CHAPTER 26 — ( No More Exams! )

I Don't Wanna Love You






Examination finally came. Rushing and panicking students were seen in the hallways of Seoul Royal Girls High. For Seniors, it will be the judgement of their future in College and for the juniors? Well, it's still important. 


The devil metal thing finally made sound that querks the students ears. Some just didn't gave a damn since they're ready but for most? terrible's definitely going to start. 


The examiner abruptly arrived at Yujin's classroom with an aura of Satan and smirking like she's the queen of Beelzebub. She then glared at the whole class making Yujin swallowed a big lump in . She can only hope that St. Joseph of Cupertino's gonna help her remember the lessons they had reviewed in class and what Wonyoung had taught her. 


The time of exams can be quiet stressful; after all, it is the test of a student's knowledge that has been accumulated in the past months. But, apart from determination and tremendous hardwork, motivating words can go a long way in ensuring that the student passes with flying colors. This were what the evil teacher told the class however, for Yujin it sound different. The message sure was inspiring and motivational but not for Ahn Yujin. 


Alas, hell finally began. She was quite getting everything smoothly not until the subject that she dreaded the most came. Math. Yes, Mathematics. She knew Wonyoung tutored her real hard last night so what should go wrong right? The teacher provided the test papers and Yujin's trembling hands reached for it. She scanned the questions carefully and was surprised at how easy were they so she had answered them all with ease and wide grin was visible on her face. 


But, of course, like any other tests, it's just a part of the whole. That's the easy part she just answered. When she flipped the page moving to the second part of the exam, she noticed how the algebraic expressions jumbled and were too complicated for her liking. Buckets of sweat were then flowing off her face when she did another page turn, seeing the devilest of the devil level 3 which was all about Pythagorean and Calculus. (Shesus why do they even have these subjects!?) Her hands trembled as she tried to held her pen as tight as possible while writing the solutions but failed to do so. 


She clearly remembered that Wonyoung had taught her the right way of solving the equation but she forgot what's the formula. . She just wished for a miracle that her braincells will get back to her. She was nearing to tears when a light bulb appeared on her head. 







"Eonni, it's asking you the hypothenus, just remember the horn of the big animal hepo and think of it as a squareroot." The duo were in their living room studying for their test the next day. Wonyoung seemed to be so calm while Yujin was found struggling on something. Wonyoung sensed it and turned her attention to the latter and found out that she had been staring at her notes for almost an eternity. 

"What? It doesn't make any sense Wonyoung. Why will I think it's horn as a squareroot?" 

"Look the formula in finding the hypothenus of the Pythagorean Theorem is C = √a2+b2 . Variables A and B are both the legs of the Triangle." Wonyoung explained. "And you need to think the horn of the hepo as a squareroot basically because it looks like a squreroot." She added. Yujin was left puzzled but shrugged it. Wonyoung and her creative mind. Well at least, she was able to explain to her how it works. All she needs to do is to transpose it. She just hope that she'll be able to remember everything the next day. 








And Yep, she did. Although it took time but heck she did! Quickly, she turned to her test paper then to her answer sheet and solved the equation. As fast as she could, Yujin did her best to wrote her solutions neatly and boxed her final answers. 


"YES!" Yujin shouted once she was done with the devil. Her loud voice echoed in the room. Her classmates turned to her direction as well as their teacher who was glaring at Yujin. Ashamed of what she did, she flashed them a shy smile and bowed for an apology. At last, after how many years of finding x she's finally done with it. She reviewed carefully for one last time her answers as this was what her beloved girlfriend told her last night and when she was sure that everything was all set, she raised her hand telling their teacher and everyone that she's done. 


"I'm done with hell baby!" Was her last words before she got out of the room earning her a laugh from her classmates and another death glare from her teacher. 

"Ya! You stop there young lady! You think shouting like that inside the examination room's good just because you're done with your test? Well let me tell you, Hell's just about to start for you. Meet me after 10 at my office." Yujin's eyes went wide and her excitement was now replaced with fear. Her teacher of course never failed to notice Yujin's face turning into a shade of violet for holding her breath. Including the students inside the room. 


