CHAPTER 16 — ( Haven't We?)

I Don't Wanna Love You



"Sakura-anechan? I have a question." 


"How do you do it?" 


Nako, Hitomi and Sakura were at their living room watching a variety show. They just got home from school. It was a very tiring day so they decided to just turn on the TV and flocked down the couch without even bothering to change. 


"Dōyattano?" Nako re-phrased her question.

"nan'ga attano?" Everyone was so oblivious of the question Nako was asking. So Nako cleared and gathered some courage to ask the question that she wanted to ask earlier. 

"I mean, confessing." 

"Ehh~???" Sakura was surprised. Hitomi who doesn't have any plans on listening to the conversation can't help but be curious about it. She too was surprised by Nako.

"Dō yatteyaruno..." She again repeated her question. Head facing down and was quiet embarassed that she asked that to her anesan' but, she's desperate. 








"I went over-board eonni right?" 


Over-board? You actually did the right thing! She deserved that! 


We were at the school's gym eating our lunch peacefully. Wonyoung decided for us to eat here since there are no students so it's silent. 

Wonyoung kinda' told me everything after I managed to asked her, (More like begged her to say it) but at least she did. That got me earned my crop. And basing to what she told me? Ahn Yujin was a jerk! And the heck did she dared to k— agh! Kiss MY Wonyoung!? Was she on her right mind!? She kissed her and then left the house just like that? Without leaving an explanation? Who the hell does she think she is!? 


"I think she deserved it. I mean she's the one who told you harsh words last night." How she managed to say that to her bestfriend was still a question for me. I mean she judged Wonyoung. SHE IMMEDIATELY MADE A CONCLUSION WITHOUT ASKING HER! Is that what you called a bestfriend!? a BESTFRIEND!?

"But eonni, did you saw how she crumbled down? She felt really hurt and I hate seeing my eonni in pain like that" And I hate seeing you in pain too Wonyoung-ah. 

Don't you know how it hurts me to see you being like that? 

Seeing her teary eyes and how painful it was for her whe she saw Yujin's state after she left her there, I can feel that she somehow had something for Yujin and that got me alarmed. 

"Maybe because she was kinda embarassed? Cause you've ignored her and there was a lot of students in there?"

"Embarassed? That's not what it looks like to me eonni. Maybe I should go and check on her?" 

"ĪE! DEKINAI!"  I shouted internally. I can't let her go to her.

"Remember Wonyoung, she's indirectly telling you last night that she don't want you near her." 


"No that's not what she told me. She told me that I— 

I can't say it. " 

"Okay now stop crying. It hurts me seeing you in pain like this over that stupid junk!" I didn't want to see the tears that was on it's way to falling off her eyes and so I wrapped my arms around her, sending comfort and let her feel that I am just here. 

"Thanks eonni. I needed that" The moment that she hugged me back was very overwhelming feeling and how tight it was brought me to heaven. 

That got me determined to make my move very, very soon. 

"Always Wonyoung-ah. I'll aways be here to comfort you. I'll never hurt you like she did." 






After that moment I had with Wonyoung, I kept on thinking ways on how I can be able to think of a good and romantic way of confessing to her what I feel. 


Wonyoung doesn't deserve the pain that she was feeling. She deserve to love and be loved, and I will be the one to do that. 


I will be the one to give her the love that she truly deserve. Yujin is not worth it for her! 


"Why are you suddenly asking Sakura-eonni about confessing Nako-anechan?" Hitomi asked. I rose my head up and looked at them. 




Should I tell them that I like Wonyoung?



No, I love Wonyoung and I want to confess to her? 





They could give me a better advice if I told them who am I confessing to right? 





"Can I tell you something?" 

"What is it Nako?" 

"Don't you guys judge me okay?" 

"Oookay... are you planning on confessing to someone?" 

"Nako-chan!? You're confessing?? Wow to whom?" Sakura eonni asked. I can see that she's somehow excited and it boost up my confidence a bit but, it's different for Hitomi. 

"To Wonyoung" 









I knew I would get this response from them. It wouldn't be realistic if they don't.

"Who?" Sakura eonni softly asked.

"Wonyoung. I plan on confessing to Wonyoung, Sakura eonni." I carefully told her. 

"Are you serious Nako-anechan?" 

"Did I sound like I'm joking Hi-chan?" 

"Since when did you started liking Wonyoung?" Sakura eonni asked. 

