CHAPTER 22 — ( The First Snowfall )

I Don't Wanna Love You




"So, what did you and Yujin talked about?" 

After Minjoo had her feelings sorted out with Yujin, she asked her friends to spend the night at her house. She knew that she badly needed some company and any way that she could forget the great bunny teethed dog. 

"Nothing personal." They are currently at Minjoo's room, seating on her bed. Chaewon was fixing the girl's hair while Hyewon? Just calmly laid down while having a bowl of popcorns. 

"You sure about that girl? Because the last time I checked, your eyes were still not swelling when we agreed for the both of you to go somewhere we don't know." Chaewon said as she's done braiding the girl's shiny hair. 

"Eonni...." There Minjoo broke down again. She wanted to be strong and keep her feelings just for herself but it was very difficult. Chaewon who was near the girl hugged the crying figure.

"There, there kid. Let it all out." Hyewon and Chaewon's heart broke again, watching Minjoo sobbing her heart out, body's entirely shaking. 

"I'm gonna kill that Yujin kid!" Chaewon shouted angrily. She never thought another day would come that Minjoo will once again experience that terrible heart-ache she once had when Kriesha left. 

"Ahh- Eonni!" 

"Okay! I'm just kidding." Minjoo once again leaned back her tired back on the headboard of her bed and Chaewon rose up. 

"I'm gonna get something to drink for you and for me. Aish, I suddenly felt thirsty." 

As Chaewon closed the door, silence enveloped the four white walled room. With Hyewon's munching of popcorn can only be heard. Minjoo still had her head down. Memories of Yujin and her were running through her mind as she tried to reminisce them one last time. Hyewon on the other hand was just observing her. 

"Minjoo-yah" Hearing the soft voice of Hyewon, Minjoo slowly lift her head up. Hyewon put down the bowl of popcorn she was carrying and had her focused on Minjoo. She looked directly to the swollen eyes of her friend and she can't help but again feel that stinging feeling inside of her. Every tear dropped on Minjoo's eyes was like a knife that was being thrown at her soft heart. 

"What is it eonni?" 

"You shouldn't waste your tears to someone who doesn't even valued it, you know." 

"Eonni... it hurts" Another tear escaped Minjoo's clear round eyes.

"Stop crying Please... It hurts me seeing you being like that." She went to Minjoo's and encircled her protective arms around Minjoo's delicate figure. 
"I know it hurts but, I will be here for you. Let me be the one to heal you Minjoo..." 

"What do you mean by that eonni?" Slowly Hyewon unloosed her tight hold around Minjoo's shoulder and let her gaze lingered on the girl's tantilizing eyes. 

"I don't know. At first I thought that I was just caring towards you because we've been friends for so long and that I consider you as my favorite dongsaeng. At first I thought it was just a sisterly love. But as time goes by, I realized that it wasn't like that. I thought that I could only be like this over food but, I thought wrong."

"What?" Minjoo was so confused. Hyewon never thought that she had that in her. GUTS. A four letter word that enabled Hyewon to say the words she never thought would come out from . 

"It's like, you were the icing on the top of my cake." She said. 

"Your what?" Minjoo was very aware of the blood that was rushing to reach her cheeks due to Hyewon's random bluntness.

"I like you Kim Minjoo. Not because we're friends but, because you make me feel things. You make me feel things that even I, myself can't explain. So... if you'll give me a chance, I'd like to be the one who'll fix your tormented heart and I promise, to never let it be broke again. Ever." Minjoo was more than shocked hearing those words from Hyewon. Hyewon was her caring eonni. She was very considerate, understanding and has been very supportive with the girl's decisions. Hyewon was that one very great eonni that Minjoo wished to have and she don't know how and what to respond to the girl. She looked up and met Hyewon's pure eyes that was showing hope and that sophisticated smile that was only locked on hers.

"Eonni, why so sudden?" She asked. She's having a mental breakdown. She was still on the process of moving-on from Yujin. She didn't even started it yet, and here come's Hyewon confessing her feelings out of the blue. 

"I know that you're still moving on and trying your best to forget your feelings for Yujin. But like I said, all I wanted Minjoo-yah is to be the one who'll mend the wound left by her. I just wanted to be the one to put the shattered pieces of your heart back together. I am not wishing for anything back from you. I just want you to let me at least help you." 

