CHAPTER 3 — (Contented)

I Don't Wanna Love You


Yujin woke up so early in the morning the next day. Glancing at her right, she saw the most precious human being in the world. A sigh of contentment and a smile was seen printed on her face before she totally got up and head for the showers. 

She finished her morning ritual 30 minutes after. She then proceeded to the kitchen and did some cooking. Glancing on the clock, it says 9:05 and her stomach's grumbling none-stop so she ate first. 

After her meal, Wonyoung was still asleep and she doesn't have any plans on waking the precious giant in their room so she started cleaning the house. Sweeping the floor and dusting the things that had dust on them while listening to some songs on her mp3 and humming happily to the tune. 

She was done by 30 but Wonyoung was still on her deep slumber. She noticed how the girl was really a gem even if she was just sleeping. The way her smile showed up on her face was just an indication of Yujin on how an Angel Wonyoung can be. 

So she left the bedroom and headed to the living room. She doesn't have anything to do anymore so she just sat their with her mp3 and sang along. Life's perfect for her that day. 

Wonyoung finally woke up to the refreshing smell of the daisies Yujin put on their room earlier. After some stretching, she finally got up and proceeded to the living room where a calming voice can be heard. 

"Good Morning!" 

"Oh, Morning! You're awake?" 

"Yeah I am. Did you put those daisies in the room?" Wonyoung sat beside Yujin. 

"Yes, I am. Aren't they beautiful?" Yujin dreamily asked and Wonyoung could only giggle.

"Yeah, they are. They kinda like woke me up too." Wonyoung saw the panic on Yujins' eyes and she can't help but giggle more.

"It did? I'm so sorry. I thought it smelled good and it looked so beautiful that I decided to place it in there and I thought that it'll make the room even more beautiful and-and I swear it wasn't my intetion to disturb your sleep and-and-"

"Ya! eonni!? Breath okay? The daisies actually smelled so refreshing." Yujin was blabbering too much again. Explaining unncesary things none-stop without pausing and breathing. Wonyoung just had to stop her.

"oh does it?" Yujin asked carefully.

"yeah it does!"

"is that a good thing?"

"of course it is you bbabo" Wonyoung said. Flashing her charming smile and hugged Yujin sideways.

"I did a good job, didn't I?"

"Yeah you kinda did" Wonyoung giggled and Yujin pouted.

 "I was trying to not be so annoying in the morning you know" Yujins' face dropped however it didn't stop Wonyoung from smirking. Seeing how devastated her bestfriend was that her sleep was disturbed, was like a very great sight for her. 

"Ya! You're over-reacting again. The daisies smelled so refreshing. I already told you that and why do you have to be so noisy in the morning?"

"Oh, hey wait- You mean me singing? Oh, I have a the most pretty voice in here, I just had to let them out you know." Yujin flashed her dimpled smile and made a pretty pose and continued singing. Wonyoung just rolled her eyes to the other side seeing her bestfriend so full of herself. Yet again, seeing how silly can this girl be, she can't help but flashed a contented smile that later turned into laughters as she watched Yujin sung the song in a very funny way.



"eonni? I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?" Yujin just finished her mini-concert when Wonyoungs' stomach grumbled. She can't help but giggle on how cute Wonyoung was asking for food.

"I've made a sandwich toast for you along with some ham and egg in the kitchen. A glass of milk's there too." 

"Wait, for me? How about you?" 

"Naa I'm done. I've had my breakfast while you were still away in your dreamland. You woke up so late you know? Do you even realized what time is it now? My stomach can't wait and kept bugging me so I fed her." Wonyoung innocently flashed her cute smile to Yujin asking for forgiveness of her waking up so late. 

"Well at least go with me to the kitchen. It's lonely eating alone."

"Aish, why do you have to be so cute? And stop those pout please? I'm really having a hard time in here controlling my urge on kissing the- Did I just thought about that? Eww!" 

"Ya! You're spacing out again" Yujin didn't even realized that she was spacing out. She felt creepy of herself and this pouting Wonyoung wasn't helping either!

"Alright, alright, I'll come with you to the kitchen. Shesh! You're such a kid." 

"But you love me" Yujin was surprised again for the second time of the day. Blood rushing through her veins and nervousness can be felt.

"Does she know? Aniya, aniya, aniya. She might mean it as a friendly love. Yeah majayo. A friendly love." Yujin sighed.

"Here I go again with this thoughts." She wanted to remove this thoughts out of her mind so that she can be able to live freely but, it might actually just come randomly at times. It loves torturing Yujin. 

"Ya! What are you doing still standing in there?"

"Ahm? Ahm... Ah-ah- well, I'm- I'm checking if my legs were properly working. Yeah that's it. That's what I'm doing" Yujin flashed her a nervous laugh while scratching the back of her head. Was it itchy? Nobody knows. 

"Okay?" Wonyoung said, looking confused. "Well, Come here now eonni~~~ I'm lonely~~~" A relieving sigh escaped from Yujin. Glad that Wonyoung somehow brought her lame excuse. 

"Seriously? Checking if your legs were properly working Yujin? ugh!" Yujin frustratingly thought to herself. However, it didn't matter since Wonyoung already fell for it so she shouldn't worry anymore. 

Yujin happily skipped her way to the kitchen and sat beside Wonyoung who was happily munching the toast she made. Wonyoung would accasionally fed her with the toast and ham and egg. Bickered over pitty things but always ended up laughing. 

Those were the moments that Yujin will forever treasure. Wonyoung and her have been bestfriend for a really long time already and she hadn't recall any single moment where she didn't enjoy or like being around with the girl. Although there were times that they fought over things but nothing that they couldn't handle. She mean, being together for so long has it's flaws too but they swore to each other that they'll gonna talk about it and solve it together. 

