Ebony (흑단) x Haneul x Main vocalist/rapper


Duvà, Francesca

hyunglovesoppa • Amanda• 5



NAME » Duvà​, Francesca Gaston

NICKNAME(S) » Gim Haneul, Korean name, just his korean family
Stage name: 

BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDAY » Paris, France & October 21, 1993

HOMETOWN »  Suwon, South Korea

ETHNICITY »  French Korean

LANGUAGE » French, fluent
Korean, fluent


FACE CLAIM »Kyung Ryong



APPEARANCE » Francesca has average length brown hair and he has no peirings or tattoos. He has a six inch scar on the outside of his forearm.

STYLE » Francesca likes wearing baggy comfortable clothing. He really isnt in tune with her fashion side, more with his comfort side. 
Height173 cm
weight: 51 kg


" Never let people tell you what you cant do"

" If smoeone says you cant do something, look them in the eye and say watch me "



PLOTLINE » Main vocalist/rapper
Back up plotline: n/a
Talent twins: 
singing: John park
dancing:  Kris
: Chanyeol
talking: PO

Trainee background:Francesca’s trainee life was stressful. His friends pushed him into it, but none went with him. He was the new kid all over again and he didn’t know anyone. After the first few months he started making friends and talk with people and towards the end he knew most of the trainees and idols from Jellyfish Entertainment. He was a trainee for 4 years


Fun, awkward, jumpy, nefelibata

Francesca is a fun, awkward person. He is incredibly jumpy and holds his emotions on his face. It’s easy to make him smile and laugh and hard to get him to stop. He is willing to get his hands dirty and help people.

Sometimes he lives in the clouds though and he doesn’t pay attention to what he is doing. He gets very distracted, very easily and when he isnt focused he can not focus, at all. When his focus is gone there is alost nothing to do to get it back. 


He is incredibly jumpy
He is ambidextrous
He is terrified of ghosts
He doesn’t like sleeping alone, without someone in the room with him
He feels uncomfortable with no shoes on
He doesn’t like feet
Blue is his favorite color
He has never had a girlfriend
He has never had a drink before
He has nyctophilia
                (n) finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness
He has never broken a bone
He has injured every limb
He has three pet cats. Kimbap, Crayon and Tea Cake
He is awkward on his feet  

Dressing nicely

Being barefoot
Shooting stars
Football (soccer)
Big dogs

When he is getting unreasonable or frustrated he will start talking in French
He sleep talks
When someone scares him he will shriek and duck

Going for walks
Catching snowflakes
Playing with cats
Sitting by water, best place for him to think




Francesca was born to two young newlywed graduate students. They graduated from Oxford and moved to Paris to have a family. His father found a job right off the bat but his mother struggled. She was an immigrant from South Korea and people still held grudges from the wars from past. His father mad enough for her to not have a job. She spent her time raising Francesca and teaching him about Korean culture. Even four years later when Francesca’s youngest brother was born, she still couldn’t find a job.  She didn’t go out often by herself. She usually staid inside with the boys, she was able to keep that up for another two years. She gave her husband the ultimatum of losing her or losing his job. He chose to lose his job. They moved everything back to South Korea where they both got jobs.

Francesca started living his life like a normal Korean child. He went to school, did homework and had Korean friends. At home he usually spoke French and lived like a French family. He didn’t even know he could sing for years to come. It was his 16th birthday and he was out with his friends at a karaoke bar and they made him pick a song. He picked one and started singing and they all were shocked.

His friends dragged him to YG Entertainment the next day and made him audition. When he wasn’t accepted he asked his friends to let it go, but they wouldn’t. They took him to SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment and Jellyfish Entertainment. Jellyfish was the only promising one. They called him back just before his 17th birthday and informed him that they would like him as a trainee. He spoke with his parents and they agreed to let him.

School came first, but he got to leave early. The school didn’t fuss because he was brilliant. He trained in the evening and did his homework on the way. That went on until he graduated two years later. He enjoyed training so he put off college for a year. His parents were furious, but they couldn’t force him to go. They did apply for him at Oxford and he was accepted. His acceptance would expire in a year and a half and he was going. No arguments.

Francesca fought it and his parents made an agreement. If he managed to debut and show that he could make money before his acceptance expired they would let him go. He knew that was never going to happen though, he wasn’t good enough. After the agreement he started throwing himself at his training. His voice was good enough, but he could not dance. Not to save his life. He tried, but he couldn’t tell his right from his left. He would learn the dances but he still was bad.

Even with his extra practicing he didn’t improve much. He watched time fly past and he started accepting the fact that he would be moving soon. Two months before he was to leave Jellyfish announced that they were going to be debuting a new girl group and guy group. This was his last hope to stay and when his name was on the list he literally ran home to tell his family. 


FAMILY » [Duvà, Alban Boudon|Father|44|Hard working and warm|Less than average closeness]
[Duvà, Laurine LaFromboise (Gim Yoon Jin) |Mother|43|Hardworking, but a bit self discuraging|average closeness]
[Duvà, Jean-Pascal Deniau|brother|20|Bit judgemental but nows how to have fun|Close]
[Duvà, Jean-Loup Chastain|brother|18|Fun, outoging and people person|Close]


FRIENDS/RIVALS » [Gim Hyeon Jun|cousin|21|Quiet, fun and funny|They are like best friends]
[Park Gi Wook|Bestfriend|22|4D, likeable|incredibly close]



LOVE INTEREST » Élise Michèle Yi|trainee



PERSONALITY » Élise is very bold and out there. She is not afraid of anything nor will she back down from anything. She has a problem with authority, expecially if it comes from a man. She is strong in herself and is rather understanding. She is a sort of hard , but not in a bad way. 


LOVE STORY » Élise and Francesca met when Francesca started training. SHe spoke hardly any Korean, only French, and Francesca was her only life line. She hated having to rely on him for everything, but that was the begining of their friendship. Francesca fell hard for her with in the first few months. 
As time when on, Élise started liking Francesca more and more, but she was worried he didnt like her. They got to that awkward part of their relationship where they didnt know how to act around eachother and they both wanted something to happen.

A few months before Francesca debut Élise went up to him and asked if he even liked her. It was awkward, but after that they started dating and have baan since



COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » The love interest is Park Hwan Hui

SCENE REQUESTS » Lorem ipsum




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