"But eonni-" 

"I'm not trying to take the situation for granted. I'm making a good use of it. Seeing you smile is enough for me." Minjoo was lost for words. Another tear escaped from her eyes as she was grateful of her eonni being so considerate. 

Negative thoughts again running through her mind. Hyewon was a very great person. If she'll accept Hyewon's confession and let her be the one who'll fix her, it'll be too selfish of her. It looks like she'll be taking the kindness of her eonni for granted and—


"Okay? You mean you will let me?" Minjoo gave her a single nod. A big smile grew on Hyewon's face, eyes were sparkling. 

"Thanks Minjoo. For letting me. I promise I won't let this chance you gave me go to waste." 

"Okay. thanks eonni." Was Minjoo's undebateful answer. She gave her a smile but it slowly died down when Hyewon embraced her. She felt very guilty of herself but, she's tired of thinking. This time, she wants her mind to handle everything. She wanted to say no, cuz it's wrong but, when Minjoo saw the looks in Hyewon's eyes shouting for hope and having that great determination, she don't want her eonni to feel disappointed and experience the terrible heartbreak she had. She just can't hurt her eonni. She's too pure for Minjoo and maybe, just maybe she'll eventually will be able to feel the same thing later. 

















"Oogh!" Hitomi groaned as Nako crushed herself into her. Hitomi was lying on her bed back facing the ceiling while reading a book when Nako went in and disturbed her silence.

"What are you reading?" 

"How to successfully avoid you." Hitomi said while flipping through a page in the book. Nako pouted but a smirk grew on her face.

"Really? Hmm... I don't think you would like to avoid me. I had a thought that it's the opposite."

"Same old Nako. Very full of herself. Why are you such in a good mood today anyway?" Hitomi asked, A smile was slowly forming on her fluffy face.. 

"You noticed?" Nako playfully asked.

"Of course. I'm not dense like you." 

"Yeah~ yeah~ whatever. Anyhow, something good happened to me today~~~" Hitomi quickly covered her ears as Nako kinda sang the last part in a very high note. 

"What was that "good"  that happened to you?"

"Well... Me and Wonyoung had a lunch date earlieeeeeer~!" 

"Shesh, okay. You have a very high voice. We get it." Hitomi irratingly said as she covered her ears once again, afraid that it might break from all the shouting Nako did. The smile that was formed on her face slowly died down. What did she expect anyway? A good mood Nako always, had something to do with Wonyoung. 

"Gomen ne~~~~" 

"Is that why you came here?" As much as Hitomi wants to be patient, she just had enough. She's already endured so much and shes not that stupid to let Nako torture her.

"Ahm... yeah?" Nako thought for a moment about other reason why she was there and found only one. 

"Okay, you can go out now." 

"Eh~ Why are you so grumpy? Don't you want to hear some details about our date earlier?" 

"Muri!" Yeah, Hitomi's done with all those listening to her love, telling her— her own love story with someone that's not her. Nako pondered for a second before realizing that while she was being in a very good mood, Hitomi has the opposite. 

"Hi-chan what's wrong?" Nako asked deliberately. Hitomi didn't bothered to answer as it will be another nonesence.

"I'm minding my own business 'anechan" 

"What? What does that supposed to mean?" 

"Have you forgotten? You told me that. At school. Lunch time." Still not making any contact with Nako, Hitomi made Nako remember their conversation that day. That day when her heart crumbled into pieces. 












"Anechan" Hitomi tried to call the attention of her raging eonni but got nothing as a response.

"That Ahn Yujin's so annoying!" 

"Eonni, can't you see? They have feelings for each other. Wonyoung's happy now. Please stop hurting yourself." 

"You don't understand. I love her Hi-chan and they're not together. I can still change her heart!" 

"eonni" Hitomi's heart ached so much seeing how desperate Nako was on getting Wonyoung. She saw how hopeless her love was and as much she don't want to feel pity towards the shorter girl, that's what she felt.

"Just let me be Tomi. I can take care of myself." 

"Why are you choosing to get hurt when you can be happy with me?"



That sentence stopped Nako in her tracks. 

"What did you just said?" Hitomi turned Nako around and held her hand.

