Kissing Minzy

Breaking the Norms

"Well since now we finished with Dara's soon to be man. Who are we going to look at now?" Bom said out loud hoping that she would be the next person.

"Hey guys! I'm here for the meeting." 

Dara walks in smiling and thinking that the meeting has just started without even knowing that they just had picked her ideal man as the person to court her. The boys just gave a smirk to one another while the girls giggled.

"So what is the meeting about?"

During this time Minzy looks down at her phone and gasped.

"Oh no I'm late for practice! I forgot that I had to come early to the studio to work on my dance choreo." She quickly packs up her stuff and headed out the door while giving her goodbyes to everyone.

Seungri was the first one to laugh at Minzy since the boys had planned it all out. They knew that after Dara's class, Minzy would have to leave making it easier for them to talk about the men that want to be in her life.

"Okay thats enough rat. Let's get on with the meeting." Once Jiyoung said this Chaerin finally realized why Seungri was laughing.

"You guys knew that Minzy would be the next one to leave. Didn't you!" All the guys simply nodded their heads while smiling towards each of the girls.

"What are you guys talking about?" Dara clueless to everything had innocently asked.

"Awe you are so adorable noona!" Youngbae had moved from his seat to sit next to Dara and poked her cheeks. Dara blushed and swatted Youngbae's finger away.

"This is a meeting about the guys that want to court Minzy." 

"Ohh okay. Thanks for telling me Daesung." 

"Well I'll go now. See you all later." The girls looked at Daesung confused as to why he was leaving.

"Why are you going?"

"Like I said Chaerin. This is a meeting to talk about the guys that want to court Minzy so I would be to biased if I was in this meeting." It had hit the girls a second later as the words sunk into them.

"YOU WANT TO COURT MINZY!" All of the girls had screamed at Daesung astonished of the revelation.

"I thought you said that you think of her as a sibiling?" 

"Come on noona do you really think I'd say that I like her while she was in the same room." Bom nodded her head understanding his reason.

As soon as Daesung left they all looked at the pictures in front of them and was surprised that so many guys wanted to court Minzy.

"Wow all these six guys want to court Minzy. DAYUM!" Chaerin couldn't believe how many guys liked Minzy and was sad to see one picture of a guy in the pile.

"What did you expect Chae. This is our maknae we are talking about. Our y yet beautiful talented maknae." Dara beamed as she looked at all the pictures already choosing four out of the six.

"Like what Dara said this is expected of Minzy. She only deserves the best." Bom looked like a proud mom giving her daughter off to marriage. 

"Yeah your right who wouldn't like Minzy." Seungri looked over at Chaerin as she said that and saw the sadness in her eyes. The curious rat he is he looked down at what Chaerin was looking at and saw her staring at one particular picture of a guy. He was hurt to see Chaerin looking like that, but he was more hurt that Chaerin has her eyes on someone already.

"Well I pick these four guys since they would look the best with Minzy." Dara showed her four picks and Bom quickly agreed with her since those were her picks also. Chaerin looks up and was happy to see that Dara didn't pick a certain guy to be with Minzy. 

"I agree with those picks." 

All the guys looked at all six and then looked at the four the girls had chosen. They were all good picks and one of the guys was Daesung, but that was pretty obvious since Big Bang and 2ne1 would favor him more out of the rest of the guys. However the other three that the girls narrowed down to were very good canidates.

Daesung is sure going to have some tough competition. Jiyoung looked over one more time at the other three pictures and felt scared for his dongseng. 

On the other hand while everyone was discussing Minzy's potential boyfriend she was running her to the dance studio. She had ran so hard that she wasn't able to stop when she suddenly saw a person in front of her. She was going to fast which resulted in crashing into the person and falling on the ground with him.

Minzy quickly bows her head apologizing for her clumsiness while still on top of the guy.

"I'm so sorry. I was running to fast and wasn't looking." Her head hung low not even looking up.

