Realization of Love

Breaking the Norms

I just want to say that this will be cut in half. The first part of this story will be the scene of Amber, Sulli, and Krystal at the mall. While the other half will be the meeting with 2ne1 and Big Bang. I hope I don't confuse you guys >.< So hope you enjoy. And I want to thank all the subscribers and commenters now teehee.

Amber, Sulli, and Krystal were seated in Amber's car driving off to the mall. It only took them ten minutes, but the ride there felt like it was forver in Krystal's case. While for Amber and Sulli it felt like it was way to short, but for different reasons.

During the car ride Amber had kept trying to talk to Krystal trying to open up to her and get closer, but Krystal just kep having her blank expression only giving short replys. On the other hand Sulli would answer very animatedly trying to liven up the mood in the car, but failed to be even heard by Amber or Krystal. 

Seeing this happening Sulli felt very left out. She was in the back of the car because Amber told Krystal to go to the passenger seat even though Krystal didn't want to. In the end Krystal agreed while Sulli was left at the backseat. She saw how hard Amber was trying to talk to Krystal, but kept failing. So Sulli thought she should help out Amber by joining on the conversation. It backfired on her and hurt her feelings without the other two knowing.

"So Krystal what class do you have later?" Amber trying to bring up a conversation. Sulli looked over at Krystal waiting for her to reply.

"Dance." One word. That was the only thing that came out of Krystal. Sulli saw Amber's face trying to think of what to say next so she jumped in.

"Yeah I have dance with Krystal too. She is one of the best dancers there." Krystal smiled at Sulli for her compliment and Amber looks at them jealous that she couldn't get Krystal to smile like how Sulli did just now.

"Thanks Sulli. You're a good dancer as well don't forget about that." Amber tightend the wheel as she heard Krystal talking to Sulli.

Why can't she give me long answers like that? I get one word while Sulli gets two whole sentences. Amber couldn't help, but be hurt that Krystal can be so close to Sulli, but be so distant with her. 

As soon as she stopped at the red light she turned her head to Krystal totally ignoring Sulli.

"Wow Krystal I knew you were a good dancer wish I could see you dance sometime." Amber smiled wide showing her best.

"You have seen me dance. A bunch of times already. Everytime we perform we are dancing."

Amber's smile falters after hearing what Krystal said, but she wasn't going to give up.

"Haha that's true, but I want to see you dance something different. More you."

Sulli was now just silent at the backseat knowing that Amber didn't want her to be in the conversation since Amber clearly had her whole attention to Krystal. 

"If you want to see a really good freestyle dance then talk to Sulli. She's really got some great moves. I may be great at dancing learned choreography, but Sulli is way better than me when it comes to freestyle. She really shows how much of a beautiful dancer she is." 

Krystal looks back at Sulli smiling widely again. Seeing Krystal smiling and hearing her compliment Sulli gave out a huge grin happy to hear such words from Krystal who usually doesn't say anything that much. Amber on the otherhand was getting more annoyed. She couldn't really understand why she was getting mad at Sulli when she isn't even doing anything wrong. In fact out of all the people in F(x) Sulli was the second closest to her behind Victoria. 

"I've seen her freestyle and it's pretty good. Seen better, but that's our Sulli." Amber had realized what she said, but didn't think much about it. She saw the light turn green and just turned her head not caring at all that she might have just hurt Sulli's feelings.

Krystal got mad at what Amber said, but just brushed it off thinking that Amber meant it as a joke and didn't mean any harm from it. So instead of looking back at Sulli to console her she just shrugged her shoulders and looked outside the window.

Sulli now was close to crying. She didn't know what she did wrong for Amber to say that to her. All she wanted to do was help Amber. She didn't mean for Krystal to say all those nice things about her totally disregarding Amber. She felt like someone stabbed her in the heart after what Amber said about her. Never in their whole friendship did Amber ever say those things to her. 

