
Breaking the Norms

"WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Key was the first person to shout at the person standing in front of Amber and Minzy's door. Amber was to shocked to see the person and Minzy was trying to figure out how to make them leave.

"You aren't welcomed here." This time it was Minzy who spoke up.

Amber just stared at the person trying to figure out if the person is really right in front of her. Key and Minzy stood in front of Amber making a protective shield. The person wasn't really phased at all by Minzy and Key, but kept their gaze on Amber waiting for Amber to speak. Amber and the person just stared at each other while Key and Minzy kept trying to push the person out, but Amber stopped them.

"Wait. Why are you here?" Minzy and Key stopped pushing and gave way for Amber to be face to face with the person.

"It's been awhile hasn't it been Eunyoung." Amber froze hearing the lost nickname she had been given from the person. Minzy can hear Key snarl towards the person hearing them call Amber by that name.

"You have no right to call her that." Key growled. 

"Why.." Amber had her head low breaking the stare. Minzy and Key could only look sadly towards their friend. Their plan to make her happy has long been forgotten with the appearance of a certain someone.

"Eunyoung..." The person tried to reach for Amber, but Key and Minzy prevented it from happening. The person took back their hand while hanging their head low. Hearing her name come out of the person again brings her back when she was first called that.


Amber was in her second year of highschool. She had just finished swimming and was on duty of closing it. Amber walked over to the locker rooms to change. Once she stepped out she saw someone sitting on the edge of the pool.

Huh I was sure there was no one when I left. Amber had thought, thinking back trying to see if she missed anyone. She shook her head and just walked over to the person. 

It seems the person was only kicking her feet while she held on to the pool side. 

"Hey!" Amber screamed at the person and startled them which made the person drown. 

Once Amber saw the person drowning she immediately jumped in. Luckily she reached the person in time. Amber pulled her up to the surface. As Amber pulled both of them out of the swimming pool she saw that the person was still not opening her eyes. Luckily Amber trained to be a lifeguard to get some money in her pockets. Before she could reach down to start the process Amber was greeted by beautiful set of eyes. 

"Are you okay?" She stuttered while helping the person up. It was at that moment that Amber realized that it was a girl who she had just saved. The girl was also equally shocked as Amber.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

"It's no problem. Sorry for screaming at you that was my fault."

"Hahaa it's okay seriously." Amber couldn't help, but look at the girl. She was beautiful one of a kind, her eyes were round and big, and most importantly her smile was contagious. 

"Well what were you doing anyways?"

"I heard you were the best swimmer in the school and wanted to ask you if you could teach me how to swim, but when I got here no one was here." The girl looked down embaressed for her reason.

"If you still want that lesson I can still teach you?" Amber stared at her sincerely while giving her her famous smile.

"I would love that!" Since Amber was already wet from head to toe she didn't think it was necessary to change.

"Alirght first we have to get you into the water." Amber extending her arms out ready to catch the girl so she would be able to relax.

The girl was hesistant at first since she just met Amber, but after what she heard from everyone else she gave her hand to Amber. As she got in the water it was at first cold, but her body began to adjust to the temperature. The only thing preventing the girl from drowning was Amber holding her up. She looked down and saw Amber's hands carefully placed around her waist to keep her up.

"Sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable." 

"Uhm no it doesn't." Even thought the girl said that she still felt herself blush as she can feel Amber's touch through her shirt.

"Since now your body must have adjusted already I first want you to start kicking your feet like your riding a bike. Once you feel comfortable with that I want you to flap your arms like they are your wings."

The girl followed Amber's instructions and started first with her legs. As soon as she got the hang of it she also worked on her arms. She kept her gaze down, but looked up at Amber grateful for Amber teaching her. What the girl didn't realize while she was staring at Amber was that Amber had already taken her hands off of her waist. The girl was now floating by herself.

Amber couldn't help, but just be admired by the girl's beauty. 

She is so beautiful I can't stop staring at her. Amber was taken out of her thoughts when she heard the girl screaming.

"Oh my gosh look I'm doing it myself. Wahh!" The girl gave Amber a big hug. Amber wrapped her arms around the girls waist holding both of them up while smiling to herself.