Suddenly, a loud laugh was heard inside the quite four vast walled room. Everyone was curious where could that laugh came from and was puzzled when they found it out that it was from their teacher. Yujin's nervousness and fear suddenly vanished and was being replaced with a questioning look. 

"Ya? Why's sonsaengnim laughing?" One of the student who was seating at the back of the centered aisle asked her seatmate in a very low tone that only them could hear. 

"Mollayo. Don't you think she's gone mad?" The seatmate answered and asked back. 

"Maybe. OMG, sonsaengnim's becoming mental." 

"I'm just kidding with ya. Have you guys seen her face? It was hillarious! Hahaha" Their teacher said while laughing hysterically like she just heard a very humorous joke of all time. 

"What is she a psycho!?" Yujin hissed inside her head. She didn't understand where the brain of their teacher had gone to. First, she was very evil and intimidating. Then she was like this kind of saint who were giving them words of wisdom before they took the test. Then she came back to being the evil strict teacher that she is. Then she was scolding Yujin and now she was laughing!? 

"Hehe" Yujin could only let out a fake laugh supporting her teacher's attempt on being a humorous type of person. The other students followed suit and the classroom became a laughing podroom. 














Since Yujin was done with her examination which caused them an entire day without break, her stomach's been rumbling for hours. But, she let it pass. She needed to see her princess first. 


Once she arrived, she peeked through the little glass window of the classroom, looking for Wonyoung. She frowned when she haven't seen no one. Not even her shadow. She let out a frustrated sigh and slumped her tired shoulders down. 

"Where could she be?" Yujin asked herself. She's quite disappointed not seeing her happy pill inside their classroom but, her frown quickly turned upside down when she saw the girl she'd  been looking for just in front of her. 

"What are you doing here eonni?" Wonyoung asked. 

"I'm picking you up." Was her simple answer. She had taken her eonnis advice down in her mental note and now, she's doing everything by heart. 

"That's a first." Wonyoung giggled and circled her arms on the girl's arm. "Let's grab something to eat? I'm so hungry eonni." Wonyoung added. Pouting at Yujin as her stomach's been rumbling like crazy. Yujin cringed at how cute Wonyoung was and let out a giggle before nodding enthusiastically, agreeing to Wonyoung's request. She too was very hungry. 


Both headed straight to the school's cafe. Yujin wanted a quality time with Wonyoung so she thought, the cafe could be the perfect place for the both of them as she assumed that everyone might be in the caft eating and there weren't a lot of students there. When both arrived, they first looked for an available seat and a satisfying smile plastered on Yujin's face when she found one. However the smile quickly left her face once she found out that their group of friends were also their. 

"Oy, Wonyoung-ah? Yujini? Here! Here!" Yena called them once she saw the couple standing near the counter and of course Wonyoung was the one who had to dragged them both as Yujin didn't budged and seemed like she doesn't had any plans earlier in moving. 

"Aish, so much for some quality time with your angel Yujin." She whispered to herself. Quite regretting the fact that she brought Wonyoung there.

"You said something eonni?" Wonyoung asked. She heard Yujin said something but she just didn't heard it. 

"No. I didn't." Or maybe it was just Wonyoung's imagination that made her conclude that she heard her eonni said something. It must be because of the hunger that she's starting to hear things. She thought. 

"So how did your examination went Yujin-ah?" Chaeyeon asked once the couple had settled themselves a seat. 

"It was a piece of cake." Yujin said. Making a hand gesture and was having a prideful grin on her face. 

"Piece of cake my brain. I've heard that you were sweating buckets. Have you also peed in your skirt Yujin?" Everyone errupted laughing hearing Yena. It made Yujin grit her teeth. Although she knew that it was just a silly joke and that Yena didn't mean any harm however, she felt like, that she was being humiliated. 

"YA! What's your problem!?" She yelled at Yena, slamming her fists on top of the table. Everyone who were inside the cafe looked at them with questioning look. Wonyoung had to touch Yujin's gripping fist to calm her and thank heavens she did. 

