The Mission(s)

Black Pearl


Chaerin woke up in her room. Confused when she recalling what happened last night. Should i be in the...?

She still laying on her bed, stretching out her hand to the front and just stared at it. Her mind was blank because she didn't know what to feel and why she was doing something like last night. It's not because she didn't like her ability but sometimes the power overwhelmed her too much, until she felt her energy drained out because she got so much information at the objects she touched.

Then again she didn't know why she ended up in her room. Maybe she uncosiously walked in her room or it should be one of the guardian who carried her back to her room. Or maybe Suho or Siwon, or her parents. Whatever.

She still stared at her hand blankly.

Honey. Her mom called her in her mind

Yes, Your Highness. She replied and she literally can heard her mom chuckled in her mind.

Get ready sweety, aren't you going out today? 

Oh! The mission!

She abruptly getting out from her bed, wore her bath robe and going to her bathroom.

Thanks Mom! She said. Hana just laughing out loud this time due to her daughter's inconsistence.

Quickly preparing or your dad gonna change his mind. Meet us in the dinning room. Don't forget to bring your dagger in case something might happen.

There was a faint knock in the door. Chaerin cutted off her telepathy with her mom.

"Chaerin," It was Suho

"Wait Oppa, take a breakfast first, no need to waiting me, i'm still preparing" she shouted.

"Okay, meet us in the dinning room then." Said the older boy

After took a bath, she got dressed quickly. She wore a black combat clothes, a blue long duster hoodie, a combat boots, and slipped her dagger in her tight. She packed her things on her backpack. She inserted the wooden box contains the strange stone inside her backpack.

It's done. A firmness was shown on her face.

She carried her backpack on and leaved her room. 


They met in the border gate of Banaspati Kingdom. Luhan, Kris, and Xiumin already waiting there. Suho and Chaerin come with a Jeep. Suho was in the driver's seat meanwhile Chaerin was sit on passenger seat beside him. They get out from the car. Luhan and Xiumin almost coughed off when they saw Chaerin. Kris still in his poker face, just piercing his gaze on Chaerin and Suho.

"Wow, Lady Chaerin, you looks... different," Xiumin admitted. She looked less fragile in her clothes but the flushed on her cheeks just proved him otherwise. He unconciously smile at Chaerin's reaction. Cute. Wow Xiumin just said 'cute' although he didn't voice it out. Xiumin found it weird as he mentally slapped himself.

"Watch your gaze," Suho warned his friend. Luhan and Xiumin just grinning,"Sorry Princess," They beamed.

"So where is Rane Ruins?," Kris finally spoke, getting attention from the rest.

"It's west from kingdom. It took a day to reach there," Suho inform. The rest nodded.

"Ready to get going?" Xiumin grinned. They get in to the Jeep. Suho started the engine as it roared, he stepped on accelerator and the car left the kingdom.




"Understand? I will come as a drunk man there. Make a commotion as a distraction. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, both of you will clearing the area. Lay and Bakhyun will sneaking inside. Their head is on the 2nd floor, once you found his room, terminate him." Jongdae explained, eyeing a huge white house ahead of them. They were hiding in the bushes nearby.

"I'll pointing it again and again. We carry out this mission in a clean." Jongdae said.

"No fire?" Chanyeol asked.

"No fire," Jongdae pointing at Chanyeol,

"No demolishing the building," he pointing at Kyungsoo,

"No unnecessary dazzling light," he pointing at Baekhyun,

"How about UV? It's not dazzling," Baekhyun eager to asked.

"It's okay, but i don't think it's necessary?" Jongdae questioning himself, Baekhyun shrugged.

"Healing....yes," Jongdae continue, pointing at Lay,

"And no lightning," As he pointing at himself.

They all nodded in understanding.

"We will execute at 1 AM, do this in 30 minutes, we'll met again at this point,"Jongdae look at his watch,"It's still an hour from now on. Just remind at 00.45 you must be on your respective places. Any question?" He asked.

They all shook their heads.

"Okay, dismiss!" they all scattered from their place.


