FOREVER 7/ELEVEN ᐧ 왕우희 [in progress]



sugareomma / ria / manager of the year

character name

Wang Woohee : 왕우희



birthdate & age

August 10, 1992 & twenty two

birthplace & hometown

gangnam, seoul


As korean as kimchi can be.


Cantonese, but barely. Jackson's a horrible tutor.

the outside.

face claim & backup

Lee Sungkyung


Thankfully they don't wear uniforms, just ugly red aprons. Can be written or an organized variety of pictures.

the inside.


Four paragraphs max, 11 sentences max / 5 sentences min per paragraph. I'm not expecting an essay, I just want to know how they generally are; but if I don't get a clear direction of who your character is I'll make it clear to you that you may or may not need to re-write their personality all over again.


This is kinda the background without the extra details that include your character's awkward but humble memories of middle school. Explain what your character does when they're not at work; do they go to school, or are aspiring to work somewhere better? Do they live with their parents or in a sinkhole with 7 other roommate? The possibilities are literally endless.


Promises of port & dark chocolate, lazy mornings in with my beloved, rainy weather when on a beach (or sitting nearby in a cafe watching the storm), jazz & blues, laughter, warm coats, and good tomato soup.


Sunburn, phonecalls at 2 am when I am asleep, being cold at night, work, brussel sprouts, conformity for the sake of conformity, thunderstorm.


Fears, future aspirations beyond 7/eleven, plots to take over the word, go crazy.


the JOB.

Job position

Store Manager


Tehcnically I'm already hired since mom and dad needed someone to look after the store cause they're ancient. That and I hardly qualify for any other job in the local area. Whoops.

usual Customers

▪ Jackson Wang | HK refugee roommate | Cola
▪ Dropped on her doorstep like an abandoned baby, Jackson is like her estranged brother, but not really. Even though the two share the same last name they aren't related, but because Jackson's here to study at SNU it only seems right to trust someone that sounds familiar, right? He's only important to the store because he livens up the place with his optimism and high energy and makes everyone feel good since he's kinda short (just don't tell him that).

▪ Name | Relationship to you | Item they buy often
▪Limited to two, explain in 2-3 sentences their significance to the character and the store. They can be friends, foes, family members or maybe the local hobo.

the one and only.

love interest

Park Chanyeol

backup love interest

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Two paragraphs max, 11 sentence max / 5 sentences min per paragraph. This shouldn't be complicated but you'd be surprised sometimes how passionate some people get while writitng these things.


PLEASE DO NOT WRITE WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS TO THEM. That is for the scene request section down below.
What is appropriate to write here is how their relationship is and if the story were to end, how would they be when all is said and done. Like are they cats and dogs and fight alot at the store, is it a 'some' relationship, do they even visit you at 7/Eleven when you're working? Do you want them to live happily ever after or are they going to break up, maybe they never happen? Elaboration is appreciated but full out scenarios is not.

last messages.


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scene request

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