CHAPTER 10 — (Before it's too late)

I Don't Wanna Love You







Another school day starts at Seoul Royal Girls High. Everyone was so busy preparing for their upcoming finals. Yena, Chaeyeon and Yujin were in the school's grassland (open field).

"Ya! We're supposed to be studying what are you two doing!?" 

"Eonni, we've been studying for hours. Can't we just skip a minute and rest?" Yujin said. Lying down her tired body on the green grass.

"Studying for hours? Since when?"

"Since the first hour in the morning. Gawd Chaeyeon. It's lunch time. We're supposed to have our rest. That's why it's called "Break Time"  duh." Yena said. Joining Yujin on the green grass field. 

"Aish, this kids don't really know Hell do they?" Chaeyeon sighed in frustration and was about to get back to reading an article in the book she was holding when someone called her.

"Chaeyeon!" Familiar on who's voice was that, a smile slowly was forming on her face.

"Oh, SAKURA!" The angry Chaeyeon earlier was now replaced by a happy and excited one. Yena and Yujin were surprised to Chaeyeon's sudden change of mood, so they got up from their lying position and saw the other girls coming. 

"Nice, my baby's here too" Yena excitedly uttered. Yujin who was beside her rolled her eyes to the side. 

"Tsk, two lovebirds. What am I? A thirdwheel?" Yujin softly said. "Well at least, Chaeyeon and Sakura eonni were just friends. Yet" She added and nodded in agreement. 


"Oh boy, here come's Sugar..." Yujin again said only for herself to hear, when Yena ran towards Yuri and eneveloped her in a hug. 

"What are you doing?" Yuri asked, settling theirselves to sit on the fine green grass.

"We are supposed to be studying but your "baby"  and her minion-" 

"Ya Chaeyeon eonni, who are you calling a minion huh?" 

"Whatever. You both are so lazy!" 

"It's again called "resting"  Chaeyeon. For the nth time it is "resting". How many times will I elaborate that to you?" 

"Okay, you should stop now before this argument will go to elsewhere. Anyways, Chaeyeon you shouldn't be hard to your buddies like that. Take time to chill" Sakura said offering her hand for Chaeyeon to hold which Chaeyeon of course gladly took.

"Can we get a high-five for that Kkura eonni?" 

"Kkura eonni?" 

"Yeah, I decided to call her that, Sakura is so long" Yujin explained. She accidentally took a quick glance on her Chaeyeon and Sakura eonni's holding of hands and was a little bewildered of their action. 

Chaeyeon saw that and signalled Sakura about something which she nodded right away and flashed her a lovely smile.

"Uhm, guys? I have something to tell you" 

"Me and Sakura. We are both-" Chaeyeon raised her and Sakura's hand up in the air for them to see and for them to get the idea of what she's trying to say. 

"Heol!" Yena who was hugging her Yuri let lose of the hug and closely looked at Chaeyeon and Sakura's hand. 

"Daebak!" Was only Yujin could say. "Lemme guess? This happened last Saturday right? After Kkura eonni dragged you?" 

"Chaeyeon was dragged by Sakura eonni last Saturday? She LET HERSELF BE DRAGGED? WOW! That was a record now" Yena said and clapped her hands in amazement which was joined by Yuri. 

"Yeah, she did eonni. She did not complain or anything she just let Kkura eonni and followed like a lost puppy" 

"That was because I was surprised. It was so sudden." Chaeyeon tried to defend herself but it just earned her a smirk coming from Yujin and Yena

"Sudden? Or maybe you were just so whipped on Sakura Chaeyeon? Just admit it, no need to be shy" 

"Ya! I'm not shy about it. And I'm not whipped. She was the one who's whipped for me" Chaeyeon boasted that earned her a smack in the arms from Sakura.

"Who said I'm whipped for you?" 

"Eh~ No need to be shy wifeu. It's just our friends" 

"Wifeu? Who said I'm your wife?"  

"You are my wife and I am your hubby" 

"Hubby? That's so ew!" 

"What's so ew about that? It's sweet" 

"Now that's ew. Okay, we get it. Both of you are wipped for each other. Now stop being so cringey over there!" Yujin said and everyone laughed when she dramatically hold her head because she felt like she's having a headache watching Chaeyeon being so sweet with Sakura. 

