Special Chapter (ChaeKura)

I Don't Wanna Love You



A city that's so beautiful at night, was the best scene Chaeyeon had seen in her entire life. She swore that the night sky and city lights were Tokyo's best attraction. 
They just got to Tokyo from Korea. Chaeyeon's dad was re-asigned to managed their company's Japan site and her mother wanted her father to be properly taken care of in a foreign country so they decided to come along. Being away from the busy city of Seoul to get into another busy city of Tokyo was surely a very annoying idea for her but, she can't deny how beautiful the city night lights of Tokyo are and so, it's not really that bad for them to move. 

She was walking around Kabuchiko district. Just roaming around the area and busy admiring on what the district has to offer. She wanted to unwind a little and to freely walk in a foreign land surely got Chaeyeon's solemnity. 

Later on, she reached a place where a lot of fun happens. She always imagined Japanese arcades were so cool and she wasn't dissapointed when she got a clear view of it. Like any other arcades, people from different ages were playing various of games. She was having so much fun watching that it nearly made her want to play. Later then, a certain person who was playing shooting range caught her attention. A girl to be exact. The girl kept on shouting and twisting her body each time she shoots and dodged a hit. As she went near to the said player, a smile slowly grew on her face. She was really amazed on how the girl was playing and it really looked like the girl was having a very good time. Soon after, the game ended and she saw how frustrated the girl was because she lose. The person was shaking nearly all her body parts, pulling strands of her while mumbling series of words that she didn't got. 

Chaeyeon accidentally left out a big laugh while watching the frustrated girl throwing tantrums but quickly put her hands on to shut it up. She shouldn't laugh. But, the girl was just too cute for her so she can't help herself not to let her amazement get out of her system. Thankfully the girl was wearing her gamer's headphones. 

A minute later the girl finally decided to took off her headphones and get off on the gamer's chair. When she turned around ready to head back home she was met by an innocent eyes of Chaeyeon who doesn't have any plans on getting anywhere than just observed the girl. 

Chaeyeon who finally had a clear view of the girl's face was once again amazed by her features. The girl had a very nice bubbly cut hair that shapes her cute face, lips that was thin but was elegantly shaped, a pointy nose and a pointed round eyes that made her looked like an angel that fell from heaven for Chaeyeon to see. She doesn't knew how many times tonight she got amazed by Tokyo's magical view and she considered the view in front of her to be the most magical one out of all of them. 
The girl was also surprised to face a very strange yet gorgeously looking girl in front of her. She doesn't even know how to react other than having agape and just stared at her. She just couldn't removed her stare at the taller girl even if she wanted to. Thankfully the taller girl looked elsewhere, if not? She swore she could've melted with those stares the taller girl was giving to her.

"I'm sorry" Chaeyeon softly said. The shorter girl looked again at Chaeyeon confusingly. She was curious on why the taller girl was saying sorry but a sudden thought appeared in her head that made her shook her head and said "Daijobou-desu" to the taller girl.

"I was watching you earlier when you were still playing" 

"Eh? really? Ahh, so embarassing"

"It's not. You were doing a good job and you look so cool with those headphones" Chaeyeon honestly said. She had a feeling that the girl might feel awkward or weirded by her words but judging how the girl blushed, she shrugged that thought. 

"I'm Lee Chaeyeon" Chayeon extended her right hand for a handshake which the shorter girl gladly accepts. 

"Sakura. Miyawaki Sakura" And that was the start of their blooming "friendship" 









"Ya! Let my wrist go!" Sakura was dragging the not so satisfied Chaeyeon into a very secluded area away from their friends and away from Lotte. Halting to a stop, finally Sakura let go of Chaeyeon and faced her. Heavy breaths can be heard. No one dared to talk until, Sakura decided to break the silence.

"Chaeyeo-" But before she could say anything, the taller girl cut her out.

"Why did you dragged me!? Why did you brought me here!? Why did you even came here!?" Chaeyeon was so frustrated that she doesn't know how to react anymore. She still have to fetch her younger sister and she's now late. Her wrist was aching because of the strong grip Sakura did earlier. Her legs were tired and were on their way to collapse any minute of the day. Because of this girl, her heart was in a total mess right now. 

"I'm sorry" Sakura softly said. She felt a sting inside of her hearing the word. She wanted to say something but nothing came out. 

"I'm sorry that I dragged you... It's the only way I could make you come with me. I'm sorry that I brought you here... I just want to talk to you in private and I don't know any place... And I'm sorry that I came here...
I just miss you so much..." A drop of tear fell from her eyes while saying that. It's true. Sakura really misses her so much since she flew back to Korea. There's not even a day that she didn't thought about the tall girl in front of her. It even ended up on her telling their wonderful moments together to her friends, Nako and Hitomi. 

Hearing Sakura missed her made the sting feeling she felt more strong. She should feel happy because her friend missed her but she rather felt the opposite. She wanted to tell her that she misses her too, more than she ever know but again, nothing came out of .



"Why can't I talk?"


"Why were the words not coming out of I mouth?" 



