Beyond Million Nights [ Writing Contest ]

Although I have no confidence whatsoever in my writing skills (so much that I've actually led myself to believe that I can't write for the rest of my life), I have decided on joining a writing contest. It's totally not because I'm after the prizes. Believe me, I'm not, but that is not to say they aren't that enticing, either. It's because I just want to write something of my own for once—something official and published. I have hundreds of ideas waiting for me to write them that I don't even know where to start. Some have already been finished drafts but not yet published because I really don't have much confidence in myself. So yeah. I'm joining a writing contest—my first, actually.

Anyway, I know not much will actually read this, considering I'm still not as sociable as many others are (and I'd like to keep it that way), but at least I tried reaching out to you. Right?

I'm not asking you to support me—at all—because I'm the type of person who gets really embarrassed when people praise her, for some odd reason that I can't understand even as I'm typing up this post. Rather, I'm asking you to at least check out this contest and see if you want to join or not.

Anyway, I know I'm quite the talker and you're all probably bored and tired by now so, without further ado, here is “Beyond Million Nights”

“Beyond Million Nights” is a writing contest about EXO boyxboy pairings. Some of them are OTPs (one true pair/s), others are not. The prompts are not quotes but posters and trailers made by the creator of this contest, justamad. Most of them revolve on original plots but to use the prompts, understanding is key. The rule is, one person, one prompt. 

Here is an example of one of the posters made by justamad for this contest:


Just so we're clear, this is not mine. It is justamad's. She has sole rights to this poster. I just wanted to show you what she's capable of.

For me, the best part is, the deadline will be somewhere at the end of this year, meaning you have more than a few months to write the stories.

Interested in joining the contest? Click either the link or the poster above to be directed to it. Thank you for your time!


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I thought you already posted your one shot on my contest. Haha, anyways, I think it's a good start. I'm wishing you goodluck and more confidence! Just write!