A sudden nervousness travelled to Nako's boddy when she saw the taller girls pained expression. She didn't understand the reason behind that look Hitomi was showing and it gave her the feels. 

"Nako eonni, I've been here for you since day one. I saw how you struggled and was there for you everytime. I just want you to notice me." 

"Wha- What are you trying to say?" 

"I'm trying to say that stop going after Wonyoung. I hate seeing you being so desperate like this." Desperate?

Was Nako desperate? 

Never was she despearate in once of her life. 

"Desperate? I'm not being desperate Hitomi. I'm just showing ugh— nevermind. You won't undrstand it anyway." 

"I told you, I can handle myself. You don't have to be worried and also, stop being so concerned about me. I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY!" Hitomi was surprised on Nako's loud voice. Never once in her life did Nako raised her voice to Hitomi. Not even when she attempted to threw her choco-mint flavored ice cream.

"I don't pity you. It just pains me everytime I see you being so hopeless." Stil she remained strong and didn't let the excruciating pain she's feeling dominate her system. 

She needed to convince Nako that it's a wrong move to pursue on Wonyoung. It will just break her heart into pieces.

"I said I don't need your pity Hitomi!" Nako was now being helpless and annoyed on the nonesence things Hitomi was saying. She don't need anyone's pity. That's just so cheap!

She will never reach to that level.

"I care about you" 

"Why do you care!" 

"Because I love you!" 



There was a long silence in the 4 walled classroom. Both were surprised at the sudden confession of Hitomi. 

"mworago?" Nako slowly asked. She needed to know that she's not hearing things while Hitomi was lost in her own world. 

She can't believe she just said that word. 

Should she tell her what she feels? 

It's now or never. She already said the word, Nako already heard it so, denying will just add spice to it. 

"I love you eonni. I love you even back in Japan. I already loved you. I agreed to be sent in this foreign land not because I wanted to see Korea but because of you. I want to be with you." 

"__" Nako was seemed lost for words so Hitomi used this opportunity to speak what she didn't do before.

"Why are you telling this to me?" 

"Because I thought that you should know it." 

"If you already love me back in Japan why haven't you said anything?" 

"Because I was afraid. You always told us that you hate seeing a girl having a crush or admiring a girl too. It's unnatural for you." 

"I said that!?" 

"Yes. So I thought, I'll just have to stick in my closet and keep my feelings for you hidden under the ground." 

"But then, I was entirely wrong. You were having an affectionate feelings for Wonyoung, which happened to be a girl." 


"At first, I don't want to believe it and thought my eyes were just decieving me. But, you confirmed everything last night." 


"All your closeness and affection to Wonyoung wasn't all friendly at all. Every bit of it was true. Wonyoung is a very sweet girl and pretty. I won't be like this if I had the assurance of you to not get hurt but eonni, there's none. Yujin and Wonyoung may not be together for real but they are if you'll just gonna look underneath it." 


"I don't know if I can handle it seeing you get broken eonni." 


"Thanks but it's my problem and not yours. Mind your own business Hitomi" 













"Thanks but it's my problem and not yours. Mind your own business Hitomi"  Nako trembled as she remembered those words that she said that day. She wasn't on her right state of mind. She was ranging. That's why she was able to say that. 

"I'm sorry Hitomi. I didn't mean to say that." She said hugging Hitomi from the back. Hitomi was still left unmoved from where she was lying. Later that day she made a mental note that Nako said that due to her emotion that day. She shouldn't have added spice to Nako's ranging fire. But, she was hurt. Very hurt. 

"It's okay. I'm done with it." Cold. Was what Nako felt when Hitomi uttered those words. 

"You know I only said that because I was so mad that Yujin already made up with Wonyoung and I didn't had the chance to confess to her because Yujin snatched her to me and—"

"Didn't I told you that it's okay? So stop it already alright? I don't have any time hearing those Wonyoung confession okay? I'm done! I'm tired of keeping up to be your one great friend act. Stop it! I'm trying to bring back the old me. I'm trying to be that carefree Hitomi again so stop tormenting me. Stop torturing me eonni. I can't take it anymore." Nako was speechless. She didn't thought that she was giving a lot of pain to her one great friend. She knew that Hitomi has feelings for her but, she chose to not believe it. She pretended she didn't know and that they didn't had that conversation where-in Hitomi confessed to her and just acted normal. 