She knows that Amber said that out of frustration from not getting close to Krystal during the car ride, but to take it out on her was just to much for Sulli. She couldn't really understand why it was affecting her so much that whenever Krystal was around Amber would be different to her. Sulli stayed quiet in the background fighting very hard not to cry. But failed when one tear fell down her cheeks. She quickly wiped it off, but was seen by Krystal who turned around to tell Sulli to tell her that Amber didn't mean anything.

Krystal quickly turned back around sad to see the hurt Sulli. Sulli is her bestfriend and person she confides in the most even more than her own sister. So to see Sulli silently holding back her tears broke Krystal. She quickly got mad at Amber for saying such mean words to Sulli.

While Amber still didn't know how much her words affected Sulli she was thinking of a way to get closer to Krystal at the mall. This is one big flaw of Amber. Once she sets out to do something she doesn't care if one gets hurt in the process without her knowing. And would be completely unaware of the damage she has done to the person that got the short end of her fuse. Even though she was very protective of her friends and would die for them, she also doesn't know how much she puts them under the bus when she gets going with her emotions. 

An incident happened between her and Minzy where Amber lashed out on Minzy just because she was getting frustrated that she couldn't get once simple dance move that Minzy was teaching her. Since Minzy knows Amber well enough she knew not to take the outburst to heart since there has been many cases of Amber doing this not just to Minzy, but also to Dara, Victoria, Chaerin, and now Sulli.

Before Amber could go park the car Krystal spoke out telling Amber to stop.

"You can drop us off first Amber and Sulli and I will wait for you here." Amber just looked at her confused, but didn't argue and just followed what Krystal had told her to do. Once Amber had dropped them off she quickly went to look for a parking lot preferably a spot close to the front. 

While Amber looked for a parking spot Krystal turned around to Sulli. Sulli was still recovering from the blow that she got and kept her head down. Krystal shook her head still mad that Amber had said those words to Sulli. Krystal knew how sensitive Sulli was. She took Sulli's chin and made Sulli look up at her.

"Don't take what Amber said to heart. She didn't mean it. You know how she is." Sulli can only nod afraid that if she spoke her tears were going to come out.

"Seriously Sul don't. Amber thinks very highly of you. Everyone does. You are my inspiration did you  know that?" Once again Sulli didn't say anything, but shook her head no.

"If you don't say anything I will kiss you right now."

Sulli had wide eyes at Krystal shocked at what she said. She didn't know if Krystal was being serious or playing around. She was about to say something when Krystal suddenly crashed her lips onto Sulli.

"Too slow." Krystal said after giving Sulli a kiss. She just gave a slight smirk to Sulli knowing full well what she just did. Sulli was shocked and didn't know what to do. She touched her lips and looked at Krystal and then down to her lips. She immediately turned red again remembering what just happened a second ago.

What they didn't know was that Amber saw the whole thing and got heart broken. She didn't know why her heart was hurting. As soon as she saw both of them kissing her heart fell and shattered. But deep down Amber knew why she was feeling like this and she didn't like it at all. The only question she has is who are these feelings for.

I've fallen in love with one of my bestfriends.....

I just realized that this scene was mostly in the car, but don't worry there will be a part two. I just wanted to get on the scene with 2ne1 and Big Bang since it also plays a big part in my plot. Teehee. And you will get to know more about the girls haha. So who do you guys think Amber is in love with? Is it Sulli or Krystal? And what do you think about Krystal and Sulli? Is Krystal serious about the kiss or was just playing around? And what about Sulli who is stuck in the middle?

  "Minzy next time tell us ahead of time that we have a meeting with Big Bang oppas. Okay?" Chaerin had her leader tone on mad that they had to run to make it in time for their meeting.

"Sorry unnie. I just forgot about it because of what just happened." Chaerin understood and didn't really blame Minzy. She was just tired since she didn't get that much sleep last night.

Bom on the other hand was just silent hoping to stop running soon because she was getting out of breath. They finally reached the room and quickly went in to notice that Big Bang wasn't even there yet. The girls smiled and sat down happy that they weren't late and even beat the boys there.

"If this is a meeting with the boys shouldn't Dara be here?" Bom said while pulling out a container filled with watermelon slices handing forks out to the girls.

