Rane Temple

Black Pearl


They froze on the spot. 

Suho knew exactly how the feel at the death's door. Honestly it was what he feel in every missions he carried on. Death. That word always overshadows him. Near but far in the same time but it always there. And he never imagine he would experienced it this fast.

He once thought how does it feel if he dead. It should be a painfulness experience, especially the process when your soul are removed from the body.

But he felt nothing. Not the feel as he imagined.

Instead he still looked into the monster's eyes. And the monster still watching them.

Who are you?

A heavy male voice echoed in Suho's head. Nobody answer. Perplexed.

I am asking who are you?

The voice once again echoed in his head. The Basilisk craned its neck to the front narrowed its eyes. As if the Basilisk was the one who talking to them.

"I-uh," Suho gulped. Surprised that he could still talk. 

He turned his face to both side as he saw his friends expression. They have exactly the same expression. Eyes wide in surprise, with mouth hanging, and just stared at Basilisk in front of them.

Suho realized nobody else in that place beside him, his friends, and an enormous basilisk in front of him, so the voice must be the basilisk's.

He turned his gaze to the basilisk and confused because nothing happened.

"A-are we were dead...already?" Suho asking back instead answering the basilisk question.

The enormous creature in front of them blinking its eyes several times, pupils dilated. It straightened up its body and Suho can mentally imagine the basilisk rising it's brows in response to his stupid question, if it has brows.

I dont know what are you talking about, human. The basilisk just lightly poked Suho on his ribs and he felt the raw pain from his broken ribs.

Luhan and Xiumin snapped from their tranced when they saw Suho's pain expression. They both glared at the basilisk.

"What are you doing?!" Xiumin yelled

You broke your ribs. The basilisk stated, ignoring both of them.

I saw you fighting with that disgusting monster. The basilisk pointed at the monster they killed just now. You killed it. So i just want to know who was doing this. It said as Suho realize the basilisk never opened his mouth and literally just speaking in their mind, similar with the Queen's ability.

"What do you mean?" Luhan demanded, eyes never leaved the basilisk's

Who are you? It said again, ignoring Luhan question.

Luhan gritted his teeth try too keep his temper.

"We are student from Sata Academy in a mission to and protecting our princess while she doing her job here," Suho spoke,"...to renovate this ruins." He don't know why he told the basilisk the truth but there is something in his mind that this basilisk in front of them is different.

The Basilisk eyes turned to the water bender. 

What is her ability? asked The Basilisk 

"Psycometry," Suho said.

"Suho, why-" Suho raised his hand in a motion to told his friend to keep quite.

The basilisk's face turned solemn.

I want to meet with her Its stated instead of asking.

"No," Suho said firmly. Made his friends and basilisk startled by his word.

"..Not before you told us who you are, i told you about us doesn't mean i trust you. We don't know which side are you. Why we still alive even though we look into your eyes," He continue, motioning the Basilisk and the basilisk they killed earlier, "My job is to protecting her with my life, i can't risk anything," and gazing into basilisk eyes.

Hm. The Basilisk narrowed his eyes.



Chaerin felt so light. She opened her eyes and was floating in the sky. She didn't know why.

She looking around and she was in a foreign place. She has no clue where it was. She just looking to her surrounding one more time and got a clear view of her whereabout.

Below her feet was a thick clouds with a glimpse of land so far below it. But strangely her surrounding was mountains. She was still in a deep thought as suddenly someone pulled her hand. A blonde little girl. She was very beautiful, like an angel.

"Why are you running away again? C'mon!" she said.

Chaerin tried to speak, but her voice didn't come out as she being dragged by the little girl. 

The little girl keep talking but Chaerin didn't understand what she said.

"Hey, are you listening?" the girl beamed while turned her head to Chaerin. She tried to speak when suddenly a pair of pale hands wrapped her body from behind. Chaerin tried to see who is this when suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her neck.

You can't go anywhere, Princess. 

Chaerin abruptly woke up from her sleep. Breathing hard as her shoulders moved up and down repeteadly. She cupped her neck feeling the nonexistance pain. A trail of sweat was on her face.

"What's wrong?" A deep voice asked. She turned her head and was meet with Kris gaze. He was sitting on the sofa. His eyes showed a glimpse of concern.

She took a deep breath and shook her head,"Nothing, Kris-ssi. Just ...a nightmare," She said while wiping her sweat. Kris gripped her hand to preventing her to continue what she was doing.

"You will contaminate your bandages if you wiped your sweat like that," He took a wet towel from the basin beside him and start wiping her sweat, she flushed but let him continue.

"How long i'm passing out?" She asked, fixing her gaze to the blanket that covered her lower body.

"About an hour," He done wiping her sweat and put the wet towel inside the basin,"You are burning up,"

"Oh..how about the others?" she asked

Kris only shook his head,"No news. But i think they will be alright."