"Since the time that we spent at the Han River. She toured me around the city since I was new and she brought to a lot of places, the Namsan tower and finally to the Han River." 


That was the most magical thing that happened to me in my entire life. That day, I felt like an angel came down from heaven intended for me to love. 


I swore then from that day that I will do anything to make her mine and to not let Wonyoung be hurt and cry. 









"No. No, you can't do that Nako. She already has Yujin. They just need to tell each other how they feel." That really made my blood boil. Why is she rooting Wonyoung to be with that jerk!?

"How can you say that she has Yujin? She doesn't have anyone. Yet. and are you betting Wonyoung to be with that junk?" 


"What!? It's TRUE Hi-chan! She's a piece of JUNK! A JERK! All she did was hurt MY precious Wonyoung!" 

"YOUR Wonyoung? Where are your senses now Nako? and No, I'm not betting Wonyoung to be with Yujin. Do I look like I would do that? What I'm trying to say is that, I'm waiting for them to confess to each other. Everybody can see that they feel the same way except for themselves." Sakura eonni then eyed me with that soft gaze that she always had and touched my left cheek. "Nako, don't do it, You'll just hurt yourself." She added. 

"But anesan' I'm already hurting myself. Do you have any idea how painful it was seeing the person I love so broken hearted earlier? It felt like a samurai just ripped me into pieces. SHE DON'T DESERVE THAT!" My tears were now in the verge of falling. I can't cry, I need to look strong for them to believe that I'm serious.

"Sakura eonni is right Nako-eonni. If you'll confess to Wonyoung, there's a big possibility that you'll get rejected because she already has feelings for her bestfriend and if she'll ever accept your confession, you'll just make her confused about her feelings and make her life complicated. Is that what you want?"






"Nako? Look at me" I lifted my head up again and was met by Sakura eonni's soft eyes. 

"I know that you love Wonyoung, but does she feel the same way?" 

"I'm sure she feels something for me too. I felt it when she hugged me so tightly earlier and how she cried in my arms and clinged unto me , told me that she felt also the same way that I do." 

"We're just saving you from a big heartbreak Nako eonni" 

"I don't know what really happened between Yujin and Wonyoung but I'm sure that Wonyoung acted like that earlier because she needed some comfort from someone. And that person happened to be you. Your mis-understanding her actions Nako-chan." After hearing Sakura eonni, I rose up from the couch and looked at them.

"Thanks a lot eonni, Hitomi. I understand that you're just maybe, protecting me but I already made up my mind. I'm gonna tell her how I feel tomorrow. I'm sure she feels the same way too, if not? I'm gonna make her." Then I stormed my way to my bedroom. I should have known that they can't be of any help. Sigh... 









"Eonni? Why didn't I fall for you instead?"













"I wish I'd fall for you instead eonni" 




"YA~MINJOO!" That snapped me out of my thought. Eh? Why are we in the arcade? 

"What's wrong? You seem so out from this world since dismissal. Were you even listening to what I'm saying? Aish..." After some time that I recovered, I realized that we're in the mall and I'm actually with my best— girlfriend. Sigh... 

"I'm sorry, what were you saying again?" 

"Nevermind. What were you thinking? Mind sharing?" I looked at her for a few minutes before averting my gaze to somewhere else. 

"I'm sorry KeuKeu, I can't tell you."  

She looked so bewildered so I continued walking around without having any distination. She'll eventually just follow along. 

"Hey, Minmin? C'mon, tell me what's in your mind.~" Kriesha eonni continued to whine but I decided to ignore it. She looked so cute though, but I'm just not in the mood for any cuteness now. 





You wanna know what I'm thinking? 






Well, it's her. 


I knew from the first time that I saw her I was already attracted to her. I love how easy going she is and how she can still smile even though she had a very big problem on her back. 


The way her eyes turned into half-moon shaped when she's genuinely happy. How her cute dimple made her smile looked very alluring and everything about her is just beautiful and adorable at the same time. 


I thought liking her wasn't a bad idea so I just let my feelings run. I didn't mind falling for her anyway that time but, 


Kriesha eonni suddenly appeared out of the blue and that's where everything around me fell apart. 


I wanted to fight back my feelings. I really do. I wanted it to stop beating so fast everytime Yujin's in sight, but I can't. I wanted this to go away, but I just can't. 


"Minjoo? What food would you like to it?" 






"Kim Minju!" 