"Well actually this meeting is slightly about her." 

"What are you talking about Minzy? What's wrong with Dara?" Chaerin was now getting worried. Dara is her favorite unnie and bestfriend. Just like Amber and Minzy, Chaerin owes a lot towards Dara. In reality all of the girls plus F(x) and Big Bang owed a lot to Dara.

"Maknae tell us now. Is there anything wrong with Dara?" This time it was Bom who got tense and looked at Minzy. Minzy was scared of the two at the moment, but knew that they would be okay if she explained what was going on.

"Calm down. There is nothing wrong with Dara. This meeting is about certain people taking the YG test for permission to court Dara.

"If that's what it's about then why isn't F(x) here talking about it? Or the rest of the YG family or more importantly YG himself." Bom quickly said with a watermelon slice in .

"Well unnie. We are her band members and Big Bang are the closest to her boys wise other than Dongwook, but he is busy with classes.YG isn't here because the first round is that they have to get our apporval first. There are many rounds before the person can even go to YG himself."

Bom and Chaerin both nodded their heads understanding the situation much more better.

"So whose the guy that wants to take the test?" Bom asked curious to who the brave guy was.

Before Minzy can answer the Big Bang boys came right on time carrying a bunch of food and papers. The girls looked at the guys curious to why they have so many papers with them. 

Wasn't there only one guy who wanted to take the test? They all thought of the same thing as the boys sprawled the papers across the table.

"This is all the information you will need on all three of the guys that wants to court Dara." Top said as he sat down right next to Bom while Jiyoung and Seungri each sat on one side of Chaerin, and Daesung sat next to Minzy while Youngbae stayed standing.

"And these right here." Youngbae said while taking out more files. "Are for the three of you, but since Dara isn't here we will have to wait till she gets here to talk about these." He puts the files back into his backpack at the same time the girls whined.

"Why can't we see who wants to court us." Bom pouted and stuffed another watermelon slice in .

"It's only fair. If Dara can't see then you three won't either." Youngbae said as a matter of fact. "Enough of your whining and lets get on with this meeting before Dara's class ends."

"I thought there was only one guy who asked. I didn't know two more asked to." Minzy asked while picking up the picture of the first guy. All at the same time the girls gasped at the first picture they saw. They looked at each other and couldn't believe it. The guys just looked at the picture thinking if he would be good for Dara.

"NO FREAKING WAY! He is seriously asking to court Dara?" Chaerin spatted out loud slightly scaring Seungri and Jiyoung.

"Yes Chaerin he is. What is so surprising about it? He's just a guy." Seungri simply said proud that his noona had such a guy liking her.

"Just a guy! Seungri he isn't JUST a guy. He is freaking Kim Jae Joong!" Bom was going crazy which made Top annoyed.

"Seriously Bom can't you just be excited without moving so damn much." The girls and boys laughed at what Top said, but laughed harder when he got hit by Bom on the head.

"Shut up you alien! I can't just simply stay put knowing that my sister has such a hot guy liking her."

"Psh." Top said under his breath without anyone hearing him.

"Anyways lets all calm down and think about this. First lets have a vote on who approves and disapproves." Jiyoung quickly stood up getting control of the room. As soon as Jiyoung stood up Youngbae sat down waiting for the voting to start.

"Raise your hand if you approve of Jaejoong." 

All the girls rasied their hands up to the point that Bom even raised both of her hands.

"Bom only one hand!" Jiyoung looked over at Bom.

"Aisht fine!" Bom put one of her hands down and looked around to see that only the girls had apporved of Jaejoong.

"YAH! Why don't you guys approve."

The guys looked at Bom and just simply smiled.

"Trust us Bom. Once you see the third guy you will forget the other two in an instant." Seungri chuckled at Bom's flustered face.

"Since you guys don't approve of Jaejoong and only the third guy why don't we see him then!" Chaerin pointed at Seungri waiting for his answer.

"Calm down Chae sheesh. I just want to see you guys react to who the first two guys are."

After Seungri said that the girls quieted down and looked over at the second picture. Once again they got the shock of their lives. 

