The Mall

Breaking the Norms

This is going to be part two of the mall. It will be the whole chapter since I'm still trying to narrow down who will be the one for Minzy. So please don't forget to put down your comments on who you want Minzy to be with. So here's part 2 enjoy!

Amber just stayed rooted to her spot scared to move an inch. She wanted to turn around and just leave them there alone. Her mind all jumbled up trying to figure out if what she saw really happened.

Did Krystal and Sulli just kiss. Amber shook her head and looked up once more to see Sulli and Krystal hugging.

"Krystal..." Sulli whispered trying to find her voice.

"I'm sorry for suddenly kissing you like that." Krystal scratched the back of her head embaressed that she actually did it. 

At first she only said it as a joke, but after seeing that Sulli took it seriously she just went in and kissed her. In Krystal's mind it all went pretty fast, she didn't even take a second to think about the consequences her action would do. But yet after she felt Sulli's lips pressed against hers she couldn't help, but smile. 

It's so soft and warm. Krystal smiled again remembering the kiss they had and saw Sulli turning red after looking at her lips.

"What does that kiss mean?" Sulli asked as she looked at Krystal trying to figure out her bestfriend.

"What do you think it meant?"

"I don't know. Do you like me?" Sulli hesistated to ask, but she knew it had to be cleared now. 

After hearing the question Krystal takes a step back and thought about it. She did think very highly of Sulli since they are bestfriends. Krystal told Sulli things she has never told anyone else before.

Did this friendship turn to love? Krystal was deep in thought trying to figure out her feelings. Her heart and mind were battling each other trying to come up with the answer.

Before she could even come up with an answer Krystal's body took over and pulled Sulli in for a hug. Sulli was surprised with the action and waited for what Krystal was going to say.

"I don't know how I feel right now. What I do know is that you are someone very important to me and I wouldn't want to lose you. The kiss was something sudden I did, but I don't regret it. When I felt your lips it felt so good with mine, but I'm so confused. I love you, but I don't know if that love is romantically or just friendship." Krystal burried her face into the crook of Sulli's neck scared of what she was going to say.

Sulli slowly hugs Krystal back rubbing her hands up and down Krystal's spine assuring her that it was okay.

"I would never leave you. You are someone I love also. You are my bestfriend, but right now I like someone else. I'm really sorry Krys. I won't deny that the kiss you gave me made me feel special, but I only see you as a sister. And if you do see me more than a friend then I'll accept that with open arms."

Sulli tightened the hug as she heard the soft sobs coming from Krystal. It broke her heart that she was the cause of Krystal's tears, but she knew that she couldn't lie to her because she knows that it'll hurt her more if she lies. Krystal wipes her tears away and pulls Sulli off of her.

"Thanks for the honesty Sul. If I ever find out my feelings for you you'll be the first to know. And I know who you like even without having to tell me." 

Sulli grabs onto Krystal's face and gives her a kiss on the cheek as a 'thank you' for understanding her feelings.

"Now where is that darn llama making us wait so long." Krystal laughed at Sulli's childness and was happy to have such a great understanding friend like her.

As they were laughing, Amber just watched them from afar with tears rolling down her cheeks seeing the scene unfolding before her eyes.

Am I to late?

Krystal looked to her side and saw Amber, but was to far to see that she had tears. Krystal just poked Sulli pointing to where Amber was. Sulli turned her head and waved trying to get Amber's attention.

"Why is she just standing there?" Sulli kept waving trying to get Amber to come over to them so they can go shopping.

Krystal just stared intently at Amber trying to figure out what she was doing, but gave up and just shrugged.

"Maybe she is spacing out again."

Amber saw that Sulli was trying to get her attention and she quickly wiped her tears and got herself together.

I'll just pretend that I didn't see anything. 

She walked over to Sulli and Krystal wearing her best smile.

"Sorry for taking so long. It was so hard to find a good parking spot." Amber looked down glad that she was able to lie smoothly.

"Well it's okay. Let's just go shopping now!" Sulli smiled at Amber and grabbed both Amber's and Krystal's arms.

Amber smiles weakly at Sulli, but was broken when she remembered what she saw a moment ago. Her eyes moved over to Krystal only to see Krystal looking warmly at Sulli smiling widely. Amber felt her heart constrict and she suddenly felt jealousy. The feelings inside her was heating her up to the point that Amber couldn't take it anymore. She pulled her arm away from Sulli's grip and distanced herself from the "couple".

