You've Got A Friend

You Are the One

“Halmeoni, where do you think did umma go?” Yoona asked their maid. Yoona called her halmeoni because they are close. She become their maid when Yoona is 9, when Ddong leave her.

“I really don’t know Yoona” she answered. And then a tears escape from Yoona’s eyes. Mrs. Lee hugs Yoona to comfort her.

“She is always like this. She always disappears whenever there is an occasion that is important for me. Why is she like this?” Yoona asked while crying hard.

“Don’t worry, she is just busy doing something” Mrs. Lee answered.

“Busy? She’s not busy. My friends’ parents even they are busy with their business, they still have time for their families. No need to fool me auntie, I know that my mom is still blaming me for my appa’s death” Yoona said.

“Time will come and she will care for you. Later on, she will realize that it was not your fault. For now, let’s forget your problems, ok?” Mrs. Lee said while smiling to her. Yoona replied her with a sweet smile. After that Yoona went to her room and sit to her bed. She looks at the picture on the walls and the pictures on her table, her pictures together with her mom and dad. She then hugs those pictures until she heard a knock on the door.

“Yoona, it’s already Christmas Eve. Come out now. Let’s celebrate!!” Mrs. Lee said. Then Yoona open the door with a smile on her face, to hide the pain in her heart.

“Let’s go?” Mrs. Lee asked. Yoona nodded. When they reach the kitchen, Yoona saw her favorite’s foods. Ice cream, cakes, and others (A/N: I didn’t get her fav. foods).

“Wow!!!There are so many foods! Let’s eat” Yoona said to the maids and her driver. They looked at each other hesitating to joined dinner with Yoona.

“Oh? Why are you still there? Join me here. How can I eat all of this by myself?” Yoona asked them. Then they smile and sit on the chairs. They start to eat all of the delicious foods. They are all smiling. Happy because they celebrate Christmas together. After that, it is time to exchange gifts. They went to the porch and went near the Christmas tree.

“These are my gifts to all of you. There’s name on it” Yoona said while smiling.

“Eh? But….. instead of buying gifts like this you can keep it as money of yours. I know that Mrs. Im lessen your allowance” one of the maid said to Yoona.

“Don’t worry, I bought that before umma lessen it” Yoona said to them.

“In that case, well thank you Miss Yoona” they all said and smile. Time like this can make Yoona smile.

“But Miss Yoona, we’re sorry because we don’t have gifts for you except for ahjuma Lee” her driver said.

“No, it’s ok” Yoona assured them.

“Ah, miss Yoona. We need to go so that ahjuma Lee can spend time with you. I know that she treats you like a daughter”

“Ok, thank you so much” Yoona said. The workers left the two. Then Yoona looked at Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee went near her.

“Merry Christmas Yoona!” Mrs. Lee said.

“Merry Christmas too halmeoni” Yoona replied.

“Thank you for the gifts Yoona” Mrs. Lee said. Yoona gave her a silver bracelet with a little star on the middle.


“This is my gift for you” Mrs. Lee handed a small box. Yoona took it and open. Her eyes widen, there is a necklace inside with a small leaf.

“Thank you so much halmeoni” Yoona said and hugs her.

“Look at the necklace” Mrs. Lee said. Yoona looked at the necklace but Mrs. Lee took it and she open the small leaf. Yoona is shocked. She didn’t know that it can be open because it is not obvious.

“Woah!!! I didn’t notice that it can be open” Yoona said.

“Look” Mrs. Lee said to Yoona. Yoona saw the picture inside, one of them is her and the other is Ddong when they are still young.

“Where did you get this pictures halmeoni?” Yoona asked

“I saw that on your drawer. I’m sorry if I took it”

“No it’s ok”

“Let me help you to put it” Mrs. Lee said and put the necklace.

“Merry Christmas Yoona. I will take care of you, I will protect you even in my last breath” Mrs. Lee said while hugging Yoona.

“Thank you for your love halmeoni. Even umma is not here, I still can feel love by a mother” Yoona said.

DING DONG!!! The door bell rang.

“Oh? Ho could that be?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“I will open it.” Yoona went to the gate and open it. She saw Taecyeon standing in front of her. Taecyeon smile at her and she replied him with a smile.

“What are you doing here?” Yoona asked.

“Why? You don’t like me to come here?” Taecyeon asked.

“Of course not”

“So let’s get in” Taecyeon said as he put his hand on Yoona’s shoulder and enter the house.

“You act like you own this house” Yoona tease Taecyeon.

Taecyeon just smile and said “Of course. I know I can do whatever I want here because this is your house”

“Oh! Taecyeon, you’re here!” Mrs. Lee said.

