CHAPTER 21 — ( Determined )

I Don't Wanna Love You






Monday came and everyone was again back to intensive studying preparing for their major exam coming happening this week. Almost all of the students were drained when afternoon came. 


Wonyoung got out of their classroom, wanting to have a lunch together with Yujin when Nako stopped her. 


"Wonyoung-ah? On your way to lunch?" Wonyoung happily nodded. Excited to be alone with Yujin again. 

"Great! Let's grab lunch together." Nako held Wonyoung's hand attempting to lead them to the caft but Wonyoung didn't budged.

"Wait eonni-" Sensing Wonyoung's ristrictions, Nako became nervous. She didn't utter any word, yet she's still holding Wonyoung's hand. Trying send some signs that she won't take no for an answer. Wonyoung really would like to go and have her lunch together with Yujin but, it'll be her second time declining Nako's offer and she felt guilty for Nako's blueness. Giving out an exhausted sigh, she finally gave in. 

"Okay. Let's head out for lunch together." Nako beamed out a flashy smile and Wonyoung couldn't be more happier seeing that. Well, it's just for one lunch. Her and Yujin can still have lots and lots of lunch together. Even breakfast and dinner. 


Their lunch went nice. Nako shared some funny stories and their laughters filled the entire cafeteria but, although she was laughing, she can't help but feel a little guilty that she again had ditched her eonni. Yes she's laughing outside but, she was sure that she's not inside. Although her laughter and smile was not for show though, she just can't genuinely be happy when her mind's drifted to where Yujin could possibly be and what's her reaction when she finds out that their plan won't be put to action as she's with Nako again.   











Since it's now lunch time, Yujin was happily skipping her way to Wonyoung's classroom but she found no one. She wondered how come it's empty when her and Wonyoung completely had planned to have lunch together today. 





Maybe Wonyoung already went to the caft.  She thought. 






So she went to the caft. Happilly skipping again. Still having that dorky smile on her face and greeting cheerfully every student she passes. Some gave out their loud squeel, some were frozen and some were hyperventilating. For one of the campus godess greeted them! That's what their effect to the student body! Yujin just giggled and proceed to where she was heading. 


Upon reaching the cafeteria, she saw her buddies Yena and Chaeyeon along with their girlfriends and Hitomi. She scanned  the wide opened area full of hungry students and found her Minjoo eonni along with Chaewon and Hyewon who were having a chicken fight in Yujin's eyes. It created a smile on Yujin and she don't know why her gaze suddenly were glued to Minjoo's laughing figure again. She knows she was finding her Wonyoung but she doesn't understand why she wanted to go to Minjoo's table instead. It's like there's a magnet that's trying to pull her. 


Thankfully a series of very familiar laughter broke her craziness. She searched for the source and immediately her heart fell. She just saw Wonyoung and Nako sitting across each other, happilly eating together. 




How come Wonyoung's with that toddler?  She wondered.







It seems like Wonyoung and Nako's in their own world that they didn't noticed the pair of sharp eyes of Yujin that was glued to them the entire time. 
Coincidentally, Minjoo was able to saw the scene and she wanted to save Yujin from being a frustrated stone but, how can she? It's not like she can shout her name—


"YUYIN-SSI!" Before she can even think, Hyewon's voice already echoed in the caft. She saw how troubled Minjoo's face was earlier when seeing Yujin being all pissed watching another giant with her tinker-bell all laughing while eating, so she decided to help her one heck of a friend out. It actually gathered some people's attention and Minjoo could only glare at her. The mukbang queen didin't seemed to care though. She continued calling the giant dog who was standing by the caft's entrance like some kind of statue. A light tap of some uknown male student woke the latter up. 

"Excuse me, Y-yujin-ssi but Hyewon-ssi's c-ca-lling you." She was quite surprised about it but when she turned to Minjoo's table, seeing how Hyewon was raising her hand for her to see and come to their table made her nervous. She saw how her friends wondered and eyeing her "what's the matter?"  and "you know her?"  things. She just shrugged her shoulders   and turned back to the boy and bowed saying her thanks and nervously made her way to Minjoo's table. 


