I Don't Wanna Love You






It was on a late afternoon. Minjoo was in her living room. Sitting on her couch, reading a Physics book. Major exams are coming and she wants to get at least a good score on them so she's studying. 

Later, the bell outside rang. She wasn't expecting anyone to come so she just shrugged it. Thinking it's the kids in their residence who's pranking every house in their neighborhood.



Ding... Dong...



However, the ringing of her bell didn't stop.

"Aish... Who could this be? Chaeyeon eonni?" 

She stood up from the couch and head straight to the gate. Soon as she opened it, a not so tall girl appeared in front of her. 



Kriesha Chu was at her front gate. She was all smiles and showed very lovely while Minjoo was all wide eyes and jaw dropped. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I came to visit you. Am I not allowed to visit my girlfriend?" 







Kriesha just got on the bus. Minjoo accompanied her "girlfriend" because she's afraid something might happen to her. Soon as Kriesha's bus was nowhere out of sight, she then sat on a metal bar at the bus stop. Thinking what happened to her feelings with her eonni. Before, she was sure that she loves her. She was sure that she wants to spend her days with her and she enjoyed every single one of 'em. But right now? It's different. She just wished that their status were like before. Bestfriends. No worries and just living the life they wanted and have fun. 




"Excuse me?" A familiar voice woke her up from her thoughts. An unexpected person showed up in an unexpected moment. 


"Oh, Yujin~ssi."












Morning came and Yujin who was currently at their living room and was yawning none-stop. She haven't had any decent sleep since her mind was occupied by mostly Wonyoung and how was she doing at Nako's. Another that was adding up to her struggle was how her heart can't stop beating so loudly when she thought about Minjoo. How her small smile can make the world go round in so much peaceful and how her so innocent features looked like it hide a lot things. Everytime Minjoo smiles, Yujin noticed that it wasn't anything real. Like it was just for show. To participate at something and to support anything funny around her. Yujin was curious on how her real smile looked like. She was motivated to see that. 




"Oh, it's already 8. Had to pick up Wonyoung from Nako eonni's place."  So Yujin got up from her couch, grabbed the key's on one of the cars that they have and head straight to Nako's place. 

Yujin arrived at Nako's place. She hopped outside of her car tiredly and slowly rang the bell. Soon a fresh Wonyoung was already in sight, accompanied by a smiling Nako. 

"Good morning eonni." Even so tired and had eyes that would soon dropped off from it's ets, she still managed to flash her bunny dimpled smile to them. 

"Good morning." Nako replied. "Wonyoung-chan, thanks for last night." 


"Thanks for last night? What did they do last night?" Yujin said in her mind.


"I had a great time." Nako continued, flashing her very cute smile at Wonyoung. 


"Great time? Did she just said GREAT TIME? With my Wonyoung? MY WONYOUNG?" 


"No problem. I had a great time too eonni" 


"What is this great time their talking about? Is it something inappropria—" 


"ANDWAE!" Both Wonyoung and Nako looked at Yujin with different expressions. Both were surprised too at the sudden shouting of Yujin. 

"Eonni? Are you okay?" Wonyoung worriedly asked. 

"Ne. I'm sorry. I'll just head back to the car." Yujin nervously smiled and and bowed at them before going inside their car. 

"Okay, I'll follow soon. Just wait for me there." Wonyoung said and Yujin nodded.


"Tsk. Way to destroy the lovely moment earlier Ahn" Nako softly said to herself while following Yujin by gaze. 


Nako walked Wonyoung to where their car  was parked and openned the passenger's seat for her. Wonyoung thought of this move was so sweet so she gave Nako a pat on the head and flashed her a very cute smile. Nako did the same and waved them goodbye's and saying things like "Careful on driving" to Ahn Yujin. 






"Eonni? You look so drained. Why?" They were now on their way to their pad. Yujin was driving and Wonyoung who was sitting in the passenger's seat got a moment to observe the older one.

