Amber's Past

Breaking the Norms

Amber had woken up and felt the comforting embrace of Minzy. She looks up smiling at her bestfriend for being there even though she knew Minzy had other classes/arrangements to go to. 

"Thank you for being here for me Minzy." 

She snuggled closer to Minzy wanting to drown in the warmth she feels. It also made her forget what had happened to her. Almost. Amber can feel herself crying again, but she stopped herself when she felt Minzy move. She waited for Minzy to say something, but only heard the soft breathing of Minzy indicating that she is still asleep. Amber let out a sigh relieved that Minzy didn't wake up. 

How am I going to tell her what happened? Should I tell her? Amber was battling herself in her thoughts. Even though she was open about anything and everything with Minzy there was one thing she had kept to herself. 


"Mom! Dad!"

Amber walks right into her house looking everywhere for her parents. It wasn't normal for her parents to not greet her as soon as she was home. Usually they would greet her happily as soon as she walked in. Amber couldn't believe that the one time she really wanted to find them, they were no where to be found.

"MOOM DAAD! I have something happy to share!"

Once again Amber shouts into the empty house. The cold air passed her as she heard the absence of anyone else being in the same house as her. Amber starts to panic when she couldn't find them anywhere in the house at all. She takes out her phone and starts dialing their phone numbers, but to her luck their phones were both off.

Amber went into the kitchen looking for food and maybe a note, but saw nothing. No food and no note. Her stomach began to grumble. She looked inside the fridge only to see milk and a few other things that she wouldn't able to cook. In the end she took the milk out and decided to eat cereal while watching some variety shows.

Hours passed without her parents being home. Amber had fallen asleep on the couch with the television still playing late night shows. She would have stayed asleep if she didn't hear the door opening and closing. Amber quickly stood up and ran to the door hoping it was her parents. Once she saw it was the two people she has been waiting for she ran to them.

"Mom! Dad! Sheesh where have you guys been?" Amber went to them and gave them a group hug. Her smile faltered as her hug wasn't given back. Her parents stood there as still as sticks. The coldness made her warm body freeze.

"What are you doing still awake Josephine? Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Amber flinched hearing her mom say her other name. She knows that she must have done something bad because her mom only calls her Josephine when she's mad at her.

"Mom are you okay?" She tries to reach her mom, but only got her hands slapped away by her dad.

"Josephine your mom asked you a question and she expects an answer back." Amber gulps scared by her dad. Never once did her dad lay a hand on her till tonight. It was mind boggling to what is happening to her at that moment.

"Sorry. I'm still awake because I was worried about you two so I stayed up to wait." She thought that would lighten them up and make them smile, but it had to total affect. Both of her parents had frowned and gave her a look of disgust. 

"Who said you can wait for us?" You could hear the venom in each word the mom said. Amber was close to crying as she couldn't understand why her parents are treating her like this.

"Did I do something wrong?" Barely over a whisper Amber was able to ask out loud.

"I can't believe our only daughter and child can be such a monster." Amber's eyes turn wide shocked at what her father just said.

"What do you mean?" Amber held her tears back trying to not show her weak side.

"You know what we mean Josephine. Your dad and I saw you hold hands and kiss that girl." There was no words to say as Amber felt her whole world shatter hearing that she has been found out by her parents.

"I was going to tell you guys when it got more serious..." Amber was stuttering trying to breath at the same time.

"Serious with a girl? That isn't a relationship, but a SIN!" Amber's mom yelled at her slapping her all at the same time. She fell down touching the side of her face where her mom hit her. Amber looks up to see if her mom didn't mean to hit her, but only saw disgust. She turns to her dad hopeful, but just like the mom her dad's eyes were filled with disgust.

"You better break up with that girl and go out with a guy. Or I swear I will kill you." Amber flinched hearing her dad's threat. Her parents left her on the floor not caring at all that her lip was bleeding and there was a huge red mark on the side of her face.

Once Amber heard the door to her parents room closed her tears finally fell down. She felt dirty and unwanted. In all her life she never would have guessed that her once loving parents would do that to her. She thought that they would accept her for who she is and that their love for each other would be enough, but she was wrong. So very wrong.

As the night passes and the morning came Amber woke up thinking that what happened last night was just a nightmare. She walked into the kitchen to see her parents both eating their breakfast.