Wonyoung too, saw what happened and she's not happy. Not a bit. She just happened to found out that her stupid dog best friend has a little something for that froggy Minjoo and same goes for the other one. She noticed it when she was first introduced by Yujin to her. She saw how  their eyes sparkled just by looking at each other and how Yujin prevented Minjoo and her friends from walking away that day. 





Wonyoung was never dense. 





Unlike her loving best friend. 






"A-annyeonghaseyo." Yujin bowed in respect to her seniors. Eyes glued to the girl sitting elegantly on the chair, eating her food.

"Hey Yujin-ssi. C'mon sit down why are you still standing?" Hyewon said. A smirk was visible growing on her face. 

"Oh— Annyeonghaseyo Hyewon sunbae, Chaewon sunbae." She bowed before taking a seat beside Minjoo who was calmly eating her food.

"What were you doing there, standing by the entrance like a stupid statue?" 

"Chaewon, mouth please" Minjoo shut them a glare. Chaewon just smirked at her. 

"Why are you being so grumpy?" 

"I'm not being grumpy" Minjoo calmly said while shooting sharp daggers at the smirking duo. 

"I was finding a place to sit." 

"Really? We saw how your shooting sharp glares at those two there." Hyewon said pointing at the two laughing figures who were 3 tables away from them. 

"Oh, y-ou saw it?" Yujin's inside were beating like crap! She's being asked of questions she don't want to answer and Minjoo beside her's making everything worse. 

"Stop it you guys. Let Yujin have her peaceful lunch." 

"Tsk. Your no fun Minjoo." The two smirking duo went back to eating and Minjoo turned to Yujin, which the latter was surprised.

"You're finding a place to sit right? It seems that the place's crowded so you can sit there. Sorry about this two." Glaring at Chaewon and Hyewon who were only giving their innocent smile while doing a peace sign.

"Thanks eonni."






After their lunch Minjoo excused from her group of friends to talk with Yujin somewhere. Chaewon and Hyewon only gave their teasing smirk at the glaring frog before letting her go. 


Yujin who doesn't have any idea on where Minioo's going to take her just went along. Eventually they reached to the back of the school. The same place where Yujin had brought her first. 

"You brought me here?" Yujin asked. Minjoo nodded and let them both be seated on the one and only seat in the area. 

"Yes, now talk." Minjoo was calm the entire time. She wanted to know what bothered Yujin since the time she noticed her presence earlier at the caft and she can't talk about it while her friends were there so she decided to brought the both of them somewhere only them knew existed. 

"About what eonni?" Yujin was confused. It's like she was being interrogated by questions she don't know how to answer. 

"About the scene earlier. Where you saw Wonyoung having her fine lunch with Nako..." 

"Oh, that... You know her?" 

"Yes. I'm friend's with Yuri who introduced me to Sakura who introduced me to them." 

"Waaa~ such an introduction" 

"Don't try to change the subject. Now spill." Minjoo was fully aware of her feelings for the dense dork but she had decided to forget it. She don't want to cause any trouble on everyone especially on Wonyoung and Yujin. She also don't want Yujin to suffer from this, that's why as much as she's hurting, she needs to endure it. 

"Eonni..." Yujin still was hesitant. She wanted to talk but there's something inside of her that's telling her not to. There's something inside of her that's telling her that Minjoo might be jealous and that she might be disappointed at her. 

"Yujin it's okay. You can talk about it to me." Minjoo said, soothing the jumbled system of Yujin. She heaved a long sigh before deciding to open up to Minjoo. She needed to sort out whatever she's feeling inside anyway. 



"Eonni, me and my bestfriend Wonyoungi, we planned to have lunch together. 


I went to their room and found it empty. 

I was okay with that. 


I went ahead to the cafeteria and found her eating first without me. 

Still It was okay. 


But then,


I saw Nako eonni sharing the same table with her and they're so happy and sharing laughters together and;

That's definitely not okay! 

It boiled me. 


All I wanted to do that moment was to storm my way to them and dragged that midget out there!" Minjoo had seen Yujin's frustration while she's narrating and she can't help but feel a little bitter about it. 


"But you didn't. Why?"

"Because— Because I don't want Wonyoung to be upset on me. She might had a good reason why she suddenly ditched our plan. Again." Yujin tiredly sighed. It's the second time Wonyoung ditched her and made her got excited for nothing. She admits, she's extremely disappointed but she can't blame Wonyoung. She even can't blame Nako for it. Instead, she blames herself for being too slow. 

