Free Hug

Black Pearl


Chaerin put her last flower on the last table. She closed her eyes and was praying for awhile. In front of her lied three coffins with a photo beside each coffin. Beside her stood side by side the King and the Queen. A fainted murmurs was heard across the academy yard, talking about all the kind things the three deceased students were doing during their lifetime.




Only these colors what Chaerin found here. Black clothes of the mourners. Grey sky, as if it know how this academy feeling right now. White color of the coffins and flowers. All stands in stark contrast with thoose cheerful photos. Those three cheerful photos.

Only three. With one missing. 

She breathed heavily and turned back to her seat. She take a look at her friends smiling face for the last time before they bring their coffin to the cemetery. Lee Joon, Victoria, and Luna.

Drizzle began to fall as the royal soldiers fire three shots to the mourn sky, the last tribute for the brave three students.

The hearse began to move, leaving the mourners behind.

May you rest in peace.

People began to leave the area as the drizzle swift into a heavy rain. Only two people remained in place, drenched. But they didn't care.

Chaerin saw a vulnerable back of the guy in front of her. It was a strong back before but what she saw today was a fragile man's back. His head hung low with his fist on each side of his sides. His gripped was strong until his knuckles turned white. Wearing in all black as he stand in front of his companion photos. His friends. His bestfriends.

She walked toward that lonely back. The dirt smear her black shoes, his black shoes, his lower part of his black trousers.

She reached and enveloped him in a tight back hug. No words. Just a warm hands and a big guy sobbing in the rain.

She rest her head on his back, trying to encourage him.

"Suho..." She murmured.



Chaerin drank her hot chocolate and was gazing outside the window. It was still raining outside. She enveloped her arms around her mug to feel the warmth inside. She had change her clothes and a towel was hung around her back.

"Eat a little, Princess." Lay gave her a plate of toast and she nodded at him.


"Your welcome. It must be pretty hard of you."

She glued her gazed at the floor, smiled bitterly, and shook her head,"Not as bad as what Suho's feel."

She was brought to Sehun's hospital room by Suho because the later must do some other work related to this case.

"How is..he?" She trailed of and gazing at the unconscious boy on the bed.

Lay shook his head,"No sign..yet."

Chaerin sighed,"It must be pretty hard for Luhan, too," She paused,"You know, when we finally found where is our friends were, out of all, only he the one who was very shaken."

"...and now his little brother haven't gain conscious yet." She said grimly.

Lay was gazing outside the room,"He is a perfectionist. He can't stand of an unperfect in anything. People in my tribe praise him excessively. I know it make some burden on him."

"Sometime so much hope people give in you can ruin you from the inside." She murmured and hug her legs.

Lay nodded,"Especially for someone who doesn't allow any unperfectness in his life." He turned his gaze at the window.

"...He is gonna get sick." Lay pointed at something outside. Chaerin turned her head and saw someone running on the running track. It was Luhan. Soaking wet in this heavy rain. His bandaged hands didn't gave any more better view of him. It just made him look worse.

"Stupid genius," Lay gritted his teeth,"Wait here Princess, i'll come get him."

"No, let me get him," She stood up and walked toward the door."Just look after Sehun." She smiled and disappear from the door frame.


He didn't know how much laps he had done. He just want to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. Luhan stop running and was panting. His hands on his knees. He gazed at his bandaged fingers, it soaking wet and was staining red. He hasn't treated his fingers yet. Just some first aid like binding his fingers with the bandage.

"You will get sick running in this storm." Chaerin shouted, her sound muffled in the rain.

Luhan's eyes widen in surprise.

"You look so terrible, you know." She said again.

Chaerin stood behind Luhan. With a hand hold an umbrella meanwhile the other on her hip.

"You know, someone told me that you are a stupid genius. That you are so perfectionist. You carry so much burden from your tribe. You have so much honor and pride. Maybe people will think you are so arrogant, well.. i did think you were," She whispered at her last sentence.