"Thank you so much!"

"There's still so much to learn if you want me to teach you." This time it was Amber's turn to blush.

"I still need to learn how to swim since you only taught me how to float."

"We can learn that some other time. Take it slow."

The girl looked away from Amber as she felt Amber coming closer to her. Amber couldn't help, but be attracted to the girl. She tries hard to keep her uality in check, but it seems this girl doesn't really mind the closeness between them.

Maybe she is different from other girls.

They both get out of the pool and dried off. As they were in the locker room changing both girls couldn't help, but take glances at one another. Especially the girl, she couldn't believe how great Amber's body was. She saw that Amber has a great toned body for a girl. Once Amber took her shirt off she saw Amber's well toned stomach that shows a bit of a six pack and the girl pretty much gawked at Amber's flawless skin.

On the other hand Amber would take glances here and there taking in all of the girl's features. Amber had to swallow her saliva when she saw the girl's bare skin as she started taking her clothes off. Amber's eyes trailed from her head down to her perfectly flat belly and was astonished to see a girl with such a great body. Her eyes went back up to the girls chest and saw round perky s. Amber thought of how great it would feel to feel them, but held her thoughts back when she saw that the girl was also looking at her body.

After changing and holding each other back they finally changed and was outside talking to each other.

"My name is Yiyun, but people just call me by Amber since it's easier to say."

"You're Chinese?"

"No I'm Taiwanese, but I moved to America when I was young and then moved here in when my dad got relocated."

"Wow I never guessed because your Korean is really good." 

"Well I had a really good teacher to teach me."

"Really who?" This time Amber looked down embaressed of what she is about to say.

"Well.... I had found out we were going to Korea at a young age so my parents made me learn so when I get here I'd already be good. My parents hired a teacher, but whenever I wasn't meeting up with my teacher I would watch and read Pororo."

The girl tried hard not to laugh, but it had escaped. She apologized to Amber for laughing, but she kept on going. Amber didn't really mind since she thought the girl was very beautiful when she laughed. The girl stopped as she saw Amber smiling at her which in turn made her red as a tomato. 

"Since your in Korea don't you have a Korean name?" Amber shakes her head and just shrugs her shoulders.

"Whenever someone asked me I would just say that I have a Chinese name and that was what I just told you." The girl pouted and thought that it wasn't fit for Amber.

"I think there's something better than Yiyun. What about Eunyoung? It's a cute name just like you." The girl quickly covered as soon as she realized what she just said. She hit her head thinking that she was so stupid for saying that.

"Eunyoung huh. So you think I'm cute?" Amber couldn't help, but tease the girl since she looks so cute being flustered. The girl couldn't look at Amber at all and just nod her head while biting her lip since she was so embaressed.

"Well you're pretty cute yourself." Amber lowered her head so she can make eye contact with the girl and was surprised when she suddenly turned her head. At that short moment their lips had made contact. Amber was the first to pull away and apologized.

"I'm so sorry about that." The girl was still shock and tried to make of the situation. She touched her lips and smiled to herself. When Amber saw her smile she smiled also thinking that the girl was okay with it.

"It's okay Eunyoung. It was kind of sweet. You taste sweet." The girl couldn't help, but say it. It feels like its just coming out of her.

"Do you want to taste more?" Amber seems more confident and wanted to push her luck. She was jumping for joy inside her mind when she saw the girl nod her head.

Amber leaned in once more and gave the girl a passionate kiss. It seemed as if the kiss was going on forever. They both were kissing as if it was the last kiss they will ever have. They only parted ways because they needed to breath air. 

"So does this mean we are dating?" The girl shyly asks looking to Amber with hazy eyes.

"If you want to." The girl nodded her head excitedly while smiling. Amber laughed at the cuteness of the girl and just kissed her one more time.

"I'm so happy." 

"I'd be more happy if I knew my girlfriend's name." Amber laughed as she realized that even though she got the girl of her dreams, she doesn't even know the girl's name. The girl laughed at her mistake and just pulled away from Amber so she can do a proper introduction.