"But..." Minjoo isn't someone who's good at advices and stuff but she's a good listener. So that's what she did. Listened to Yujin's rant. 

"But before that, my eyes stumbled upon your table eonni." That phrase made Minjoo to look straightly on Yujin who was already staring at her. 

"My system was once again disoriented and I don't know what I felt but this makes me confuse eonni. It's like your laughter's a charm but a drug at the same time. How is that even possible?" Minjoo turned her head down. Don't want Yujin to know that her cheeks were filled with her blood rushing up. Yujin was very nervous and only Gawd knows how dismantled her thoughts was. But she needed to do it. She needs to clear out everything of her feelings for Minjoo  so she can already confess to Wonyoung. 

"I'm sorry if my laughters caused you that." 

"What is this I'm feeling towards you eonni?" Minjoo now was the one who sighed and looked at the muddled Yujin. 

"Yujin, look at me." The entrancing voice of Minjoo made Yujin's heart beat in an eratic pacing again. 





This feeling. 





I want this feeling to be removed before I'll claim Wonyoung to be mine. 






"What you're feeling for me is just temporary.


You need to remember that you started getting that when you thought Wonyoung was ignoring you. 


Remember that moment at the station?" She nodded. Then it started to sink in Yujin's mind. She's starting to realize the details. She was there when Wonyoung and her got their little "gloomy"   moments. Adding the fact that Yujin was pushed to see Minjoo's true and genuine smile. Now it all made sense to her. 


"That's where it first started right? 


I'm glad that you feel like that for me but, the one that truely owned your heart and will always be is Wonyoung. 


Don't ever confuse yourself Yujin. 


Don't push the thought of you having a real deal towards me when your heart's only yearning for Wonyoung. 


It'll kill you. 


It'll kill me. 


It'll the both of us." Minjoo didn't held it anymore. One single tear went out, followed by another one and another one and another until a shower of tears falled nonestop. She also needed to let out whatever she's feeling towards the girl. 

"Eonni..." Yujin tried to held on to Minjoo's hands to comfort the girl but failed. 

"Don't. I won't deny that I somehow grew something for you but, I need to let that go. 


It's not hard to not fall for you when all you did was be kind and let me feel all those butterflies inside." 

"eonni I'm sorry." Yujin can't feel anything but guilty. She had caused a lot of trouble to everyone due to her stupidness and dense brain. 

"Don't be. And don't feel guilty. I'm the only one responsible for anything that happened to me." Minjoo assured her. 

"I'm not good with words Yujin, but I'll tell you to go and chase your star. I might change my mind and decided to cage you for myself forever. You won't like it." Minjoo let out a small giggle and Yujin was somehow relieved that the tension earlier was now lightened. 

"Eh~ eonni, I might want to take your offer into consideration." She teasingly made a thinking pose while plastering a smirk on her face. 

"S-shut it. I'm serious. I'm letting my feelings go, for you and your bestfriend to have a happy ending. So don't let my sacrifice go to waste." 

"Arasseo eonni." They both shared a satisfying giggle. Glad that they had sorted everything out between the two of them. 

"Thank you eonni. For clearing it all out on me and for clearing out my confusion." Yujin said as she hugged the latter. 

"I should be the one thanking you. Thanks for letting me experienced those butterflies again. It's been a long while since I got to feel those." Minjoo again giggled. A tear escaped on her beautiful eyes which Yujin immediately wiped. Careful not to cause any scratch on the girl's delicate skin. 

"We're still friends right? I mean we could still talk to each other like before?" 

"Minus the flattering parts. Of course, we're still friends. Nothing will change that. You'll still be my favorite dongsaeng."

"And you're my favorite eonni, eonni. Euh? Hahaha" And the place was wrapped with their ecstatic laughter. 




Now Yujin was ready, more than ever to confess to her beloved. 


Her heart and feelings were now all clear. 


Now that she had settled her uknown feelings with Minjoo, she can finally start to plan how she can make Wonyoung hers.


No more chickening. 


No more cowardness. 


She won't let herself lose to that Nako or to anybody who plans to make her Wonyoung theirs. 




She's determined now. 



She's confident that she's more than equiped. 








Now just how should she do her confession?










