Waiting Game

Breaking the Norms

It took awhile for Minzy to get back to her senses after reading the message she got from Chaerin. Her mind was racing to many things fearing for the worse. If it wasn't for Key she may have never gotten out of her dorm to the hosptial.

"Minzy go to Dara and I'll stay here with Amber. Call me once you find out what happened and Amber and I'll meet you at the hospital later." 

That was the last thing Minzy remembered hearing from Key as she rushed out taking a taxi all the way to the hospital. As soon as she reached the hospital she saw many cameras and reporters outside trying to go in to get the scoop. Once they saw Minzy coming out of the taxi they attacked her with various questions and accusations. 

"Minzy why are you just coming now?"

"Where were you?"

"The rest of the YG family is already here, but you are the last one to come."

"Do you not care for Dara at all that is why you are just coming now?"

"In her time of need you aren't even there for her."

"So I guess the rumors were true about 2ne1 not being close."

That hit a nerve on Minzy. But before she could react harshly on the reporters Daesung came out and grabbed her away from everyone. The cameras flashed crazily when they saw Daesung holding Minzy shielding her from the reporters. Inside the hospital was a gloomy site. 

Outside of Dara's room you saw the Big Bang boys standing against the wall with their heads low trying to hold back their tears. Gummy is holding Hyesung in her arms trying to calm her down. Dongwook and Hanbyul are in each other's arms both with tears flowing down their faces. YG was with Teddy talking to the doctor with a pained face. All of f(x) minus Amber was sitting down with their heads in their hands trying to stay strong. 

Minzy was scared seeing everyone like this. Her hands started to shake as she saw Bom and Chaerin walk out of Dara's room weakly. Bom's legs had given out as she fell to the floor. Seunghyun rushed towards Bom and held her in his arms givin gher support as she cried in his shoulders.

Chaerin was about to fall, but caught herself and leaned on the wall only to slide down to the floor. She hid her face between her legs and was covered by her long hair, but everyone knew that the strong leader has broken down.

This only made Minzy more anxious to what has happened. She looks over at Daesung wanting to get answers, but only saw his far away look as if he wants to forget what has happened. Minzy finally reached YG and Teddy, they looked down at her and could only put their hands on her shoulder. Everyone in YG knows how close Minzy and Dara, it's not a secret that Minzy thinks Dara of as an older sister. Everyone also knows that Dara is the rock that makes 2ne1 going and fight all the haters to prove them wrong. Just as Bom said before Dara is their human vitamin.

"Oppa..." Minzy didn't want to ask afraid of what she will hear. YG didn't want to tell her also. He didn't want to see any more of his children crying and in pain, but he knew that Minzy had the right to know.

"Minzy-ah...something bad has happened. Really bad." He was choking on his words and he knew he couldn't do it. Instead of telling Minzy YG turned his back and walked away with fresh tears strolling down his face. 

Minzy felt her tears streaming down as she saw the broken back of YG. She turns her head to Teddy hoping that he will be able to tell her.

"Oppa please...what happened?" Teddy looks down fighting the tears that wants to come out. If anyone has to be strong he has to be the one. He looks back up at Minzy and held her in a tight hug.

"Dara got into an accident. We still don't know what happened since someone saw her passed out somewhere with bruises all over her body. She's still alive, but she isn't really here with us. Minzy...she's unconcious. Dara is in a coma state."

Minzy held onto Teddy as she cried her eyes out. She knew that something major happened to Dara from everyone's reaction, but she didn't know it would be this serious. The only thing that is keeping her from totally breaking down is the fact that Dara is still alive in some way. 

Teddy pulled Minzy off as he had to talk to YG more about what they will tell the press. Minzy took out her phone and texted Key because she knows that she wont be able to say it out.

As she looks down her phone her hands are shaking make it hard for her to text what she wants.  Minzy was getting frustrated that her hands won't stop shaking, she bit her lip as she held back her tears so it won't ruin her vision. At this moment Daesung came over and held her hands in his.

"You'll hurt your lips by biting them that hard. Give me your phone I'll do it." 

Minzy stops biting her lips and lets go of her phone. Daesung looks down and sees that she was trying to text Key and immediately knew what she was gonig to text. He quickly summed up what has happend to Dara and sent the message to Key. He closes the phone and looks at Minzy.