“Gud eve halmeoni” Taecyeon greet Mrs. Lee.

“Hey, its already morning you haraboeji” Yoona said to Taecyeon.

“What did you say? What did you call me?” Taecyeon asked while went nearer her.

“I said haraboeji. You are already old because you forgot what time it is” Yoona teased.

“Hey,hey,hey…I only forgot what time it is and I didn’t look at my watch doesn’t mean I’m old” Taecyeon said while tickling her.

“Yah!!! Yah!!! YAH!!! Pls…..stop…oppa stop…hahahaha….hahah…”

“Aishhh…these two!!” Mrs. Lee said while shaking her head. She went to the stairs and shouted at the two “Hey, have some fun.” They didn’t notice that she already went to bed.

“Don’t you ever call me that, ok?” Taecyeon said to her.

“I-I don’t w-wa…nt to….hehehehe”

“Aishhh……By the way, this is my gift to you” Taecyeon handed her a scrap book.

“What is this? Scrap book?” Yoona asked.

“Can’t you see, that is cellphone” Taecyeon joke. Yoona hit his shoulder.

“Ouch, that hurts you know” Taecyeon complain.

“Because you didn’t answer me well” Yoona said and rolled her eyes.

“Hahahaha….That’s your fault. It’s obvious that that is a scrap book but you still asking what is it” Taecyeon said.

“I’m just….just……”

Taecyeon cut her “Just what? Just admit it!!!”

“YAH!!!” Yoona said with a puppy face. And then Taecyeon start laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” Yoona asked while pouting.

“b-because y-youre sooooo cuteeee!!!” Taecyeon said while caressing her head.

“Stop it” Yoona hit his hand.

“Let’s go to the garden” Taecyeon suggest. They went to the garden and sit under the tree. The light from the moon is so bright and they can see each other.

“Where did you celebrate Christmas?” Yoona asked.

“House of Jessica” Taecyeon replied.

“Oh!!! So why are you here? May be auntie is looking for you now” Yoona said to him.

“That is the problem. They are not in the house. When I went there from Jessica’s house they are not in the house. I called them and said that they are in a hotel” Taecyeon replied.

“So if they are in your house you will not come here?” Yoona asked with a sad face. Taecyeon look at her.

“Of course not! I just went to the house to get my gift for you” Taecyeon said.

“That scrap book?”

“Hey, that is not just a scrap book, because you will put all of you happy and sad moments in your life. It can help you to be calm.” Taecyeon said.

“Thank you for that. You didn’t know that I like scrap book” Yoona said.

“For your information, I know that you like scrap book that’s why I bought you some” Taecyeon said

“But I didn’t tell you”

“I asked halmeoni” Taecyeon replied.

“Is that so?”


“So are you happy this Christmas?” Taecyeon said changing the topic.

“50-50..” Yoona replied.

“So auntie is not here?” Taecyeon asked.  Yoona nods her head.

“That’s ok. At least we are here for you to make you happy” Taecyeon said.

“Yes, I know” Yoona said bowing her head. Taecyeon saw her face with a sad expression so he went near her and place yoona’s head on his shoulder.

“Don’t be sad. Remember I will always here for you” Taecyeon said.

“I know and thank u for that” Yoona replied.

“Do you want me to sing a song for you?” Taecyeon asked her. Yoona just nodded her head.

When you're down and troubled
and you need a helping hand
and nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my name,
and you know whereever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
all you have to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

If the sky above you
should turn dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
and soon I will be knocking upon your door.
You just call out my name and you know where ever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold.
They'll hurt you and desert you.
Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but don't you let them.

You just call out my name and you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again.
Oh babe, don't you know that,
Winter spring summer or fall,
Hey now, all you've got to do is call.
Lord, I'll be there, yes I will.
You've got a friend.
You've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.


Taecyeon finished singing but she noticed that Yoona is already sleeping. He smile crept on his face seeing his bestfriend sleeping. He carried Yoona bridal style and brings her to her room. He placed Yoona on her bed. he covered the blanket on yoona’s body. After that, he kneels down and kiss yoona’s forehead.

“Good night Yoong” he said.


Late update......hehehehe....sorry for the wrong grammar....





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taecyoonhae #1
feel free to comment....
taecyoonhae #2
Chapter 14: at last...i update again..sorry for the late update....
Yoonhae07 #3
taecyoonaddict #4
please make this story a TAECYOON story!
tatayoonghae #5
I don't know.....but they're too good to be true.
Let me hear ya'll! ....When I say YOON you say HAE! YoonHae YoonHae YoonHae! trolol The adorkable couple! UNBEATABLE!