Can I?

Black Pearl


Sound of birds chirping echoed in the air. The fish made the first ripple on the pond was searching for foods. The pond surface met the sun light and made a shimmering effect. The morning rays penetrate through the thickness of the maple tree down to the tree floor.

Chaerin's eyes started moving under her closed eyelids as she feel the light gently woke her up.

Chaerin felt a heavy furry thing lying on her abdomen. She slowly open her eyes and looking down to her lower body.

"HOLY !" She pushed the furry thing so hard until it stumble on the ground. Her eyes bulged out as the thing stirred in front of her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY PRECIOUS BODY?!" She shouted hysterically when she realized the thing is actually a human. Well..half human.

"Y-YOU, YOU JUST..J-JUST-" She pointing at him in bewilderment.

Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes as he realize he unconsciously change to his human form.

"YOU! YOU SLEEP ON MY PRECIOUS STOMACH?! W-W-WHY THIS...ARGH!" She abruptly stand up and pulled her hair out of frustation.

Kyungsoo sat crossed leg and stared at the panic princess in front of him. Still rubbing his eyes.

Chaerin met his gaze who like an innocent boy collecting his life. She tilted her head in confusion.

"You..." She trailed off and move her hands on her hips,"...didn't do something inappropiate to me...right?"

Kyungsoo stopped rubbing his eye and tilted his head. He made a heart-stopping smirk that left her speechless. She gulped. The innocent looking boy Do Kyungsoo disappear for a moment. He get up and never leave the princess' gaze.

Now she was the one who should look up at him.

He walked toward her and she back away for a few steps.

"W-w-what?!" She challenged.

He bend over until his eyes at the same level as her.

"Good morning, Rin." He patted Chaerin's head and walked away. Chaerin turned her body looking at his back with hanging open.



Kyungsoo hasn't yet return to his own dorm. Since they were going back from Bage Village they straightly did the funeral. After that, out of nowhere Chaerin calling him to come over to the palace. About last night event, well no, they didn't do anything. Heck what he remembered about last night just a long lasting princess' tears and she never loosen her hug on him. And what he did in between her sob? Nothing. Just being a real life plushie for the princess. 

"Ouch, my neck hurt..." He rubbed his neck while walking back to his dorm.

Once he arrived at his front door of his room he unlocked the door and walked straight in to his bedroom. 

"!" he halt abruptly when he realized there was someone lying on his bed. He doesn't remember of him had a room mate. 

And what he remember he lived in a freaking male dorm.

And what he believed up until now that he is a male. Of course!

And what he didn't believe is the one who lying unconscious on his bed was a freaking female.

He still hasn't believed his eyes when he realized there were some wounds and scratches on the female's body. 

His eyes wandering on every corner of his room and he spotted some stuffs that he sure didn't belong to him.

His confusion answered when someone open the door in a nervous way with the other person tailing behind him.

"There it is! I don't know what happened but when i woke up this morning she already growing this big!" The nervous male explained and turned around only to meet with Kyungsoo's big eyes. "Holly cow! You startled me!" The male almost bumped to the confused boy.


"Lay hyung?" 

"This is your room?"


"Is he your room mate?"

Kyungsoo only shrugh. "I want to heard the explanation tho..." He crossed his hands,"..because i don't remember i have a room mate and a freaking stranger lying on my bed." Kyungsoo retorted.

"Sorry," The male bowed,"You must be Do Kyungsoo. I am new student here. Kim Jongin and i moved in here know.. we are room mate. You haven't come back for a week, i came here a week ago."

Kyungsoo raised his brow unamused and waiting for Jongin further explanation.

"....and she is...i don't know who she is either." He looking at Lay and then Kyungsoo who seems had murderous auras around him. It scared Jongin out.

"I thought you won't be at home so i place her on your..bed." He beamed apologetically,"and...umm..what i believed last night she is a fairy.." He mumbled,

Lay raised his brows and walked toward Kyungsoo's bed. He start healing her wounds and scratches.

"Her wounds are serious," he said. He glanced at Mikan who assisting him and she nodded. His forehead start sweating.

Kyungsoo didn't pay much attention anymore as he walked to the bathroom and start cleaning himself up. Jongin now standing beside her watching the wound miraculously healed. After awhile Kyungsoo come out with damp hair and a towel on his head.

"You are human, right?" Kyungsoo asked. Jongin nodded his head.

"Where did you found this fairy?" 

"She came.." Jongin said nonchalantly,"I mean someone gave her to me. I don't know, it come so fast," literally. He thought.

"Who? Fairy barely can survive without their masters because that's their purpose of life. Serving elves," Lay asked and explaining in the same time. 

"I don't know, i thought it was Kim Jonghyun but he looks different." Jongin stared at the ceiling as he remember the last event.

Kyungsoo and Lay stop and stared at Jongin.

"What?" Jongin asked.

"Keep your story for later, we have to save this fairy first," Lay decided.

The room was once again quiet.

"You know, actually there are several times when a fairy can transform into our size," Lay explained and shared a silent conversation between Mikan and him.