"Just let me be alone. Onegaishemasu..." With that being said, Nako slowly got off from Hitomi's bed, obeying her request. As soon as she got out of the room and closed the door, she heard loud sobs coming from inside. Hitomi finally let go of her tears that was threatening to fall since the start of her Wonyoung rants. She finally broked down and cried like it's the only way to make the pain go away. 


Nako on the other side of the door crumbled hearing Hitomi's sorrowful cries, meeting Sakura's glares who happened to hear everything. Now Nako doesn't have anyone. She felt that everyone hated her. Remembering it made her cringe in sorrow. How can she make it up to the them? It seems very impossible and she was still determined to have Wonyoung. 






"I'll prove everyone that my decision's right. Wonyoung will say yes to me." 













The day grew older and every time the sky grew darker, Yujin's heart beat's grew louder. Nervous was an understatement of what she's feeling. It was the day. It was the day that everyone was waiting for. She's gonna tell that someone the true intent of her heart. 


They were both in Yujin's favorite place on Earth. Wonyoung's bed. Just chilling and doing nothing in particular. Sitting side by side with each other with only their breaths can be heard. Wonyoung was having her peaceful rest while Yujin was doing everything she can do to stop her heart from beating eratically but, oh boy how she failed. Wonyoung was sitting next to her, head leaning on the girl's shoulder and both arms were wrapped around her thin waist. You just can't blame her heart for beating crazily! She just hoped that Wonyoung didn't heard it. 

"Eonni..." Wonyoung spoke. Head still leaning on the girl's shoulder. Yujin swallowed a big lump on hearing Wonyoung's sweet and low tone of voice. It only made her heart beat in an abnormal pace.

"Hmm?" Still she managed to slightly made a sound. What a relief.

"What's happening to your heart?" Buckets of sweat were now forming on Yujin's face. The girl just asked her the state of her abnormal heart in the most innocent way possible. 

"W-why do you a-ask?" Yujin stuttered. Was it cold? Wonyoung's sure that it's not. But, why was her eonni stuttering? 

"Because it beats so loud and fast." 

"A-ah... J-just ig-nore it W-Won-young-a-ah." 

"How can I ignore it? It's distracting me." Wonyoung's voice was very thin. So thin for Yujin's liking. 




"__" It left Yujin being speechless. She doesn't have any word to say anyway. She don't know how to calm her heart—




Ya! Heart!? why can't you calm down!? This is just Jang Wonyoung cuddling with you! 




"Hmm.... I love it though" Again with that thin husky voice Wonyoung was using, Yujin's straight gaze moved to the culprit of her irregular system movement. She saw how the smile curled in the girl's porcelain face and how her finger draw lines on Yujin's chest, near where her heart was located.

"Don't try to stop it eonni, I love the sound of it. I want to continue feeling and hearing it." Wonyoung continued as she leaned more closer to Yujin's chest where her heart's located. Yujin didn't know what to feel anymore. Every move Wonyoung made, a fire was being lit inside her. Her stomach's even starting to made that funny feeling like she wanted to throw up but no. She really don't understand what's happening inside her system. 

"But if I don't then it'll burst any minute now..." She softly said. Almost like a whisper. She barely can even manage to speak and she's glad that she still did. Wonyoung released a sweet giggle that was addicting to Yujin's ears. 

"Let it burst then." 

"You're so cruel. You're torturing me." 

"I know and I love torturing you." Another evil giggle escaped from Wonyoung's mouth that later turned into that sweet smile that was pasted on her face. Yujin realized that it was useless to try to control the loud and fast beating of her heart and whatever craziness her system was making inside cuz, it'll never stop. So, she just let it be. Wonyoung liked it anyway. That's all that matters to her. 






"Wonyoung-ah? I have something to say." After she had composed herself and let her system calm down a little, she tried to start the conversation leading to her ultimate confession. 

"Hmm...? What is it?" Wonyoung who was enjoying the feeling of Yujin's jumbled system answered.

"Is it about you and Math again? Cuz if it is, then forget it. I won't help you." Wonyoung pouted, now eyeing the surprised Yujin. Of course, it was that stupid of a subject that disabled Yujin to make her confession. They definitely both hated that subject now. 