"But!" She hold,"You are a caring person, you help me before, you worried about your brother. You are responsible. don't blame yourself of what you think you failed to do.. You are just human being...well.. elf being.. I think you got what i mean? You are genius after-"

Before she could realized of what happened. A pair of hands wrapped around her petite body. A lean, well built body crashed onto her. She dropped her umbrella in the process. Luhan hug her tightly. He burried his head on the crook of her neck.

"-all." She said. She heard a faint sob of him and she relaxed.

"I am sorry.." He said.

She smiled,"Nah, nobody's perfect Luhan.. Nobody's perfect..." She patted his back reassuringly. He sobbed.

"Nice, crying your heart out. You just need a release."


"It's okay. Try to accept your loss, Luhan." She said again still patting his back repeatedly.

He still sobbing hard his shoulder shaken,"Yeah, like that. Nice boy.."

"...but i am all wet again." she grinned though he can't see it.

"Sorry. Just for a moment."



Kyungsoo arrived at the palace garden. He turned his head, was searching for someone. He found a figure sitting under the maple tree beside the huge pond. He approached her.

"You call me?" He asked.

"Storm definitely passed. Replaced by a clear night sky. Isn't it beautiful?" She turned her head to the boy behind her.

"Unfortunately, not the time of full moon yet. I like full moon. very much." She smiled.

She patted her bandaged hand at the place beside her,"Sit down here."

Kyungsoo took a seat beside her.

"...I'm Chae," She suddenly confessed. The boy remained silent. He looked at her bandaged hands.

"I am Chaerin. I mean, i am the one who can use psycometry." She explaining.

"You know, it's looks easy for me but kinda hard for Rin," Kyungsoo raised his brow, she chuckled,"It's our own nickname Kyungsoo-ssi."

"I'm Chae the one who use psycometry and my other self is Rin the badass one. It's our own secret nickname. You must be surprised when she comes out. Sorry for the kick and the dagger." She apologized.

"It's okay.." he answered.

"Well, i saw what has happened before through the dagger, you know, the latest history of dagger. I can easily follow up what had happened when my alter take over this body because i have this ability, but my other self can't." She explained

"Why i told you all about this? Because i guess i can trust you when you already know i have this double personalities. Beside i need a chit-chat fellow," She gazed to the sky."I must not be a burden for Suho oppa.. Rin know it the best." She recalled her memory this morning -Rin's memory.

"Thanks for saving my life before by the way,"

He nodded,"That's my job."

"Can you...turned into a wolf?" She requested. Kyungsoo didn't asked more and turned himself into a wolf-form. He sit beside Chaerin, he rest his head on Chaerin's lap and she his fur repeatedly.

"..nice friends.." she murmured after awhile.

Kyungsoo tilted his head,"They are nice friends of mine.." She locking her gaze to the pond.

"They are my second friends i've got, Suho oppa was the first." She patted and Kyungsoo's fur, feeling the softness she needed at the moment.

"Lee Joon oppa is a werepeople. Jaguar. He would occasionaly asked me to hunted out or running meanwhile i'm on his back. Vic eonnie is an elf, she teach me how to use long ranged weapon. Luna eonnie is a human, she would asked me going out and teach Rin about combat." She stopped Kyungsoo's head. The boy rubbed his head to Chaerin's hands feeling lost of her gentle hands.

"And Jonghyun oppa..." She hugged Kyungsoo's head and tears fall down her face.



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Chapter 16: Lol how could xiumin forget about his power. And the KyungChae moments<3
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ok kyungsoo and chaerin or b with suho
Chapter 12: This is depressing reading about the funeral :( Hopefully they can all get back up from the loss and find the culprit. Thanks for the update!
Wow just wow...the introduction is so amazing...
qarisha #5
Chapter 11: What !!!!!!!! Ia going to happen ??????!!?!?!.!!!
allkpop9 #6
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I really like the story so far. Update soon!!!! :D
qarisha #7
Chapter 9: Whoaaaa....great update....keep it up..kay?
Chapter 9: Woah
Double personalities? That's going to be interesting~
KazzieT #9
Chapter 8: lol love your story! Lulu and Baekkie~ my new fav girls! I wonder why everyone tells chaerin to carry her dagger...I really want to know more! Please update!
Chapter 8: Thank you! OT12 forever TuT