"It's okay, but uhm I think we should get up now." Minzy looks up and was embaressed that she was still on top of the guy and more importantly she was on top of a really hot guy. She pushes herself off fast and turned bright red.

"I'm so sorry! Are you hurt anywhere?" Minzy hung her head as low as it can go sad that her first meeting with such a hot guy turned out this way.

"I said it was okay Minzy. You weren't the only one running, so was I."

Minzy was astonished that the person actually knew her name. 

"Anyways it's great to finally meet you Minzy. I doubt you know my name since 2ne1 is such a top group while my group still needs a lot to do to get where you are."

Minzy shook her head disagreeing with what he just said.

"Nope I know who you are, Bang Young Guk. Who wouldn't know the charismatic leader of B.A.P?" She arched her eyebrows while laughing.

"It's an honor for someone like yourself to know who I am." Young Guk's face turned a hint of red thinking that Minzy listens their music.

"Stop saying that. I'm not all that. I'm just Minzy no one special. Anyways I have to go now I'm late for practice. See you Young Guk!" She brushes the thought away and was about to say farewell since she was still running late for her practice.

Young Guk grabs Minzy's arm before she could leave and came closer and closer. He was just a few inches away from Minzy. She looks up to meet eyes with Young Guk and held her breath as she sees how close he is.


"Call me oppa." Minzy's face turned a bright red when she felt his breath on her ear.

"Oppa.." Young Guk pulls his face to face Minzy once more and gave her his y smirk which in turn made Minzy's ear also turn red and hot.

"That's better." Young Guk finally pulls away from Minzy, while Minzy finally was able to breathe again. Minzy slowly turns around still stunned that something like that just happened. As she slowly makes her way farther from Young Guk she gets another shock of her life.

"You are more special to me than you think." Minzy's eyes became wide and flew open. At that moment as she was walking away Young Guk had ran to her and kissed her on the cheeks then said those words to her. Before she can react and say something to him, he had already ran off.

"I can't believe he kissed me on the cheeks." She slaps her face to see if she was dreaming or not. Minzy kept on slapping her face all the way to the dance studio, but was stopped by someone.

"Someone as beautiful as you should be slapping their face like that." Once again Minzy had gotten a shock of her life. After Young Guk had kissed her cheek now someone else is kissing her hand. She quickly draws her hand away from the guy, but wasn't fast enough because she can still feel the guy's lips on her hand.

"I don't know who you are talking about, but I have to go." The guy's smile quickly disappears as he sees Minzy walking away.

"I'm talking about you. The beautiful girl I'm talking about is you Minzy." Minzy stood still as the guy took her face into his hands.

"Kai why are you doing this?" She was finally able to let out.

"Why aren't you calling me oppa?" He lets go of her face and pouted when he heard Minzy saying his name so formally.

"You are only four days older than me." Minzy couldn't help, but laugh at Kai's pouting face.

"Key word. OLDER! So call me oppa." Kai now had stomped his foot and pouted so cutely that Minzy was so close to pinching his cheeks.

"Aish! Fine I'll call you oppa. Happy?" After hearing that Minzy will call him oppa Kai grabbed onto Minzy and gave her a big hug.

"You have no idea how happy I am." Kai had whispered this into Minzy's ear which made Minzy's ear turn red a second time in just a few minutes.

"Ahh no problem oppa. Anyways I got to go. I'm late for my practice." Kai could tell Minzy was flustered and that made him just more happy. His smile was ear to ear seeing Minzy being flustered over him. Before Minzy could walk away Kai had taken her hand again and kissed it one last time.

"Don't use such pretty hands to hit such a beautiful face." Kai smirked and walked away leaving a stunned Minzy. She looks down at her hand and quickly shoved it in her pockets not wanting to remember what just happened.