It's time to go home. Wonyoung and Yujin were now on their way to where their car was parked. On the way, Yujin was humming series of tone which Wonyoung was entirely puzzled. Yes, it's normal for Yujin to be so lively and animated but this spright aura that she's showing kinda gives Wonyoung the creeps. 

"Seatbelt juseyo~" Yujin said in a singsong manner. 




Okay... Why is she acting like this?  Wonyoung buffled silently. 




"What's up eonni? Why are you so hype today?" Since Wonyoung's curious on her eonni's creepy behavior she asked away. 

"I'm just in a good mood today." Yujin answered. Flashing Wonyoung a toothy grin. 

"In a good mood? Your giving me the creeps" 

"That's why you love me right?" Wonyoung could only roll her eyes at her one of heck of a child eonni.

"If I know you're just like that because you get to spend your lunch with Minjoo eonni" 

"Oh, you saw it? Yeah we had a great time." Yujin let out a giggle remembering their talk earlier. She was really thankful that everything was cleared out. Now she won't be troubled anymore about feeling guilty to both parties. 


"Are you somehow... Jealous?" Yujin tried to tease the giant baby with her creepy smile on her face

"You wish!" 

 "Yup, you're definitely jealous haha~" 

"Not in a million years!" 

"Definitely jealous. It's okay Wonyoungi, I'm jealous too because you spend yours with Nako." Yujin cutely retorted. 

"And that was your way of paying back? That's rudeness." 

"Well for that, I apologize and you just indirectly confirmed that you were jealous haha~" 





The ride went smooth. It was something... refreshing and fun for the two, with Wonyoung seating on the front seat and Yujin who was driving humming to the song on the radio "아름다운 색 (Beautiful Color) — IZ*ONE"


🎶~Have you ever seen anything~🎶 

"Areumdaun Saek! Areumdaun Saek!"  They both sang to the part.

🎶~Have you ever seen this color~🎶 



They joined into the song and their whole ride was filled with laughter. Their little bickering was long forgotten. 




Soon they arrived to their pad and Yujin could only be as excited as no man could ever be. Wonyoung shrugged it this time. She already accepted the fact that her eonni can be "over-crazy"  if there's even a word. 


She went directly to their bedroom and changed her uniform to some casual clothes. After that, she went out and noticed that everything was silent. It's deafening her ears. It worried Wonyoung since her eonni's super activeness disappeard. She tried to roam around the living room and found nothing. Then she went to the kitchen and a genuine smile was plastered on her face. There she saw her eonni, seating like a man while eating some bibimbap— if she's not mistaken —clumsilly. Some grains of rice even fell down on the kitchen Island and her eonni didn't seem to care. It was a very cute sight for Wonyoung and surely, when this girl's ready to say everything to her and ask the most awaited question of all, she'd definitely be happilly listening and gave her a satisfying answer. 






But that's gonna happen when? 



Uknown to her, Yujin already noticed her existence in her peripheral vision. She just chose not to look because she was very nervous about her plan for later. She doesn't have any confidence if it will turn out as she expected and the fact that she didn't ask for any advice from her "very helpful"  buddies was making her nervousness intensified. Nevertheless, she'll still do it. She already got all the signs and the warnings of her eonni's already sunk down deep inside her bones. She don't want anyone stealing Wonyoung away from her. 





She she should do it and 









She will do it! 
















~Next Chapter's sneak peak~



"~I've made it obvious. I've done everything but say it~" 


"Tsk, I was the one who's making it obvious. But you're just so dense and stupid not to notice" 


"~I'm not so good with words... but, since you never notice the way that we belong~" 


"I think I should be the one who's saying that. I was closing to saying it first you know *pout* " 











And that ends our chapter!


I'm glad Yujin and Minjoo already sorted out their feelings. You know at one moment,  I thought minjin/jinjoo will be a good ending but I remembered that this is an annyeongz ff so I need to sort this minjin/jinjoo thing. So how was it? I don't know if I gave justice to their growing feelings for each other but, I tried haha~ 


And annyeongz guys~ They're just too cute bickering hahaha! How was this chapter for you? Please tell me your thoughts in the comment section and if you like this do upvote my ff and subscribe. 감사합니다!!!!


짜~ 다음에 봐요 안녕~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!



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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....