"I haven't gotten a real sleep last night" 



"Why? Cuz my mind's been full of you that kept me awake!" 


"Should I tell her that? Aniya. She might get it wrongly." 


"I don't know. Insomnia strikes?" 

"Insomnia? but you don't have insomnia." Wonyoung continued to look at Yujin. Never once she did left her stare at the older girl. 

"Maybe it just showed up last night *yaaaaaawn*" Yujin shook her head multiple times, trying to shake off the drowsiness she was feeling. 

"If you haven't had any sleep, you shouldn't had picked me at Nako eonni's place." 

"I told you yesterday that I'll pick you up. You're not fund of riding buses and you might get lost" Yujin let out a giggle but Wonyoung never joined her. Wonyoung's face remain as it is. Worried at her Yujin eonni's state right now. Even simple things her bestfriend does had this big effect on her. 

"I could just maybe call Hyewon eonni to pick me up." 

"Hyewon eonni? No way. Who know's she might be watching her one piece anime collection again today and you'll disturb her? I don't want to die yet Wonyoungie~" Now that statement made Wonyoung giggled a bit, joining her bestfriend. She knows Yujin was exaggerating but it's mostly like that. Her cousin can be a little scary if you attempted to disturb her in her mangga marathon. 

"Yeah you're probably right haha. Well, I can also ask Nako eonni to bring me home. She won't mind it I guess" 

"Hell no. I'm already here picking you up so why are you complaining? You want Nako eonni bringing you home instead of your bestfriend?" Yujin didn't know why she suddenly outbursted like that. Hearing Nako's name from Wonyoung made her erritated plus she's so sleepy now as hell so it triggered her. Wonyoung was quiet surprised to Yujin's sudden raise of tone. Never once Yujin did that to her. 

"What's your problem? I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that you could just have stayed at the pad and sleep instead of being so stupid picking me up at Nako eonni's place so drained out! You could have been in terrible danger on your way there and we could be in danger now while your driving. Gawd eonni." 

"So picking you is stupid now?" Yujin slowed down her drive and softly uttered those words. That was all the words she picked up from Wonyoung's loud rants earlier anyway. 

"What I'm saying is—" 

"Gwaenchana. I think the same too" 


"I'm so stupid that I fall in love with you." 


"Eonni? I didn't mean it th-" 

"I think I'm stupid too" 


"I'm so stupid thinking that you could at least see the efforts I'm making to show my feelings for you." 


They arrived at their pad. Yujin went out first from driver's seat and Wonyoung was about to follow her and opened the door of the passenger's seat but her bestfriend beat her to it. She flashed a thank you smile but Yujin remained poker faced. 

After Yujin closed the door of the passenger's seat, she quickly went inside their pad and head straight to the kitchen without saying any word to the younger one. She wasn't mad at Wonyoung or something but rather, she was dissapointed of herself. She thinks that her attempt of showing her feelings to the younger one will make her realize about it but it just made her looked so stupid. 

Nonetheless, she really cared about her bestfriend so once she arrived at the kitchen, she then proceeded to grab some ingredients of the dish she will cook and tools. She had been practicing a great breakfast meal to serve to her precious Wonyoung. 

"Ouch!" While slicing a red bell pepper, Yujin didn't realized that her left pointy finger was just above the knife and it got sliced. The feeling of it being sliced was so terrible and the growing of pain was unbearable. She thought at first that it was just a small cut but, turns out it made atleast half through her finger.

"Ya! Why are you even cooking! You should just went to sleep aish eonni!" Wonyoung who happened to just pass the kitchen heard her eonni's yelp and quickly went in. When she saw the big drops of blood coming out of her bestfriend's fingertip, a tear suddenly escaped from her eyes. She just can't believe she's seeing lot's of dripping blood from her bestfriend's finger.

