Chapter 10

Married Without Consent

I was ready to hate the baby with all my might. I was ready to push her away. But I can't do it. Not when she's looking at me like this. Not when she's in my arms. How can I hate this beautiful baby that I just gave birth to? I can't. I can't hate her.

"Umma loves you," I said as I gently kissed her forehead.

I heard the door open and saw Kai coming in. Just him. He sat on the edge of the bed, beside me, with one hand on my shoulder, and the other on the baby's head and said, "She's beautiful. Thank you ~~~ ah, for giving me this wonderful gift,"

He then kissed my forehead. Under usual circumstances, I would've smacked his face for doing that but now I was exhausted. I wanted to sleep. I handed him the baby and told him that I wanted to sleep.

"Arasso, don't worry about the baby. I'll take care of her," Kai said as I went to sleep.

I finally came back home. Dong Hae couldn't make it today as he had to go on an urgent business trip overseas. This meant that I had to depend on Kai. As much as I didn't want Kai's help, I needed it. So I don't hesitate when asking for his help. 

"Omo, is this your daughter ~~~ ah?" Narsha exclaimed as she welcomed me back to the house.

I smiled and said, "Yes, her name is Ji Hyun."

"Ji Hyun-ah, I'm Narsha unnie," Narsha said as she introduced herself to Ji Hyun. 

"Yah, can you at least let me in before playing with Ji Hyun?" I joked.

"Oh. Mianhe ~~~ ah, come on in!" Narsha replied shyly.

I spent most of the day in bed while Kai did most of the moving around. Everytime I wanted to move, he would stop me and ask me what I needed. Even when I wanted to go to the toilet, he escorted me in and if I took too long, he would call for me to make sure that I was fine. Night soon fell and I was fast asleep. Kai was holidng on to Ji Hyun so he put her to bed in her cot beside him.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed but wondered why I didn't hear Ji Hyun cry to ask for milk as she usually woke up about twice every night. That's when I noticed Kai, with Ji Hyun in one hand, and her milk bottle in the other. I smiled at this sight. Kai is really embracing fatherhood. Unlike me. I looked at Ji Hyun and wondered how could I even hate her in the first place? I'm disappointed in myself that I even thought of aborting her at one point. My eyes swelled up but I wiped them away as I saw that Kai was waking up.

"Did you have a good rest?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, why didn't you wake me up last night?" I asked.

"I just wanted you to have one night's rest. That's all. You look really tired. Besides, one night can't hurt, right?" he said as he shot me a smile. (Author's note: OMG ISNT KAI A CUTIE??!! Imagine waking up to this every morning!! Asdfghjkl ^^ )


It's been a month since ~~~ gave birth and our relationship has gotten much better. I think its because of Ji Hyun. Although ~~~ doesn't really talk to me, when I ask her questions, she'll answer them whereas last time, she would just ignore me. Ji Hyun is what's keeping us together. If it wasn't for her, I think my relationship with ~~~ would still be the same. I think its time to take pur relationship one step further but I need Dong Hae. Where is he when I need him??

Ding! Dong! 

As soon as the door opened, "~~~ AH I'M BACKKKKK!!" Dong Hae's voice boomed, his voice loud enough that even though I was at the second storey, I could hear him loud and clear.

"Yah, keep quiet will you, you'll wake Ji Hyun up!" ~~~ scolded Dong Hae. She looks really cute when she's angry.

"Mianhe. I missed my bestfriend, don't you miss me too?" Dong Hae asked, while doing his aegyo. Aish, this guy. He's already 26 but he's acting like a 16 year old!

"Aniyo, I didn't miss you at all," ~~~ replied while making her way down.

"Well, I did buy this for you but since you didn't miss me, I guess I'll just take it back home with me," Dong Hae said while lifting a plastic bag that looks all too familiar.

"Is that my favourite chocolate cake?!" ~~~ exclaimed as she ran towards Dong Hae who was walking towards the main door.

"Dong Hae ah, I missed you so much so can you please give me the cake?" ~~~ said, trying to get the cake from Dong Hae. 

Dong Hae was obviously using his height advantage against ~~~ who's jumping, trying to reach the chocolate cake but obviously failing. Both of the are running around the house, chasing each other for a chocolate cake. These two are really weird. No wonder they're best friends. After Dong Hae finally gave in to ~~~, I decided to approach him now and ask for help since ~~~ is busy eating her chocolate cake.

"Umm Dong Hae ah, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked.

"Sure," he said and he walked towards me.

"I need your help," I said.

"My relationship with ~~~ is getting better and I want to take in one step further but I don't know anything about her. I was hoping you could tell me her likes and dislikes so that I don't ruin my chance," I continued.

"Ok, why don't we go out for coffee tomorrow?" Dong Hae suggested.

Author POV

Kai and Dong Hae met at a cafe and talked about you. Dong Hae told Kai everything that he knew about you from your favourite places to your pet peeves. It was like a crash dating course for Kai, who was desperately trying to remember what Dong Hae was telling him. They clicked really well. Both of them had a lot in common and it wasn't long until they were talking about their favourite soccer teams and having a good chat.

"Hey, good luck on your mission! I'm rooting for you! Hwaiting! " Dong Hae said to Kai before they parted ways.

"Thanks for all the help Dong Hae, I'm going to need all the luck I can get! " Kai replied and waved and parted ways with Dong Hae.

Kai was nervous about winning you over as he was afraid that you would not reciprocate his feelings towards you but he's going to try anyways and he won't back down without a fight.

"Mission to make my wife fall in love with me is in action!" Kai thought in his head.

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#1 it love it love it so so much !!!<3<3
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 15: Awwie..nice fic..enjoyed reading and glad it's a happy end.
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 15: Awww...great story! Looove it ^^
kimaejae #4
Chapter 15: Hi authornim!i have already finish reading this was so awsome!graet job authornim!!! ^•^
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 15: wooww... sooo cute...
good job authornim
Chapter 15: Awwwww that one of the best stories I've ever read~~
DaraGonBear14 #7
Chapter 15: Awww that's the last chapter? :( I hope you'll still continue it :3 kekeke~~ anyway, I really love your story! Thankyou authornim!! :)))))
ReinaPark #8
Chapter 13: woww.. this was cutee..
i love this story.. good job
SUJU4ever13 #9
Chapter 13: aww... That's so sad tht Donghae's not the main character... But nice story...:
Chapter 13: Owwwww how cute~~
It's ending already?? Why I can't get enught of Kai's storys~~~??? Ugh...