"Everything is going to be fine." Daesung lined his eyes with her and gave a warm smile to make her feel better. She looks at him and felt relieved that Daesung was there with her. She nods her head and sat down on the couch with Daesung.

"How and who could have done this to her? Dara is the nicest and sweetest person out there. She didn't deserve this Dae." Minzy laid her head on Daesung's shoulder trying to figure out who could have done such a thing to her.

"This isn't the first time something big like this happened." Daesung felt Minzy stiffen with the sudden reminder.

"She doesn't deserve all of this. It was horrible that she had to go through with it the first time, but a second time. No one deserves to go through what she went through a second time."

Minzy couldn't hold the tears as they flowed down her face. With the sudden reminder that Dara had gone through this before made her emotions go more wild. Minzy was more mad now that her sister had to go through something so horrific a second time. Plus the fact that they really don't know what happened since Dara isn't awake.

"You should go talk to her." 

Daesung got up and held his hand out. Minzy hesitated afraid to see Dara's body. But it felt as if someone pushed her off the seat into Daesung's arms. She held onto Daesung looking straight into his eyes before looking towards Dara's door.

"Everyone has already said their words to Dara, it's your turn now. Talk to her about anything."

"But would she even hear anything I'm saying." It was barely over a whisper, but Daesung heard her and felt a pang on his heart. It hurt him to see the girl he loves so broken down, but he wanted to be strong not just for himself, but for her.

"I think Dara would love to hear her little sister's voice."

That was the push Minzy needed as she walked towards Dara's door. Before she went inside she could hear someone talking inside. She didn't want to interrupt so she waited outside the door. Minzy looks around to see who it could be and knew that it was Youngbae on the other side of the door. She could barely make out what Youngbae was saying, but what she did hear was very heart breaking and heart warming all at the same time.

"Dara...I'm sorry...I..I should have never left you alone....I'm sorry for being a jerk..We've known each other for six years. I still remember meeting you thinking you were younger than me. You, me, and Jiyoung instantly became friends. I still found it funny when Ji tried to get at you, but turned him down saying he was like a little brother to you. And then a year later I broke your heart into pieces when you confessed your feelings towards me."

Minzy heard Youngbae stop talking for a bit and got worried and then heard soft sobs. On the other side Youngbae was crying for everything especially stupidity. His voice cracked as he finished what he had to say. 

"Being young and stupid I rejected you saying that I wasn't ready for a relationship and telling you to wait. All those years you waited for me I was a douche and talked to other girls. It was right of you to let go of your feelings for me, but I'm sorry Dara. I love you and I can't let you go. I finally realized my feelings for you and this time I'll be the one to wait for you. I love you and I'm sorry it took me this long to say it. "

Before Youngbae left he leaned down and kissed Dara's forehead hoping that the warmness will pass onto Dara. He gave one last look to Dara, wiping the last tear on his face, he walked out the door determined to stay strong for the both of them and determined to prove his love to her once she wakes up.

Minzy could hear the sadness in Youngbae's voice as he confessed to Dara not knowing if she hears him or not. She then remembers that Dara had known about the accidental kiss between her and Youngbae. Minzy felt sick realizing that Dara may have been hurt by it. She backs away from the door as she hears him walking towards it. When she saw him leaving she enters Dara's room and saw the damage done. 

She collapses on the floor pissed and depressed with what she saw. There were purple and black blotches all around Dara's body. Peaking out you can see the bruises on her neck that went deeper down Dara's body. Minzy quickly went to Dara's side holding her hands and saw the scratches on them knowing that Dara got them by falling down on the floor.  Even with all the bruises Minzy was still awestruck with Dara's beauty. 

Minzy had to take awhile before she could actually start speaking to Dara since she was still crying over her body.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I should have known how you felt about Youngbae. Thinking back at everything it was pretty obvious, but I was a horrible sister to you and only cared about my problems. I never thought about how it could have hurt you. I flirted with him because I thought it was funny, but I never saw him that way and I never saw how it would hurt you. You always knew how I felt before I would even tell you. You always put everyone else before you and never showed your feelings or problems, taking it all in."

Minzy balled her hand into fists as she hit the side of Dara's bed frustrated that Dara kept everything just so everyone else won't worry about her. After all the years she has known Dara, not once has she seen Dara cry about anything other than being frustrated with herself, it was never about anything else.

