That Night

The Fugitives
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54 | That Night




Gradually regaining consciousness, Seohyun felt a dull ache pulsating in her head as she attempted to sit up. With a soft groan, she resigned herself to lying back down, cradling her head in her hands.


"What on earth happened last night?" she murmured, her words muffled by the throbbing in her temples. As she gently massaged her forehead, the scent of alcohol wafted to her nostrils, triggering memories of sharing drinks with Yoona during their dinner date. "Looks like I indulged a bit too much," she sighed softly, shifting her gaze to the digital clock perched on the nightstand. It blinked 8:00 AM, yet the space beside her remained conspicuously empty. "Where's my Yoongie?" she wondered aloud, her concern evident in her voice.


The door swung open suddenly, and Yoona entered, balancing a tray of comforting hangover soup. "Good morning, my love," he chimed in with a sweet, charming smile adorning his face as he approached the cocooned figure of his girlfriend beneath the comforter. 


"Omo, what happened to your face and your arms?" Seohyun exclaimed, jerking upright, only to wince in pain once again and frustratingly smack her head.


"Yah, yah, yah, stop that. Take your seat and have some soup," Yoona instructed, setting the tray on the bed and gently guiding his girlfriend back onto the mattress. "Don't be too harsh on yourself," he remarked, handing her a spoon. 


"Why does your face look like you've been in a brawl or something?" asked Seohyun, concern furrowing her brow as she accepted the spoon and dipped it into the soup. "Wait, did I hit you while I was drunk?" she gasped, realization dawning upon her.


"Oh you mean these light red spots around my face and the arms?"


"Did something happen last night I didn't know?"


"You don't remember?" Yoona's brow furrowed with concern. 


She paused, pouting slightly and shaking her head. "Tell me what happened."


Chuckling, Yoona turned to the nightstand and reached for the red lipstick. "You used this to draw whatever was in your mind on my body," he said with a grin, holding up the lipstick for emphasis.


"What?" Seohyun exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.




"Just go to bed, you're pretty drunk, Seohyun," Yoona insisted, attempting to guide his struggling girlfriend back to the living room.


"No way! I want to drink more, Yoongie!" Seohyun retorted, squirming in his grasp. With a sudden motion, she bit his arm, causing him to release her, granting her the freedom to head straight outside.


"Aish. She's so hard to handle when she's this drunk," muttered Yoona as he hurriedly followed her outside. However, instead of finding her finishing their 3rd bottle, he discovered her acting like a child, happily drawing on the sofa with the lipstick she had retrieved from her bag. "What's gotten into her?" he wondered aloud, approaching her cautiously and taking a seat beside her to see what she was drawing. 

"Oh," he smiled immediately when he realized she was sketching a house that resembled their home in Sunshine Village. Instead of interrupting her, he decided to let her continue, sensing that Seohyun must have been missing the place, and her drunken state was allowing her to express it to him in her own unique way.


"Yoongie-ah, come closer," Seohyun instructed her voice soft and accompanied by a cute smile.


"For what?" he asked, complying without a hint of hesitation.


Scooting closer, she gently cupped his head from behind and began drawing a heart on his left cheek.


"What the, don't drag me into this," Yoona complained, attempting to move away.


"Stay still, I'm going to turn you into the most handsome prince tonight," Seohyun declared with a giggle as she resumed her drawing. After completing three hearts, she planted a kiss on his cheek before moving on to the opposite side. "I'm going draw birds, chicks, turtles, and more animals." 


Yoona sighed in defeat. But as he watched his girlfriend having fun, his heart fluttered, and he ended up letting her continue drawing on his face. After all, he didn't have work tomorrow; he could simply rub off the lipstick from his skin later.


End of flashback...


"Oteokki! It didn't come off nicely, Yoongie," Seohyun panicked, attempting to get up, but Yoona pulled her back to sit on the bed. "But-"


"Leave it. I can handle it. Have some soup, Hyun, while it's hot. You need to get rid of your headache so we can go out there for our date," Yoona explained gently, taking the spoon and guiding it into his girlfriend's hand. "And our breakfast will come later, so enjoy the hangover soup while I take a shower," he said softly with a charming smile as he headed to the bathroom.


Speechless and agape, Seohyun then groaned as she felt deeply embarrassed. "How could I do that with my boyfriend? Damn you, Seo Joohyun! Stop drinking!" she scolded herself, frustration evident as she chastised her own actions and frustratingly hit her lips.


"Yah, I told you not to be harsh on yourself. You'll only worsen your headache," Yoona scolded her as his head popped out from behind the bathroom door. "I'm serious!" he warned her firmly.


