Conflicted Feelings

Breaking the Norms

Minzy was shocked. For the longest time she had been in love with Taemin, but had already abandoned those feelings. With the sudden revelation she didn't know what to feel. Just a moment ago she was kissed by Yongguk and now her bestfriend is confessing his feelings to her.

On the other hand Taemin was waiting miserably for Minzy to say something back to him. The wait was literally killing him.  He couldn't sit any longer as he stood up facing Minzy. With the sudden movement Minzy had flinched and looked up to see the desperation in Taemin's eyes. 

"Can you please say something back?"

It was only a mere whisper, but Minzy still heard him. She wanted to answer him. She knew what she was going to say.

I don't know how to feel about this. Why now? After all the years I loved you, now you tell me this? How do you want me to answer you? I love you too? No, I don't. That was long over due. But is there any hope for you? I don't know because just a few moments another guy had kissed me.

An internal battle was happening inside her mind. The words she was saying were not physically being heard. It was stuck in . She wanted to scream and say sorry for being confused. But it was all in vain as Taemin hung his head low and gave a slight smile to Minzy.

"It's okay Minzy. You don't have to say anything. I understand. Sorry for putting this on you."

Taemin slowly back away and turned his back to leave. Before he could fully be out of Minzy's view a tear had escaped his eye. As Minzy saw this she felt everything crashing down. Not once has she ever since Taemin cry over Naeun, not even for any other girls, but now that girl was her. Minzy wasn't just any other girl, but Taemin's bestfriend. 

No. Don't leave. I'm sorry. Please. Don't cry. Taemin-ah. Oppa.

But just like before Taemin could not hear anything for it was all in her head. And the longer Minzy kept quiet the further he was from her. With each step he took away from her a tear would fall down his face. He didn't care that Minzy didn't say anything. He wouldn't even care if he got rejected. What Taemin was crying and scared about the most was that he was going to lose his bestfriend forever. 

"I ed up."

Taemin was far away from Minzy now beating himself up for potentially ruining his friendship with Minzy. 


He screamed into the skies as he saw Minzy's face looking back at him with a pained expression. He broke down and called the one person he could think of. It was a crazy idea, but he wasn't thinking as he called. A few rings had passed gone by and as each ring faded, Taemin was falling deeper into darkness. On the last final ring the person had picked up their phone. 


"I need you, please."

"Why me?"

Taemin could hear the other person was starting to choke on their words, but he wasn't going to stop. His heart was breaking and that person was the only one that could help him forget the girl that broke it. 


On the other side of the phone the person was hesitant, but they still agreed and hung up the phone. The person rushed to Taemin's side and found him pretty quickly. Taemin had been on the floor crying his eyes out. The person's heart broke and ran to Taemin engulfing him into an embrace. As the person held Taemin in their arms the person could see that Taemin's knuckles were bloody from punching the ground countless times. Both of them cried, Taemin from being heartbroken, and the other person from seeing Taemin so broken. Not once has the person ever seen Taemin like this, but what hurt the most was that Taemin had acted like this over someone else other than them. 

As Taemin was crying his heart out, Minzy was running to find him. Once Taemin had left her she knew that it was a mistake to let him go without letting him hear her answer. She pushed herself and wiped her tears away. This was not the time to cry for herself, but find her bestfriend. 

Minzy ran and tried calling Taemin countless times, but each call ended up to voicemail. 

"Oppa, please answer. Please be safe. I can't lose you too."

She left the message and hung up only focusing her energy on finding him. As soon as she found him her heart constricted. Minzy was a few steps away from Taemin when she saw him on the floor being embraced by another person. She couldn't move at all. 

A wind blew past and Minzy could clearly see who the person that was hugging Taemin. A wave of emotions came over as she saw the one person who she knew that could make Taemin forget about her and wipe her existence from his life. It's as if someone took her heart and squeezed it so it could stop beating. 

Are these my feelings for him? Have I never stopped loving him? But do I even deserve him? Am I worth loving?

Minzy was lost in her thoughts as she saw the two people together. They were crying, but Minzy knew that it will pass and the hurt she gave to Taemin will be replaced by by that person's love for him. 

Goodbye, oppa.

She turned to leave to look back one last time. Minzy said goodbye to her first love and bestfriend. This was the end of everything between her and Taemin. Even though it breaks her heart she knew that if she wanted to save Taemin from anymore heartbreaks she had to be completely out of his life. Slowly dieing inside, Minzy takes a step away, each step going faster and faster finally breaking into a run Minzy cries into the night. But she didn't go far as she heard Taemin's voice. 

Taemin had looked up when he smelled Minzy's scent being carried in the wind. When he saw Minzy's retreating figure he knew that she had seen him. He got up and away from the person, to call out to Minzy.

"Minzy stop!"

When she heard his voice Minzy turned around to see Taemin walking towards her with his hands held out in front of him trying to grab on to her. Taemin's arms fall to his side limply as he saw Minzy backing away. He didn't know that it would hurt this much to be rejected by the person he loves. He smiled weakly and tried to keep the tears from falling again.

"Is this where our friendship ends?"