Yujin couldn't imagine life without her Angel beside her. That means, she can't live without Jang Wonyoung. She may be just her "Best Friend" Forever to the latter but, it's enough for Yujin. At least they'll get to be around with each other for a really, really long time. 

Wonyoung kinda had the same thoughts too. She treasured every single moment that she shared with Yujin the same as how Yujin treasured it. She can't imagine having a wonderful, funny, silly, dorky and epically beautiful bestfriend other than Ahn Yujin. She really loves her and she can't afford to lose her. 

"Ya! eonni! Stop putting those ketchup on my nose!" 

"What? Ya~ It looked good on you" 

"You're such a dork!" 

"Yeah? Your one lucky human cuz I'm only your dork." 

"Hmm, whatever" And both errupted on laughing again. 




"We're so lucky that classes were moved in the afternoon. If not? We'll probably get detention. Why did you woke up so late?" Yujin said while driving them to school. It's a very bright sunny Wednesday at Seoul and she was very thankful to who ever's responsible of the sudden change of their class schedule. 

"I just had the best dream ever. I can't just cut it in the middle." Wonyoung dreamily said. This got Yujins' attention so she quickly stole a glance to the pretty lad that's seating on the passengers' seat. Studying from the looks of Wonyoung, she can easily tell what's the dream about but, she's still curious so, she asked.

"What was it all about anyway?" Yujin really tried her best to sound more casual and not that interested. Wonyoung just flashed her a shy smile. Now Yujin's really curious about her dream. It's the very first time she saw Wonyoung acting like this on a question and she knows this kind of act. Oh, she really knows.

"Can't tell" She's already expecting it. She mean, she shared the same experience but, she's her bestfriend. She should at least tell her what's going on right? But Wonyoung just couldn't. She's afraid that Yujin might freak out if she'll gonna tell her about her dream and that she might be disgusted or panic, Wonyoung really don't know what will be her bestfriends' reaction. Like Yujin, she's too afraid to be exposed in the open. She's too afraid of the result. So no. Not today. Maybe some other time but, just not today. 

The trip on their way to school was silent after that. Both have different thoughts running through their mind. It's as if they were two strangers inside one compartment and was too afraid to speak. It's very seldom for them to have this atmosphere but, it can't be helped. It doesn't mean that you two were like inseparable and have been bestfriend for a really, really long time and have known each other since pre-k, then you no longer have this awkward moments between you two. But again, it's very seldom to happen. And they both HATE IT! 




Chaeyeon and Yena were walking together inside the school on their way to their classroom, (They were classmate so it's natural for them to be always with each other) when someone called their attention. 

"Excuse me?" Chaeyeon who easily catches sounds looked at the direction where it came from and found two unfamiliar students. Yena who was wondering why her friend stopped,  looked at the direction Chaeyeon was looking. Noticing that they now got the attention of the students they called, they spoke. 

"Annyeonghaseyo~ Naneun Miyawaki Sakura-ibnida geurigo Yabuki Nako-ibnida! Mannaseo Bangapseubnida~." 

"eh?" Chaeyeon moved her face forward and could only raise her two eyebrows, confused of what Sakura just said. 

"Ohho- Annyeong~ Annyeong! Nice to meet you too" Yena entusiastically replied, waving her both hands at them. She noticed the confused expression of Chaeyeon and thought maybe the dance god did not quiet got what they said.

"Oh, Chaeyeon! They just introduced theirselves. Sakura and Nako. They said it's nice to meet us" Yena explained pointing to Sakura and Nako. Chaeyeon nodded in understanding and bowed as a sign of greeting to them. 

"Are you both Japanese?" Yena asked the two. 

"Ne, Ne. We are" Sakura replied. Both her and Nako nodded in agreement.

"Oh, that's why your Korean's a bit you know- haha" Should she say not good? "No that would be so rude and offensive."  Yena thought to herself. 

"Ne. Ne." Nako and Sakura joined Yena as they laughed about it. Chaeyeon on the other hand was just observing them.

Sakura and Nako were part of the exchanged students from Japan. As they were both new to the school they're having a hard time finding the building, room and facility location. Since Nako was really timid and all shy Sakura decided to be the one who'll ask some random students for direction and to make some friends as well. 

"Ahh okay. Well, you're one lucky students since we're both experts on directions. Right Chaeyeon?" Yena boasted. A big creepy smile was placed on her face. Chaeyeon who weren't exactly paying attention to what their really talking about got surprised at the sudden hit on her side. Luckily she immediately recovered from the shock and just nodded multiple times with a mixed of "yeah" at every nod without really getting what she just confirmed. Chaeyeon averted her attention to the person who's responsible for it but, it seems like she's not aware of what she just did and that Chaeyeon was actually killing her with her stares! 

"Hontoni? ahh~ Eodiyeyo?" Sakura excitedly asked them. 

"They must be having a hare time finding the said room earlier basing from her reaction" Chaeyeon thought to herself. 

Yena happily gave them the direction of the room their looking for. Chaeyeon did not utter a word and just stared at them. Sakura and Naku were quiet confused of what Yena's actually talking about since she's talking so fast and they are still learning Hangul. Chaeyeon noticed this and nudged Yena on her side to stop her none-stop noise and made her face them. Yena shyly just laughed it off when she saw the confused and worried state of the two. 

"Ah~Mianhaeyo" Sakura and Nako waved their hands a "No" telling Yena to not worry and be sorry about it. 

To compensate, Yena offered to be their guide along with Chayeon. They offered to take them to the room. Chaeyeon hadn't moved yet and just stood still on her place until Yena came back and had to drag the statue'd Chaeyeon out from there. Gladly, Chaeyeon woke up her senses and slowly followed them. 










Jah~ Chapter 3's up! 

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Till the next update, Enjoy!

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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....