Chaerin nodded her head. Kris getting up from his seat, walked to the window and staring outside.

There was a long silence between them. And she literally could feel the awkwardness in the room.

Kris didn't try to make a topic for them and Chaerin didn't know what topic she must start to breaking the silence.

Chaerin unconsiously gripping the hem of the blanket and uncomfortably playing with it 

"Thanks," She muttered affter awhile, almost inaudible.

Kris turned his head,"About what?"

"For saving me and bring me here. I shouldn't have troubled you," eyes fixed on the hem of the blanket she was playing,"I should have told you guys to run when i see that memories, i should-"

"Princess," Kris cutted Chaerin, now standing beside her, eyes fixed on her. Chaerin lift her gaze to the taller man, she raised her brows.

"This is your first time calling me 'Princess'," her eyes shows curious and a bit amused.

If Kris felt a bit caught off guard because her sudden blurted out, he didn't showed it,"But still, thanks," She continue.

Kris took a seat on the sofa beside her bed,"You have done a great job," He said

"For what?" She asked

"For being a princess,"

She smiled knowingly,"Thanks."


Suho opened the hotel room and saw Kris and Chaerin. The princess still on the bed.

"Oppa," She got up quickly once she saw Suho coming into room.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

She nodded,"Thanks to Kris-ssi and how about you? How about the rest?" She gave him a confused look because she only saw Suho.

"This is about the Ruin,"Suho paced to bed and sit on it. He shook her shoulders,"There is someone who want to meet you. Bring that stone, it's about the ruin," He said and got questioning looks from Chaerin and Kris.


You've come. Chaerin heard a voice in her mind when she stepped her feet in front of the ruins. It was already night.

She turned her body and was meet by the enormous Basilisk. Her eyes widen in surprise but her body still in composed.

The rest are there too.

We've met before. It said. I was waiting for you.

She gulped but nodded her head. She literally could hear a faint chuckle in her mind.

Don't be so nervous, i didn't scratch. 

"But you do bite," Xiumin said and Luffy who was sitting on his head give him a nod.

"We met this afternoon... Mr Guardian," Chaerin remembered the guardian she saw from the invisible wall. The basilisk gave her a nodded.

"Then, what i see wasn't a memory?" She asked

You right, Princess. 

"Wait, i don't understand," Xiumin rised his hands. The rest just give Chaerin and the Basilisk a look.

Can you show me the stone, Princess? It asked and Chaerin took out the stone from the box. I'll show you something.

Attach the stone in the barrier in front of the Ruin's gate. It instructed, Chaerin touched the stone on the invisible wall and.... nothing happened.

She turned her body and give the Basilisk a look.

Look at your surrounding 

They looked at their surrounding and gasped.

"H-how?" Chaerin put her palm on . 

They was inside the ruins, but not just a ruins because actually it was the temple which Chaerin saw through the wall this afternoon. They turned their bodies to the Basilisk, waiting for explanation. The Basilisk took a step forward.

Welcome to the Rane Temple. Sorry for the late introduction, My name is Iurra the Guardian of this temple. The Basilisk said.

You are 'inside' the temple now, or the ruins if you see this place from 'outside'. Iurra explained more further.

"Wait, so the Ruins is actually not a ruins?" Luhan raised his brows.


"People will see this place as a ruins..because of the invisible wall," Kris said. more like a statement rather than a question,"The wall is like a barrier to defend this temple. So, all this time this temple is not damaged at all." 

You right. I'm the one who made the barrier.

"Why? Why you should make a barrier?" Suho asked

To protect the temple from the forces of evil.

"Vampire," Luhan said. Chaerin shuddered remembering her dream. Kris and Suho noticed it, Suho put his hands on her shoulder from behind, reassuring her..

Hmph, you closed mind people. Evil. It's not only come from -from your language- bad races like vampire or monsters. Actually not all vampires and monsters bad. You will learn this from your journeys. You humans, werpeople, and elves, and monsters, and vampires are the same. There is always good side and bad side. And we tried to protect holy places from that bad intentions. If people know this place exist, i don't know what will happened to this place because of greedy people on this land.

"We..?" Luhan trailled of.

We. We protect the source of Bumi's energy and keeping it balanced. Iurra move to the center of the temple where the small ponds there. The rest followed him behind. They noticed there actually some of people inside the temple. They saw children playing along around the temple complexes, some of the curious ones following them behind, giggling.

"Could this be...like the Sacred Oak Tree from my home?" Luhan quickened his pace to catch up Iurra's wide pace.

"And Holy Shrine from my tribe?" Xiumin put his fingers on his chin, keep walking.

Exactly. That's our job. If the Shrine or The Oak Tree destroyed it will cause a major disaster on entire land.

"Master Lee Sooman," "The Eldest," Luhan and Xiumin spoke at the same time.