Taemin kept his head low away from Minzy's eyes. He was afraid that if he looked into her eyes he'd never be able to let her go. Minzy wanted to run over to him, but she stopped herself when she looked past Taemin and saw the other person.

"You're just confused Taemin. You don't love me."

Taemin's head jolted up.

"I'm confused? I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

"Stop. Go back. Go back to her."

And that's when Taemin finally understood. He turns around and saw her, the one who he called in the midst of everything. She didn't deserve this and he knew that what she is witnessing was also breaking her heart. Thinking about it now Taemin wasn't fully sure why he called her out of everyone. 


As Taemin calls out her name, Naeun looks back at him, but puts her head down. Naeun still loves Taemin with all her heart and never once forgot him. Knowing that Taemin finally confessed his feelings to Minzy only made it harder for her to breathe. What hurts her the most is that Taemin is being heartbroken by the only one he truly loves. 

Why couldn't he love me like that? Naeun had thought to herself as she looks back up to see the confusion in both Minzy's and Taemin's eyes. 

"She deserves you Taemin. You both belong to each other." Minzy had said this while Taemin was still looking at Naeun.

Taemin quickly turns his head around and couldn't believe that Minzy still thought that after all these years. On the other hand Naeun knew the insecurities that Minzy felt, since she felt the same way when it came to Minzy herself. 

"Why do you say that? Do I not even get a chance? Do you even understand why Naeun and I broke up in the first place? It was you. This whole time it was you. Why can't you see that Minzy!"

Taemin couldn't hold it in anymore. He had yelled at Minzy afraid that if he doesn't then his point wouldn't get across. Naeun felt weak witnessing and hearing everything that was happening before her. 

"Why I couldn't see? What about you? Did you even see how I felt before? But now you expect me to accept what you said just like that?"

Minzy was almost to her breaking point. She didn't feel like she deserved to go through something like this while Dara was laying lifelessly on a hospital bed. Minzy balled her fists and looks up at Taemin finally letting every emotion and feeling she had pent up inside for all the past years.

"I have loved you since the first day I met you. My heart skipped a beat every single time you had said my name or talked to me. My heart would go crazy with every touch or hug you gave me. But most importantly my heart would break everytime you said that I was just a mere bestfriend and nothing more. And then my heart finally broke down when you told me that you loved someone else and went out with them."

Minzy had teared up as she remembered the past. What she felt finally coming to light. Taemin and Naeun were both crying thinking how hard it must have been for Minzy to keep everything to herself.

"It was so hard for me to be happy for you, but ing hell was it hard, especially if you still acted like the same sweet Taemin I fell in love with. I was so happy when I heard you guys broke up, but that happiness was short lived when you said that I was just a bestfriend for the millionth time. It was at that moment that I knew that I had to get over you and only see you as a bestfriend. Year after year my feelings for you finally vanished, but now you put this on me. What do you expect me to say Taemin? It took me so long and so much effort to get over you, but now you want me to bring back my feelings just like that? It doesn't ing work like that!"

Minzy fell to the ground crying her eyes out after revealing everything to Taemin. She had felt like a load had been taken off, but at the same time she knew that this would only complicate everything more. 

Taemin just stood watching Minzy crying after she confessed everything. He felt like a jerk for never realizing Minzy's feeling for him and hurting her unintentionally. Naeun was now right behind Taemin and held Taemin's hand. He looks back at Naeun when he felt her hand and knew what she meant. 

"I'm sorry for everything Minzy. It's not you who doesn't deserve me, but me who doesn't deserve you. I love you. Goodbye."

He walks away hand in hand with Naeun. He held her hand because if he doesn't then he would run back to Minzy and hold her in his arms, but he didn't deserve that especially with what he made her go through. Naeun could only look at Taemin with sadness and looked back at Minzy one last time to whisper her apology.

Even after Taemin and Naeun had been long gone, Minzy was still crying her eyes out. To much things were happening and Minzy finally broke down. Even though she knew that Dara was in the hospital, Minzy still called her phone just so she can hear Dara's voicemail.

"Hello~ This is Dara! Sorry I couldn't reach my phone, but please leave a message. Pyoong~!"

"Unnie please wake up soon. I really need you right now. Please. Come back home." 

Minzy had hung up and got up to walk towards the dorm. But before she could reach the dorm she could feel herself slowly slipping away. Everything had become blurry and the last thing she saw was a person running towards her screaming something. The last thing she heard was a male voice calling out her name.





Wow I'm so sorry to have not updated for so long. I've just been so busy with school and finding a job. Please forgive me! OTL Anyways this is long over due, but here is the chapter. Sorry if it's not as long as the other chapters. I just really wanted to put up something for you lovelies. What do you guys think? Will Taemin and Minzy ever become friends again or maybe even lovers? Are Taemin and Naeun going to get back together? What had happened to Minzy at the end? And who was the male person who saw her and ran to her? Please comment down below on what you think. And subscribe if you haven't already subscribed. 


Haha I'm back with my question to see if you were paying attention to the story. Kekeke. Anyways thanks again for the patience and all you lovely readers/subbers. Saranghae! <33333

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*