"Y-ya, Yujin-ah, I-I was just j-joking okay?" Yena said nervously. Stuttering in front of everyone. She said that as a joke. She didn't thought that Yujin would be offended by it. She swore she didn't mean any harm when she said that. 

"What's wrong Yujin?" Chaeyeon who was more descent among the three of them spoke with full of concern to the latter. Wonyoung was tightly holding Yujin's hand. Worriness and concern were written on her face too. She noticed that ever since they got to the place, the latter's mood went downhill. 

"Nothing. I'm sorry Yena eonni." She sighed. What's wrong with her? She asked herself. 

"Let's talk later." Wonyoung whispered to her making her entire system shivered. 

"A-aniya. This is exactly the reason Chaeyeon why I don't want our Yujini to hit her puberty." Yena for sure got scared and still quite was however, she chose to ignore it and made another joke faking sobbed. Gladly that the atmosphere once again became light. 

"Hi-chan? Why are you so quiet there?" While everyone was laughing. Yujin noticed a certain figure beside Sakura who was just there sitting silently. Playing a little with her piece of cake. Hitomi averted her attention from nowhere to the person who asked the surprised question. Everyone in their table was also looking at Hitomi with concern written on their faces. 

"I just don't feel like talking." Was her simple answer before getting back to what she was doing earlier. 

"Hi-chan, are you okay?" Sakura asked her. Sakura knew why Hitomi was being like that and the little chub-chub knew it. To be honest? She wanted to tell everyone that she's not. She wanted to tell everyone to stop laughing because she's on her missery. But, she's not that of a selfish type of person. So she decided to keep it to herself and smiled at them. 

"Ne gwaenchana." She said. Nodding at everyone, giving them a reassuring smile. She hoped that she can be able to convince everyone the lie that she had told them. 

"Babe? Where by the way's Nako? That deliquent baby of yours?" Chaeyeon asked when she noticed that her lover's children wasn't complete. Sakura who also noticed just after Chaeyeon asked about it shook her head. 

"I don't actually know baby. Do you know where she is Hi-chan?" Sakura knew that it was a bad idea asking Hitomi about her but, she doesn't have anyone to ask other than her. 


Hearing the name of the girl who made her heart shuttered into tiny little pieces got her very anxious. Her knuckles unconsciously tightened on their own while she was fighting the urge to broke down in front of her friends. 

"Gomenasai a'nechan. I haven't." Thankfully she managed to answer her a'nechan. Shaking her head to support her answer. But truthfully? She's shaking her in order for her to remove those unwanted thoughts that her brain was continuously torturing her. Flashing every heartbreaking words Nako had said to her. 

"Hi-chan? Would you like to get some fresh air?" Hitomi got surprised with Yujin however, she was thankful as well. She nodded as a confirmation that she indeed wanted to get some fresh air and once again thankful with Yujin who rose up from her seat and guided the both of them outside. But not after she assured Wonyoung that they will just talk and that she'll explain everything to her later on their talk. 


















Yujin brought Hitomi to the back of the cafe where there's a beautiful garden. They sat on a bench and Yujin inhaled the intoxicating smell of the beautiful flowers sorrounding the place. 


"I know what you're gonna say Yujin." Before Yujin could utter a word, Hitomi cutted her off. Hitomi heaved a deep and loud sigh before deciding to open up to her. "I finally told her what I felt." Hitomi began. 


She told Yujin everything. From the moment that they were inside their classroom then Yujin suddenly came up when Nako asked Wonyoung to have lunch together and how Nako was very mad and furious on Yujin when Wonyoung and her went out on their own leaving them both behind. 


How she was telling Nako to stop because she doesn't stand a chance to Wonyoung's heart because it was already owned by somebody else not her and how Hitomi ended up confessing and everything that happened after that. 


"I don't understand what she has that I don't. Why can't she notice me when I was being there for her all the time. All she did was neglect her feelings. Yet, she still chose to love your precious Wonyoung." Hitomi shedded a tear. Yujin can't help but felt guilty. She was sure feeling a little pitty to her eonni however, she can't also blame Nako for falling to her Wonyoung as she is a masterpiece. A very precious jewel that everyone wants to have. A living angel. 

"I'm very sorry to hear about that Hi-chan." 