"Why are you so stupid!" Wonyoung took her eonni to the sink and let the water from the faucet washed the cut. Once the bleeding stopped she brought her to the living room and get their first aid kit back in the kitchen. Yujin just stayed silent the entire time. 

Soon Wonyoung got back from the kitchen, bringing the first aid kit and was met by Yujin's blooded hand again. 

"Eonni! I told you to keep your hand in a high position for the blood to not come out. Why are you so stubborn!" Wonyoung was panicking already plus the unresponsed Yujin was not helping. The cut was just too big and long for just a simple wash and band-aid. 

She put some cotton on the wounded area to catch all the blood, hoping it will stop too by doing that. Thankfully it did. 

"eonni? We don't have any betadine left, we only have alcohol. Would you be okay if I clean it using this?" Yujin just nodded. Of course she knew how it would hurt but, how much hurt could she still get? 

"You sure? I won't be putting it if you'll just tell me" Wonyoung said. Her voice really calmed the panicked Yujin earlier. Yujin once again nodded and Wonyoung cleaned her wound using an alcohol. She admits, since the wound is long, the pain is again undescribable. Like it brought her a lot of knives pierced to her hands and even brain. It also felt like she had a severe toothache. She really can't explain it but Wonyoung's been very considerate. She applied the solution as slow as possible and as careful as possible. 

"You never should have touched that knife earlier" Wonyoung said while cleaning the deep cut. Tears were freely flowing on her face. 

"It's just a cut and I had to make you breakfast." 

"Stupid eonni. You know that you are gradually awake. Why did you have to do that? I can make us both breakfast if you want. Look at what it did" 

"It's just a small cut Wonyou—" 

"Small cut? You could've sliced your finger off and you're saying it's just a small cut !?

"But I didn't" Yujin flashed her an innocent smile in which Wonyoung glared at.

"You scared me eonni. I thought something really bad happen seeing all the blood. Did you realized how scared I was?" She hates it when Yujin's trying to act so strong like the pain never even once bothered her when it hit a major impact on her end. 

Wonyoung was done cleaning and bandaging Yujin's cut. She was now cleaning the remnants of the materials that she used earlier and was about to throe them away when Yujin spoke.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I never should have done that. I'm sorry for scaring you Wonyoungie~" Yujin said. Quiet guilty with what she did and disappointed with herself again. She once again made her angel cry. And it's because she was so selfish. She swore that she won't do it again. Wonyoung sighed. 

"It's fine. Just be careful next time." 

"I just wanted to prepare something delicious for you" 

"there's still a lot of time that you can do that eonni. For now just rest and catch up on your sleep. Your eyes were really needing it." Yujin nodded and layed down her exhausted body on the couch. Soon as her body got contact with the soft surface of their couch, everything just went black and conciousness left her body. 

When Wonyoung returned she saw Yujin on the couch tirelessly laying her body. Soft and calm breathing escaping from her. Wonyoung used this time and opportunity to observe the girl's features. She still hadn't moved-on from the thought of the conversation that she had last night with her Nako eonni.



"You and Yujin were really good friends."


"We have been GOOD FRIENDS since forever, I think"


"Isn't that a good thing?"




"Why did it sounded like it's a bad thing?"



It's supposed to be good but she's feeling the opposite instead. Everytime she said to herself that her and Yujin were GOOD FRIENDS, a tiny sting on her chest roses. 

"Eonni? Why am I feeling that it's actually a bad thing to be called your "Bestfriend"? " She softly said while some strands of Yujin's hair away from her eyes.


"Why does it stings when I think about myself being only your bestfriend?" 


"I'm getting this weird feelings lately eonni and I don't like it!" 


She don't actually know what she's been feeling. Everything was new to her. She thought that maybe it's normal for her Yujin eonni to take care so much of her because she's her "Bestfriend"  and that she shouldn't feel anything inappropriate to feel but it's the opposite. She wanted to clear what she's been having lately and her so caring, gorgeous, pretty, cute, adorable, eye-smilling bunny-teethed eonni's adding spices to her already heated feelings. 