"Dara will surely like this fresh meat." Bom smirked while looking down at the picture.

"I'll keep this short who votes yes?"

Once again Bom, Chaerin, and Minzy raised their hands. And once again the boys just stayed rooted to their spots.

"Oh come on! You guys know how much Dara thinks highly of this guy." Bom whined once more.

"He seriously fits the ideal guy that Dara wants. Young, atheltic, and handsome. Choi Minho is the definition of this!" Minzy stated out loud finally voicing out.

"I don't care who the third guy is. Dara even said that she liked Minho and found him very boyfriend material." Chaerin chimed in.

"That's exactly the point. He is boyfriend material, not husband material." Daesung quickly said shutting the girls up since what he said was right. 

"Seriously the third guy better be extraordinary cause if he isn't I will kill all of you here." Bom pointed to each of the guys making them gulp.

"I wish I had hot guys like these to like me." Minzy said to herself, but was heard by Daesung. 

"Trust me Minzy. You don't only have handsome guys lineing up for you, but nice guys at the same time." Daesung gave her his signature smile which made Minzy blush. Out of all the guys Daesung was her favorite. She smiled back at him and got noticed by Bom.

"Yah! Why are you guys smiling at each other?! Are you two going out!" Bom got the others attention towards Minzy and Daesung.

After hearing that both Daesung and Minzy blushed. Minzy put her head down due to her red face. And for the fact that her heart was beating quite loudly. She looked around hoping that no body can hear it. Luckily for her only she can hear her rapid beating heart.

"Aisht noona don't say that. Minzy and I are like sibilings."

Hearing what Daesung said Minzy felt a pang in her heart. She didn't know why she was affected by a simple statement. She shrugged it off thinking that it was just cause of her embaressment. She looked up and agreed with what Daesung said. But unknown to Minzy she had also caused a pang in Daesung's heart for agreeing with him rather than going against it. Just like Minzy, Daesung didn't know what that feeling was so he also shrugged it off. 

Wanting to change the subject Minzy grabbed the last picture and screamed her heart out.

"HOLY !" The rest of the girls were curious to who could have made Minzy scream and even curse. Chaerin and Bom picked up the picture and at the same time yelled as loud as Minzy did.


"A GOD HAS APPEARED BEFORE US!" Bom was jumping up and down clutching the picture close to her heart.

"I'm so jealous that Dara has such a god asking to court her. Truly a husband material. If she doesn't want him I'll gladly take him." Chaerin said while looking dreamily at the guys picture.

"Hahaha calm down girls. Guess we don't have to vote on this one." Seungri said while clapping his hands together.

"Of course you guys would save the best for last. Dara unnie will surely be surprised to see her dream guy in front of her asking to be his." Minzy giggled.


So how did you guys like this other half? Teehee I kind of gave a hint on who would be paired up and stuff. Honestly I don't really know who I would pair up Minzy with. I'm torn between a lot of guys haha.  Who would you guys pair Minzy up with? Also next chapter will be the guys that want to court Minzy so that's why I need to see who you guys would pair her up with and would want to end up with. ^_^ if I don't get a feedback I'll just choose myself haha. 

Again I want to thank all the people who subscribed to me so far and reading/supporting my story. You are all awesome! Please comment below for what you think. Much love<3


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 15: 2021 fighting
animefreak858 #2
Chapter 15: It's been so long since I've reread this. And I'm crying! Thank you so much.
randrew1215 #3
Chapter 15: please update it and Go sulber
Chapter 15: Wow so much drama in this fic.
Chapter 14: Please update soon~ this story is so good!!
junguchimichuku #6
Chapter 6: this chapter fluff and complicated at the same time
junguchimichuku #7
Chapter 5: is it jonghyhun? the guy that key talk about?
hmmm so amber really have felling to krystal
junguchimichuku #8
Chapter 4: who want to court dara aisshh so curious
junguchimichuku #9
Chapter 3: woohhh i never knew dara will show that kind of side
and im curious what will happen to krystal amber and suli
*narrow eyes*