"Aniya, gwaenchana. It's not your fault Yujin." 

"Eonni? I think you've been battling that up for too long now. Don't you think it's time for you to move forward?" Hitomi looked at her. Puzzed at what Yujin's trying to say. "I mean, you told her many times already about how you feel towards her and she had rejected you multiple times too. Don't you think it's time for your fragile heart to have a rest now? Eonni? You're too fluffball to be tormented like that." Hichan thought for a moment and what Yujin said hit her like a rock. 


"You deserve to be happy too eonni. Don't be left out in the dark, overshadowed by your unrequited love to Nako eonni." It was hurtful yet, it made her brought her senses altogether. Yujin rose up, gave her a smile and left. Now she's alone and atlast, after a quite long time, she smiled. Not a fake one but rather a genuine one. 

"Thanks Yujin." 







Yujin went back inside the cafe and stopped by the entrance. Looking at her group of friends, she can't help but have a smile plastered on her face seeing them all laughing. Their happy faces made Yujin's day brighter. Surely, she wanted this day to be all her and Wonyoung only however, she also realized that it might as well be better with them around. 


They all deserve to be happy and to share those happy moments with each other's the best thing that will surely happen to them. 


Wonyoung had a big smile on her face when she had noticed her lover at the entrance, standing while looking at them with her stupid grin. She can't help but admire the girl from afar. Regretting how she only was able to see the beauty in her recently. She'll surely treasure and keep the girl all her life. 

"Eonni?" Wonyoung called her but, Yujin didn't budge. Still there, glued standing on the entrance along with her stupid grin. 

"Eonni?" Still Wonyoung got no answer. It made Wonyoung pout and wonder what could her eonni be thinking that it made her lose her senses. 

"Ya Chaeyeon? Don't you think Yujin's gone mad? She's been standing there, smiling like an idiot, looking at our direction for long now." Yena whispered to Chaeyeon. A loud whisper that everyone in there table were able to hear. 

"I don't actually know Yena. She's giving me the creeps already." Chaeyeon answered her. Shooking her head left and right. 


Yena rose up, went to Yujin's direction and dragged the statue out of her place. 


"Ya! What happened to you!? You've been stuck there for good old century!" 

"Nothing. I just love staring at all of you lovely ladies!" Yujin cheerfully said to them, making everyone shreak at her cheesiness.

"Ya Chaeyeon! I told she's gone mad. Should we confine her already?" 

"Ya eonni you're so mean!" Yujin pouted making everyone laugh. Of course Yena didn't mean it seriously, she was just kidding Yujin around. Although the atmosphere's really good, Wonyoung can't help but be curious on how Yujin's mood suddenly change from being grumpy and sulky to the cheerful and bubbly after she came back from her and Hitomi's fresh air trip outside of the cafe. 

"Where's Hitomi? You two went out together to get some fresh air, how come it's only you who returned?" Sakura worriedly asked. 

"She's outside, sitting on the bench at the back of the garden." 

"Is she okay Yujin?" It's now time for Yuri to ask a question which Yujin enthusiatically answered with a nod. 

"She will be Yuri eonni. Don't worry about Hi-chan." Sure Hitomi and her were friends but, Wonyoung didn't thought they're close since she haven't seen the two talk to each other frequently. So she wondered a lot how on Earth did Yujin and Hitomi went to that level of closeness. Even changed Yujin's mood all of a sudden. She sure had a lot of things to ask Yujin later. 

Minutes after, Hitomi had returned plastering that fluffly smile that she always have ever since Sakura knew her. Everyone was glad that her gloomy mood earlier was now replaced by a bubbly and cheerful one. Sure everyone was grateful for Yujin's suggestion to take Hitomi out for some fresh air, especially Sakura and Chaeyeon who were Hitomi's acting parents. 

"Are you feeling a little better fluffball?" Chaeyeon asked. 