She's weirded by herself. She shouldn't feel anything like what she's having. They've been friends, bestfriends for a really long time and never did she once felt anything like what she had this days. 

Earlier, when she saw how bloody her eonni's hand was and how deep the cut was, she was disappointed for not being able to protect her eonni when she needed it. She thought she was gonna lose her eonni because the blood that were dripping out of her hand was no joke. Thankfully she managed to stop it and put some first aid to it. 

Now that her eonni's sleeping in a very calm state a smile plastered to her face.

"Maybe I'm just paranoid or whatever. Maybe because we have been friends for a long time that I thought about those things and maybe I just misinterpreted it. I just don't want to lose you cuz I got so used to your presence now and your caring. It seems so overwhelming." Wonyoung stood up and before she went away she said some last words to her sleeping eonni.

"I don't know what I'm feeling towards you. I hate it at the same time, it feels good. Please help me understand this eonni" 








In the afternoon, Yujin woke up from the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Slowly she roses up from the sofa and went on her way to where the smell came from.

"No wonder why it smelled so good" 

"Eonni, you're awake now." 

"Yeah. Is it finished?" Yujin walked near Wonyoung and and took a quick glance on what she was cooking. 

"Just a little touch of this and now it's done. Go take a sit and I'll serve it" Yujin excitedly hopped her way to her seat and waited for for the delicious meal Wonyoung made.

"So how's it?" Yujin was observing the girl's reaction while waiting for her response on the meal. She made a lot of expression on her face making the younger one got a little confused on how her dish tasted. Satisfied with the teasing, Yujin finally gave her satisfied grin.

"It's so Deliciouuuuus!" 


"Jinjja! How can you make dishes so good Wonyoungie?" 


"Maybe because I added some love into it? 


"I studied it" 

"Daebak! It's so good." Yujin was very enjoying the meal and Wonyoung couldn't be much more pleased than she is right now. 


"Eonni!" Wonyoung immedietly went to Yujin's side and inspected the older's bandaged hand. Surprised again when she saw it was all blooded. 

They stopped their meal for a while and Wonyoung quickly got the first aid. 

"Your hand bleeds a lot eonni" Yujin just observed the girl. How keen she was on treating the wound. She was certain that she was somewhat jealous of her interaction with Nako and that she was very curious on what they did last night. Ended up on her doing things on rush and resulted to this. Injuring her hand. But after the incident this morning, the jealousy that once took over was replaced with a more wonderful feeling. She can't explain it but she loves it when Wonyoung act so caring towards her. She somewhat felt that as if, Wonyoung might be feeling something the same as her. But again, it's just a typical and normal thing to do. When you're bestfriend's bleeding a lot of course you'll get panicked and if you're not used to see a lot of blood, eventually you're tears will show up. So it's a normal thing. Nothing special. But for Yujin, it cause a tremendous spark in her system to blow up. 

"Eung. Sorry Wonyoungie"

"Ey don't be sorry, it was an accident." She was actually reffering to her feelings to the girl. She was sorry for her bestfriend that everything Wonyoung does, it always has a different approach to her. It always means something impossible. 

Is it an accident for her feelings to the younger grew so strong that she wanted more from her?

Should she not be sorry about it?


Little did she know, that while she was battling with her inner self about her feelings, a certain Jang Wonyoung was actually the same. 

Since she found out about her growing feelings to the older one, she can't move freely anymore. It's like all of her moves and actions were calculated and she can't even stay still when the older's near. She's battling on how she can be able to calm herself and act normal in front of her. 

"Alright eonni, all done." 

"Nice. Thanks Wonyoungie~" 

"Your welcome. Now let me feed you" 

"F-feed me?" Yujin gulped an invisble lump on when she heard Wonyoung will feed her. Wonyoung noticed this and was quiet sad that Yujin might think it's weird.

