Get Together

Breaking the Norms

"You know what would make you feel better?"

Amber looks at Minzy waiting for her to continue, but laughed when she saw Minzy's eyebrows knitted together thinking of what to do. She was about to tell Minzy what they could do, but got cut off when Minzy abruptly stood up while smiling at her.

"I should call Dara and Key. We can all just stay here watch some movies, eat some ice-cream, and play games. It'll be one big hang out!"

"Yeah that sounds great. I'll call for take out while you call Dara and Key?" 

Minzy nodded her head taking out her phone. She first called Key jumping side to side excited to hang out just the four of them. It wasn't long until Key finally picked up the phone.

"Hey there baby!" Minzy giggled at Key's affectionate nickname to her.

"Oppa come over to our apartment. Mission make Amber smile needs you!"

"Wahh my baby Am is in my need. Of course I'll drop everything and go there right now."

"Alright I'll see you later I have to call Dara to tell her too."

Minzy hung up her phone, but suddenly remembered what had happened to Dara. She hesitated to call, but knew that it wouldn't be the same if Dara wasn't here. And for the fact that Dara makes the mood so much better with just her presence. In the end Minzy took the courage and called Dara. Sadly it went to her voicemail. So Minzy tried one more time and called Dara. Minzy jumped up when she heard the other line pick up.

"Hello?" Minzy was worried because she could hear that something was wrong with Dara's voice.

"Uhm unnie, I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come to our apartment. I asked Key to come because Amber is going through something right now." There was silence on the other line which made Minzy worried more.

"Unnie!" She screamed through the phone which got the attention of Amber who just finished ordering food. She went to Minzy and saw the worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Amber went to Minzy, but Minzy just kept her phone on her ear waiting to hear any noise to indicate that Dara was fine.

"Minzy-ah I'm fine. Sorry. I'll be there." Dara hung up before Minzy could ask her what happened. She looked at Amber clearly worried about Dara.

"Minzy what's wrong?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's nothing. Let's clean this place up a bit more." Minzy didn't want Amber to worry more and somewhere in her heart she knew that Dara wouldn't like Amber getting worried for her. She just hopes she is making the right decision to put this problem under the rug.

Cleaning here and there Minzy and Amber's apartment was clean enough for Key not to go crazy about it. Minzy was picking up some trash when Amber heard the door bell ring. She went over to the door and opened it up smiling when she saw the food she had ordred. After giving the money to the man she took the food and started to arrange it on the table.

Minzy came out smelling the delicious food.

"Mhmm it smells so good!" Amber smiles at Minzy seeing her taking some bites before Dara and Key came.

"Hey at this rate your going to eat all the food." Minzy got embaressed and smacked Amber's shoulder.

"It's not my fault you ordred such delicious food." She walked away pouting. Amber chuckled and walked over to Minzy pinching her cheek.

"Aigoo~ the big baby is so cute when she is mad."

"YAH!" Minzy screamed at Amber who was in the process of running away not wanting to get hit again. She was about to catch Amber, but luckily for Amber someone had knocked on the door.

From the other side of the door Minzy and Amber could hear Key screaming and knocking.

"Open up already! The ice-cream is going to melt soon! PALI." 

The girls just laughed at Key screaming his lungs off at the other side of the door.

"I can hear you girls laughing! Once I get in there you two won't get any ice-cream. NO ICE-CREAM FOR YOU!"

That only made the girls laugh harder. Minzy had tears in her eyes while Amber was litterally on the floor rolling clutching her stomach since it started to hurt from laughing to much. After calming down Minzy opened up the door only to be greeted by a very angry Key. 

Before Minzy could get hurt she grabbed the ice-cream and ran away pushing Amber towards Key. Amber was shocked at what just happened, but just sheepishly smiled at Key.

"Ahh hey hyung...."

"Come here my baby." Amber was confused to why Key wasn't attacking her. She didn't really mind so she just went to Key and was going to hug him when Key just grabbed her and started messing up her hair.

"This is for making me wait. And this is for laughing at me!" After Key gave his punishment to Amber he warmly smiled at her happy to have made her laugh, but more happy to see her smiling.