After what felt like forever Minzy finally reached the dance room only to be greeted by blasting music. She peeked inside to see the one guy that she made wait because of her carelessness. She watched in awe as she saw the man flowing so smoothly and percise. Minzy took a step inside and continued to watch the man hitting every move with so much emotion. She felt a tear down her face as she felt the emotion. The man was dancing to one of their older songs, but she knew what that song meant to him. As the song ended she sees him whisper something and thinks that it's probably the girl's name that he lost and loved. What broke her heart was seeing the man letting a tear drop.

Minzy went up to him and gave him a back hug hoping that it would help him.

"Oppa..." Taemin quickly wiped his tear away and looked up at Minzy.

"How long were you here?"

"Since you started dancing to In My Room." Taemin was shocked that Minzy saw such a raw vulnerable side to him since he never liked showing anyone that side. But somehow he was okay that it was Minzy.

"Did you hear anything I said?" Taemin was nervous as Minzy kept her hug on him.

"I saw you whisper something, but I know what you said." Taemin pushes her off and looked at her with a blank face.

"What do you think I said?" Minzy was scared being stared so intensely by Taemin. She has never seen him like this before.

"You probably said her name. You know....the girl you loved and lost. Naeun." Taemin hung his head low and didn't reply since he knew that Minzy was wrong, but didn't have the heart to correct her since he knows once he does it'll hurt them both.

"Let's get this practice started. How is your choreo going?" Minzy knew that Taemin was avoiding the topic and wanted to change it. 

"Yeah sorry for being late I had a meeting with 2ne1 and Big Bang. Anyways I'm pretty much done I just need to clean some stuff up." Taemin nodded his head at everything Minzy was saying and was thinking of ideas on what he could do to help her out.

"Well why don't I see the whole thing first and then I'll help you out." Minzy smiled to see Taemin helping her. 

Minzy went to the stereo and plugged in her ipod scrolling down to find the song she was going to dance to. As soon as she found the song the whole dance studio was filled with Black Eyed Peas' song Boom Boom Pow. She started her powerful dance and even forgot that Taemin was in the same room. After she hit her last move she looked over to Taemin waiting to hear what he had to say.

On the other hand Taemin was still in awe that a girl could be so powerful and y all at the same time. He simply had no words for it and wouldn't change one thing about the dance.

"Did you really even need my help or did you just want to show off?" Taemin jokingly said. Minzy laughed and was happy to hear that Taemin had approved of it. She looks down at her watch and saw that she had 30 minutes till her class. After a few more chats and cleaning up a few things here and there Minzy finally was satisfied with her dance.

"Thanks for all the help oppa! I got to go now I have class in 10 minutes." Minzy gathered all her stuff and didn't notice how much she was sweating until Taemin had swiftly moved his way in front of her and swiped her sweat away. 

Before Minzy could thank him she felt a pair of lips on her forehead and for the third time got another shock of her life. She touched her forehead while looking at Taemin searching his face for an answer, but only saw him smiling the same smile he always gives her.

"See you baby Min." He reached down and grabbed his stuff leaving Minzy in the room to think of what just happened between them.

Minzy walked to her classroom lifeless as she remembered all the three guys that had kissed her in three different places. First was Young Guk on the cheek then there was Kai twice on her hand and finally there was Taemin on her forehead. Her face and ears burning red from remembering all those hot guys and most importantly how their lips felt on her skin.

"Is there anything else going to happen today. What's next is someone going to kiss me on the lips?" Minzy had said out loud to herself, but tripped on the stairs taking down the person who was on the bottom of the stairs. And just like what she predicted she had just kissed someone on the lips.



I just want to say that I'm so so sorry for taking so long, but I had finals to study for and now I'm finally all done! Woot woot! Summer here I come and plus more consistant updates. ^_^ Anyways I pretty much told you who the guys are that will be paired up with Minzy. I have another plan for Jay Park teehee and I kind of hinted on what it oculd be. Actually that was a pretty big hint. Anywho who do you guys think Minzy accidently kissed on the lips? 


Also sorry if this was a y chapter Dx

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*