Iurra chuckled. Yes, they are my bestfriends. We are the guardian of the holy temples. 

"We have heard that, from them," Luhan and Xiumin eyes widen and sparkled, mouth made an 'O' shaped.

"We just know this... and the fact that Human tribe also have a holy temple," Suho shook his head in disbelieved, a bit too perplexed.

Iurra stopped in front of a small pond. There is two biggest Kois they ever seen swimming in circular motion. One Koi has a white pearl color with a black dot on it's head while the other has a pitch black pearl color with white dot on it's head. They couldn't figure the black one if there is not a white spot on it's head.

And for this temple. There will be a disaster if these two die.

They mesmerized at the sight

"Pretty..." Chaerin eyes sparkled.

"Why you show us...this?" Kris asked, He spread his hands and motioning to the temple,"We can be the bad people you are talking about."

Because i'm sure you are not. Iurra turned to Chaerin. I just know when you looking through the wall. The time have come.

"I don't get it," Suho rised his brow. Iurra's face turned solemn.

After Ancient War we got a prophecy from the wise one. It said: There will be a time when a wise human ruled the world. A dark age have begin to risen. And his descendant, the one blessed with the ability to read past. Iurra motioning to Chaerin. Have a key to solved this problem. The stongest from the tribes should once again reunite so the light will cover the darkness.

Chaerin moved from feet to feet uncomfortably. Eyes looking to Suho who gave her the same worried look.

"Umm.. i don't think-"

You will learn much from now on, princess. That's why i send the stone to the Kingdom.

"You mean the strange stone that i can't even read? The stone which make us can passing the barrier?" Chaerin asked

Yes, princess. That's actually the key to enter this temple.


And you will have so much accompanion you can trusts with all your heart, princess. The Basilisk eyes looking into every one of Unit-D member there.

This is just a short introduction and a short meeting. But from now on, we will frequently met. Just come here if you need some guidance. Now, i'll send you all to the palace. convey my regards to the king.

Iurra snapped his scaled-fingers and the water from the pond rise and swirling around Chaerin and the boys.

"Wait! i still can't understand why we still alive even though we look into your eyes?" Luhan shouted because of high swirled water around him.

Iurra smiled. You still haven't noticed it? Look at your Surrounding, Young man.

I'm just a spirit. All people here are just spirits. Spirits from the past to protect this temple and this world. 

They looking around and saw children smiled knowingly to them, their eyes suddenly become more wise and one of them mouthed a 'good luck' to them.

And Suho, you will got some clues when you arrived at the palace. The whereabouts your missing friends. This is related to the prophecy. Be save and Good Luck.

Before Suho even asked a question Iurra snapped it's fingers once again and they all disappeared.





Suho woke up beside the palace's huge pond. Luhan and Luffy haven't got conscious yet and the rest just choughing the water out.

"This is not one of my best experience," Xiumin said. Their clothes got drenched. 

"OH MY GOD!" Hana just passing the pond from the garden when she saw her daughter and her friends drenching in their clothes. Some of them still uncousious."Somebody, give them dry towels and fresh clothes!" Hana told the maid and ran into them

"What happened?!" She asked, chrouched down to see her daughter.

"Long story, Aunty," Suho answer while pulling off his wet shirt. His broken ribs has miraculously healed, maybe it's because of Iurra.

"YAH! Don't do that in front of Chaerin!" She snapped and slapped Suho's back and put her palms over Chaerin's eyes. Chaerin flushed.

"Sorry, Aunty," He beamed. 

The maid came with towel and dry clothes for them. There are Siwon and Jungsoo came along.

"Luhan," The principal said, face tired and serious.

The doe eyes boy who just got his conciousness back looked up while drying his hair with his towel,"Yes, Sir?"

"We got a problem, your brother..." He didn't finished his word

"What?! What happened to Sehun?" He abruptly getting up from the floor, eyes full of worried.



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Chapter 16: Lol how could xiumin forget about his power. And the KyungChae moments<3
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ok kyungsoo and chaerin or b with suho
Chapter 12: This is depressing reading about the funeral :( Hopefully they can all get back up from the loss and find the culprit. Thanks for the update!
Wow just wow...the introduction is so amazing...
qarisha #5
Chapter 11: What !!!!!!!! Ia going to happen ??????!!?!?!.!!!
allkpop9 #6
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I really like the story so far. Update soon!!!! :D
qarisha #7
Chapter 9: Whoaaaa....great update....keep it up..kay?
Chapter 9: Woah
Double personalities? That's going to be interesting~
KazzieT #9
Chapter 8: lol love your story! Lulu and Baekkie~ my new fav girls! I wonder why everyone tells chaerin to carry her dagger...I really want to know more! Please update!
Chapter 8: Thank you! OT12 forever TuT