"YAAA! I understand that you're very stressed on the examination but please, stop thinking of that for now. I don't want to date a walking log. Can I have my MinMin back please studious Minjoo?" Again, that snapped me out of thoughts. 

"Arasseo eonni~" I flashed her a smile that made her bunny teeth showed up. She's so cute, really.  
"I'll have what you have then." I added and she happily skipped to order our food which made me giggle. She can be so adorable sometimes. Me on the other hand find us our table. 


As soon as I sat on our table where it's visible to eonni over the counter, my heart suddenly raised. I got all nervous and had goosebumps when I saw Yujin in fro— oh, it's not her. 




Am I having imaginations? 








Every time that I'm in the process of getting rid of this terrible feeling I'm having for Yujin, she shows up and do things she shouldn't do! 


Sat with me, Talked to me, Walked me home indirectly, giving me those longing stares that she's somehow telling me that she wants me to be with her for a long time, letting me have to wear her coat eventhough the weather was extremely freezing. 


Why was she doing all that? 


She always gives that mildang feeling that I hate but at the same time, I love it too. 


I know that what I'm feeling is wrong but I can't control it. 


I was so determined earlier to just focus my mind on the exam and on Kriesha eonni too but seeing her in the hallway, trembling and was curving like a ball, everything that I did in order to forget my growing feelings faded. 


All I wanted that time was to get rid of the pain she was feeling. I realized how it stung my heart so much having to witness her so distressed. 


I was surprised when she suddenly held my hand and brought me to a very wonderful place in school that I'd never been in my entire residency at the Academy. 


I was kinda disappointed when she let go of my hand but was relieved when she sat on the bench and let herself calm down. 


When I decided to sat down next to her, I didn't had any other intention but to just stay with her. I know she needs someone to listen to her and comfort her. At that time, I wanted to be that someone and I did. 


It really ached my heart knowing the reason of her breaking down. 


She was inlove with someone. Someone who I don't have any chance with. Someone who's been with her through thick and thin. Someone who knew every cell of her. Someone who'm I can't compete. 


Still, I managed to stay and acted as if, I wasn't affected at all. 


But then, unexpected event happened. 


"Eonni? Why didn't I fall for you instead?"  Why does she had to say that? A simple thank you would be enough for me but—

"I wish I'd fall for you instead eonni"  She even repeated it. How I wish she had fallen for me instead of falling for her but, it's not right. 

"I bet if you really knew me, you won't say that." 

"Why? What's there to not love you?" 

"Stop it Yujin, I don't want to make things complicated for you."  More like for me. Everything was complicated even from the start. 


"Jajjan!" Kriesha eonni arrived with the food tray full of food. I smiled at her and helped her put the foods on our table. 
"Sorry I took so long at the food counter, I just had the hardest time of my life in picking your food." 

"I told you I'll eat what you have eonni." 

"Naa~ I want to eat a lot, okay?" 

"Alright." I don't want her to be disappointed so I agreed and gave her a smile. 


I was observing her and she was happily eating her meal. She must be very happy to spend this day with me. 



"I have a girlfriend, Yujin."  Indeed I have a girlfriend. A loving girlfriend.



I saw how her face fell down when I told her that. Was she being serious earlier? If she was, I decided to be selfless for everyone's benefit. She's inlove with her bestfriend and based from her story, I can  tell that her bestfriend's feeling the same way too. I'm certain that if Yujin will just tell Wonyoung her feelings,  then everything will be perfect for the both of them. 


But I guess it doesn't work that way...









"MINJOO!" I was surprised by the sudden raising of voice of Kriesha eonni. 
"Look, if you don't wanna eat then you don't have to. And if you're not enjoying right now, you don't have to pretend that you actually are and making me looked so stupid"






"You know what? Let's just leave. I'm tired of this." She quickly stumped her way to the exit of the mall going to the basement. 


She opened the passenger's seat of the car and I slowly entered, trembling. 


Sigh... What have you just done Minjoo? 





"Mind telling me what's the problem?" 






"You've been silent since we came here. You're always spacing out and wasn't paying attention to anything that I was telling you." 





I was entirely guilty of what I did that I couldn't attempt to face her and just had my head down.



"Are you somehow... cheating on me?" That made me snap my head up quickly.

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"Say this Yujin girl. She's quiet the catch. Are you cheating of me with her?" 

"How on Earth can you say that?" 

"You're thinking of her while you're with me aren't you?" 

"I— I was—" Guilt invaded my system again and all that I can do was face front and heads down at my fisgeting fingers. 

