
Black Pearl


The Jeep come into a small village and Suho parked it in front of the inn.

He turned his head and his gaze softened at the sight. Chaerin was sitting in the middle, between Luhan and Xiumin. The three of them in a deep slumber. Her head was leaning on Luhan's shoulder.

"It must be very tiring for her," Suho turned his head and meet with Kris's gaze.


They've been travelling for a full day. Now they have reached the last village near the ruins. The climate though, very different from Banaspati Kingdom where you can found trees everywhere but no, this place is a deserted land.

"I'll booking a room, since whe must discussed for strategy." Suho opened the car's door and went into the inn

Xiumin stirred a bit and then woke up from his sleep,"Where...?"

"In the village near the ruins," Kris told him.



They are in a room. Sitting on the floor when Luhan spread the map of the Ruins. Kris was laying Chaerin down on the bed since Suho told them not to waking her up yet.

"This is strange," Luhan said,"Look"

They craned their necks to see the map.

"This is not even explaining anything." He sigh, circling the Rane Ruins area with his finger.

"Actually nobody ever entered this Ruins," Suho explained,"That's why the map just contains the outer border of the Ruins," He took a roll of bandage from his backpack and sit on the bed, beside Chaerin.

The rest just eyeing him.

"Why is that?" Xiumin asked. Eyes fixed on the map again, studying it.

"Beside there is a monster inhibit there? I don't know either." They let out a frustated sigh.


"You know, there is something that bugging me all this time," Luhan said, take a glance to Suho.

"What it is?" Suho took Chaerin's right hand on his lap. He began to bind her hand.

"What is Princess Chaerin's do? She isn't an archeologist or something, right?" Luhan voiced out his mind.

Suho just laughing,"You are funny. Is she looks like an archeologist?"

"More like a psychic to me," Xiumin blurted and got a hard slap on the back of his head, by Kris.

"Ugh, i just saying what i feel okay? No need to be sensitive. She is very cute, a cute psychic," He grinned. Luhan and Kris just gave him a look.

"Well, Xiumin is not actually wrong," Suho let it passed,"Chaerin always helping works of the kingdom. You know, like smoothing the investigation in many cases by telling what she saw from the material evidences. Or in this case she currently working for Rane Ruin renovation,"


Suho had done binding her right hand. Now he moved to the other side of the bed and doing the same thing to her left hand.

"One more question," Luhan rised his hand,"Why she didn't become a student in academy? She has an ability, like us."

Suho tie up the last bandage and put back her hand to her side.

He softly gaze to the princess,"Because she has a hard life. This is complicated."

There was a long silence between them. They try to digest the new information entered.

"What are you doing?" Kris pointing to Chaerin bandage's hands, breaking the silence.

"This? Just binding her hands, so the bandage will prevent memories from the objects she touch to come to her mind." He explained.

"Is it that bad?" Xiumin getting up from his seat to see Chaerin closer.

"Well, you won't know unless you feel it yourself. But i think yes, she is struggling a lot." Suho hold a moment,"But i think you guys must asked about her yourself. You know, to get closer to her. You will know her better." Suho smiled. 




It has been nearly 2 hours Kyungsoo sat in front of the cell. Keep an eye on Kang Gary.

"Aaaaah~ i more like to live inside this cell than had a vampire hovered over me," He stretched his body and getting up from the hard cement bed,"Don't you think so?" He asked the boy, but the later just pierced his gaze on Gary's eyes. Didn't even blinked.

"You know, you are creepy with those eyes," Gary commented.

He moved to the corner of the cell. Kyungsoo's eyes followed his moves. Gary moved again to the opposite side of the cell, now eyeing Kyungsoo who still eyeing him. He found this hillarious because Kyungsoo is literally keeping an eye on him. He then jumped in front of Kyungsoo and went down so his eyes now as same level as Kyungsoo's. Only the prison bars that separate them.

"You are interesting," Gary blurted.

"You are weird," Kyungsoo finally spoke.

"And i like you," Gary eyes sparkled.

" off," Kyungsoo spatted. Abruptly stands up and walking to the door. Leaving Gary alone

"Hey! I love girls you know. This is not what you think. Hey! we can be a buddy, Hey! You! Owl Eyes!"

SLAM! the door shutted.


Kyungsoo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. . Crazy old . 

"Hey i just want to call you. This is my shift now. Principal Choi want to meet you by the way," Baekhyun walked, he patted his friend shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun eyeing him because he got no response from the boy in front of him.

"Is something happened inside?" He asked again.

"No.. nothing happened. He just..." He pointed at the door behind him,"pissed me off," 

"As always," Baekhyun chuckled,"What thing that make you won't pissed off, Do Kyungsoo? He is not bad at all. In my opinion."

Kyungsoo gave him a look and the later just chuckled at his response.

"You are interesting, Kyungsoo. Just, now, meet the principal, he has something to talk" Baekhyun patted his shoulder again and entered the cell room.

"Oh, hi Kang Gary," Baekhyun greet him cheerly. Kyungsoo just watched them outside the door.