Sulli realized what Amber did and tried to grab her arm back, but Amber just walked faster.

Why is she like that? What did I do? Sulli can feel her tears watering again with the thought that Amber is mad at her. Watching her the whole time Krystal noticed the sudden drop of mood from Sulli. She saw the tears that were threatening to fall and cursed Amber for doing this to Sulli twice in one day.

Before she could confront Amber about her attitude towards Sulli, Key ran up to them.

"YAH! Girls! Are you here for shopping also?" Key looked at Amber, Sulli, and Krystal sensing the tense atmosphere and quickly slowed down.

"Hi oppa." Sulli was the first one to greet him and give a hug. Key wondered what happened to the usual hyper Sulli that would jump to him as soon as he saw her.

"Oppa." Krystal just simply smiled and gave a quick hug to Key. Even though Krystal can be cold to others once you get to know her she is a very warm caring person.

Key smiled at the two younger girls with much love for them. He looked over at Amber and saw that she was spacing out. He knew that Amber was bothered about something since she always has this certain far away look when she was thinking very hard about something.

"Well it's great to see you too, Amber." Key sarcastically say while hitting Amber on the head.

"HYUUUNG!" Amber was finally snapped out of her thoughts glaring right at Key for hitting her head.

"Omo are you giving me that look right now Amber?" Amber quickly softened her gaze and apologized for her rude behavior to Key.

"My bad hyung." Sulli and Krystal couldn't help, but laugh at Amber being a little kitten in front of Key.

"Oppa are you done shopping already?" 

"I actually just got here. Wae Sulli?"

"Well why don't you go shopping with us also?"

Key jumped up and down excited that he'll have people to go shopping with. Now he won't look like a loner holding a bunch of shopping bags by himself.

"Really? I can tag along?"

"Of course hyung!" Amber smiled at Key happy that there would be someone who can understand her situation at the moment.

After some walking and passing by stores, Sulli found a store she especially liked.

"Ahh let's go into this one!"

Amber and Key looked at the store and flinched at the girlyness of it. The store was all pink and sold only dresses and girly heels. Krystal didn't really mind as much since she wanted to buy new heels anyways.

"Uh you girls can go in while Amber and I wait out here."

Sulli didn't hesitate at all and dragged Krystal with her deep into the store. Amber however just looked longingly at the two retreating backs. Even though she would never be caught dead in that store she was willing to risk her personal taste just so Sulli and Krystal wont have anymore alone time.

Key saw the look on Amber's face and knew he had to talk to her.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Amber sat down on the bench and put her face into her hands.

"I've fallen in love with my bestfriend." Key looks at her curious. 

"Are you talking about Minzy?" Key knows that Minzy is her bestfriend, but he has already heard about that story. He thought that she has already moved on from Minzy.

"Minzy is my bestfriend, but I have other bestfriends too hyung. And I only love Minzy as a sister."

Now Key was utterly confused. If he had to name all the girl bestfriends that Amber had it was Minzy, Dara, Victoria, Chaerin, Bom, Sulli, Luna, and Krystal. Then it hit him like lightening. He now knew why Amber looked at Krystal and Sulli with so much longing.

"The maknaes?" Amber could only simply nod scared and helpless that once again she had fallen in love with one of her bestfriends.

"Which one?"

"That's the thing Key. I don't know." Key could hear the sadness in Amber's voice. He knew firsthand how hard it is to fall deeply in love with your bestfriend. How much it tears you up inside to see them happy with someone else other than you. How hard it is to act happy around them even though you are dying inside. 

He sat down next to Amber putting his arm around her. Key pulled her closer to him and gave her a pat on the back.

"Are you sure it's love? Maybe it's the same case as Minzy's?" Amber shook her head positive of what she is feeling.

"This has been inside me for quite awhile now. With Minzy I felt different and realized it was just attraction, but this feeling I have right now just plain hurts. No matter how many times I just said it was attraction I knew I was fooling myself. What do I do?"

Amber looks up at Key wanting to hear an answer to help her get away from all the pain she is in. She doesn't want to lose a friend because of her feelings. They are the only people she has since her family doesn't care about her at all.

"First we have to figure out who is the one you love." Even though Key said that he had a slight idea on who it can be, but would keep silent for the sake of Amber.

"Everytime I see Sulli I feel warm and happy with just her being around." Key smiles hearing what Amber said, but waited to hear what she things about Krystal.