"Why were the both of you together anyway?" 

"Hm? Who?" 

"You and Kkura eonni." 

"Ahh, we met at the caft. We saw you guys here and decided to head here together" Yuri explained while down Yena's hair who was by the way, lying her head on Yuri's lap. 

Yujin nodded in understanding and went back to lying down because it seemed like everyone's busy with their own "lovelife" .


"I wished Wonyoung was here. It would have been better"  She said in her mind. She was about to close her eyes when a sudden shadow made her stop. 


It's like her wish came true as a smiling Jang Wonyoung was now standing in front of her and was actually blocking the sunlight. It brought a smile to her face as she slowly got up to be on the same level as her. 


"Eonni" Yujin and Wonyoung had there little staring moment when Yujin decided to break it. 

"Ahh... haha what are you doing here?" Yujin nervously asked. Scratching the back of her head. 

"Just roaming around" Wonyoung answered. The smile on her face really never once left since the time that she arrived and found Yujin until now. 

"Ahh I see..." Another staring moment began. With Yujin just nervously looking at the gorgeous smiling young lady in front of her. 


"Why can't I take my eyes off of you?"  Yujin said in her mind. 


"Stop staring now Yujin! You're being so obvious!" 



"Why does eonni's face looks so different today?" Wonyoung asked to herself.


"She looks much.... prettier today?" 


"But her look's just the same. Aish am I having a broken sight now?" 
"SOOO WHIPPED!" Yena and Chaeyeon's loud voice woke them up from their internal battle of themselves. Yujin who had a little idea of what they mean lowered down her head in embarassment while Wonyoung just continued to smile and went beside her Yena eonni. 

"Did anyone of you have seen Nako eonni?" Wonyoung asked. 

"No. Why?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Just asking. She told me to meet her here." Chaeyeon just nodded. She was met with the eyes of Yena and both of them looked at the direction of a certain Ahn Yujin who was likely to not hear that conversation Chaeyeon and Wonyoung had. Both sighed in relief. 

Little did they know that Yujin heard it. Her ears were just too sensitive when it's about Wonyoung. Yujin decided to not mind about Wonyoung asking the whereabouts of Nako since, it's just a little thing. No biggie. Besides, it was Nako who asked her Wonyoung to meet her, not the other way around. She took that as a blessing too. If Nako didn't asked Wonyoung that? She could've never seen her Wonyoung right now. So, she's alright with it. 

She internally noted to thank her Nako eonni later.





"Oh Nako eonni!" Later Nako arrived along with Hitomi. They were bringing a sandwich, which was their meal.

"Nako-chan, I thought you're on a diet. Why are you having two sandwiches?" Sakura asked. 

"Ne. I am on a diet. This one's not for me. It's for Wonyoung actually." 

"Really? For me eonni?" Wonyoung asked, a big smile plastered on her face. Nako nodded and gave the extra sandwich to her. 

"What's this sandwich?"

"Tuna Sandwich" That question was supposed to be just for herself. She wasn't expecting for an answer because she wanted to find it out for herself but, when Nako said it's "Tuna Sandwich"  her smile grew wider and immediately went to her Nako eonni and hugged her.

"Gomawo eonni~" Nako smiled at her and patted her head. They both happily ate their sandwich together. 






Yujin was just observing them. Chaeyeon and Sakura were playing with each other. Yena was lying her head on Yuri's lap and Yuri was her hair while talking about something. Wonyoung and Nako looked like they were so engrossed of themselves just eating the sandwich together and sometimes, laugh so loud like they were just the one who existed in the place. 

Yujin sighed. It looked like she was kinda the seventh wheeler in the group. She was so lost and felt so out of place until Hitomi joined her. 


"Oh— Hi-chan Annyeong" 

"What happened to Hito-eonni?" 

"Ehh? Haha mianhae Hito-eonni" 

"I'm just kidding" Botf them laughed. 

"So, What's with you and Wonyoung?" Yujin was taken-aback by the sudden question of Hitomi to her. 

"Me and Wonyoung?" 


"Am I really that obvious now?" 