"Oooooh hi Puppy Elf,"

The door slammed shut. Kyungsoo just shook his head,"Weird," he muttered.


"Sir," Kyungsoo entered the principal room. Siwon was with Kim Jongdae who managing the documents scattered in the room.

"You have come..." Siwon searching for document on his desk and found what he was searching,"...Do Kyungsoo," He read out the document and looked up at the boy. Kyungsoo nodded.

"Hmm...interesting," Siwon inspecting the document in his hand. Kyungsoo almost rolled his eyes because this is the 3rd time someone calling him interesting.

"Do Kyungsoo, 19 yo. Werewolf," He stand up from his seat and circled his table, the document is still in his hand,"Power: earth. You've trained here since 4.  Hmm very young!" He put his finger on his chin and continue," Had done 40 of D-ranked missions, 25 of C-ranked missions, 8 of B-ranked missions. Never failed except last night," He looked up to the boy.

"Impressive. Almost," he said again, he more like doing a monologue.

Jongdae took a glance once or twice to both of them. Still managing documents in this room.

"We lack people, as you guys heard. I mean Unit-D lack of member," Siwon stated,"I am searching for new compatible members and i would like if you, Do Kyungsoo, become one of the members," He stepped forward and put his hands on the boy's shoulders, bend down to look the boys in his eyes.

"You can think-"

"I'll do it."

Siwon's eyes widen in surprise,"What? You can think it before make a decision."

"No, i'll do it," He sounds final.

Siwon left speechless and then start laughing out loud, startling Kyungsoo who now eyes as big as saucers, confused.

"You are really interesting kids," Siwon held on his stomach, still laughing.

"I already told you so, Sir," Jongdae winked and pointing at him.

"Kids?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yes, kids. You and your friends in the last night mission have become Unit-D members. You are the last," Siwon announced.

Kyungsoo looked at Jongdae who just gave him a smile. That mean Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Lay too.

"You all just said yes when i told you to think. You already know the risk of become a Unit-D member, right?" Siwon ensure the boy.

"The possibility of permanent disability, getting lost in a mission, or even get killed. And just doing A-ranked missions," Kyungsoo's way in saying it like he was read a manual book.

"And you kids just accept my offer easily," Siwon claps. His face shown curiousity and passion.

Siwon took a seat on his desk,"Well done. Since your seniors is currently carry on another mission. You guys help me doing some works here."

"Still keeping an eye on Kang Gary and prepared for his interogation," He said again.

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Aye, Sir,"




Chaerin just woke up from her sleep.

Stretching out her hand to the front and surprised when she saw her bandages hand.

"Already wake up, Lady Chaerin?" a voice asked.

Chaerin turned her head sideway and found Xiumin. Sit on the chair beside the bed.

"It's Suho who bind your hands, you know, he said just in case your energy will drained out," He explained.


"Where are the other? Where are we?" Chaerin asked still collecting her lives.

"We are in the last village before the Ruins. The other are still collecting information since we have no clue about the ruins and i..." He scratched the back of his head,"...I just look after you. I mean, this is my shift, we took turns, you know," Why you've to stuttered Xiumin. He mentally slapped himself again.

"I see.. Thankyou Xiumin-ssi," She smiled

"Xiumin is enough, Lady Chaerin,"

"Thanks Xiumin,"


"Who are you?" she asked after awhile. Now sitting on the bed.

"Excuse me?" Xiumin asked again,"Sorry, i just daydreaming."

She chuckled,"I mean which tribe are you, since, i know Luhan is an elf from his ears and his fairy, Luffy,"

"Ooh.. I am a werepeople," He answered, a bit lost because of her sudden question,"I'm a snow leopard and my power is frost," as he showed off his power and make a large snowflake above his palm.

He didn't miss it, when her eyes widen in full curiousity and fascinated. When her lips make an O-shaped. Although it just a blink of eyes.

She is innocent. He smiled.

"Are you excited, Lady Chaerin?" He asked

"About what?" Chaerin turned her attention to Xiumin

"You know, this is like your first time going out from palace," He grinned,"I just recalling your expression when we still in the car,"

She flushed.

"It has been a long time since i go out from palace. Untill i forgot how it outside, how is the people, how is the places, and i forgot to bring my own bandage," She look at her hands,"Thanks for Suho oppa. He always taking care of me. And for your question Xiumin, yeah i got excited." She smiled at him and her eyes make an eyesmile. Making him smiled back in the process.

"It's good then,"

She nodded.

Someone knocked and open the door. It was Kris.

"We going out now,"


They reached in front of the forest. Inside it was no other than the Rane Ruins. The forest though, it's like misplaced, as if someone just throw a slice of forest to this deserted land. They stopped in the front of a wide pathway. They could already see some part of the ruins from there.

They go into the woods and reaches to the front of the ruins. 

Chaerin took a step ahead,"Ummm, i think i can't go further," She said, hands moving and sweeping but can't go further like there is a transparent wall

Suho tried to get into the ruins too but there is like an unseen force that made him stayed on the spot. The rest tried to do same thing but in different spot and get the same result.