Baekhyun entered at a wide street. There were still few cars passing by. Along the street there was full of shopping complexes, but just few stores and pubs that still open. He tighten his jacket. He wore a beanie to hide his elf ears. Ringo just hide inside his jacket. He entered a convenience store and pretend to searching for magazines as his eyes never leave the white building.

They were in the middle of a mission to execute a mafia boss and that huge building was his basecamp. The building was actually a two levels house with wide yard and a super tight securities. He took a paper from his pocket and unfolded it. There was a blueprint of the house and in the corner there was a picture of a guy. Above the picture there written: Kang Gary.

"It's such a weird name," Ringo sneaked her head out from Baekhyun's jacket.

"Hmmmh, his name remind me of some snacks in the academy, didn't think he is the boss," He nonchalantly said and folded the paper again.

"Well, we will see him later anyway. Wanna hot coffee or hot chocolate?"  Baekhyun offered.

"Hot chocolate will good," Ringo answered,"It has been a long time since we carry on a mission, i need something to relax," she smiled.


Kyungsoo was sitting in a bench across the mafia basecamp's front gate. Didn't do some efforts to hide himself at all. His fingers was playing with his necklace pendant and his eyes stared straight at the house. It has been 15 minutes he sat there doing nothing but staring at the house and playing with his pendant. He notice Jongdae appeared in the corner of his eye. It's time.


Jongdae loosening his tie and walking wobbly in front of the house. His face was red and he brought a bottle of vodka. He was in the front gate now and reached the door gate. He start banging his bottle to the metal gate and make an annoying noise.

"HEYY! WHY YOU LOCKED UP MY HOUSE??" he keep banging his bottle, getting attention from the guards.

"Who are you?" Said one of the guard inside the gate

"WHO.AM.I?! *hiccup* WHO.ARE.YOU? Inside *hiccup* my house?"

The guards exchanging confused looks.

"CAN'T YOU HEAR ME?! OPEN THE GATE NOW BECAUSE I'M DAMN TIRED, YOU ," Jongdae yelled while still banging his bottle. Keep making noises.


Kyungsoo stand up from his seat, his lips curled up into a side loop grin, smirking. He crossed the street to the gate where Jongdae was making ruckus. He passed the front gate and keep walking.

"I think you are drunk, Sir. This is not your house,"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! THIS IS MY DAMN HOUSE, NOW OPEN THE GATE OR I'LL-," Kyungsoo turned to the left, to the side of the building. Now he just heard a faint arguing from the front gate.

As he had flexible muscle of werepeople, he jumped off the 2.5m wall gate easily. He now inside the gate and greeted by watchdogs. Before the dogs even barked, Kyungsoo already gritted his teeth, put out a dangerous growl that made the dogs hung their ears low. Behind him Baekhyun jumped off.

"Wow i see that wolfie~" Ringo .

"Shut up, fussy fairy," He replied.

"Don't make Kyungsoo mad right now, Ringo~" Baekhyun patted his fairy's head,"Let us finished this mission first," He putted back Ringo on his jacket and start moving to the back area of the house. They met with Chanyeol, Lay, and Mikan who entered the house from the opposite side of the building. They went to the back door and prepare for ambushing.

"In three," Chanyeol said. They nodded.

"One.. two.. three," Chanyeol broke down the door and he halt abruptly,"What the...."

"This is sickening..." Lay response.

They are speechless as they saw bodies scattered inside the kitchen. Blood smear everywhere. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol scrunching their noses as the stinking iron rust-like smell abruptly attacking their sensitive smelling sense.

"Something happened here," Chanyeol said

"We must checked this up, quickly," Lay getting up and went to another room.

They checked all the rooms on the first floor and just saw lifeless bodies around. Lay inspecting one of the body and found a bite marks on body's neck.

It could be..,"Vampire," He said, getting attention to the others.

But this is too disorganized. He thought.

"I found bite marks on their necks," Lay pointing at the bodies where it left bite marks,"We should do this quickly,"

They ran to second floor, where Kang Gary's room there. They didn't even counted to three and just barging into the room and found a women hovered over Kang Gary.

"H-help, don't kill me," he pleaded.

The woman turned her head to the boys and hissed. Her eyes bloody red with long brownish hair, she painted her long nails red. Blood smeared her lips and her pale skin. The boys just about to attacked her when she suddenly getting up and flee. From the window.