"At least say something. Why aren't you talking?" Sakura's tears were now freely flowing out of her eyes. Thinking the taller girl was probably mad at her. Chaeyeon slowly lifted her head from the ground to face Sakura and was surprised to see her crying. She was hurt seeing the person she loved cried in front of her and probably because of her. It's the last thing that Chaeyeon wanted to see. So she slowly opened wanting to at least say a word. But it seems like, she was muted today. She tried to say something but there's really no words that could come out of so she gave up and looked elsewhere. She couldn't stand watching a crying Sakura. It's torning her heart to pieces.

"You're so unfair... YOU'RE SO UNFAIR LEE CHAEYEON! YOU JUST LEFT ME IN JAPAN WITHOUT A WORD AND YOU'RE NOT SAYING ANYTHING AGAIN TO ME THIS TIME! Is it really that hard to talk to me? Is it really that hard to say goodbye? I— Why are you doing this to me? I hate you..." Sakura was crying so hard right now and instead of talking, Chaeyeon went near to her out of reflex and wrapped her arms around her which Sakura quickly accepted and reciprocated. 

"YOU'RE SUCH A COWARD! I HATE YOU! YOU'RE SO SELFISH! YOU'RE SO UNFAIR TO ME! I HATE YOU LEE CHAEYEON!" Each word hurt Chaeyeon's heart. Each word stinged and each word were like a knife piercing her heart. It made her heart ache more that she can't even reply a single word. So, her enveloping of Sakura around her arms became stronger like, trying to calm the now on a messed lady and not wanting to let the girl go any second. 

Sakura finally calmed her heart down in the comfort's of Chaeyeon's arms. She let herself rest for a while and said the words she wanted to tell Chaeyeon long time ago. 

"I hate you Chaeyeon..." Chaeyeon deserved to be hated. Chaeyeon knew it. Chaeyeon already accepted it. Another tear escaped from her eyes. 

"I hate you.. but I also love you" That made the grip of Chaeyeon to Sakura loosened. Eyes widened and jaw dropped. Slowly, Sakura got out from Chaeyeon's arms and made the taller girl faced her. Seeing the younger one's reaction made her confidence boosted up. So she continued.

"I love you Lee Chaeyeon... I love you. You heard me? I LOVE YOU!

"You what?" The sudden confession made by Sakura surprised her BIG TIME! And the information was overwhelming. Sakura flashed her a smile and instead of talking, Sakura kissed her on the corner of her lips then attached hers on Chaeyeon's as an answer. The action made Chaeyeon's eyes grew wider and her heart beating like crazily!

Soon after, Sakura detached her lips from hers and Chaeyeon let out the heavy breath she's been keeping inside since the confession. 

"Did you just— Did you just— kissed me?" Slowly Chaeyeon asked? It's the only words that came out from her and she wanted to confirm that she wasn't dreaming. Sakura giggled at the now flustered Chaeyeon and kissed her for the second time as an answer. This time, Chaeyeon slowly let the action processed in her head and let her arms circled around the older's waist. Sakura circled her arms around the younger's neck too and kissed Chaeyeon as passionately as she could. Sensing that they were running out of breath, Sakura slowly stopped the kiss. Both were heavily panting from the heated kiss they just made earlier. 

"Does this mean we're... we're now? You know..." "Girlfriend."  Was what Chaeyeon wanted to say but, she just couldn't say it.

"We're what Chaeyeon?" Sakura asked. Seeing a shy Chaeyeon made her smirk. 

"We're— ahh? How should I say this?" Chaeyeon back faced her and slightly made an internal battle with her head.

"What Chaeyeon? I'm waiting..." 

"Agh! C'mon Chaeyeon just say it? Is it really that hard to say the word gir-girlf-friend?" Chaeyeon inhaled and exhaled loudly. Letting out the nervousness out of her system before facing the beautiful Sakura in front who's waiting for her to say something while plastering a big smile. 

"Does this mean we're a— girl...friends?" Slowly Chaeyeon said. Too low for Sakura to hear actually.

"What? I can't hear you" 

"I mean, you are now my— my— girl— fur *cough riend, right?" 

"I'm your what Chaeyeon?" 

"Aish, This is frustrating..." 

"If you could just say it louder and clearer you—" 

"GIRLFRIEND!" As what Sakura told her, Chaeyeon said the word LOUDER and CLEARER. Too clear in fact for Sakura's ear. As Chaeyeon's head were down, embarassed for what she just said, Sakura on the other hand were all smiley looking at Chaeyeon so proudly.

"Be my Girlfriend Miyawaki Sakura" Chaeyeon slowly said and hold both Sakura's hands. The smile on Sakura's face only grew wider. At last, Chaeyeon finally let out the words she wanted to hear long ago. 






"I can't imagine myself be with anybody other than you Lee Chaeyeon" 






Yujin was on her way to their shared pad alone. Why was she alone? Simple. Because Wonyoung agreed to sleep over at Nako and Hitomi's dorm. Both of them were actually asked by Hitomi though since tomorrow's Sunday but, seeing how Wonyoung and Nako interact with each other, she decided to pass. 

On her way to their pad, she passed by the bus stop where she saw an unfamiliar girl sitting, facing the ground. But as she's nearing, she realized that she's Chaeyeon's cousin. 




Hey guys! 


Here's a special chapter of Chaekura. I hope you've enjoyed reading this. I really am sorry if I disapoint you with this lame story. 

Anyways, thank you for still being interested on this fanfic even if it really . Please give me your thoughts about this chapter and don't forget to subscribevand upvote!


Until next time! See ya!



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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....