"It's good that I made you laugh, but I didn't want to accomplish it that way. Anyways it's good to see you smiling a genuine smile. Now care to tell me what happened?"

Amber felt the warmth from Key, but she knew that he would catch her lie. 

"I'll tell you when Dara gets here. I don't want to repeat myself. Plus I'm fine now. I don't really need to go into details about it."

Key could tell that Amber was trying to change the subject and brush it off. He just doesn't get why Amber did this since they usually shared everything between each other. This only made Key worried more, but he kept his distance not wanting to lose Amber because of her secret. 

Amber grabbed Key by the hand and showed him all the movies they could pick from. It ranged from Korean movies, American movies, and Filipino moives. Genres from horror, comedy, romance, and musicals. There was The Man From Nowhere, My Little Bride, A Tale Of Two SistersHangover, Pitch Perfect, Insidious, D' Lucky Ones, Can This Be Love, Sukob, & Phantom Of The Opera.

Key looked at all the possible movies and couldn't choose which one. He looked at two and showed them to Amber.

"Isn't Dara in these movies?"

"Yeah that's why I chose them. Plus she finally got her first main role in a korean drama I thought it would be good to look back you know."

Key smiled at Amber happy to have such a nice friend as her.

"Awe you are so nice Amber. Then when Dara gets here we'll watch her movies first, but we have to eat first cause I'm super hungry!"

"Well before we can eat we have to wait for Dara first." Key nodded, but was still impatient since he could smell the delicious food. Minzy came to the living room after getting changed to much more comfortable clothes.

"Hey oppa!" Key always loved hearing Minzy call him oppa since it was always filled with so much aegyo. 

"I would get back at you for laughing at me, but since you are just to cute I'll let it go this time." Minzy hugged Key while showing him more aegyo, on the other hand Amber was shocked at what she was seeing.

"That isn't fair." Amber stood up pointing accusingly towards Key and Minzy.

"It's not Minzy's fault that your aegyo isn't as cute as hers. Plus you don't even like doing aegyo."

Amber just sat back down knowing that she wouldn't win against both of them. Minzy just laughed at Amber while taking her phone out. She looked down and saw the message from Dara.

I'll be can start eating without me. See you later. Minzy texted back saying okay and didn't really think to much about the message. 

"Hey Dara said she'll be late and to start eating without her." Key jumped up and ran to the dining table once he heard what Minzy said.

They ate a lot well Key ate a lot since he was the hungrier than the two of them. Before Key could finish all the food Amber made a plate for Dara and put it in the microwave ready for her to eat. After eating all the food they can stuff in their stomachs the three of them went to the living room.

"Well while we wait for Dara why don't we talk about what happened to you Amber." Key looks over at Amber as soon as Minzy said this. Amber scratches the back of her head trying to find a way out of it.

"Uhm I already told you Minzy. It's nothing, really." Key raised his eyebrow at Amber looking at her to see if she was really serious.

"Amber both Minzy and I can tell when you are lying. So don't try that on us. We all know something is up." Key's diva mode was on and even though he knew that Amber didn't want to talk about it he also knew that it wasn't good for her to keep it in.

"Ugh okay fine." Minzy and Key could clearly tell that Amber was annoyed. They knew when she doesn't want to talk about something it's something that could potentially hurt her later on.

"So first tell me who is the girl?" Key looks over at Minzy confused and then back at Amber who had a blank face.

"Minzy what are you talking about?"

"Well Amber told me that she was sad because she saw the girl she likes kiss someone else."

"Wait you saw the two of them kiss?!?" Now it was Minzy's turn to look at Key confused. Amber realized that she didn't tell Key about Sulli and Krystal kissing. She slightly feels good that she didn't tell Key that part and now has something to divert what's really eating her up.

"Yeah hyung. When I dropped them off first and went to park. Before I went back to them I saw them from afar and saw that they kissed."

Key was shocked at what Amber had told her. He would have never guessed that Sulli and Krystal would kiss. Now he understood why Amber was more hurt about finding out her feelings because now she may be to late to get the girl who she deserves.

