CHAPTER 20 — ( The Encounter )

I Don't Wanna Love You





"Would you like some Ramyeon eonni?" 

"Thanks Wonyoung. I already eaten." After Wonyoung let Nako in, she went back to their kitchen to finish her meal. Nako was scanning the place while Wonyoung's observing her. Sipping her noodles from time to time. 

"What are you doing here eonni?" Wonyoung asked after having a long silence between them. Nako averted her attention back to Wonyoung. Her smile can't seem to disappear as she stared at the latter's angelic face.

"Ahm..." Nako shyly thought of any possible reason for her to be there but she seems can't find any. "Where's Yujin by the way?" So she tried to buy some time while thinking of a good reason why she's suddenly at Yujin and Wonyoung's residence. 

"I don't know. She suddenly went out early this morning." She noticed the mood of Wonyoung dropped down and how she let out a long and tired sigh. 



This Ahn Yujin better have a good reason why she just left me with a single "bye" .  Wonyoung internally said. She's quiet surprised that Nako's at her doorstep. She thought it was her beloved best of a friend but no. Instead, it was a tiny cute puppy who was there. 

"Ahh... Didn't she told you where she will go?" Actually, Nako kinda knew where Yujin was. Sakura kinda accidentally exposed it earlier while they were having their breakfast that Yujin, Chaeyeon and Yena will meet up. She just doesn't know where exactly their location was. 

"No." Wonyoung said while shaking her head. Nako saw how gloomy Wonyoung was in the early Saturday morning. She cursed Yujin for making her princess felt this toxic feeling. 

"You still haven't answered my question eonni." Wonyoung said. Head slumped down on the kitchen Island like she was both bored and tired. Processing everything, Nako thought for a second that Wonyoung's indirectly telling her to go because she's not in the mood for a guest but, thanfully Wonyoung lifted her head up. She sensed that there's no one answering her, the giant got worried a little if she was just having a daydream of Nako and she was releived when the girl was actually there. Staring at her.



Wait- staring at her? 



Wonyoung wondered if Nako was doing that for a long time already or if she even heard Wonyoung talked. 

"Eonni?" Wonyoung tried to talk again and Nako still had her gaze lingered to the girl. 




















"I want to see you" Casually Nako delivered her words. Like it's the easiest thing to say.












"I wanted to see you, Wonyoung-ah" She heard her alright. She was just having a hard time finding an excuse as to why she was there but, she only had one. Wonyoung was taken aback surprised on why Nako wanted to see her. 

"Ahm, okay. Waeyo?" Out of curiousity, Wonyoung carefully asked Nako for the reason 

"Wae? Cause I miss you" Nako answered straightforwardly. She didn't had any reason not to. If she wants Wonyoung to be with her, she shouldn't waste any time she had. 

Wonyoung tried so hard to act cool. That Nako's boldness didn't made her heart skip a beat a little.  She can feel her blood rushing to her cheeks and she felt her system suddenly flopped down. 




Why is she so blant? 




"You and your ways Nako eonni." Said Wonyoung rushing her way to the living room. She's sure that her cheeks were now flustered red because of Nako's boldness and she seems can't have it back to normal. Her heart can't seem to calm a little down too. 




Why was she feeling the same thing she's having with Yujin? That, she doesn't know. 


A grinning Nako followed her suit. Plastering a victory smirk on her face for successfully making the girl shy. 





1 point for me.  She said to herself. 













"I'm sorry, but I can't help you anymore."


"Can't you just do it for one last time?" 


"I already helped you many times. I'm sorry but I'm done." 




At a certain coffee shop downtown, two figures can be seen arguing about something. 




"I know I made a mistake in the past but, I swear I didn't mean to hurt your friend. You know how much I love her." 


"I know eonni. You should have at least let her know. You left her hanging for a great 2 years!" 


"I know Hyewon. I was a mess at that time. My family took me back in the US to learn something about the business. I didn't had much time to inform everyone because it was so sudden. I woke up one day and they're already at my apartment with my luggage all ready. They didn't even let me had any communication with you guys cause they want my full attention to be on the company only. I'm very sorry." Hyewon grew a soft spot for Kriesha. She admitted, she hated her but, after hearing her side. It must be very hard for the girl too. 


"There wasn't any single moment that I didn't missed her. I kept on thinking about her every day and every night. I even escaped a lot of times from my family's grip but it was useless. They didn't allow me to have credit cards. I don't had any cash and my driver's always with me." 


"Why are you telling me this things? You should directly tell this to Minju. I'm not the one who you freakin' hurt. I'm not the one who you freakin' left!" Yes, hearing that from Kriesha softened her heart and made her kill Kriesha's parents in her mind a lot of times but, she also hated the fact that she knew the reason first why this girl in front of her left her friend. She shouldn't be the first person to know it. It should be Minju!


