

Being lost.. Is not great.

Its Horrid. 

Its terrible to be lost. 

Whether you got lost on the road. 

At school. 

Or even from your parents. 

Its a scary thing. 

But... People even get lost... 

In themselves. 

Why you might ask. 

Because.... There just... Lost. 

They dont know where to go. 

There scared. 


Screaming. Help me. 

Im....Im... So.....


The pain. 

The fear. 

The stress. 

You feel all these things. 

It hurts. 

But.... When you feel like... You want to end everything. 

Theres always somebody to help you. 

Help you along the way. 

Tell you the right directions. 

"Dont do this. Dont look this way. Dont look that way..." 

"Instead. Look at me." 

"You will go the right direction.. And find what your looking for." 

"And that is."





"And most importantly"















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;;-;; aweee..
Same but I havnt found mine
My one who will be with me every step of the way
But for you just remember I'm here. We are all here. You are never alone.
My heart be with you.
yeah,and I've finally found him,but he's far away.
But distance doesn't matter,right?
'cause I'm sure I'll go to him one day.
Yah < 3 I'm here remember? You may always forget I'm here but I am here
spagetthi #5
Cheer up and look at the bright side of things....:)!
What's wrong??