Yet Another Review Rant

Hi guys! A few days ago, I created a rant on sugary-sweet reviews.

This week, I'll be ranting on the opposite of those reviews.

I shall call them, "Reviews Sent From Hell."

You're probably wondering, "Why would you call a review such a thing?"

Well, that's because it's the truth.

I've been reading some reviews, and it's as if they were sent from the Devil himself.

I mean, sure, you can be harsh; it's actually best if you be straight-foreword with the writer.

However, there is a difference between being harsh but helpful, and just being a plain .

A review is not meant for criticizing other writers' work people!

It's to them out, by giving tips to strengthen their writing.

Be blunt, but don't be negative about everything.

"Oh, that part was just nonsense. It horribly."

Is it too bad to say something like, "Maybe you should try fixing that paragraph. If you do it like the example below, your writing will be much more clear and easier to understand."

You see the difference?

I get irritated when I see these reviews too. In fact, I get irritated with a lot of reviews...

But maybe that's just me.

It's like they think writers on AFF are just some kind of robots who have no feelings. WE HAVE FEELINGS! WE'RE HUMAN LIKE YOU!

So god dammit, be rational here.

Don't be an , have some class.

LOL! Like my rhyme guys?


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Hope you don't mind, I'm just...a blog lurker? XD

I've gotten review stuff like 'Please write better' or 'Your writing eggs' and I'm thinking...'How is this helping me improve?' I suppose I could try to get better by these reviews, just to show them my writing doesn't eggs.

But I do accept criticism, straight foreward (not TOO mean though), honest etc so I can improve better on my writing if I want to be an author someday :)
elisha960809 #2
truetrue:) good point
Yo I agree too! [Once Again]

Honestly, I've never read one review that was so so too harsh that seemed to be too critizing but I have heard of them. Some even say, "Oh it was so bad you shouldn't even write anymore" <-- Something plain mean like that. That's not harsh being helpful, that's harsh being evil. Some reviwers seem to kind of brag indirectly; saying the rewiewee has bad work yet is their's even good enough to be able to say that to another person's? Haish >.<

& Yes I do like your rhyme ;)
ChubbyChibi #4

curlyfriesLOL #5
LOLOL, nice rhyme. :)

I shall steal it from you.
xD oh god, i love you keena