"DAMN IT MINJOO! You can LIE to me you know!?" 






"Why? What made you cheat on me!? What did I even do to you!?" 

My tears were now flowing nonestop out from my eyes. I'm a very terrible person and Kriesha eonni's raging now. What should I do? I'm not even cheating! 

"I'm gonna kill that YUJIN!" She was unbuckling her seatbelt and was on her way of getting out of the car when I held unto her arms, preventing her from going any further. 

"Let me go! I'm gonna kill that jerk for stealing you away from me!" 

"She didn't okay!? Yujin and I were just friends! Stop this nonesense already!" 

"Nonesense? Who was the one who ignored me the whole time? Who was the one that was thinking of another person when she's with her girlfriend? Tell me who was it? Who Minjoo?  Now let's see who's more nonesense!" 





















"You left me without any word for 2 years and you're still calling me your GIRLFRIEND!?


"And why haven't you told me anything?" 






"Do you know how how miserable I was that moment I found out that you left?? I couldn't got out of my bed and was just crying thinking of reasons why you left me just like that!" 






"I even attempted to KILL MYSELF did you know that!?" 






"And now you just suddenly popped in front of my gate, claiming me I'm your girlfriend when in fact we had broken up since the moment you left!" 






"When my heart was entirely fixed and is now ready to let someone in again, you're suddenly calling me a cheater? A CHEATER!?

I didn't know where I got my courage to say all those things to her, but I'm glad that I did. 


Big droplets of tears were freely flowing in eyes and will not stop any sooner. 


















"I'm sorry." Was all that I've heard coming from her and everything broke down again. 

"Tell me eonni? What have I done to make you leave me? Am I not good enough for you?" I softly said, more like of a whisper.

"No, no of course not baby-" 

"I'm not your baby. Stop calling me that!

"I'm sorry." 

"And stop saying sorry! It looks like I was the one who did something bad when in fact it was you!" 

"Arasseo. Arasseo. Mianhae... I shouldn't have came back." 








Yujin was on the process of preparing her couch as her bed and was ready to fall asleep when Wonyoung suddenly appeared in front of her. 


When Yujin faced her, Wonyoung saw how terrible her eonni looked like and quickly she wrapped her small but long arms around Yujin's trembling body. 


"I'm sorry earlier eonni. I'm really sorry." 

"No,no, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said things like that. I should've talked and listened to you first. I'm really sorry Wonyoung-ah" Both were crying nonestop and each tightened their arms around each other, afraid of letting go. 


Eventually, they need to let go of each other and settled themselves on the couch. 


Both of them sat at a good distance and awkward silence envelopped their pad.




Both left an awkward laugh. 


Another minute of silence. Both don't know how to start a conversation. Feeling like they got back to the start where they don't know each other and was shy to talk. 




"Why are we feeling like this? We've been bestfriends for more than 6 years now, we shouldn't have any awkward atmosphere!"  Yujin internally said. Battling with herself to remove the awkwardness in the air. 





"Ahh~~~ otteoke? Should I start by clarifying her confusion?"  Wonyoung asked herself. She too was stressed out about it. Since her talk with Nako earlier, she kept on thinking if what Nako said to her was true. 







"Remember Wonyoung, she's indirectly telling you last night that she don't want you near her." 






That's why she checked Yujin's condition first before she goes to bed but seeing Yujin's disoriented face, it just confirms her theory that Yujin wasn't anything Nako told her she was. 


"Youngiee~~" Yujin decided to break the silence and removed the awkwardness in the air by calling her bestfriend in a very cute way that she can made. 

"Youngie? Who's Youngie?" Wonyoung wondered. Is my eonni drunk? 
She internally gasped and said "Does she mistook me from someone else?" 

"That's you pabo-ya! HAHAHA!" Yujin broke down to laughters when she heard the loud gasped and words that escaped Wonyoung's mouth. 

"Did I said that out loud?"  Wonyoung wondered again.

"Of course you did pabo! HAHAHA" Again Yujin's laughter filled the room and Wonyoung's shocked face just made it even funnier for Yujin's liking. 

"She just read my mind! Agh otteoke!!!" 

"Idiot! You're literally saying them out loud~ HAHAHA!

"What? I did?" 

"Of course! HAHAHA!

"Aish stupid!" Wonyoung this time whispered to herself and smacked her head softly which Yujin found so adorable.


