CHAPTER 19 — ( The Eonni's Words )

I Don't Wanna Love You








"I am in—"


"Jesus Yujin what is it that you want to tell me!?" 




































What did I just said? 







Did I heard myself correctly?
























"__" I was closing my eyes the entire time, afraid to see Wonyoung's reaction. I was waiting for her to at least say something but there was none. So I slowly opened my eyes and found her staring at me confusingly. 

"That's it? You need help with your Math?" Wonyoung had a questioning look on her face and was slightly tilting her head to the side.



No! That's not what I wanted to tell you!



"Y-yeah. That's it." Aish, Ahn Yujiiiiiiiiin!

"That's what your... literally dying to tell me?" Wonyoung slowly asked this time and



I tell you Wonyoung-ah, that's not what I wanted to tell you. 




"Y-yea I— I guess so. Yeah that's it." Why won't the words that I wanted to say to her  come out? 

"Stupid" Was the last word Wonyoung uttered before she walked away from me. Stomping her way back to the exit of the place.

"Ya~ Jang Wonyoung where are you going?" I said as I chased her. She was so quick and every stomp she made kinda like ache my heart a bit. Why is she suddenly mad? As far as I know, I didn't do anything.

"Home!" She harshly told me without sparing a glance at me and just continued walking. I managed to catch up with her and put my hands on top of her shoulder to stop her from going any further. 

"Why? I heard there will be a firework show later I want to see it." 

"Then you can stay here and watch your firework show the hell I care I'm going home!" With that she continued to walk away from me. I was left there dumbfounded and with no idea why her mood suddenly dropped. 

"Aish, what happened to this girl." I mubbled to myself before following Wonyoung.


I silently followed her. I was really excited, wanting to see the fireworks show with her. It's the most romantic thing that we'll ever have so far but, I just had to ruin it! 


Seriously, I don't know what actually was her problem but I have a slight idea that it's about what I said back there? I don't even know where that words I said came from! Ugh this is so frustrating!  Maybe she was expecting of something? Something... Aish, I'm probably wrong. It's probably not that. Why in the world will she thought about me saying that? And was she anticipating? 




Aniya~ She might be just tired.  Sigh...




Waaaah~ I totally messed it up!




We arrived at our pad later that night and I was about to ask her if she wanted to eat something or drink something but she just suddenly slammed the door of our shared room at the front of my face. 

"Ya! Jang Wonyoung! What's your problem!" I shouted outside our room. I attempted to open the door but she locked it. 




The heck!? 




"Go away! I hate you!" 

"Ya What did I even do!?" I kept on twisting the doorknob but it seems useless. Of course it won't open, 




it's locked Ahn Yujin! Aish!





After many attempts, the door finally opened revealing a frustrated Wonyoung in her cute long night T-Shirt. I tried to flash her a smile, relieved that she had opened the door and wanting to ease whatever anger or annoyance she had inside of her. She probably didn't noticed as well that she had locked the door when she went in. However, instead of getting a welcoming ambiance, she harshly threw me a pilow and a blanket. 


I got startled and was confused but as soon as I realized what she did, it was too late for me as she once again slammed the door really hard hitting my nose.









"Aish, to the couch it is. Okay" 




"Is she on her period today?" 




I settled myself on the couch and opened the television. Grabbed my phone and opened my SNS. 




To : Yena-Duck & Chaeyeon 

" Meet up tomorrow at Time Square by 10. Just had urgent matter to discuss. Don't be late!

                                                                           ✓ Sent




Soon after I had sent the message to them, I found myself lying down on the couch and instead of watching the variety show, my mind and attention drifted to what happened earlier and why did Wonyoung suddenly went cold. 


Really, I don't have any idea and why am I so chicken? I was really nervous earlier and I'm very sure on what I was going to tell her was my confession but, I suddenly blurted out something else. Something nonesence. 




Wait, Right! 




Maybe the reason why Wonyoung's mood suddenly went off because I told her nonesence. Sigh...


We were supposed to see the fireworks earlier and it would be a romantic moment for the both of us but, I just had to ruin it. 