"Of course not. C'mon, get up. I want to show you something." Yujin tried to move and rose up from Wonyoung's comfortable bed but, the latter didn't budge.

"No, It's so comfy here. I don't wanna move." 

"C'mon Wonyoungie. Pretty please???" The latter's tight grip on Yujin's thin waist loosened and finally, Yujin successfully removed herself out of the bed. Could Wonyoung resist that aegyo her eonni was making? So as much as she don't want to release Yujin from her tight embrace, she had to. With a pissed sigh, she stood up and followed her eonni to their room's patio. 


They sat on one of the soft couches and Yujin quickly wrapped a thick padding around Wonyoung's. Afraid that she might caught some cold or worst, fever. 


"What are we doing here? The weather's gotten colder, you want us to get sick?" Wonyoung grumpily said. Nevertheless, she once again wrapped her long and slender arms around Yujin's.

"Of course no. That'll never gonna happen and that's not even in my vocabulary." Yujin retorted.

"What's not in your vocabulary?" 

"To let MY Wonyoungi get sick." Yujin said, in a matter of fact. She snuggled more on Yujin's lovely neck to hider her glowing blush that's really visible on her face, knowing how pale her skin was due to the cold weather. 

"YOUR Wonyoungi?" Wonyoung asked, face was still burried in the crook of Yujin's neck. 

"Yeah, MY Wonyoungi." Yujin replied with that satisfied grin plastered on her face. Now she's more than confident of telling the girl everything that she's been feeling since the moment it started.

"So what is it that your going to tell me?" After Wonyoung had recovered from that flaterring moment, she remembered that Yujin has something to say. Yujin again breathed deeply and released a long nervous one. She then got her phone out, opened it and scanned through her playlist. 

"Wonyoung-ah? Do you know that you're the most prettiest, ani beautiful no— I don't even know if those words were enough to describe how gorgeous, beautiful and stunning you are and— and I'm very lucky to have met you and become your bestfriend." She finally started. Wonyoung can't help but feel shy towards her eonni. It's the first time Yujin was being sweet. Her heart's starting to skip a beat.

"Eh~ what are you saying eonni?" Yujin rose up. Gathered all the courage she could get from the enticing cold breeze with her phone in hand.




( I highly recommend you guys to listen to "Obvious" - [ ]  by Westlife while reading this part :*)





"Please listen to this." She opened her phone again and pressed play. An enchanting melody echoed their open balcony. Then Yujin's voice started to wrap the place and cloaked Wonyoung's clutching heart. 



🎶~ We started as friends, ~🎶 



Okay? What is she doing?  Wonyoung started to wonder. 



🎶~ But, something happened inside me.
Now I'm reading into everything,
But there's no sign you hear the lightning, baby



Yujin's solemn voice were the only music that  Wonyoung hears on that moment. 


Is she... Wonyoung gasped silently as she realized what Yujin's doing.




🎶~ You don't ever notice me,
Turning on my charm,
Or wonder why I'm always where you are




Well, how should I know? All she does was to kid around. I thought everything was just for fun. She said in her mind. Quite pissed. 




🎶~ I've made it obvious,
I've done everything but say it.
(i've crushed on ya so long, but on and on you get me wrong)




"Tsk, I was the one who's making it obvious. But you're just so dense and stupid not to notice" 




🎶~ I'm not so good with words,
Since you never noticed,
The way that we belong,
I'll say it in a love song.




"I think I should be the one who's saying that. I was so close to saying it first you know." Wonyoung let out a cute pout saying her complaints. Yujin giggled seeing how cute her Wonyoung was, all sulking while having herself wrapped in a thick padding. 

"Really? You know, for a beautiful person like you? You sure had a looooooooooot of complaints in your hands. Should I just stop and wait for you to say it first?" 

"Ya! Eonni!!!" The romantic aura Yujin was trying to build earlier was destroyed in an instant the moment she decided to tease the girl and bursted into laughters when the girl wiggled herself, protesting. She just don't know how to keep it like that. Now she'll have to build it again. 

