if I had the time of my life... PICTURE TIME!



(OMG THAT'S A SELCA. wait... did you guys even know that I dyed my hair again?

whoops. I forgot :P)


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ure having fun
oh, look at those y shrimps *-* you are beautiful indeed :3 do you have any plan to attend The Exolution?
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Ur pretty my dear..
All ur foods looks tempting.. hehhe..

Oh God
oh I'm crying
the fantakens thou...
lol that homemade dish looks nice I wonder what was it made of(evil laughter in the distance)
btw its actually 12 ppl,15 zloty and my remaining 38 cents,a shoelace and an antifreeze now
I worship BBomb's