"I don't know if I can tell her. I'm afraid of her reaction and I don't think it would make any difference." This caused a fire to lit inside Hyewon. 






"You know what eonni? 



You're so selfish! 



You left her for 2 years without telling her the reason why. 



You left her broken and devastated! You made her wait for nothing! 



You made her think of herself as one bad girlfriend because of what you did! 



You made her lost her self confidence! 



You made her lost her cheerfulness and her precious smile and laughter were all gone.

Thanks to you! 




Now, after 2 long years, you decided go come back because maybe you already learned something about your company, your claiming Minju as your girlfriend again? 



When her broken heart's already been healed? 



When she's learning to move-on and try to live her life the way she did before you came?



And you're expecting her to welcome you with open arms? 



You won't even tell her the reason why you did that in the first place? 



Are you freaking SERIOUS!? 














You know, I think it's better that both of you won't get back together because Minju will just suffer. 
Minju deserves your ing explanation! She had suffered a lot during those 2 years don't give her more!" 


Hyewon tried to understand and had sympathy for Kriesha but she's being unreasonable. All her respect for her senior just went down the drain because of that. 


Kriesha was surprised of the latter's sudden outburst but didn't uttered a single word. She didn't thought that she made her Minju suffer like that. She felt terrible to herself. Now, she don't know what to do anymore. Hyewon's right, Minju's better off without her now. She should just let her leave the life she wanted. She shouldn't have appeard again in Minju's life.

"Don't be such a coward. Your so bold appearing at her front gate after you silently left for 2 years and now telling her the reason scares you? You're making me laugh eonni. Thanks for the coffee." With that Hyewon rose up and exited the place. Kriesha was left alone in the coffee shop with disorganized thoughts. Now she can finally let her tears fall. Her eyes can't even hold it any longer for her. 




That's it Kriesha. 



Just cry. 



Evetything will be fine. 










After their talk in the mall with her eonnis Yujin decided to head home. Yena and Chaeyeon had envited her somewhere to their individual hangouts with their girlfriends but Yujin declined. She don't want to be the third wheel in any of their dates and she also want to spend the day with her soon-to-be-girlfriend. Well if Yujin just didn't got some cat biting her tongue yesterday evening, maybe her and Wonyoung were now official! 

But of course, it takes a lot of courage to confess you know. 

Arriving, she heard noises from the corridor coming from their pad. She wonders if it was just the television volume. So she quicken her pace. Slowly she opened the door and closed it as quite as possible. Sounds of laughters coming from the living room welcomed her. She tried her best to not make any sound while she went near them.

"Hahaha ahh— eonni. Please not there." Upon nearing, she confirmed that it was not from the television. This made her stop from her tracks. 




Did she just heard Wonyoung right?




"Agh ya! Careful, it tickles." 








"It's my first time to try this eonni." She heard Wonyoung again in her husky voice talking. 




What are they actually doing? 




Not there? 








What does tickles?




First time? 




What's Wonyoung's first time? 




Thoughts bombarded Yujin's mind that Wonyoung and that someone she's with were doing inappropriate things. She leaned her left ear more and tried to listen more to any movement and talks. She heard heavy breaths that it made her sunk and grew nervous. 

"Trust me on this. You'll never get to feel any pain." And that's it. That ticked the bomb. She can't imagine her innocent Wonyoung to be molist by some random guys or girls in their pad so as quick as possible she rose up and head stormed at the living room. 



















"Ya! Why were you shouting!" Wonyoung scolded glaring at the idiotic Yujin.

"Now it's all ruined, Aish" Nako hissed. 

"Y-ya! Wh-what were you t-two doing there?" She nervously asked. Wonyoung was sitting on the couch with Nako squatting on the floor with a pen holding on Wonyoung's porcelain leg. 
"And why were you holding to Wonyoung's leg? Ya! Put it down!" She continued. Nako could just only laugh looking at a dismantled Yujin while Wonyoung was so confused on what's happening. 

"Ya eonni. What are you doing? Aish. Nako's making me a butterfly tattoo! Now look what you did to my butterfly. It's all ruined." Wonyoung pouted while caressing the ruined art of Nako on her legs. Yujin was bewildered. 




So they aren't doing anything— Aish! Why am I so stupid?




"You thought— bwahahahaha!" The cute little Nako bursted out laughing once she realized why Yujin was acting like that. 

"Ya! Who wouldn't? With— Aish, I'm sorry Wonyoung-ah." She went near the girl who was all caressing her beautiful butterfly that was drawn by Nako. 

"You'd ruined it." 

"I'll fix it. I can draw much beautiful than that." Yujin boasted. Having an intense glaring competition with Nako. Wonyoung turned her attention to her so quickly she removed her glares with Nako and looked charmly at Wonyoung. 