"Yes. You can't move your hand because if you will it will bleed again." Wonyoung quickly countered her words which brought her to a much safer pace. Yujin nodded. It's the first time Yujin was actually grinning like crazy internally of the misfortune she got. She got a lot of benefits from it. 

"And besides we're used on doing this before right eonni?" Right. They used to this before. But now's DIFFERENT!  

So as said, Wonyoung fed Yujin while feeding herself at the same time. Yujin felt quiet so guilty about it that Wonyoung had to do a lot of work. Like taking care of her while taking care of herself but nonetheless Wonyoung just shrugged it. She was glad that she was able to take care of her eonni. It felt really good and she likes it. 









Evening came and they ate as usual. Watched some TV shows before deciding to go to bed early. 
Yujin just finished taking up her night bath after Wonyoung. They were both laying in their own bed thinking about random stuffs. Wonyoung was making some reflection of herself that what she felt towards her eonni was maybe just a feeling of admiration since, Yujin was the one who really took care of them and was like her real eonni. Now that she had experienced taking care of her eonni, she agreed that it's probably just it. She was having the same feelings too when she's with Nako sometimes so she concluded that maybe, it's just her heart reacting to all those kindness those two were showing or with anyone. 

Yujin on the other side had a different thought. She was glad that today's event made her forget about that strange feeling she felt with Minjoo last night but the scene this morning. Where Nako said those words; 


"Wonyoung-chan, thanks for last night." 


"I had a great time." 


And how Wonyoung's response was; 


"No problem. I had a great time too eonni" 


Didn't actually left her mind for a second. Sure it did went at the back of her head some of the time but that's just that. Never did it left. 


"Wonyoung-ah? Are you still awake?" 

"Yes. Why?" She swore that if she won't at least try to ask on how their sleep over went last night, she can't fall asleep again. So best things should be done. 

"How was your sleep-over at Nako's place?" She carefully asked. Trying to look at Wonyoung who had plastered a beautiful grin once she heard the name of Nako and remembered their moments last night. 

"It was good. We made some good conversation but, quiet boring because we only get to watch a movie. I mean, I only watched the movie." Yujin was half smiling listening to Wonyoung's rants on how Nako was physically there but her mind wasn't and how Nako was giggling alone like she's some crazy man when the movie they're watching wasn't even funny. 

"It would be much more fun if you were there eonni" Wonyoung finished her rants. Pouting at the smiling Yujin.

"Yeah but how about Hii-chan? Where was she?" 


"eung. Hitomi eonni. Me and Yena eonni call her Hii-chan. Kawaii~ne?" Wonyoung felt something bitter on how Yujin was so bubbly mentioning about Hitomi and how they had made a cute name for her. 

"Sigh... Hitomi eonni went directly to her room soon as we arrived" 

"Oh, why?" 

"She said she's tired and wanted to rest" 

"Well we've been walking the entire time yesterday at Lotte so it's no wonder that she got tired. Looking on her short legs haha" 

"Okay. I'm tired already. I'm gonna sleep. Night" Wonyoung was done with her talk and grew tired of the conversation. Sensing that Yujin was starting to have fun, she cutted it off quickly and back faced her. 

"Eh? Wonyoung-ah? Let's talk first." 



"She must be honestly sleeping." 


"Okay. Good night Wonyoungieeeee~ See ya tomorrow" 

"_" Hearing no response from the younger one quiet made Yujin sad. Isn't she deserving for at least some "Good night?" 


"Well she did said "Night" earlier" She said in her mind.


"Why was she suddenly cold anyway? Maybe because she was really sleepy" 


"See ya tomorrow" The frown that was formed on Yujin's face was now replaced by a big grin when she heard Wonyoung's response. 

Later that night both left on their own dreamland. 






So Wonyoung's sorting out her feelings for Yujin eh? This chapter was the longest chapter I had made so far. How did you liked it? Give me your thoughts about this in the comment section below ne? juseyo??


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See you on our next update!






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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....