CHAPTER 14 — (The First Big Fight)

I Don't Wanna Love You




"Do you think Wonyoung will be okay?" Sakura asked Chaeyeon. 

"Yes, why wouldn't she be?" 

"Right." Sakura and Chaeyeon were both in Chaeyeon's room. Since, Chaeyeon's dorming, it's so easy for the both of them to spend time together. 

"How about Yujin?" 

"I don't know. She should have the idea right now that Wonyoung's been feeling the same as she's feeling" Chaeyeon said while tightening her hold on Sakura's body. Both were leaning on the headboard of the bed. 

"I don't understand your buddy, seriously. She could just confess right away and Wonyoung would surely accept her and then everyone will be happy." Chaeyeon just smiled at Sakura. 

"It's not that simple baby. Yujin's a strong kid but when it comes to her heart? She's very coward. She don't want to take risk and is afraid of rejection." 

"Afraid of rejection? Were you like that too before?" Sakura softly eyed Chaeyeon, patiently waiting for her answer.

"What? With you?"

"Why? You have someone else before me?" 

"Of course I don't have!" Sakura laughed at Chaeyeon's outburst.

"I'm just kidding. I know I'm the only one" Chaeyeon pouted but eventually got back to her leaning position on the headboard and Sakura leaned her head on Chaeyeon's chest while enjoying the comforts of Chaeyeon's warm arm wrapped around her body.

"Well, It's normal. If you truly love that person, rejection is something you really couldn't handle and you don't want to be rejected of course." 

"But what is she afraid of?" Chaeyeon sighed deeply.

"I don't know baby. She might get really dense sometimes." 

"I think I know where she get that" A smirk was shown on Sakura's face. That made Chaeyeon's brows to have met in the middle.

"Hmm?" Chaeyeon turned her head to Sakura and waited for her continuation.

"Yujin's been learning a lot from someone" 


"Someone she's super close with" Sakura's on the verge of laughing to Chaeyeon's innocence but, she's fighting it. 

"Do I know her?" 

"Oh, you surely do" Sakura moved her head up and kissed Chaeyeon's lips. It was just a quick peck on the lips but Chaeyeon wanted more so she tried chasing her baby's lips but she was prevented from doing so. 

"That's enough for the night. Let's go to sleep" 

"But you still haven't tell me who it was" Chaeyeon pouted.

"It's you okay? Who else would it be?" Chaeyeon made a thinking pose and a sly smile slowly showed to her face admiting the fact. Sakura can only raise her right brow and getting herself ready to go to sleep. 


"What? Now you're calling me by the nickname given by Yujin?" 

"Well, it's cute okay?" 

"Told ya" Sakura was closing her eyes but Chaeyeon was still annoying her.

"What?" Sakura annoyingly asked. Chaeyeon pointed at her pouting lips, telling Sakura to kiss it. 

"No, I already did that." 

"But I didn't felt it." Sakura rolled her eyes to the side but eventually gave in to Chaeyeon's request. 

It was supposed to be just a quick peck but Chaeyeon suddenly held on Sakura's neck with care asking for more, which Sakura can't do anything aside from giving the girl what she wants. 

"Thanks" Chaeyeon softly said. The satisfying smile that was shown on her face was enough for Sakura's annoyance to wash away.

"I can see that your satisfied" 

"Very. Now let's go to our dreamland!" And with that, they layed down together on the cozy bed of Chaeyeon. 





















Yujin fell asleep some time that night while watching Wonyoung. Her body's exhausted from all the walking she did so she needs her rest. 


Wonyoung then flinched from where she was laying. She noticed that her left arm's much heavier than the other so she tried to check it. A gasp escaped from when she found Yujin sleeping on a seating position and using her arms as her pillow only. 




"Her back will surely hurt a lot when she wakes up"




She turned her body sideways and carefully caressed Yujin's head while admiring the  sleeping figure. Memories about how magical it was earlier when Yujin and her kissed and how it quickly turned into dark when Yujin went out. 
She knows it's her fault. She shouldn't have asked that stupid question at such a wonderful time. 



"What just happened eonni?"


"It's normal for bestfriend to k-to..." 


"Yeah of course. Bestfriends do that" 



"I'm so stupid" She softly said to herself.  She definitely knows that bestfriends don't do that stuff. But why did she asked? 