"Wait stop! Who are you two talking about?" Minzy put both of her hands up to stop Key and Amber from talking anymore. Amber and Key looked at Minzy and both said at the same time.

"Sulli and Krystal."

It clicked in Minzy's head and made the same face as Key. She was also utterly shocked. Everytime she saw Krystal she always had the far away look and was cold. She never would have thought that Krystal or even Sulli liked girls since both of them were so girly. Minzy thought for sure that Sulli was straight, but she also had a feeling that Krystal was biual and now she was right. She looks over at Amber and knew who she liked.

"So you are sad because you saw Krystal and Sulli kiss each other. Your heartbroken because as soon as you saw the both of them that is when you realized your love for Sulli right and thought that you were to late?" 

Key grabbed Minzy's hand as soon as he heard Minzy say Sulli's name instead of Krystal. Minzy looked down at Key's hand and wondered why he suddenly grabbed her hand. She was going to pull away when she heard what Amber said.

"Minzy your wrong it's not Sulli I love, but Krystal."


Minzy felt Key's hand squeeze her hand again. She looks over at Key one more time to why he was doing that.

"You said I love Sulli, but that's not it. My feelings are for Krystal. Why are you so surprised?"

"Because I thought it was Sulli I would have never guessed it was going to be for Krystal."

Minzy kept going and Key could only tighten his hold on Minzy. Once Minzy looks one more time at Key that's when she sees him slightly shaking his head telling her to stop. Minzy was confused. If she knew Amber then the girl Amber loves would be Sulli. She remembers how Amber would get very protective over Sulli and how she looked at Sulli, but now she's not sure. Now Minzy thinks that maybe all those things were to just look good for Krystal. But even with that possiblity Minzy couldn't grasp of the idea of Amber falling in love with Krystal.

"Amber are you sure it's Krystal that you fell in love with and not Sulli?" 

Minzy wasn't going to let it go. She knew for a fact that it was Sulli that Amber had looked at with so much care and love. She tried to remember the times where Amber and Krystal interacted. All she could remember is Krystal acting indifferent with Amber and Amber getting hurt by it. However she never saw the spark in Amber's eyes when she looked at Krystal it was only when she looked at Sulli.

"Minzy I'm sure. The one I love is Krystal. Sulli is just a little sister to me. While Krystal is something else. She's cold to me, but there are also times where she opens up to me and is caring also. She's beautiful inside and out. She can dance, sing, and I even heard her rap once. She's the perfect girl for me. I know my feelings are there."

Key didn't say anything as he heard Amber speaking about Krystal. Just like Minzy, Key also thought that it was Sulli who Amber loves. Minzy couldn't wrap her head around the reasoning. It felt like dejavu to her. Those were the same reasons Amber had given her to why she had thought she loved her. 

"Amber do you hear yourself right now?" Amber was getting annoyed at the fact that Minzy kept trying to push her feelings to someone else. She knows what she feels and she knows that it's Krystal that she loves. Right?

"Why?" Key's eyes turned wide to Minzy telling her not to say what was in his mind also. He screamed in his mind hoping that Minzy wouldn't reveal to Amber what they both knew. Sadly Minzy didn't look at Key and didn't see him giving her hints to not say it.

"All those things you said about Krystal were the exact same things you said about me. Are you sure it's love? Maybe it's the same case as me and it's only attraction. Why don't you tell me what you feel about Sulli?"

Key looked back at Amber waiting for her reaction, but only saw her blank face. Amber thought about it and just shook her head.

"Minzy you and Krystal are different alright. You might think it's the same reasons, but it's not okay. I know my feelings better than anyone."

Key felt his heart sink when he heard Amber. Those were the same things he had said. Amber is in the exact same situation he was in. Amber open your eyes don't make the same mistake as I did... Key kept that in his thoughts worried for his bestfriend going down the same path as he is. He wanted to say it out loud, but knew that Amber wouldn't listen to him.

"Fine I accept that, but can you tell me what you feel about Sulli?" Minzy wasn't going to give up and Amber was slowly going to blow up. Amber calmed herself down and thought first about what she was going to say.

"Sulli is....warmth." Amber didn't know where that came from, but before she could think more clearly more words just kept coming out.