"Most of all I'm sorry that you had to go through this twice. You should have never went through this especially twice. Out of everyone it should be me, but they always go for you. It's because they know you are our glue. If you are taken down we all go down. But your stronger than that always absorbing the hits and hate. When we find whoever did this to you they won't go off easy. Not like the first time. No matter what you say we will get the person who done this to you. There will be no mercy this time around. Please wake up soon because I don't know what I would do without you. You are my sister, I love you."

Minzy walks out of the room to see Key and Amber outside. Key runs to Minzy and gives her a hug while Amber talks with YG to fully understand what happened.

"Everything will be fine." 

"I know Key. She's strong, she'll get through this." Minzy weakly smiles at Key hoping to believe the words that came out of . Amber walks over to them and gives both of them a tight hug.

"Why is so many things going wrong today?" Key and Minzy felt Amber's tears on their shoulders. They rubbed her back hoping to ease the pain. 

"This will all pass through. We all have to be strong right now especially for Dara."

Minzy and Amber both nodded at what Key said and wiped their tears away. They all looked over at YG when they heard him asking for everyone's attention.

"The doctors don't know when Dara will wake up or if she'll ever wake up. I have already informed Dara's family and they will be coming after all of the reporters leave and will stay the night here with her. I didn't say anything to the reporters regarding Dara's accident. All I have said is that I can't comment on anything, so I also advice to also not say anything and keep this on the down low. We all know Dara wouldn't like her personal life to be out there especially something big like this. We will be leaving the hospital in groups so the reporters will also naturally disperse. Dara's family is waiting for the clear so the first group will be Gummy, Dongwook, Hanbyul, and Hyesun. Then Big Bang with Teddy. After them will be f(x) with Key and lastly will be 2ne1 and me. Again I would like to remember and emphasis on not saying anything to the reporters, don't even look at them. Understood?"

Everyone nodded their heads and got ready to face the sea of cameras. Bits by bits everyone was leaving and the reporters also were decreasing. Once f(x) and Key left there were only 2 reporters left waiting for 2ne1 and YG to come out. Before the girls came out YG had talked to them.

"Girls there is something important that I didn't tell you girls."

"What is it sajangnim?" Chaerin asked curious to what YG could say to them.

"The person who found her saw Dara getting attacked, but they didn't know it was Dara until the person came to rescue her."

"Where is this person!" Bom yelled as she looked around happy to know that someone has some answers for them.

"Bom calm down. Right now that person is talking to the police to give his statement in one of the rooms. He's keeping a low profile because he is also someone famous and we are afraid that whoever did this to Dara might do this to him if they find out that they are talking to the police."

All the girls nodded their heads curious to who this knight could be that saved Dara. What made them more curious is that it's someone very famous according to YG. Before they can talk within themselves they saw the door next to Dara's room open showing a tall slim muscular figure of a man. 

The man came out with a loose t-shirt, a hat that covered his eyes, sweatpants, and a mask to cover the rest of his face. Since he was covered up pretty well the girls couldn't figure out who the man was. The man walked over to them and bowed his respects to the girls and YG. They bowed back trying to figure out who it could be. While they did that YG thanked the man.

"Thank you for saving Dara. If you didn't we might not have her right now. We will forever be in your debt. Thank you again." YG hugged the man and let go when he heard the girls also saying thank you. The guy smiles and takes off his mask revealing who he is. The girls were shocked at the sudden revelation of the person in front of them. 

"My prayers go to Dara's fast recovery and hope she wakes up soon. This shall be goodbye for now."



I love Dara.  I really do! I'm sorry to have done this to her. What do you think could have happened to Dara? Who is the knight and shinning armour? Who could have done that to Dara? Will Dara ever wake up?

Please comment down below on what you think and I love constructive critism. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes please don't hate me. I hope you guys are liking the story so far. And I'm sorry that it's all pretty sad. I'll make the next chapter more light in some way. Also if you think the chapter is to short and you want me to make it longer then please tell me so I'll know what to do for the next chapter. I kind of rushed this so sorry if it's bad.

So like I said please comment cause I love comments and don't worry silent readers I still love you also ^_^ <3 I also would love people that read this to subscribe to my story haha. Anyways thank you for reading and taking time out of your life for my story. Love you lots <3 =D

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*