"Morning mom. Morning dad." Amber said cheerfully while sitting down at the table. She looked down, but didn't see any food for her.

"Mom where's my..." Before Amber could finish what she was saying her dad just pointed to the floor towards a dog bowl.

"Monsters don't deserve to eat on the table and they for sure don't deserve human food." Amber got up from the table and left her parents. Tears started to fall from her face realizing that the nightmare was real. Without saying goodbye she got her stuff and left her house away from her parents.

She walked over to her girlfriend's house only to get another heartbreak. Right in front of her face is her girlfriend making out with another person. Not another girl, but with another guy. She slowly walks over to them and calls out to her.

"Babe..." Her girlfriend looks up at Amber surprised to see her at first, but then her face changed into something evil.

"Eww. Please don't call me that. There was never anything between us. I only went out with you and did all those disgusting things because I made a bet with my boyfriend. He told me that I couldn't get you to go out with me, but obviously I won since well you know. I can't believe you actually thought I LIKED YOU."

Amber's heart broke hearing the ugly truth. She saw them walking away while laughing at her calling her names. They left her crippled with scars in her heart. Amber couldn't handle what just happened so she went back to her house only to be greeted by the same coldness. She went up to her parents and slammed her hands on the table.

"Are you happy! I'm not with the girl anymore. It was all a bet. She never liked me! Just like you two she thought I was just a disgusting monster also! Out of everyone I thought my own two parents would still love me dispite my uality. Last night all I wanted to do was share good news with you two, but instead I found out that my own parents didn't love me unconditionally. That they thought of me as a monster just because of who I love. I can't change who I am no matter what you do to me. I came back to tell you the good news I wanted to share. I'm finally one step closer to my dream. I got scouted to be in a girl group, but you wouldn't care since you never supported that dream either, but I'll prove you two wrong. I'm going to make it big and shove it in your face. JUST YOU WATCH!"

Amber went to her room and packed everything that was important to her. She heard the footsteps coming in her room, but she didn't bother looking back to see who it was.

"Don't you even think about coming back to this home. You are no longer our daughter. Your mom and I will never acknowledge you as an idol or a daughter, not as long as you are what you are." After saying what he had to say he left Amber with a broken trust of what a family should be. 

Fresh tears were on Amber's face hearing what her dad had to say. Even though she knew it was going to be like that she still had a slim hope that her dad would hold her back from leaving. Between her mom and dad she was always closer to her dad. After getting all her stuff together she walked out of her house never to turn back. Walking away from her parents forever. 


After that incident Amber never talked to her parents ever again. She was disowned and her heart became hard. She would give off a friendly feeling, but would keep her heart to herself. As soon as she debuted with the rest of the members of f(x) she had already warmed up. Even though she is more open now she still held that painful memory to herself. Everyone else just thinks that her parents aren't just active in her personal life. Amber was still lost in her thoughts about the past when Minzy suddenly gets up.

Amber gets up with Minzy and stares at her.

"Am how long have you been awake?"

"Not that long. I didn't want to wake you up because you looked too comfortable and it felt good to be in your embrace." Minzy smiles at Amber while holding her in her arms one more time.

"So what happened Am? Why were you crying so much?" Minzy could feel Amber flinch as she brought up the topic.

"I just saw the girl I like kiss someone else, that's all." Even though it was true that she did feel sad about that, it wasn't the reason why she had called Minzy and cried her heart out. She hoped that Minzy believed her and was relieved to hear Minzy believing her.

"I'm so sorry Am. Don't worry there are many more girls out there."

The two girls just stayed hugging each other. Minzy felt bad for Amber while Amber felt bad for lying to Minzy.

I'm sorry Minzy..maybe just maybe in the future I'll be able to tell you everything. But just for today please accept my lie. I'm sorry that I can't tell you what really happened. I just don't think my heart can take it. My once crippled heart has been smashed again. I saw them Minzy....I saw my parents again......



This is kind of a short chapter. I hope you guys like this update! I was kind of tearing up writing Amber's part because right now I'm having the same problem. I'm scared to tell my parents about my uality. Hopefully my parents will accept me. T_T

Anyways what do you think could have happened with Amber seeing her parents again? And who do you think could the girl be that played with Amber's heart?

Please leave your comment below on what you think about the story so far. Thank you for reading and supporting my story! Love you <33333

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*