gonna go eat cake with maknae after this quiz thing

1.What does the sixteenth text in your inbox say?
"Better music"

-From a friend who was looking for me in a club that had different DJs and music in different rooms and wanted me to come to room 1. Hell no! I was already in the room with the finest man of the night playing the finest tunes! ;)

2.Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?
Maknae. No matter what happens, we're back and better than ever.

3.Last person you were in the car with?
My mama~!

4.Any plans for tomorrow?
Aw yis. Getting gyudon (Japanese beef bowl) with one of my ex-schoolmates and then going to Chrome Hearts to select my birthday present for this year.

5. How long does it take you have a shower?
Like...an hour. Lol.

6.When is your birthday?
3 days after GD's.

7.Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Hell yeah.

8.Did you kiss anyone friday?
Oooh. Close one. Try Saturday instead. ;)

10.What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Man, how the did I get so ill again. How drunk was I last night? I should probably start getting ready to meet maknae/mancake.

11.Who was the last person you talked to?
My bro Jerry.

12.What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
Theory of Knowledge. So dumb and pointless.

13.Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?
If anything, I've been meeting more and more people and getting on with all of them? :'D

14.What is your favorite colour shirt to wear?
White. It used to be black but it looks too intense now my hair is black again.

15. What colour are the socks you're wearing right now?
I'm not wearing socks...YET.

16.Whats the closest thing to you that's green?
My mock-trench coat, and giant stuffed turtle from Singapore, Cucumber. :')

17.Where would you like to be right now?
I kinda wish I could teleport to the coffee shop, cuz I know I'm gonna smoke on the walk over. I really shouldn't cuz of my cold.

18.Write down some lyrics to the song your listening to?
"2007...Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate it...My name is G, D, R, A, G. O, N."

19.How many dogs do you have?
None. Gross.

20.Is anything bugging you right now?
Why am I ill????

21.How is life going for you right now?
To quote Jay Park, "So good, so good~ 매일 매일~"

22.Is there someone you care about more than yourself?
Lolno. I'm most selfish and self-centered of them all. They call me the Kanye of K-Pop for a reason. :')

23.What made you laugh today?
A friend messaging me on Facebook omfg.

24.what was the last film you watched?
Er...? Um.... I think maybe...some lame chick-flick on Netflix?

25.What's the last conversation you had about?
Yesterday with my bro Jerry when we were walking home after chilling at the guys' house. It was about his sordid love triangle thing he's been caught in, and how he needs to get sorted.

26.What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
Passed out cold LOL.

27.Do you like your hair long or short?
I want my hair long again!!! I don't wanna be GD anymore!!! :'(

28.Do you want to see somebody right now?
I'm seeing mancake in almost an hour.

29.Do you like the rain?
Only when I'm inside, at home, and about to go to sleep.

30.Do you think you'll have a Valentine this year?
Valentine's already passed bruh.

31.The last person you kissed needs you at 3 AM, would you go?
No. #onenightstand 

32.Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
I don't know.

33.Honestly if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
No. I have no regrets-


I would not up my university interview. I would rearrange my portfolio. .

34.How do you feel about girls smoking?
We still human too, asshat.

35.What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
"Holy why'd the dream only end then that was totally messed up."

36.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
I have yet to, in all honesty.

37.Do you forgive and forget?
"Forgive" but never forget. Better to have more allies than enemies.

38.Do you trust people?
I don't care. happens, don't worry about whether or not to trust.

39.What are you not looking forward to?

40.Do you get mad easily?
"She short but she got an even shorter temper" WOOOOOOOO

41.Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
When I was a child, someone actually crouched down to peer into my eyes, and remarked that I had "the most beautiful eyes" she had ever seen.

42.Do you have strange dreams?
Been having a lot of strange and long-winded dreams lately. I need to stop eating crap at night.

43.Ever someone’s cheek or forehead?
I've someone's lips. ;) And their d--AYYYYYY

44.Last time you fell asleep in someone’s arms?
Saturday? Actually, I think I kicked him away from me to prevent him from doing that. December, then.

46.What do you have on you at all times?
Phone. Keys. Money. Smokes. Headphones.

47.Would you go out without getting ready?
How is that possible???

48.Do you like fruity or minty gum?