"Really?" Wonyoung asked. Yujin quickly nodded. Her beautiful smile present on her face along with her dimples. Wonyoung swore that Yujin was very beautiful and that her heart's pounding so much with how close they were to each other but she maintained to have a poker face. She can't let her emotion control her. She's still pissed with Yujin. 

"No thanks. Nako eonni sincerely drew this. It can't be replaced." Hearing that from Wonyoung made a Nako beamed a big smile. She's really happy that Wonyoung now appreciates her efforts. Yujin glared at Nako but the tiny human was just teasingly giving her faces which made Yujin so frustrated and annoyed! 

"Why are you here anyway?" She sternly asked to Nako. Anger's visible on the tone of her voice but she didn't made it that much of an obvious. 

"None of your business" Was Nako's short answer. This fueled the anger of Yujin. Although Nako was older than her, she doesn't have the right to talk like  that to her. 

"It IS my business. Your stepping at OUR floor." She pinpointed the obvious.

"Oh really? I'm here for Wonyoung. Got a problem with that kid?" Nako's smirk only worsen Yujin's annoyance. And a kid? 

"Ya! Who are you calling a kid!? You Midget!" 


"I thought I made it obvious to you dumn giant!" 



"YAAAA!" Wonyoung shouted at the top of her lungs and it shutted them up. She had enough of their fight so she decided to step in. Glaring on both Nako and Yujin. 

"Yujin, Nako's here because she said she misses me." Yujin was taken aback of what Wonyoung said. Looking at Wonyoung who looked like it's not that of a big deal. Well it is for her! Now that she knew Nako had some feelings of attraction towards her precious. It IS a BIG DEAL! 

"Why would she miss you? You saw each other yesterday?" She annoyingly asked. Now she's really pissed on the midget. 

"Why do you care? At least I'm not afraid to express my affection towards Wonyoung! What about you?" Nako smirked grew wider seeing a surprised Yujin. She was caught off guard with the question.

"W-what about me?" She nervously asked. Earlier, she wants Nako to feel all the fidgety but the table suddenly flipped. She was having all the nervousness again. Her body tensed in an instant when Wonyoung stick her eyes at her. 

"Oh, don't mind that question. I just picked that out of the blue. Anyways, It seems like my angel here won't be alone anymore." With that, Nako won their petty argument. Wonyoung can't help but to feel a little shy hearing Nako calling her "my angel"

"I shall take my leave now princess. Nice hanging out with you. Let's fix that butterfly soon." Wonyoung nodded. Nako went near to the sitting Wonyoung and made a very bold move that exploded Yujin. Nako slowly leaned to Wonyoung's face and peck the corner of  her lips.




Nako made sure that Yujin has a complete view of it, teasing the tall girl. Both were surprised to Nako's bold move. Especially Yujin who was now ready to torture the sneaky midget. She didn't know where Nako had all that confidence in her but she want to have some if she can. 

The sound of the door ticked close woke the both of them up. Still with eyes wide open and having their jaw dropped, they looked at each other. 


"Did she just—" 

"kissed me." They had completed each other's sentence. Yujin was now boiling in jealousy but she don't want Wonyoung to know about it. She still has some pride to keep and she needs to maintain her cool. Yujin decided to rose up and went near to the flustered Wonyoung not forgetting to grab some pile of wet wipes. 


Slowly, she carefully touched Wonyoung's face and let her face the corner where Nako's lips touched. She then wiped carefully the wet wipes, cleaning it. Like Nako had some virus on her that she's afraid Wonyoung might get any of those. 


Wonyoung's heart was now working in dismantled. She can't stop it from going wild. She was surprised by Nako but she's more flustered by how Yujin's hand was touching her delicate skin and tried to wipe away the remains of Nako's lips. She can't help but cringe inside and she can feel how heated her cheeks were now. 

"I'm sorry I let Nako eonni land her germs here" Yujin continued to wipe the area carefully and briefly. Making sure that there'll be no remains of Nako's lips. 

"Thanks." A small smile formed on the giant maknae's lips. 

"Don't let it happen again." Yujin said. Seriousness was obvious in her tone of voice.

"The what?" 

"People kissing you. Especially Nako eonni" 

"Why?" Yujin was jealous. Wonyoung knew. A small smile crept on her face thinking about that.

"Cuz-cuz I don't want them taking advantage of you." Yujin will never admit that she's jealous. She loves Wonyoung but she also has to keep her cool,  and  Wonyoung knew it already. So she just flashed her a smile and nodded. Still Yujin's chosen words didn't fail to make her heart flutter.


Yujin cleaned first the mess she made before settling herself to seat on the same couch as Wonyoung but not forgetting to leave a quite space. 


Thoughts starting to come to Yujin again. The things that Nako did earlier was scaring her. If she don't make any plans now, it might be too late for her. 