"If you're thinking that you might be so obvious? Yeah you kinda are. I saw it, the way you looked at Wonyoung. You're bestfriends right?" Yujin nodded. 


"I am that obvious" 


"But you feel more than a bestfriend should supposed to feel towards their bestfriend right?" Yujin felt nervous of the question. It's like she was again slapped by the cruel truth. 


"I am feeling more than a bestfriend should be feeling towards my bestfriend"  


"It's wrong I know" Yujin said, facing the ground

"What's so wrong about that? Of course it isn't" Hitomi quicky said.  

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Hitomi doesn't need any confirmation from Yujin to know that she has that feeling for Wonyoung. Just by looking into her eyes and observing how Yujin looked hurt at Wonyoung and Nako having their good time, already tells everything.  

"You don't understand it eonni. Wonyoung and I have been bestfriend for a really long time. Our friendship is so precious to the both of us. If I will gonna confess and tell her how I really feel, it might end it." 

"You don't know if you won't tell" 

"Wonyoung is as straight as a pole. Maybe even straighter. So what's the use of confessing? She might just freak out and it might make things awkward between us. Worse? It might end our friendship." 

"You know, me and Nako were kinda like the same as yours with Wonyoung." Yujin now looked at Hitomi who was looking at Wonyoung and Nako's direction.

"We are bestfriend since, I don't know. Forever? But then one day, something changed." Yujin was so confused why Hitomi was telling her that but nonetheless, she attentively listened to Hitomi's story.

"What something eonni?" 

"I felt something for my bestfriend that I shouldn't be feeling towards her." Yujin let out a gasp and Hitomi just sighed. 

"You mean like what I felt for Wonyoung?" 


"What happened eonni?" Yujin carefully asked Hitomi.

"Bestfriend shouldn't feel that way in the first place so I shrugged the thought about having it. I didn't mind it and I tried to forget it. But it just made things worse." 

"What do you mean by that eonni?" 

"Nako is a charming person. Everyday she met different people. Had different interactions with them. I saw her liking someone and it broke me. Knowing that it isn't me" Yujin was just observing Hitomi and she can easily tell how hurt Hitomi was on looking at Nako and Wonyoung together. 

"I'm sorry to hear about that eonni" Yujin patted Hitomi's back trying to send some comfort. She kinda felt how Hitomi was feeling. She shares the same experience. So she knows how hurting it is.

"It's okay. You know what's the worst part?" Hitomi looked at her and Yujin was patiently waiting for her to continue.

"She likes girls. She freakin' likes girls! I was afraid to confess because it might just freak her out because I'm a girl and I shouldn't like her, because we're bestfriends and whatever but, she likes girls too. And that's where everything around me broke." Yujin again let out a huge gasp that it made Chaeyeon looked at them. Their distance were quiet far from them actually so whatever they are talking about can't be heard by them. 

"You should tell her soon Yujin. Before everything for you will be too late." With that, Hitomi rose up and excuse herself. She went near to the group and excused herself, saying she needed to go to the bathroom.

Yujin was certain that Hitomi was crying and that she'll break down in the rest room. She wanted to follow her and comfort her but decided not to. Hitomi needs her space and privacy. The least thing that she could do right now was to break it. As Yujin was thinking, she realized that Hitomi was right. She don't know if who Hitomi was refering to when she said that Nako likes girls too was Wonyoung or a different person but, she had a very big feeling that it's her Wonyoung. She should tell Wonyoung before it's too late. 



"Wonyoung is my bestfriend. She won't freak out if I tell her right?"  She thought. She again looked at Wonyoung who was with Nako laughing so hard. Seeing her bestfriend having a great time with her, it made her world crushed. She wanted to be the one who makes Wonyoung laugh. She wanted to be the one who's the reason for Wonyoung's smile. So she's now determined to do it. 



"I shouldn't be thankful to Nako eonni for asking Wonyoung here."





Later an announcement stopped everyone from their business. 



"Good afternoon students. Major exam is coming so the faculty wants you to have the best time when reviewing and studying. We will be giving you this afternoon to do that. Teachers won't be conducting any classes every afternoon starting today until after your major exam but no one is allowed to go out of the school's premises. Please be guided and good luck students." 