That's because she's too afraid of the feeling she's having. Everything was all new to her and the effect Yujin has on her is just too strong and she don't know how to handle it. She didn't know what to do! 


"Where are you going eonni?" 


"Outside, just wanting to get some fresh air" 


"But- eonni!"




When Yujin left the house, regret faced Wonyoung. She's not dense to not notice. Her eonni's just too obvious. 

She regreted not saying that it's okay and that her eonni had nothing to worry about but, her cowardness beated her instead. 


Moments later, after so much thinking, she wanted to remove her arms cause, it's numbing but Yujin just held tight unto it. 

She still slowly and carefully tried to get her arms because it's already hurting but Yujin's hold just tightened. 


Soon she gave up, after she realized that it's useless and it'll just make the numbness and pain in her arms to get worse. Her eonni's just too strong. 


Yujin while sleeping felt something's been bumping down her chin so she tried her best to scan the room and found Wonyoung wide awake.


"Oh, did I wake you? I'm sorry" Yujin said. Half asleep, half awake. 

"No, I'm awake for an hour now. I'm sorry though to disturbed your sleep. I just had to take my arms back. It's hurting a bit" 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was trying to keep you warm cuz you're so cold earlier. I didn't noticed that I fell asleep on top of it. Is it okay now?" 

"'It's okay eonni and Thanks." 

"No worries, Anyways, you should have woken me up. How are you feeling?" Yujin worriedly asked. Touching Wonyoung's forehead to check if she has a fever or not but the the younger one flinched at the sudden touch. 

"Sorry" Quickly Yujin removed her hand that was on top of the younger's forehead and straightened her sitting position. 

"You look so tired earlier so I didn't wake you and yeah I'm fine" Yujin nodded.

"Okay, that's good to hear" Yujin added.








Silence enveloped the place. Both felt the awkwardness in the air sorrounding them. Each had different thoughts running through their mind. 



"I can't even touch her. She must've felt disgusted about me"  Yujin said in her head while roaming her eyes somewhere not in Wonyoung's eyes. 


"Why am I feeling like your avoiding me?"  Wonyoung silently asked.


Yujin :  "Sigh. We shouldn't feel anything awkward" 


Wonyoung : "Why is it suddenly awkward?"


Yujin : "It's my fault why we came into this" 


Wonyoung : "I shouldn't have been a stupid earlier!" 


Yujin : "I should have fought the urge of my feelings earlier!" 


Wonyoung : "I shouldn't have acted that way" 


Yujin : "Now she's digusted and probably hates me."




"Wonyoung-ah? It's 3:50 in the morning. You should transfer to a much comfortable bed." 

"Okay, let's go to our bedroom then." 

"No I'm staying here." Yujin said. Getting herself ready to lie down on the couch. 

"But eonni, You'll get cramps there and the night's getting colder, you'll get sick here." 

"I'm fine, really. You can stay there." 

"No, you need a more comfortable bed. You've been sleeping while sitting for long, I'm sure your back hurts." 

"No I'm okay, Thanks" Still Yujin continued to be stubborn.

"Eonni?" Cutting her thoughts, Yujin tried her best to not look at Wonyoung's face without feeling any guilt inside.  "Are you trying to avoid me?" 






"Is it because of the k- kiss earlier?" Wonyoung don't understand why was Yujin trying to avoid her. She can only thought about what happened.  

"Look, I'm sorry okay? It wasn't my intention to do that" 

"Not your intention? So it's an accident?" 

"No it's nothing like that" 

"Then, why did you eonni?" Her mind's a mess. Wonyoung's mind is in a lot of mess. Since Yujin kissed her, she can't stop thinking about it. She felt happy when Yujin kissed her but at the same time, she felt afraid. They're both girls and it's so unnatural. 

"I don't know, Okay? I don't know" Yujin sat down on the couch and looking down.

"What do you mean you don't know? That's so wrong." 

"I'm sorry. I know it was and I'm sorry." Silence again enveloped the both of them.









"You can go inside now, I know you're tired." Yujin went back to lying herself down on the couch, back facing Wonyoung. 

"Were you guilty of what happened?" She softly asked. "Did you regret it?"