"Arasseo. I'll continue..." She once again, gathered some strengths and courage she could get from her environment and breathed in and out deeply. It was an amusing sight for Wonyoung. Seeing her eonni being so nervous and scared at the same time. She was definitely loving every bit of it. 




🎶~ I've heard you talk about it, 
      (heard you talk about)
How you want someone just like me.



"Ya! I never did that!" 




🎶~ But every time I ask you out,
       (time I ask you out)
We never move past friendly no, no.



"Since when did you—" Wonyoung stopped midway when she remembered how Yujin was being persistent with their "Friday Night Out " It wasn't just a night for Yujin. It was more than that. That's why even if how tiring their day at school was, Yujin still wanted them to do something every Friday night. 


She remembered how Yujin don't want any other company aside from the both of them. She even thought when will Yujin get tired of spending her Friday nights with her?


She then realized why Yujin didn't joined her in touring Nako around Seoul, because it'll look like just an ordinary Friday when Yujin wanted it to be special for the both of them and only for them. Now she started to think and ask who really was the dense one between the two of them. 




🎶~ And you don't ever notice how,
I stare when we're alone,
Or wonder why I keep you on the phone.




Yujin continued singing. Heart's pounding like crazy in nervousness and the cold breeze was just making it worse for her but, all the memories that came flashing through her mind was enough to made her felt the warmth she wanted.




🎶~ I've made it obvious,
Done everything but sing it.
(I've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong)


🎶~ I'm not so good with words,
And since you never notice,
The way that we belong,
I'll say it in a love song. 




As the song progress, Wonyoung realized that Yujin might be dense, but she's denser. Every lyric in the song Yujin sang spoke everything. It shouts all the things Yujin did in the past to show and tell Wonyoung that she already felt something.


She also realized that Yujin isn't really good in expressing herself in a romantic way but was all goofing around like how the kid she is. A single tear escaped from her eyes realizing the struggle Yujin had endured all this years for keeping her feelings to herself. If only she looked intently and her mind and heart wasn't close, Yujin wouldn't suffer. Both of them wouldn't suffer. 



🎶~ Yeah...
You are my very first thought in the morning,
And my last at nightfall.
You are my love that came without warning,
I need you,
I want you to know. 




Wonyoung was surprised and panic started to form through her system when Yujin went closer to her, proudly standing at her front. Confidence was now visible on her face with the biggest smile she could show along with her deep dimple. 




🎶~ I've made it obvious,
So finally I'll sing it.
(I've crushed on you so long)




She then held out her hand for Wonyoung to hold and brought her up. Now they're both facing each other in the same level. Yujin's smile can't be removed and Wonyoung's rosey cheeks can't stop from becoming redder and redder every second.




🎶~ I'm not so good with words,
And since you never notice,
The way that we belong,
I'll say it in a love song.




Yujin then held both of Wonyoung's hands and guiding it up to her shoulder-blades and let them incircled her neck. Then her hands securely made it's way to Wonyoung's waist wrapping the girl's amazing figure. Wonyoung can't even look directly at Yujin's eyes and continued staring on the floor. 





🎶~ And sing it until the day you're holding me,
I've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong,
I more then adore you but since you never seem to see.





Yujin made a distance with the both of them and carefully held Wonyoung's fine chin to face her. Letting her have the clear view of the girl's glimmering shiny eyes. Yujin once again flashed her toothy grin that made Wonyoung chuckled. 




🎶~ But you never seem to see
I'll say it in this love song




Yujin's song was finished but, it was still vague for Wonyoung. She doesn't know what Yujin was really trying to imply and he was still confused and stucked in a daze of what just happened. 

Seconds later, An unexpected event happened. 












The first snowfall.





"Do you know what the first snowfall means Wonyoung-ah?" Yujin said. Hands in the air trying to catch some fragments of the snow. Wonyoung wasn't sure if she's seeing her bestfriend or if she was the descendant of goblin. 

"It was said that if you are out in the first snowfall of the year with someone you like, true love will blossom between you two." 








"Also, if you are with your significant other, you will be together. Forever." 










Wonyoung was left speechless. Astounded. Thunderstrucked with all the words that came out from Yujin. It was true. That's the Korean belief on the first snowfall and she didn't had any thought that she will get to experienced it very soon. She once again realized the reason why Yujin had brought them outside instead of enjoying the warmth of their comfy room, she wanted to have their first snowfall of the year experience together.