"Fine. And I'm so sorry about it," she apologized with a cute smile.


"Make it up to me once you finish the soup," he teased, smiling as he winked at her before closing the door again.


Sighing in defeat, Seohyun resumed her hangover soup, pouting slightly.




Yihyun was greeted by Da-On's joyful squeal as soon as she descended the stairs. Her smile blossomed when she saw the young boy engaged in a game of catch with Mr. Butter.


"Yihyun, how was your sleep?" Yuri inquired, strolling into the living room with a steaming mug of coffee cradled in his hand.


"It was good. Despite the quietness of the house, I find solace in it," Yihyun responded, settling onto the sofa and reaching for the remote to switch on the TV.


"By the way, did you hear what happened to Taeyeon?" 


"Hmm? I missed the news last night," she says, shaking her head and looking at Yuri seated beside her. "What's the matter, Oppa?"


After siping his coffee, Yuri began to explain, "He witnessed a truck colliding with their car near the town hall and instinctively thought Tiffany was inside. He rushed to the scene to rescue her, discovering that Tiffany had left before the accident. However, he ended up with stitches on his right hand."


"Omo, is it serious?" Yihyun gasped, her concern for Taeyeon immediately evident.


"Quiet, because it needs some stitches. Tiffany called earlier and asked me to contact a detective to investigate the incident. She suspects it was Mrs. Kim's doing."


"Damn, so they haven't gotten her heart change?"


"I don't know for certain, but just to be safe, I've asked one to investigate," Yuri remarked, casually taking another sip of his coffee. "Let's hope Mrs. Kim wasn't involved; if she was, it suggests she's capable of harming anyone." Placing his mug on the coffee table, he stepped outside, observing as Da-On continued tossing the tennis ball for Mr. Butter to retrieve. "Da-On, how about a game of tennis, buddy?" Suddenly struck by the idea, he invited the boy to join in.


"Chincha? But I don't have a tennis racket." Da-On pouted sadly.


"Wait, let me check upstairs. Come inside the living room first," he instructed, leading the way indoors. The young boy retrieved the tennis ball from Mr. Butter before they followed Yuri inside.


Yihyun smiled warmly and pulled Da-On into a hug as he settled into the seat beside her. "Aren't you missing your parents, Da-On?" she asked gently.


"I do miss them, but having you, Yuri Appa, and Jessica Omma here makes it easier," Da-On explained, reaching for the mug and discovering that the coffee hadn't been finished yet. "Is this yours?" he asked, turning to Yihyun.


"No, Yuri Appa owns it. Just set it back on the table," Yihyun replied with a smile, briefly acknowledging the young boy. Her attention then shifted to the TV, and suddenly a commercial came on featuring them endorsing a beauty product. "Omo, Unnieeee!!! Our commercial ad is on TV. I think they just launched it!" she exclaimed excitedly, trying to get Jessica's attention, who was also upstairs.


"Kyaaa, that's Omma!" Da-On squealed excitedly the moment he spotted his mother on the TV screen. "She's so pretty."


"W-wait, let's record this," Yihyun exclaimed hurriedly, darting upstairs. However, by the time she reached the top, the commercial had ended, causing her to pause abruptly. "Ugh, commercials are too short," she remarked in frustration.


"Where?" Jessica emerged from upstairs, only to be greeted by a different commercial. "Did it already pass?" she inquired, disappointed to have missed the one featuring them.


"Yeah, it did, Unnie. Aish."


"I saw it, Jessica Omma!" Da-On exclaimed, his hand shooting up with a big smile on his face.


"Aigoo, chincha? You must have seen your mother too?" Jessica replied, smiling sweetly at the boy.


"Yes, Omma," he replied, flashing a cute smile.


"By the way, we'll be on a Billboard starting tomorrow. Let's go find them," Jessica shared excitedly.


Yihyun looked at Jessica in disbelief. "Chincha? Omo, that means my co-workers will get to see my face on that large scale?" she exclaimed, a mix of excitement and apprehension in her voice.


"Even my officemates will have more reason to talk about me and Tiffany," Jessica said with a soft giggle. 


Just then, Yuri returned with two rackets: one for adults and the other for kids.


"You have a racket for kids?" Jessica immediately noticed.


"I remember while we were shopping, I bought one because I knew the mansion had a tennis court. It would be a waste if Da-On doesn't get to play with it," Yuri explained as he handed the racket to the young boy.


"But don't you love football more than any sport, Da-On?" Yihyun teased, feeling a little betrayed.


"I do, Noona. But I'm curious about this too. Yuri Appa will teach me," Da-On replied with a bright smile as he hugged Yuri. "Let's go, Yuri Appa," he declared excitedly, ready to learn.