"I'm feeling great. Thanks appa." And everyone evolved from laughing hearing Hitomi called Chaeyeon "appa" 

"Your kids called you appa? So Sakura eonni's the eomma right? Ahh I envy you." Yuri said, squeeling like some fan girl. Chaeyeon's smile plastered widely, quite proud of herself that she has a very bright relationship with her lover while Sakura could only lower her head down acting all shy to everyone. "Ya Yena? When will we become like that?" Yuri added. Pouting and shaking the poor eating Yena in the process.

"Soon baby. Soon." Yena said while feeding Yuri a piece of her cake and Yuri giving her a peck on the lips. The oldest couple cheered for there romantic gestures while the younger ones cringe at their cheesiness. 

"Yuck! You two, get a room!" 

"What so yuck about it? I think it's romantic eonni." Wonyoung questioned which earned her a look from Yujin. 

"See that Yujin? You should start stepping up your game you know, Wonyoung might get bored." 

"Ya! Eonni!" It's fun teasing Yujin. Yena and Chaeyeon thought so they continued. 

"Even Wonyoung still calls you eonni Haha." 

"Ya Yujin? Why don't you start calling this beautiful angel of yours "Baby?" huh?" While the duo were having so much fun teasing the couple, the two can't even face each other due to the embarassement they're feeling. Wonyoung actually liked every thought of it. She wanted Yujin to call her like how someone should call their lover but she thought Yujin wasn't anything like that and the reason why she's still calling her "eonni"  is because, she's used to it. It just comes out of naturally. She made a mental note to herself that she should start changing that habit of hers. They're now in a relationship. A romantic relationship so she needs to step it up too. 

"It's not like they're dating for long. They're still new and probably were still innocent to this things so let them move slowly." Sakura said. Making Yujin sighed in relief. Thankful that her Sakura eonni understands her. 

"True. Don't worry Yujin-ah, it's okay to take everything slowly." Yuri added and that made Yujin smiled widely. 

"Of course. Slowly but surely. Thanks eonnis!"











"So what will you gonna do?" Eunbi asked to Nako. After the school's major examination, they decided to meet up at their usual meeting place. The school's football field. Where they first met each other. Where eunbi first witnessed the ever so resilient Nako cried her tears out. 

"To be honest? I don't really know eonni." The midget answered, uniterestingly. It's not that she's not interested in Wonyoung anymore but rather, she's just not interested about the fact that Wonyoung and Yujin were already a heck of a couple and that she was left with nothing but a broken heart. 

"You can't just let them be happy while you're in messery right?" Eunbi pushed. She don't like seeing her friend sulking. Nako had told her everything and she was thankful that she trusts her. After knowing and hearing it, she wanted her to fight and not be a coward. She wan't her to be selfish for herself and grab her happiness. 

"I already accepted the fact that she chose Yujin over me. Perhaps, they've known each other much longer than us so it's understandable." She said. Without any hint of jealousy or any anger in her voice. Eunbi smiled. Knowing Nako was very genuine with her words. She can't help but to admire the girl. Why though? If it happened on her case, she probably won't let the person who stole her special someone to go to sleep and she'll sure to make his or her life a living hell. But, Nako was just different. She didn't know what it was but she suddenly felt lightened and relieved of what Nako had said and decided for herself. 

"Great that you're not holding any grudges to this Yujin girl." Eunbi said along with a chuckle. Nako followed her along as well. 

"Well, she's still my dongsaeng. The lover of Wonyoung. I can't actually ruin someone who makes Wonyoung happy. It'll put my lovely angel into terrible sadness and full of worry." Eunbi nodded in understanding and agreement. 

"Okay, so what will you gonna do?" Eunbi again repeat her question. Nako shrugged her shoulders and looked at her in the eyes making the latter blushed a little.

"Keep moving forward. There's more to life anyway than just experiencing this terrible heart-ache, Eunbi-ya." Eunbi removed her eyes from Nako's tantalizing gaze. Seems like Nako has something that she wanted to imply with her words and Eunbi isn't the dense type of person to not notice it. Even so, her cheeks flushed with a tint of red and feeling giddy inside, Eunbi composed herself by heaving a deep breath and sighed for comfort. She then uttered the words that made Nako's gray world, colorful. 











"Very well said, cutie." 