"Hi I'm Suzy and from now on I'm your girlfriend." Suzy held her hand out for Amber to shake hands, but instead Amber just pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the forehead. Amber just kept her hold on Suzy and still can't believe that she just has met this girl, but she already is her girlfriend. And to top it off the girl is beyond gorgeous. 

I think I've really found the one.



Thinking back to that time Amber realized her foolishness. Fresh tears were fighting to come out with the sudden memory of them two together. All of their memories are coming in from just one single word.

" you Suzy. you. You have caused me so much pain and heartbreak and you have the nerve to call me by that name."


"No! No! You can't call me that. I ING LOVED YOU AND YOU ING STOMPED ALL OVER MY HEART!" Key and Minzy looked over at Amber feeling helpless as they see their bestfriend crying their heart out to the one person who took it away and broke it.

"Please hear me out..." Suzy was trying to reach out to Amber, but was only pushed away.

"I don't need to hear anything out. I saw it with my own eyes."

"But I have an explanation for that. Eunyoung I still love you.." Amber scoffed at what Suzy said trying hard not to fall for her trap.

"And why now? It's been 3 long ing years. I'm finally over you and now you do this to me. Please stop. I have been very civil towards you whenever we had to work together, but every single ing time my heart still ached for you. So please don't do this to me." 

Amber had finally broken down. She couldn't handle it anymore. Hearing Suzy say that she still loves her is making her heart and head hurt. Her heart is happy to hear it, but scared because it might be lies. While her brain is straight out cussing Suzy with every cuss word she knew.

"Suzy leave. Please. I'm begging you." Suzy felt her heart break as she saw Amber broken down at the floor telling her to leave with a cracked voice. 

"I'm going to leave for now, but I'm not going to make the mistake again of leaving you. I will come back and tell you the truth." With that final remark Suzy walked out of the front door broken as she saw Amber's beaten image on the floor.

Key and Minzy went over to Amber and carried her to her bed. After all of the conflict going inside her it didn't take long for Amber to fall asleep. Key and Minzy walked out and felt horrible that Amber had to go through that. Amber dreamt of all the people that has hurt her, her parents and now Suzy have come back in her life. And she really doesn't know what to do about it. She really didn't want to think about it so instead she dreamt of playing the guitar while singing.

While Amber went to sleep, Key and Minzy were in the living room trying to figure out how to make Amber feel better. 

"Poor Amber. We need to do something for her." Key nodded at Minzy and sat down trying to think of what was the best thing for Amber.

"Why don't we all go to our secret spot and just relax. I think right now what Amber needs the most is a peace of mind. Away from all this drama and ."

"That is a great idea Key! Who should we invite?"

"Well obviously you and me. We can also invite the rest of the f(x) members, the other Shinee boys, Big Bang boys, and of course the 2ne1 girls."

"You sure it's a good idea for the rest of the F(x) members? What about the whole Krystal and Sulli problem?"

"Yeah that's true, then what about just you, me, and Dara." With the sudden mention of Dara both Key and Minzy remembered that Dara has been missing and out of touch this whole time. Now they both are worried not only for Amber, but for Dara also. 

Key and Minzy looked at each other when they heard someone's phone beep. 

"It's your phone that beeped not mines." Key showed Minzy his phone indicating that he didn't get any new messages.

"Oh." Minzy looked down at her phone and saw that Chaerin had texted her. She quickly opened up her phone and as soon as she read the message her whole body gone limp. Key caught Minzy in time and took her phone away. Once he saw the messages he knew something dire had happened.

Dara's in the hospital. 


I am a horrible horrible person. I want to especially apologize to animefreak858 because I had promised them that it would have been out last Sunday, but obviously I'm an ugly liar. Dx Please forgive me *kneels down and kisses feet* I have no excuse so I'm just going to keep saying sorry. Thank you for waiting paitently

I hope this was worth the wait. If I need to do something better I will gladly accept the critisim. Please comment down below. And are you guys surprised that the girl is Suzy? Lol. And what do you think could have happened to Dara? Why is she in the hospital? Please comment down. Thank you!


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*