"," Chanyeol ran to the window but the vampire just nowhere to be found.

"P-please help me.. i will do anything, so please help me, spare my life," Kang Gary was now pleading to the boys.

"You know us?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I know! You are student from Sata Academy. Will random teenagers get into this house in this hour? I just know, please," He begged.

They look at each other.


Jongdae look at his watch and then at his side, where the bodyguards slumber in their sleep. They are fainted after he gave them an electrical slapped and punched. Just when he was about to entered the gate he saw his friends exited from the front door.

"It is just a freaking ten minutes," He ran to them, but stopped when he saw Kang Gary with them. Mouth gagged and handcuffed.

"What are you doing?! Shouldn't you guys-,"

Lay patted Jongdae's shoulder,"There is something we must discussed," 

"Something happened inside," Baekhyun said, pointing his thumb to the house behind him,"Vampire."

Jongdae's eyes widen in shock but second later his gaze was serious.

"And he...?" Jongdae didn't finished his sentence, just eyeing Kang Gary from head to toes.

"He claimed to know something. We must take him to Principal Choi," Kyungsoo said.

Jongdae nodded,"Okay, we must comeback to academy right now,"




Principal Choi was in his office. Face was serious focusing on the computer screen.

"What's with that serious face while you just browsing for pretty women? This is still early in the morning," a voice whispered to his ear.

Siwon jumped off from his seat,"Park Jungsoo!," the later grinned at him.

Siwon took a frustated breath,"What on earth the King doing here?"

"Is it a sin when someone just want to greet his bestfriend in his office? Screw that title thing," They both smiled.

"So, what are you doing again? Beside searching for pretty women," Jungsoo .

Siwon sigh. Face turned serious,"I am still doing an investigation, from the missing members case,"

"Is that any progress?" Jungsoo asked, face turned serious.

"It's have been a month since they disappear. They are the best students here," He sigh.

"And Unit-D members," Jungsoo added. Siwon's face turned grim.

"Yeah, i hope they still survive," he said,"We hope. Suho hope. The new members hope too,"



"Anyway because we are in crisis. I am planning to adding Unit-D members," Siwon said after awhile, he lift his gaze at the King.

"Do as you wish," the later said.

There is a knocked in the door. They bot look at the door.

"Excuse me, Sir. Oh.. Your Highness," Jongdae entered the room and bowing to both of them.

"What's wrong?" The principal asked

"There is something happened in our mission, Sir. And it turned out our target asked us for protection," Jongdae said.

"From what? Who is your target?" He asked again.

"Kang Gary, Sir. And he'd been attacked by a vampire. He claimed to know something and willing to cooperate."

"Bring him inside!" Jungsoo said.

Kang Gary entered the room. Face tired for all that happened to him.

"Will you cooperate?" Jungsoo asked Gary right in his eyes. The later nodded in responsed.

"Well, then. welcome to your hell, Kang Gary," Both bestfriend said while smirking





OMG, 20 subscribers. kyaaa kyaaa thanks guys~ x3

Please don't mind my grammar m(_ _)m

Hope you like my story. And comments wont be hurts ;)


Btw this is Gery snacks Baekhyun was talking about ;) It's actually Gery not Gary xp

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Chapter 16: Lol how could xiumin forget about his power. And the KyungChae moments<3
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ok kyungsoo and chaerin or b with suho
Chapter 12: This is depressing reading about the funeral :( Hopefully they can all get back up from the loss and find the culprit. Thanks for the update!
Wow just wow...the introduction is so amazing...
qarisha #5
Chapter 11: What !!!!!!!! Ia going to happen ??????!!?!?!.!!!
allkpop9 #6
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I really like the story so far. Update soon!!!! :D
qarisha #7
Chapter 9: Whoaaaa....great update....keep it up..kay?
Chapter 9: Woah
Double personalities? That's going to be interesting~
KazzieT #9
Chapter 8: lol love your story! Lulu and Baekkie~ my new fav girls! I wonder why everyone tells chaerin to carry her dagger...I really want to know more! Please update!
Chapter 8: Thank you! OT12 forever TuT