Screw this mouth! Blurting out nonesence phrases!


Without knowing my messed up mind went blank and my wide eyes grew tired. I slowly drifted off to sleep bringing with me the fun and good memories me and Wonyoung had shared today. 














On the other side of the room. A certain giant baby was all frustrated, annoyed and was murdering her cute bunny plushie. 


"Why is she so stupid! Agh! I hate her!" 


"Need help in math? Seriously Ahn Yujin?" 


Poor innocent bunny. Was crumpled and tortured in any brutal way by Wonyoung to ease her frustration with what happened.
After Wonyoung had released her anger, she lift the now dismantled bunny up to her eye level and pouted. Somehow she realized that she was being too harsh on the poor little fella so she organized it again, uttering lots and lots of sorry's to the poor thing. 

"Mianhaeyo BunnyYu. It's just that your appa— Aish! I know she's going to say it earlier. She made me anticipate for nothing." She said as she hugged the bunny. 

"I know I said I wasn't ready and I wasn't prepared for it but, if she just said it I would have— Aish! Now I'm frustrated again!" Wonyoung slumped her tired body harshly on the mattress and lift up the bunny plushie. 

"Your appa's very cruel BunnyYu." She then hugged the bunny tightly and settled herself ready to go to sleep. 

"Am I being too harsh on her again?" Just when she's about to rest, she remembered that she let Yujin sleep on the couch again. She thought that what Yujin did was stupid but she realized too that it's a very small thing. She shouldn't act like that. In fact, she shouldn't have acted differently and just be normal. 


The thought that Yujin sleeping on the couch made Wonyoung worried. Her eonni's not used to sleeping on the couch and with the upcoming Winter, the temperature's dropping every hour. So she rose up and slowly walked towards the door bringing with her the bunny. She slowly and quietly opened the door of the bedroom. She peeked a little at the living room and Yujin's laughter on the show she's watching made her sigh in annoyance. 


"Aish, why should I worry about her? She can survive wherever she is!" Carrying the frustration again, Wonyoung stumped her way back to her bed. Placing her tired body again on the comforts of her mattress and decided to call it a day. She had been frustrated and annoyed and disappointed so much so she needs to relax.




Morning came and Yujin was waken up by the ray of light coming from the sun hitting her face. Slowly she opened her eyes and let herself adjust to the bright light that filled the room. Seconds after, Yujin was shivering from the coldness that was enveloping the whole place. She realized that her blanket was nowhere to be seen and—




"HACHOO!" She got herself a—




"HACHOOOOOO!" Cold. She cursed the weather for giving her that and quickly searched for her blanket to wrap herself. Gladly she had found it lying underneath the couch which she quickly grabbed and let herself keep warm while sniffling her runny nose every now and then. Then she remembered their meet up today. She looked at the clock, it reads 8:30. The place was still quiet and no sign of any movement.

"Guess Wonyoung's still— AGHCHOO!  asleep. Aish!" Soon she rose up, still wraping the thick blanket around her body. She went to the kitchen to find something to eat and all she found was some pack of ramen. She smiled and get the ramen from the kitchen drawer and was about to cook them but she realized that with her holding the blanket, it's impossible for her to do so. So, as much as she loved to stay inside the warmth of it, she had to get out. 

She put her blanket on top of some chair beside the kitchen Island and start cooking her meal. Soon after how many minutes, the ramen was cooked and Yujin could never be more satisfied. 

Slowly, she made her way to their shared bedroom and carefully twisted the knob. Silently praying that it's not locked. Thankfully it was not and Yujin smoothly went in. She took time to admire the sleeping figure hugging the bunny that Yujin gave to her on her last birthday.

"Ahhhhch— Hoooo" Thankfully she was quick to seal her nose with her finger. She don't want to create noise and wake the sleeping baby up. Quickly she stormed her way to their bathroom, did her morning routine and by the time she went out, she was all cleaned and dressed up. She also noticed that the earlier sleeping baby was now sitting on the mattress. Cutely rubbing her eyes and stretching her muscles. 