"I never said anything like that!" Yujin quickly rose up from where she was lying and faced Wonyoung. 

"You never said, but you're acting like you are!" 

"How could you say that?" Yujin asked in disbelief. Now all she could do was to think of reasons why Wonyoung would think like that. If there was one who should be thinking like that, it should be. her Wonyoung was giving her nothing but regrets about what happened. It should be her who should ask Wonyoung that question. Not the other way 'round. 


"You're avoiding me!" 


"No I'm not!"


"Yes, you are! You're not even meeting my eyes! Why are you avoiding me!?" 


"It's because you're disgusted of me" 














"What?" I was left dumbfounded of what I just heard. 

"I kissed you. I know it was a very wrong move. Bestfriends don't do that. They don't kiss each other at such an intimate situation and then tell the other one they're beautiful. Bestfriends shouldn't have any intimate situation at all but, we did. Or at least that's what I felt. I should feel nothing. Right? I shouldn't! And you're disgusted about that! A bestfriend kissing her bestfriend? A girl kissing a girl? The heck! That's probably the most disgusting thing you've ever experienced right? And I'm sorry!" Yujin eonni finished her long speech within one go. She was breathing heavily due to her long speech and I was just watching her in disbelief. I can't believe she thought of me that way. 



"Am I hearing this for real?" 



"You probably don't even want to share the same atmosphere with me by now" With that being said, I rose up from where I was sitting and stormed my way to the bedroom. 




"This is what she wants? Fine!"  I dropped my body harshly on the my bed, back facing the ceiling. I can't believe she said that. 

"I hate her! She didn't even let me talk and just- " My tears just won't stop from falling. I was hurt by what she said. I just heard an unexpected confession from the person that I admire the most and a slap of insult at the same time. 



"Am I that low to her?" 



"Me? Disgusted?" 



"She should be the one to feel disgusted about herself!" 



"Who thinks about that?" 



"I didn't even thought anything like what she had thought earlier."




"You probably don't even want to share the same atmosphere with me by now"  



That was probably the hurtest words she said to me. Never did I thought I'd hear that from her. She was my bestfriend for a long time. She should know that I'm not like that! 




















Morning came and both woke up much earlier than their usual wake-up time. Wonyoung used the toilet first and did her business. Yujin just patiently waited in the living room for Wonyoung to come out fully dressed. 


Minutes later, Wonyoung came out fully dressed and went directly to the kitchen. Yujin then quickly moved herself to their room and did her morning ritual. 


Soon after Yujin was done, she slowly went to the kitchen. She peaked first if Wonyoung was still there and she found her peacefully eating her morning cereal. 


Carefully, Yujin walked her way to the dining area of the kitchen. Grabbed a bowl, filled it with cereal and showered it with milk. She put her bowl across Wonyoung's and was about to took a sit but realized she forgot to do one last thing. 


She then hurriedly went around the kitchen Island, opened the fridge and grabbed the glass pitcher full of water. 


She opened their cupboard and got her and Wonyoung a glass and she filled them with the water that she took from the fridge. 


Now since everything was all done, she finally took her seat and started eating. 


The meal was silent. With just the sound of them eating was only heard. Yujin wanted to talk to her bestfriend about what happened earlier and how she was so stupid thinking about that without asking Wonyoung first how she felt but, she don't have any courage to do so. Wonyoung on the other hand was just plainly eating her cereal. Her mind was entirely blank.


Soon Wonyoung was done first with her meal. She put down her dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and opened the fridge to get some water. Yujin was surely hurt on Wonyoung's action. A tear even left her eyes. She already gave Wonyoung a glass of water but Wonyoung ignored and chose to get another one. 


But Yujin just shrugged it. She shouldn't make it a big deal. It's her fault anyway. 


"Are we going to use your car today or mine?" Yujin tried her best to make a conversation with Wonyoung but was having a hard time doing so. But, when she saw Wonyoung was on her way to going out she build up the courage to at least ask something, which she was successful. 


Wonyoung stopped for a second and looked at her with boredom in her eyes. Yujin was again hurt but she still smiled at Wonyoung, hoping to at least get a positive response? But Wonyoung only rolled her eyes away from her and continued to wearing her school shoes and went out of the pad. 