But what plan? 




She needs to come up with anything today or else she might don't have any chance left. 




But what shall she do?




Agh, brain think! Think! Think! 




"Were did you go eonni?" Wonyoung can't take the silence enveloping the both of them so she had to break it. It's killing her. She's also curious as to where her eonni went this morning. 

"Ah? Time Square. Meet up with Yena and Chaeyeon eonni." From Yujin's answer, it seems like she doesn't want to talk further about it. So Wonyoung dismissed the topic. 

"Are you still mad at me?" Wonyoung snapped to Yujin's direction. Both were having a staring game before Wonyoung decided to break it again, shooking her head a No. 

"I wasn't mad at you. I was angry at myself." She said. Yujin was curious on why was she mad at herself so she asked why. 

"It doesn't matter. It's very nonesence." 

"It doesn't seem nonesence to me." Even if she already knew Wonyoung wanted to disperse the topic, she still slowly pushed it. Careful not to piss the girl though. 

"Well for me it is." And Yujin could only nod her head. She no longer want to push it cuz, it may trigger another fight on the two of them. 




"ACHOOO!" And right. She still has another problem to face.




"ACHOOOOOOO!" Quickly Wonyoung grabbed the box of tissue and passed on to her eonni. Yujin thanked Wonyoung for the tissue before blowing her nose. Wonyoung felt terribly guilty watching her eonni catch a cold. If she didn't just let her childish act last night get into her, Yujin might not get sick. 

"I'm sorry eonni. I shouldn't have let you slept on the couch last night. I'm such a terrible friend." 

"No. It was my fault. I didn't used the blanket you gave me last night. I accidentaly kicked it away or maybe it slipped." Yujin don't want Wonyoung to blame herself when it's actually not her fault. 

"But still, I let you slept here. If I hadn't let you slept here last night, you would've gotten your cold. I'm sorry eonni." 

"It's okay. Look I'm fine." Yujin rose up and do random dance which Wonyoung ended up laughing. "See. I'm all fine so no big—" 




"ACHOOOOO!" She quickly turned around to not let her virus reached Wonyoung. She turned back, facing Wonyoung with that dorky smile she always wear whenever she had done something wrong and wanting to get out of it. 

"Come here eonni. You need to get warm." Yujin slumped down her shoulder and gave her hands to Wonyoung unwillingly letting the giant baby dragged her to their bedroom. 




She can plan her "action plan"  later.




Wonyoung guided Yujin to lay down on the warm matress and wrapped her like some sort of burito. Yujin was internally suffocating but she loved the feeling of being taken care by Wonyoung so she didn't complain.


"I don't like it" Yujin said out of the blue surprising the maknae.


"What is it that you don't like?" Still hessitant to say it but she needs to tell this giant baby something.   


"The tattoo." She doesn't hate the tattoo. She hated the one' who made it.


"Why? It's beautiful and I requested it. I want to have it."


"I'll make you another one. Just- just remove it" Wonyoung saw how devastated and pissed her eonni was she can't help but giggle. Yujin snapped her a look and it made her giggle more.


"Sorry, it's just that.... You're so funny when you're jealous"


"I wasn't. I'm not! I mean— The drawing's ugly!" Yujin looked away trying to not meet the quirky eyes of her beloved.


"Yeah sure." Wonyoung decided to just agree because as how much she push it, Yujin just won't give in and admit it. It makes her sad but she decided to wait for the girl's courage to come.



She just doesn't know until when.




"Get well quickly." Wonyoung softly said to her. Caressing Yujin's face and brushing off some hair that covered the girl's beautiful eyes. 

"I'm not sick. It's just—" Quickly Yujin covered her entire face with the blanket. 

"Achooo. cold"  Wonyoung removed the blanket that was covering her eonni's face and Yujin's face was hilarious. 

"Ya! Wipe that eww thing on your nose haha" Wonyoung was now dying out of laughter seeing her eonni's messed face. She hand a box of tissue to her eonni and let her wipe the green sticky thing below her nose. 

























I hope you don't take long eonni. 



It's lonely up here...







YUJIIIIIIIIIIIN! Now Wonyoung decided to wait when will you make your move???? Nako's starting hers. TT


I didn't thought that it will took me a lot of chapters before I get to have Wonyoung and Yujin be together but just ahm...... wait a little? We'll soon get there


And Kriesha! You're screwd man! Your being unfair to Minju! TT How should I create a happy ending for Minju if that's what you're gonna do??? TT 


Anyhow, how was this chapter to you guys? I hope it entertained you and thank you so much for liking my story. I am nearing 300 subscribers  and nearing to 200 comments ! 감사드립니다 여려본! TT 


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차 ~ 다음에 봐요. 안녕!  

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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....