She don't know if Wonyoung was still mad at her or not anymore and she's afraid to talk to the girl too. She might transfer her virus to the girl which is very bad so she prefers to just silently leave the room. 


"Hey? Ahm... if you're hungry,  you can just reheat the Ramyeon I cooked. Bye" After Yujin had her slurp of Ramyeon she went to their bedroom door and informed Wonyoung about the food.  


Yujin then exited their pad without informing Wonyoung where she's going. She thought that since the girl's mad at her, talking to her would be useless. 














Arriving at the mall, Yujin first noticed Yena then Chaeyeon. They got inside a coffee shop and once they're already settled in their seat Yujin started telling what's the urgent about. 


"Who in their right mind would tell someone very special to them that they need help with Math in the most romantic moment?" 

"Yujin. Ahn Yujin" Yena answered Chaeyeon's question. Yujin told them everything that happened Yesterday with her and Wonyoung. From the chicken restau to Namsan Tower. Both were squelling when Yujin tells the sweet part especially when she said that she was about to make a confession. However, their anticipation went downhill when Yujin told them that instead of confessing her feelings to Wonyoung, she had confessed that she in Math and that she needed the younger one's help. This made the two smack each other.

"I knew it. She's too chicken to say it." 

"You know what Yena eonni? I kinda agree now. This bunny here's just too dense!" 

"Ahh eonniiiiiii! I texted you guys to ask for anything that could help me with my confession. Not to tease me you know." Yujin pouted and the two could only looked at her with pitty. 

"Yujin-ah? We can no longer help you, you know. It's your decision already." Yena sincerely told her while sipping her iced coffee. Yujin slumped her head down on the table. She's been thinking of ways on how she can be able to tell Wonyoung her feelings but she always end up being chicken. 

"Achooo!" Plus her sneezing now and then's not helping her either. It just worsen her frustration. 

"You even got sick. Seriously, I don't blame Wonyoung for doing that to you. You made her hope man! That's cruel!" 

"Ya! Eonni! Will you stop giving your side comments already? Yujin's in need of something more than that you know?" Chaeyeon glared at Yena. 

"What does this dork want us to do then? Confess for her? Oh- right. We can tell Wonyoung that Yujin's been dying to tell her tha— Ouch! Why did you hit me!?" 

"Cause you're being stupid! Yujin-ah?" The glaring Chaeyeon averted her gaze to Yujin who was across them looking hopeless. Her glares turned smooth as soon as she face the helpless Yujin who has now tears visible on her face. 

"I want to confess eonni. I already have a strong feeling that it will turn out well. Heck, we already even kissed!" 

"Wait—What!? You and Wonyoung kissed!?" Both were shocked with Yujin's revelation. Never did they thought that Yujin and Wonyoung will have that moment. Yujin could only nod at them. 

"Ne. I was the one who kissed her at first and that time I swear I saw how she loved it. I was so ready to tell her that time. But then, she asked me if it's normal for bestfriend's to kiss each other. I mean it's not! But, I answered the opposite instead. I told her what she wanted to hear." Both nodded in understanding. 


"Sigh... You're playing safe kid" Chaeyeon said. Yujin looked devastated in their eyes. She was a hopeless romantic and very helpless. In Yujin's eyes, all she can see was pity from them. She don't know if it's a good thing for her that there's someone who's feeling that knowing her situation or was it a bad thing. She still had a lot to learn in life. 

"It was Wonyoung who kissed me on the second time. I didn't remember the details on why she did that but, I remembered how I was stuck in a daze and feeling all the bliss that moment." Now that revelation surprised them. In their mind, Yujin had all the sign that Wonyoung's been feeling the same thing. They saw how idiotic the smile Yujin was plastering while remembering that time. They thought it's disgusting but no, they felt terrible for their maknae. 

"Yujin-ah?" Chaeyeon softly called Yujin, bringing her back to reality. Yujin turned her attention back to Chaeyeon and slowly, the smile she had died down. 