Later, Yujin heard the engine of a car heaved and drove away. There she broke down, not finishing the cereal she was eating. 


"How did it turned this way?"  She slowly asked herself.




"You probably don't even want to share the same atmosphere with me by now"




As she remembered what she said the last time, more tears were flowing nonestop of her eyes. 


"Did Wonyoung just confirmed what she said?" 


Although she's hurting and the tears won't stop from falling, she still need to go to school. So she tried her best to move, drank the two glasses of water, put the dishes in the sink, went to the living room, picked up her bag, wore her shoes and went out. 


Since she's in a very bad condition, she chose to not drove her car. She might get an accident, so she chose the safe route. Walking. 


From a distance a car making a turn can be seen. 


"Yujin?" Yujin who was lifelessly walking on the street shoot her head up and was surprised by the sudden call. 

"Yena eonni" 

"Get in" Yujin slowly opened the back seat of Yena's car and got in. 

"Yuri eonni annyeong" She tirelessly greeted Yuri who on the front-seat. 

"Good morning Yujinie~" Yuri smiled and cheerfully greeted her. Trying to send some positive energy to the latter one but eventually failed. 

"Why are you walking? Where's your car? And where's Wonyoung?"

"I just felt like walking today eonni." Yujin sighed.

"You just felt like walking? You never feel like walking Yujin. Where's Wonyoung by the way?" 

"She's probably in the school by now" 

"Wait, she left you?" Yuri asked.




"Why? Did you guys fight?" 




"Yujin-ah" Yujin looked at the mirror in the front and was met by the intense stare of Yena.

"Did. You. Guys. Fight?" 

"Ya! Don't force her. It's their own privacy you're trying to get in" Yuri said hitting Yena's shoulder.


"I'm not forcing her, I just wanna know." 


"It's her choice to tell it or not. You just have to respect her decision. You don't have to force her to answer" 


"I told you I'm not forcing her" 


"Of course you are" 


"No I'm not" 


"Yes you are" 


"I said I'm not!" 


"No, You are!"







The sudden outburst of Yujin from the back seat made Yena to suddenly stepped on the break, forcing their body to hault towards the front. Thanks to their seatbelt, they were okay.

"The heck Choi Yena!" Yuri said.

"The heck Ahn Yu Jin!" Yena said.

"Were you trying to get us killed?" Yena continued.

"You two were so loud! Can't you stop fighting? I had enough of that!" 









"Me and Wonyoung, we're not in good terms now. I did some stupid stuff and said stupid things to her that's why she's avoiding me and-" Yujin wasn't able to continue because she again broke down. Remembering what happened yesterday until this morning lost her. 


Yuri transfered from the front seat to the back seat and enveloped Yujin in a comforting hug and let Yujin cried on her shoulder. 


It's a very hurtful sight on Yena. It's the first time that she saw her beloved dongsaeng acting like that. 


"Would you like to skip school today?" 


"Aniyo. Examinations are within two weeks. I need to go to school" Yujin answered. Still holding in the arms of Yuri like if she'll let go, she'll fall and die. It broke Yena and Yuri's heart to witness Yujin being helpless like this.


"But you're not in a condition to learn. C'mon go to the mall or somewhere fun. I permit it. I think Chaeyeon will too" 

"I'm okay eonni. Thanks for the concern. Both of you. " 

"Why are you always stubborn?" Yujin let out a small smile and wiped away the tears in her eyes that was freely flowing out of her eyes.

"Just remember, we're always here for you okay?" Yuri said. Yujin flashed them both a smile and nodded.

"Eonni kaja. We'll be late if we don't move now." 


With that Yena drove them to school while Yuri was still in the back seat, wrapping Yujin in a warm embrace. Yujin on the other hand was very thankful she have two understanding eonnis that are willing to be there for her.







"We'll be okay soon" 












Sorry for the late update. I had some work to do but anyways, I hope you'll gonna love this chapter.


Thanks by the way for still reading this story even though it's going lamer and confusing sometimes, I'm trying my hardest to bring this on the right track and clarify every confusion you readers have. 


Don't forget to tell me your thoughts about this chapter okay? Drop it down in the comment section and please subscribe and upvote my story juseyo~ 


Till next update 감사합니다!!!

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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....