Now that the atmosphere was much livelier than before Yujin cleard and calm herself before speaking.


"I'm glad that we went back to before." Yujin sincerely said to Wonyoung. Flashing her brightest smile of all time. 

"Did we?" Since Yujin had her great laugh earlier, Wonyoung thought that it's time for her to get her revenge so she acted like she's still not okay.

"Haven't we?" 

"Ssss ahh~ I don't know, I still am quiet mad and disappointed though." Wonyoung pouted, distanced herself more from Yujin and crossed her arms. For Yujin, she really did look so adorable and cute but, it was not the time to compliment her bestfriend. 
"Who does that to their bestfriend?" Wonyoung continued to sulk and Yujin slowly moved closer to her. 


Not long after, they barely had some space for air. That's how close Yujin got to Wonyoung. 


"Ehh~ Wonyoungiiiiiieeee, I'm sorry okay?? Yujin was so stupid for saying that. Yujin won't do it again~ Bbyung

"I was hurt eonni" Wonyoung meant that to be some-kind of a joke and said it cutely, but Yujin took it very seriously and got back to her normal self. 

"I know and I hate myself for that. If I could just turn back the time I will-" 


Wonyoung was done with all the drama that she had for the week. Sensing that Yujin was starting it again, so she sealed her lips with her. She didn't know any other ways to Silence the older girl so that's what she did. 


Yujin's eyes grew wide as she was surprised by the bold move Wonyoung made and was about to pull out but, Wonyoung held on to her shirt telling her not to. It left Yujin with no choice than to stay still. 


After a good 30 seconds, Wonyoung slowly detached her lips and looked affectionately to her still surprised eonni. That cute siggt made her giggle. 


"Did you just- connected y-your ipseu-"

"You mean kiss you? Yes I just did." Wonyoung flashed her victory smile. Satisfied with the reaction she got from her eonni. 



"That's what you get for messing with me earlier."




She rose up from the couch and headed towards their bedroom but before she enter, she noticed that Yujin was still left at the living room, frozen. 

"eonni? You're still going to sleep their?" 








"Okay then, the news said it will be really cold tonight. About -27° degrees? Agh, it will be really cold." Quickly Yujin stood uo from the couch and went near to Wonyoung who was at the door frame of their bedroom.

"hehe, Wonyoung-ah? Can I sleep here again? My body really ached this morning after sleeping on the couch~ pweeeeeeease~

"Aish, drop the aegyo. It's disgusting." Wonyoung then opened the door wider for the both of them to enter and she emidiately flocked her exhausted body on her bed while Yujin closed the door and locked it. 

"But you love me." Yujin said as she went to drop her tired body on her bed too. 

"No, I hate you actually." Wonyoung said, a smile was plastered on her face when she turned her body to face Yujin. Yujin did the same too. She turned her body facing Wonyoung and was smiling. 

"I know you do. I love you too." 














Aye~ Another intense chapter. So how was it? I tried to explain each sides but, I guess I just mess it up. 


Anyways, tell me your thoughts please? I would really love to read them. Your comments kept me motivated from writing this story.


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Till next time! Adios~  

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Chapter 33: Reading this in 2024, good fanfic authornim
Chapter 32: my favorite fic afterall~ read this over and over again
uyannn #3
Chapter 4: what does "access" mean in the sentence explains why jupiter still called a planet although it has no land or surface?
Chapter 32: This is really good :) uwu
Chapter 27: It took Yujin 22 chapters for that confession! And it was really worth the wait huhuhu but minjoo- nah, this is an annyeongz fic :(
Chapter 26: Aw. I’ve started reading this ‘cause of annyeongz but damn, jinjoo :(((

Minjoo being selfless :((( this fic is giving me second lead syndrome :(((
Chapter 32: I want to say that I'm grateful for this wonderful story X'D
You're doing a great job in making me as the reader get so frustrated over how long it takes for yujin to confess and claim wonyoung the giant baby as hers X'D
And thank you for all the wonderful things you put here XD
Chapter 32: Wow..... It's my first time reading an annyeongz story by chap.... And I admit.... It was really great!....
I think I'm so late that I didn't notice this..... Can't blame the vlive of Yujin and Minjoo did last time that made me a die-hard fan of their ship.....
Anyways, I better be ready for.... I don't know....

But I had to say that this fic is great.....
Chapter 23: Yujin BRUH! WHAT THE HELL???!!!
Chapter 20: Now mend my heart please.....