"Does that mean that we're now free to do what we want?" Yena carefully asked the silent group. 

"Stupid eonni. We are asked to study and review. It didn't said "You are free to do what you want"  " Chaeyeon retorted. 


"No buts! We're going to study and that's final!" 

"But- Yuri-ah? Save me please" Yena turned to Yuri and tried to make a plea but Yuri just smirked at her and went to Sakura's side.

"Sorry, it's Chaeyeon eonni's decision. Can't go against it baby" 

"What? Ya Yujin-ah? Help your eonni here." 

"Can't care less eonni." 

"What? Wonyoung-ah?" 

"Sorry eonni, Chaeyeon eonni's scary when she gets angry and I just don't want to deal with that" Wonyoung carefully flashed her a smirk while hugging the tiny Nako from the back. 

"Still want to say no?" 

"Ya! I thought we're buddies? My girlfriend can't even help me and even my lovely dongsaeng's afraid of you." 

"That's because I'm the "Lee Chaeyeon"."

"Yeah. The "Lee Chaeyeon" who's so whipped for Sakura" Yujin teased that made everyone laughed including Sakura herself. Yena and Yujin high-fived each other and Chaeyeon couldn't care less about it now. She wanted to scold Yujin for saying that but, seeing how hurt and sad Yujin was inside, she decided to let it go. At least she's helping Yujin to feel a little better. 




Sakura and Yuri excused themselves to buy them something to eat for their group study that afternoon while Wonyoung asked to get her bag from her classroom and Nako just tagged along since she said that she's still not use to hang around with the three of them. So that left only Chaeyeon, Yena and Yujin again. 

"Yujin-ah? I saw how you looked at them." 

"What eonni?" 

"Seriously! Stop torturing yourself. You could be happy right now if you'll just tell her" Chaeyeon said. Yena nodded in agreement.

"But eonni, what if she'll reject me? Say things like "It's not right"  and she'll freak out? It will destroy our friendship." 

"Reject you? Are you really that dense?" Chaeyeon asked? 

"Ani. She's not dense. She's just plainly stupid" Yena casually said. 

"Stupid? I'm not stupid and I'm not dense!" 

"Really? If you aren't then you should've probably confessed your feelings towards your bestfriend long time ago." 

"I told you already, She might just re-"

"And for the nth time too we'll gonna tell you again to stop being stupid and just take the risk! Can't you see how she looks at you earlier? You're not blind Yujin" Yena said. That made Yujin stop her argument and think of what Yena meant by that. 


"What look are they refering to?" 


"Yujin-ah? Me and Yena eonni were your buddies long before Wonyoung came. We saw how the both of you became friends and became so close that you became bestfriends. We saw how your feelings grew and Wonyoung's presence can brought a lot of happiness in you. Just try it Yujin-ah. So what if she'll reject you? It might broke your friendship but it might also take your friendship to a different level. We don't want you to have regrets. We want to see you're half-crescent eyes and that deep dimple when you smile again. We hate to see a hurting Yujin. It broke us seeing you like that too. Me and Yena eonni were now very happy. We want the same for you too. So please, take our advice. Take the risk before everything's too late. It's better to try and fail than not trying at all. It's better to take the risk and be strong than to live a regretful life in the future." A tear drop fell from Yujin's eyes and Chaeyeon and Yena enveloped their dongsaeng in a tight hug. Trying to gave her all the comfort that she needed. Yujin smiled at them and thank the both of them for being there for her and gave her the advice thst she needs.




Not long after, Yuri and Sakura arrived with a bag of chips and some bottle of soda. Wonyoung and Nako arrived later. Seeing Wonyoung again holding hands with Nako while skipping their way towards them, made her think about everything her eonni said. 



"I should move now before everything will be too late for me." 













Chapter 10 is up guys. Hope you enjoyed reading this..


This story is getting lamer and lamer each update, I know and I sincerely apologize for writing a lame story and boring update. I'm not used to writing long stories. As you can try to see, my other fics were one-shots only. This is the first time I'm writing a long fic so I'm sorry if I disappoint you in every update.


I'll try to make this story better as best as I can.   


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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....