"The villagers right," Suho said,"Nobody can't enter this ruins. Because they said this ruin have their own barrier and nobody knows who was made this barrier and for what purpose,"

Chaerin took off the bandages on her right arm,"Wait, i might got an information from this," She reached out an invisible wall in front of her, a faint memories start to reached her mind.

She tried to focus and the temperature around dropped a little. Her eyes glistening silver as the memories overwhelmed her. The other just staring at her action, still unused with her ability.

She saw it. It's just some pieces of memories though. How the temple looked like. There is something like a pond, in the centre of the temple. How people treated the temple. Children playing. A monk in the middle of the temple, like praying.

There is someone or something big who protected the temple. It has many scales in its body. It plays with children. They seems happy. It's back facing her so she can't actually tell who or what is this. Chaerin tried to took a closer look. As it suddenly turned its head, looking into Chaerin's eyes like it know someone's watching them.

Chaerin snapped. She let go of her hand and fall into the ground. Now she was panting hard, sweat on her forehead. Eyes comeback to normal. She knows what it is. She should be dead by now if she was in that place in the moment. Suho approached her immediately, took her right hand and fixing her bandage.

"And about the monster..." She said

There was a loud screech in the forest. They looked at the direction of the sound.

", get out! get out! get out! Right now!," Suho panicked.

"We know! It's Basilisk. It shouldn't appear in this hours," Luhan shouted.

She nodded. Almost passing out. Right before they flee away, the Basilisk appeared in front of them, blocking the way out.

"Ow ," Luhan jumped off to the tree, preparing his bow and quiver. Luffy right beside Luhan, assisting him.

"Don't look into it's eyes!" Xiumin shouted,"Just seeing into it's foot or closed your eyes!"

They already know Basilisk can killed someone by it's gaze but it's just their procedure to warned one another in case someone still in bewilderment from the sudden attack.

"Kris, bring back Chaerin to the village, we'll taking care of this," Suho ordered eyes fixed on the floor. The taller boy nodded and went to Chaerin.

Suddenly a big hands wrapped her body as she being lift up by those hands. "They will be okay," Kris whispered in Chaerin's ears before she passing out.

Kris flied away taking Chaerin in his embraces.


Luhan was tried to aiming for basilisk's eye as Suho become a decoy. He summoning water and made a wall from it between the basilisk and him. So he can face the basilisk without afraid getting killed in an instant. Xiumin was nowhere to be found.

The basilisk walked toward Suho who now stepping back and couldn't go further because of an invisible wall behind him.


Now the basilisk was literally in front of him. Ready to attack. It let out a low hissed. Just water wall who keep a distance between them. Suho held his breath.


Without a warning, the basilisk's scaled-hand abruptly plugged in the water wall and penetrate it claws into Suho's shoulder. The later let out a pain growl as he being dragged and lifted up by the basilisk. Suho struggling from the basilisk's grip. The water wall collapse below his feet. Suho closed his eyes in the process.


Snap! An arrow stuck right in it's eye. The Basilisk let out a pain screech and throw Suho into a tree. He let out a groan as his body hit the tree trunk and feel he broke his rib.

Xiumin coming out from his hiding spot and quickly made an ice pike from Suho's water and aim it at Basilisk's other eye. The ice stuck in it's other eyes and the Basilisk falling into the ground, crawling and struggling.

Luhan took a handgun and execute the Basilisk until it didn't moved. Both Xiumin and Luhan panting.


"OUCH," Suho groaned.

They ran to Suho who still laying on the ground.

"I think i broke some bones," He said. They each took one of Suho's hand and wrapped it around their neck and lift him up. Dragging him along.

"Nice job, dude. For being a decoy," Xiumin gave him a thumb as Luhan joined him adding one thumb. Suho just gave them a weak smile.

"Nice job for you guys too," He said.

They were about to come out from the forest when suddenly an enormous scaled-foot stepped in front of them. They stopped abruptly and gulped. Uh-oh. They slowly looked up only to meet with Basilisk eyes.




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Chapter 16: Lol how could xiumin forget about his power. And the KyungChae moments<3
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ok kyungsoo and chaerin or b with suho
Chapter 12: This is depressing reading about the funeral :( Hopefully they can all get back up from the loss and find the culprit. Thanks for the update!
Wow just wow...the introduction is so amazing...
qarisha #5
Chapter 11: What !!!!!!!! Ia going to happen ??????!!?!?!.!!!
allkpop9 #6
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I really like the story so far. Update soon!!!! :D
qarisha #7
Chapter 9: Whoaaaa....great update....keep it up..kay?
Chapter 9: Woah
Double personalities? That's going to be interesting~
KazzieT #9
Chapter 8: lol love your story! Lulu and Baekkie~ my new fav girls! I wonder why everyone tells chaerin to carry her dagger...I really want to know more! Please update!
Chapter 8: Thank you! OT12 forever TuT