"So what happened to you earlier?" Later that afternoon, the gang ended their little gathering and went on with their separate ways. Now, Yujin and Wonyoung were in their little huge pad's kitchen, drinking their hot chocolate. 

"I was just pissed. I was so excited to have a quality time with you earlier that's why I brought you to the cafe instead of the cafeteria." Yujin paused and drank her hot choco. Wonyoung blushed hearing what Yujin had in mind earlier. "But then, I didn't thought that the eonni's will be there too. If I knew that they're also there? We should have went to a different place." Yujin rolled her eyes and let out a pissed sigh. Wonyoung chuckled at the frustrated girl in front of her. 

"So that's the reason why you suddenly went grumpy to them earlier." 





There was a comforting silence between the two with just the sipping of their delicious hot chocolate made by Yujin can be heard. Not until another question popped in Wonyoung's head.




"How about with Hi-chan?" Wonyoung's voice was scary. Her tone wasn't friendly at all. This got Yujin's attention and it made her shiver amidst of the hotness of her drink on hand. 

"W-what about her?" She stuttered. Wonyoung raised an eyebrow at the older girl and Yujin already knew what the girl was actually refering to. 

"Oh right! Well we two just talked outside and organized eonni's thoughts and feelings-" 

"Feelings to who?" Wonyoung cutted the older girl. It perked the younger girl's ears when Yujin mentioned "organized eonni's thoughts and feelings" 




What feelings? 




Does Hitomi eonni has feelings for my Yujini?  


​​​​​​​This were the thoughts that were running on the girl's mind. 

"It's not what you think. She has feelings for Nako eonni." Wonyoung heaved a sigh of relief which made Yujin chuckled. 

"So you helped her organized her feelings?" 

"Yup. Basically, since Nako eonni has feelings for—" She made a pause. Having a hard time admitting that Nako actually has feelings for her Wonyoung. "For you. She failed to notice Hitomi eonni. Turns out, Hi-chan already liked Nako eonni even back in Japan and it became stronger everyday." Wonyoung nodded. Following Yujin's explanation. 

"That sure's painful." 

"Sure it is. So I told eonni to not be caged by her feelings to Nako eonni and that she also deserves to be happy. I just hope that she got my message." Yujin ended her explanation and sighed. She really hope that Hitomi will be happy and never to be sad again. She hoped for everyone of her eonnis actually. 

"I know she did. Waaah eonni, I didn't thought that you have those kinds of words in you." Wonyoung said admiringly to her lover, clapping her hands in the process. 

"Eeeey I also have seriousness in me too you know." Yes, of course you have Yujini!

"Okay okay. Arasseo eonni." 

"Geunde, why are you still calling me eonni?" Yujin asked. Pouting. She's thinking since earlier about what Yena and Chaeyeon . They're already romantically together yet, Wonyoung still calls her "eonni". It's like, there's nothing had changed between them. 

"Ahm.. because you are my eonni." Wonyoung honestly answered. She's quite confused why Yujin was actually asking her a silly question. 

"Yeah I know I am but, we should start calling each other like how lovers call their partners you know." 

"What?" Wonyoung became confused. Yujin tiredly sighed and decided to just gave the topic up. It's their first time to be in an actual relationship and Wonyoung's still a baby. So she understood the girl's confusion. 

"You know what? It doesn't matter. The one that matters and the one that's very important for me right now is... 





















Eventhough Wonyoung's still confused as hell on what Yujin's trying to say earlier, she can't help but to blush and flashed a wide smile on her face. Yujin's a dork. So hearing and seeing random sweetness coming from the playful puppy won't fail to fluster the younger girl. 















Sorry if it took me a long time to update. As you wi*zone can all notice, we're currently in crisis. Annyeongz are in drought and I lost my motivation in writing. 쥐성해요 위쯔원들 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ~


I still hope you enjoy this chapter update and I guess the next chapter will be the last one. I don't want to create another drama here in the story so yeah. 


Thank you guys for sticking with me and with this story for 3 months (I guess) I apologized for the slow update but I again hope that you had enjoyed it ad much as I enjoyed writing it. 


Don't expect big with the ending though but please look forward to it. 


See you guys next time •_^ 

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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....