"Well it either the fairy want to transform into one or in some events that they can't even control it themself when they are in the critical condition, like this."

Jongin mouth hanging open,"Cool," he said.

"Done. She should be waking up in a moment," Lay said.

Jongin now sat on Kyungsoo's bed waiting her to wake up meanwhile Lay make a warm tea and Kyungsoo cooked her a bowl of porridge.

After some times that took a hundred years later, the female stirred a bit and slowly opened her eyes. She met her eyes with Lay.

"You wake up, here, drink." Lay offered her the tea. The later took it and drank the tea in one go.

She now wandering her eyas in the room and met with Jongin stares and Kyungsoo who was putting the porridge beside his bed..

"Where...?" She mumbled.

"In Sata Academy, How are you feeling?" Lay asked.

"...weird but fine, thanks God i can comeback to academy" she sighed.

"Who are you?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I'm Momo, Victoria's fairy.. Thanks for saving me. How about my master?"


Jongin watched the two boys who seems didn't know what to do or what to say. Lay scratching his hair while Kyungsoo looked away with pissed expression. When his eyes landed on the fairy she already has this grim but all composed expression, like she already predicted what had happened yet it was something she doesn't want to.

" in the end i am the only one who survived..?" She talked to herself as a single tear escape from her eyes.



"'Good morning, Rin' HE SAID?!" Chaerin was in the middle of the training arena in the palace. She carve the wood in her hand with her dagger angrily.

"And WHAT?! He just walked out as if nothing happened. What? I don't like this!!! DIE DO KYUNGSOO!" She stomped her feet in annoying way and throw her dagger to the mannequin but it miss hit and fly behind the side of the mannequin.

Someone walked behind the mannequin almost got stabbed on his head as Chaerin felt her soul leave her body watching the scenery,"WATCH OUT!!"

He turned his head and freaking out. But in the last second the dagger stopped right in front of his forehead. A single sweat come from his forehead.

"WHOAA that's dangerous Lady Chaerin," Xiumin taken aback and amused at the same time at the sight of the princess who seems like she just drink 100 cups of coffee. "And thanks, Bro! You save me." He chuckled and pat Luhan's shoulder.

Chaerin still in her shocked stated,"I think i was kill someone." She stared at Xiumin

"I am okay Lady, see?" He beamed and walked toward her.

"I am sorry, i am truly sorry." She bowed several times and Xiumin just scratch his neck,"It's okay, it's okay. Anyway i don't know if you do martial art," He tried to changed the subject.

"I always do martial art and combat.." she said nonchalantly.

"Really? But you seems like someone who can't kill a fly," He teased. Chaerin made a face.

" a good way, Lady." he added and grinning.

"Anyway, you can asked me or Luhan to train you, if you need traineers. We are good~" He throw her dagger at the mannequin body and it pierce right in the heart.

Chaerin just smiled back at him,"Sure.. i can called Luhan and you......" Dang Chaerin.. She realized she didn't know to whom she was talking to,"...later." She beamed nervously.

"Awesome," Xiumin grinned.

"And Luhan, have you treatened your fingers?" She asked Luhan who awkwardly awkward. Her sound full of concern.

"..yeah, Lay healing me," He said and showed her his fingers. His eyes never met her.

"What's wrong bro? You seems unhealthy today?" Xiumin asked.

"Is it because yesterday-" "NO!" He yelled and made the others startled.

"I mean i'm okay. I'm really okay," He beamed but his eyes never met her.

"Are you sure you are okay because-"

"Xiumin, Luhan. The King already waiting for us," Suho came out of nowhere with Kris behind him,"Princess." He bowed his head.

"Suho.." she knotted her eyebrows. He look so worn out but still look all composed.

"We will be going first, Princess,"

"Well, see ya, Lady Chaerin~"

The rest left Chaerin alone and she once again has this long face. She sigh.

Mom. She calling the Queen

No answer.


No answer.

MOM. I'm shattering your flower garden. She tried once again.

YOU WHAT SWEETY? The Queen answered in sweet tone. Chaerin could imagine her mom smiling but deep inside her she would gladly hung her daughter upside down on the tree.

Can we talked? I want to be a student in Academy.



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Chapter 16: Lol how could xiumin forget about his power. And the KyungChae moments<3
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ok kyungsoo and chaerin or b with suho
Chapter 12: This is depressing reading about the funeral :( Hopefully they can all get back up from the loss and find the culprit. Thanks for the update!
Wow just wow...the introduction is so amazing...
qarisha #5
Chapter 11: What !!!!!!!! Ia going to happen ??????!!?!?!.!!!
allkpop9 #6
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I really like the story so far. Update soon!!!! :D
qarisha #7
Chapter 9: Whoaaaa....great update....keep it up..kay?
Chapter 9: Woah
Double personalities? That's going to be interesting~
KazzieT #9
Chapter 8: lol love your story! Lulu and Baekkie~ my new fav girls! I wonder why everyone tells chaerin to carry her dagger...I really want to know more! Please update!
Chapter 8: Thank you! OT12 forever TuT