"And when it comes to Krystal I just want to see her smile. I would do anything to make her happy and smile my way. She makes my emotions go haywire without barely doing anything. Plus she is so beautiful." Key slightly falters hearing what Amber said about Krystal. Because those were the same things she said about Minzy.

"So what does your heart say?" Key hopes that Amber can see what Key sees. When Amber was talking about a certain person Amber's face literally lit up and her eyes sparkled. It was like looking at himself, but as a girl version.

"I think I know who I'm in love with now."

"Who is it?" 

Before Amber could answer she looks up and sees Krystal and Sulli making their way back to them. Key looks up and sees Amber looking at the girls. He hoped that Amber would realize who she really loved, but he couldn't hope for anything because he knew that Amber will get there just like how he got to realizing who he loved.

"Hyung, can I ask you something before I tell you who I'm in love with?"

Amber quickly took the chance to ask Key since he saw Sulli and Krystal distracted with an accessory stall.

"Of course what is it?" 

"How did you deal with your feelings for him? How did he take it?"

Key frowned remembering what he went through. Just like Amber Key is gay. He had came out a month after Amber had come out to everyone. Throughout everything the person he had fallen in love with supported him. But Key knew that it was all brotherly support not the same way Key feels for him.

"Honestly it was hard for me. I fell in love with him after knowing the fact that I was in love with him. Weird right?" Key laughed catching Amber off gaurd, but he still went on.

"I was in the same position as you in a way. I had kept my uality a secret and thought I was in love with one of my bestfriends, but as soon as I came out I realized that it was only attraction I felt for the guy, but actually had loved my other bestfriend. I figured out I loved him after seeing how much he supported of me being who I am. When others put me down he would single handedly pull me back up. His care, warmth, love, and more importantly his heart won over my own heart. I realized to late that I loved him because once I knew I couldn't do anything to take my feelings back."

Key took a breath calming himself down before going on with his story because he hadn't really told anyone how he truly felt about the whole thing. Amber stayed silent sad that her beloved Hyung had to go through something like this.

"Everyday I had felt pain and love all at the same time. He would hurt and heal me all at the same time.  My heart would break a piece everytime I would see him smile at someone else, hold someone else, but mostly when I would see those eyes staring at someone else with so much love in it. My mind told me to move on, but my heart wouldn't listen. Even till now my heart is owned by him. My love for him is so much that it's to the point that it's getting harder and harder for me to keep it from him."

"Then why don't you tell him?" Key could only laugh bitterly.

"If I told him then our bond would be broken. He isn't like me. He likes girls while I like him. I have no chance to be with him at all. His eyes don't see me. And most importantly his heart doesn't beat for me like how mines beat for him."

Amber looked back up at Krystal and Sulli, thinking if falling in love with her was a mistake. To go through such pain all for the sake of love. Amber didn't know if she could handle that especially potentially ruining her friendship. Key sees Amber hesitating about her feelings after what he told her. 

"Amber don't let what I told you scare you from falling in love. Even though I am hurt I am still happy at least to feel such feelings. It has it's pluses to you know. With just the presence of that person you can change your mood in an instant. The way you would feel the butterflies when they would smile at you or hold you. All those feelings can only be achieved if you truly love that person. Even if it pains you, but the love you have for that person is more than enough because seeing them happy is what makes your day."

"Thanks for telling me Key." Key just smiles at Amber proud to have finally said everything of what he felt.

"So now will you tell me who the lucky girl is." This time it was Amber's turn to smile at Key. As she said the person name Amber looked over at the two girls walking back their way, not really minding the wavering smile that was on Key's face. Since in her eyes rather than a bunch of people in the mall or two girls walking towards her there was only one. The one she had fallen in love for.



DUNDUNDUNNNNNN! So it's Krystal that Amber has fallen in love for? Mhmm do you guys believe that? Hahaha. So once again I'm going to ask what you think of this chapter. Does Krystal like Sulli as more than friends? Who does Sulli like? Who is the man that Key loves? and most importanly is Krystal really the person Amber is in love with? Please put down a comment below on what you think ^_^ Thank you to all who has subscribed to me and actually taking your time on reading my story. I love you all! 


P.S. Please also put a guy you would pair Minzy up with. So far I have read in the comments for Taemin, Daesung, and Youngguk. If you have more suggestions please write it down because I'll need it for the next chapter. Once again love you all!

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*