"Wonyoung-ah, you are that "someone" that I like. I want that "True Love" to blossom between you and me. You are every part of that song I sang. Every piece of my heart beats for you. Every heart beat of it shouts only and only your name. 


Wonyoung-ah, I've been keeping this for so long now and I think I might die if I still won't say it. I can't keep it any longer. Not when I know that there are a lot of guys and girls that wanted your attention and wanting you to be theirs. 


I love you.


Even before everything started, I already loved you. Not that kind of friendly I love you. Not the normal and typical I love you that we always say to each other. Not that "bestfriend I love you."


I love you Wonyoung-ah. 


Gawd, only he knows how much I love you. 


I love you, not only for who are but for what I am when I'm with you. 


I love you for not only what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making me. 


I love you for the part of me that you bring out Wonyoung. 


So, on this day, under the first snowfall here in our lovely patio... Will you, Jang Wonyoung, be my significant other? 






















Be mine Wonyoung-ah?" 




Yujin successfully said the words that she wanted to say and asked the question that she wanted Wonyoung to answer. With a lovely pink rose in her shaking hand that she's keeping all along, she patiently waited for Wonyoung's response. 







Wonyoung still wasn't able to process every word Yujin uttered and seemed lost to Yujin's magical words. Tears were visibly flowing out of her beautiful eyes. She didn't thought Yujin could say those words. She wasn't that romantic type of person and hearing those lovely, sweet words were like a sounding spell that allured the girl. Only then, when she saw the pink rose at her front she realized that everything was True. Nonetheless, if she was dreaming or if it's real that Yujin did was confessing her feelings and was asking her to be hers, she didn't care anymore. 


Accepting the rose Wonyoung nodded. Smiling while smelling the sweet smell of the rose just like how Yujin smells. 


"Yes" Wonyoung uttered. Was like a whisper while still having the rose near her nose. She looked lovingly on Yujin while nodding her head again multiple times, wearing that perfect smile that only Wonyoung has. Seeing a flustered Yujin, slowly she wrapped her arms on the girl's neck and traced Yujin's features.


"What took so long? You made me wait eonni." Wonyoung said. Again with that thin voice that made Yujin's system froze on the spot. 


"I was afraid that you'll reject me." 


"Pabo. I love you too Ahn Yujin. You annoy me than I ever thought possible, But— I still want to spend every irritating moment with you." 

"So is that a Yes?" 

Wonyoung stared intently on Yujin's dark brown beautiful orbs while slowly trying to close the torturing gap between them. Her lips against Yujin's cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through their nerves, shivers that made their whole body tremble. 


Alas, Wonyoung had reached Yujin's tender and sweet lips. An explosion then happened inside them and like an electrical wiring short-circuit, it quickly sent sparks to their whole being. Wonyoung didn't move, neither was Yujin. It was like they were just feeling each other and was just savoring their precious moment. 


Then Wonyoung slowly detached her steady lips from Yujin and both of them quickly missed it. Gazes locked on each other without having any idea what the other one was thinking. 



"Does that answer your question?" 

"Ahm, it's still blury for me though. Can I have another one?" 

"Ya! Are you taking advantage of me!?" 

"Of course no. I'm just kidding~" 

"Ugh!!! You really have to ruin the moment?" 

"Well I'm trying to simmer down the place you know" 

"Uggghhh!! Why do you have to be so annoying!!!!"






Well, she's Ahn Yujin afterall.  









EEEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!! Here's an updaaaaate~~~ 


This was I guess, the loooooooongest update that I made but, hope you guys were satisfied reading it? I hope I wrote Yujin's confession good. Aghhhh, I'm really not a fluffy person so I was really having a difficult time writing that ㅠㅠ Anyhow, how was it? 

A lot of things happened here; 


✓ Hyewon's confession

✓ Nako and Hitomi's conflict and;

✓ Yujin's most awaited confession!


Tell me your thoughts and opinions about it juseyoooooo. I'm hungry for your comments hahahaha ! Also, if you like this, please do upvote and subscribe. 여러븐들 감사합니다~~~~~


짜~ 다으메 봐요~ 안녕!!!!



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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....