49. Favourite musician or group?
Pak Jaebummmmmm.

50. Favourite film of all time?
KILL BILL. I flipped out when I saw my friends had it on their walls in DVD and PSP form yesterday.

51. Favourite computer game?
Sleeping Dogs? I only played 5 seconds of it cuz it kept freezing, but even those 5 seconds were hilarious. I wanna run around my home city lol.

52. First album you ever went and bought with your own money?
The Midnight Beast? I honestly don't remember.

53. Think back five months ago, were you single?
Nope lol.

54. Do you believe in celebrating anniversarys?
My bleeding username IS an anniversary LOL!!!

55. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Maybe lol?

56. Last thing you bought?
£3 meal deal from Sainsbury's at 11pm last night...woot woot...

57. Are you a jealous person?
Not so much nowadays.

58. Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Hell no. Tears are as easy to turn on as a tap for me LOL.

59. Do you have a friend of the opposite you can talk to?
Many many many.

60. Have you ever had your heartbroken if so how many times?
I'd say three times. Two times were in the same year! The first one the year before that.

61. Do you like to cuddle/snuggle?
I like being held or weeping into people's bosoms LOL.

62. Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
I like hanging with anybody, just being with people, and I'm seeing/have seen a lot of people this week, so I'm very happy.

63. How far away is the last person you hugged?
Hugged Jerry goodbye. He's on a weird, freudian, "non-date" date right now with love triangle chick...

64. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
I gotta leave soon to meet mancake, so it wouldn't be very convenient...

65. Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
Hell naw. :')

66. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
I didn't have any men in my life to like LOL. This time last year was incredibly hectic and trying.

67. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
Filtered water. Yeeee.

68. Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
I lose contact with people for a reason.

69. What’s the last thing you said out load?
"ow...I shouldn't sing...I'm still ill..."

70. When was the last time you cried?
Just now. #acting #musicvideopractise

71. Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
I don't really care if they do or don't tell, I'm open.

72. What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Ate the meal deal lol. Washed my face. Passed out.

73. What can't you wait for?

74. Have you ever told anyone you would marry them?
Mancake. Fosho. #nohomo #hyungpls

75. What's the worst way to say "i love you?"
When you're wanking them off and they get so into it that the words "I love you" fall out their mouth.

And you freak the out.

Because you just met them.


76. Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?
I honestly don't know lol.

77. Are you mad about anything?
Dumbception idiots who say one thing and mean another and confusion even after clarification URGH.

78. What is the last thing you got in trouble for with your parents?
Hmm...I don't know. 

79. Are you mean?
"r u retarded?both answerz=YES."


Hahaha ayyyyyy 13yo me. High five.

80. Were you happy when you woke up today?
I felt weird cuz of that achey, long-winded dream.

81. Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby in the past two days??
Yeah. I do it too much myself to be fair lol.

82. Do you hate it when people smoke around you?

83. Do you have anything that belongs to a boyfriend/girlfriend?
One Piece t-shirt that belonged to my first lover. Checkered flannel shirt that belonged to the oldest guy I'd ever been with.

84. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Not really, just "holy-crap-can't-form-words-what-is-happening-this-is-not-me-he-probably-thinks-I-hate-him".

85. How long do you think you will live?
Long time coming.

86. Does it bother you when people respond with one word?
Who wouldn't it bother?

87. Do you believe once a cheater, always a cheater?
"rehab never workz da first time."


So very true, 13 yo me. So very true.

88. Who disgusts you?
My blood brother.

89. Name one thing people think about you that's not true?
I think some strangers might assume I'm gay, when I'm actually swimming through a sea of "seamen". ;)

90. What would you do if your best friend(s) turned gay?
The majority of them are?

92. Do you drink tea?
I'm too impatient for hot drinks lol.

93. How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?
Ooh la la, such an aphrodisiac~~

94. Do you currently have feelings for anybody?

95. Have you ever stripped for money?
FOR FREE~~~ Lmao with an audience of one. Not in bar or some . #makeitrain

96. Is the last person you kissed more than a year older than you?
Try 9 years...

97. Ever kissed someone with the letters c, a, p,d, q, s or j as their first initial?
One with S, two with A, two with J, and two with D.

98. Two days from now this time, where will you be?
On set, shooting for a friend's music video.

99. Do you think you are a good person?
I'm the baddest.

100. Who are your favourite people?
Me, myself, and I!


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