"Sulli brightens up my day with just her smiling face. I get sad whenever I take out my anger on her because I know she doesn't deserve that, but I'm also grateful that she sticks with me despite my harshness. I hate when guys hit on her and make her uncomfortable. I just want her to always wear baggy clothes that cover her up so guys would stop oggling at her whenever she passes by. Something about her just makes me want to always protect her from anything and anyone. Whenever shes down I want to hug her and take all the problems away from her. When she cries I feel pain and want to kill the person that made her cry. My heart feels like it gets stabbed with each tear that drops from her eyes. Sulli makes me go crazy physically and mentally."

Without Amber's knowing she had smiled while talking about Sulli. Minzy and Key couldn't help, but smile also seeing Amber's face literally lighten up while talking about Sulli. With this they had thought that it would waken up Amber and make her realize who she really loves.

"So..." Minzy waited for Amber to say more, but only got disappointed when she heard what Amber said next.

"Isn't that more than enough reason. I only feel like that to Sulli because I see her as a little sister while Krystal is different."

Minzy and Key felt like a whole load of bricks where dropped on their shoulders. They couldn't believe that Amber had thought that. But at the same time they knew that Amber was surpressing her feelings because they knew that Amber was afraid to admit to it possibly ruining the friendship she has with Sulli. Minzy and Key could only sigh and just accept it since they coudln't say anything more. They both nodded their heads which made Amber smile. 

To lighten up the mood they decided to watch a movie. Since Dara wasn't there yet they chose to watch Pitch Perfect since they wanted something funny. Throughout the apartment you can only hear laughter as the three of them laughed at Fat Amy. Once the movie ended Amber looks down at her phone and saw the time. She had thought that during the movie Dara would come and join them to watch the movie. Amber looks up at Minzy and asked what's been in her mind for a very long time.

"Minzy you said Dara was coming. It's already been two hours where is she?" 

Minzy could only look at her phone waiting for a call or any message. She had already sent multiple messages and whenever she called Dara it would go straight to her voicemail. They were all worried for Dara since Dara always replied and answer her phone. Dara would even get out of the shower just so she could reply or answer.

"I don't know. I've sent her 10 messages already and I've called her 20 times, but it would just go straight to voicemail. I even asked Bom and Chaerin if they could reach her and they both couldn't."

Amber heard the distress in Minzy's voice. She went over to her and just rubbed her back to calm her down. The last time they couldn't get ahold of Dara was a very scary moment.

"What if the same thing happened again..." Minzy's lips were trembling and her eyes were getting misty. The once laughter filled apartment because dead silent with what Minzy had just said.

"Don't say that. Dara would never let that happen again. She's strong have faith in her."

Amber was also worried and Key could hear it, but knew that Amber was staying strong for Minzy and herself. Key was pacing back and forth also worried since he knew what had happened to Dara in the past. But just like Minzy and Amber they didn't want to recall or even talk about it again so all they could do is hope that Dara is safe.

They all sat on the couch all looking at their phones waiting for any type of notification. Another hour has passed and now they are all standing up pacing back and forth constantly calling other people to see if they had seen Dara. After Amber finished talking to Victoria they heard knocking on the door. They all rushed to the door hoping it was Dara and as soon as they opened it their hearts broke.


What do you think about this chapter? I kind of had a hard time writing this chapter for some reason. So I'm sorry if it . T_T please forgive me OTL Was this to short? If so then I'll try to make the next chapter longer. I apologize for any grammer mistakes because I'm to lazy to check for any mistakes >_< 

So Key and Minzy think that Amber is in love with Sulli, but Amber says she's in love with Krystal? Who do you think Amber really loves? Also who was the one that Key loves also? What do you think happened to Dara for making her so late? Last one. What do you think Key, Minzy, and Amber saw at the door that made their hearts break? Please comment on what your guesses are because you might never know I might actually use your guesses.

Anyways thanks for reading and supporting my fanfic. Extra thanks for those who comment I always feel the love when I read the comments, but don't worry silent readers I still love you, but I would love you more if you comment ;D haha jkjk. Anyways much love to everyone! <33


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*