"The time I realized eonni that I'm inlove with my bestfriend, I knew I made a very big mistake. I'm happy because it happened, at the same time it was a very painful feeling for me too and until now I'm still suffering that pain everyday." The two didn't utter a single word and just listened to their dongsaeng letting out everything. A tear escaped Yujin's eyes while recalling everything.

"You don't have any idea how I wish a lot of times that I don't feel this way towards her but, it just grew deeper and deeper everytime we're together and everytime I see her beautiful smile and hear her laughters. It made me insane eonni!" The two sighed and looked at each other. They experienced the same feeling. They felt how frustrated their friend was but, what can they possibly do? 

"Yujin, Let me be honest with you okay?" This caught the giant rabbit. The stern look Yena was giving to her was scary. It's very seldom for Yena to be so serious and if she is, it's not good. She slowly nodded and Chaeyeon held Yena's arm telling her to not be too harsh on her. Yena nodded to Chaeyeon.


"It's just you who made that to yourself you know.

It's you who's causing a lot of pain to yourself. And you're even hurting Wonyoung without you noticing it. 

I know it's not easy and you have a lot of worries but think this, you're tired of having that pain that you even wished for your feelings to disappear.

You don't want to feel that pain and you don't want to suffer to this "unrequited love" yet, here you are chickening. 

Why don't you go and tell Wonyoung about it! I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh but, I'm tired of you. 

I'm tired watching you crying and being hopeless and helpless. It's so irritating!" 


"Yena" Chaeyeon gripped Yena's arm, signaling her to stop but it seems like, Yena didn't got the signal and continued. 


"We are hurting too seeing the both of you suffer. So STOP TORTURING EVERYONE and just TELL HER!" When Yena was done, Yujin was slowly processing the words Yena told her. It was like she was hit by a large train for Yena's words were like sharp knives that was thrown to her. 


Is it worth the risk? 


It's between Yes and No. 


Yes because it's Wonyoung she's talking about. Everything about Wonyoung's worth the risk for Yujin but, it could also be a No since their friendship will be put at stake and their friendship's more important to Yujin than anything else. 

It's the most precious treasure Yujin have so far. 





"Wonyoung was giving you all the signs Yujin. She's done her part. Do yours too. Before eveything will be too late for you." This snap Yujin from her internal battle. 



What's too late? 




What's Chaeyeon talking about?






"What do you mean eonni?" Chaeyeon sighed and was hesitant if she'll tell it or not but had decided that she should. If it will quicken Yujin to confess. 


"You all know Nako-chan right?" They nodded.


"Sakura once told me that Nako has feelings for our Wonyoung. She asked Sakura and Hitomi one evening on how to do confession but Sakura don't want Nako to do it. 




Because she knows that Nako will only end up hurting herself." 




"Why eonni? I think, Nako has a bigger chance to Wonyoung than me." A tear escaped Yujin's eyes again. Yena sighed in frustration.


"Can't you see it Ahn Yujin? Even Sakura and Hitomi sees it. Everyone sees it. Why do you have to be so dense! Wonyoung's just waiting for you all along! STOP BEING DENSE AND STUPID!" 

















" Who is it?" Back to Wonyoung and Yujin's pad. Wonyoung was peacefull eating the reheated Ramyeon Yujin made when a doorbell disturbed her. She thought it was Yujin so she quickly skipped her way to the door but when she looked at the security camera, she didn't saw anyone.


"Wonyoung-ah it's me." She was surprised to hear that very familiar voice at their pad so quickly opened the door for her. 
























"Nako eonni."     












Here's another update! 




Seriously Yujin! Stop being a chicken, you're a dog! Aish anyways, how's this chapter? I'm sorry if this update's short I tried to quickly give you guys an update so I'm sorry too if this chapter disappoint you guys. 


Tell me your thoughts about this in the comment section below Juseyo~~~~ And Congratulations to IZ*ONE's THIRD WIN! YAAAAAAAS! Continue supporting our IZ*ONE WIZ*ONE juseyooooooo~ 


짜~ 다은에 봐요 요러분둘 안녕! 


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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....