"Let's have some fun." Picking up Da-On, Yuri carried him outside, leaving the two girls alone inside the house.


"Boys will be boys," Jessica remarked, shaking her head gently. "I'm going back to the gym, Yiyi. How about you?" she asked Yihyun.


"Um, I'll just continue watching a movie. I mean, I want to rest before work tomorrow," Yihyun replied with a smile, opting for a relaxing Sunday at home.


"You're still so young indeed. Just call me upstairs if something happens, okay?"


"Yes, Unnie." 


Jessica nodded gently before jogging back upstairs to resume her activity in their gym, while Yihyun lazily flopped onto the sofa and settled in to watch a movie.




"Wait," Tiffany exclaimed as they pulled up to the town hall in Mrs. Kim's car. With a swift motion, she stepped out and hurried around the vehicle to open Taeyeon's door. 


"I'm not disabled, Fany," Taeyeon asserted as he exited the car.


"But you can't use your right hand right now," she reasoned, gently closing the door before reaching for his left hand. "And it's still fresh; it could start bleeding again if you use it. I'm just being careful."


Taeyeon nodded in understanding, a small smile playing on his lips as he looked at her. The concern from his girlfriend was flattering to him, and he appreciated receiving it.


"Mr. Chairman!" Secretary Kim called out as she hurried toward them, clutching a blue umbrella. "I'm relieved to see you're alright, Sir," she added with a genuine smile, bowing slightly to Tiffany in acknowledgment of her presence.


"Thanks for coming, Ms. Kim. Did the security team come with you?"


"Ah, yes, they're waiting for you too," the secretary informed them, gesturing towards the security team. She then led them over while holding the umbrella to shield them from the hot summer.


As the townsfolk gathered to celebrate the festival, Tiffany and Taeyeon noticed familiar glances from those who had recognized them from last night's incident. People couldn't help but steal glances as they passed by.


"Look at what you did last night. Now everyone's eyes are on us," Tiffany whispered to Taeyeon, managing an awkward smile as they acknowledged some of the curious onlookers passing by.


"You texted me you were inside, how would you expect me to react?"


"I did but you should've just called me from the inside to make sure I was still there."


Taeyeon sighed. "Let's not dwell on assigning blame right now. The important thing is that you're safe, end of story."


"I'm sorry, but I can't shake the worry. You nearly got yourself killed," she sighed, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of understanding.


As they approached the security team, Taeyeon released Tiffany's hand and proceeded to shake each member's hand one by one. He emphasized the importance of their duties, urging them to stay vigilant during the festival. After conveying his instructions, he bowed respectfully to the team. The leader stepped forward, reciprocating the gesture with a deep bow, followed by the rest of the security members.


"Let's work hard!" declared the leader of the security team, rallying everyone as they dispersed around the town hall, ready to fulfill their duties.


"Would you like to visit their booth? There are plenty of them on this side, Sir," the secretary suggested, gesturing towards the array of booths nearby.


"Yeah, we're planning on it," Tiffany replied with a smile, linking her arm with Taeyeon's left and flashing him a sweet smile.


A warm smile graced Taeyeon's face as he gently held her hand, following his secretary's lead to the town's flower festival booths. They were greeted by a delightful array of colorful stalls, each one showcasing their products to the townsfolk, with a special emphasis on desserts and the town's unique bouquet of flowers.


Excitedly, Tiffany ran to a particular stall when she saw the free taste poster.


"Excuse me, what would you call this?" she inquired, pointing to a dumpling that bore a striking resemblance to a delectable dessert.



"These are rice cake dumplings," the lady explained, her smile warm as she delicately selected one adorned with a delicate flower and extended it towards her guest. "They're filled with sweet red bean paste and lovingly pan-fried to achieve a crispy exterior, while maintaining a delightfully chewy interior. To add to the festive spirit, I adorn them with fresh, edible flowers or leaves." she explained with a warm smile.


Tiffany nodded in agreement before tentatively taking a small bite, her eyes widening in delighted surprise. "This is amazing," she exclaimed, her appreciation evident. The lady graciously accepted her thanks, and then Tiffany turned to Taeyeon, extending the dessert directly toward him, a silent invitation to indulge in its deliciousness.


Taeyeon hesitated for a moment before taking a bite, mirroring Tiffany's cautious approach. As he savored the dessert, its smooth texture melted effortlessly on his tongue, revealing the tantalizing flavors hidden within.


"How was it?" she inquired, her eyes twinkling with anticipation, a warm smile gracing her face.


"It's delicious. You make wonderful desserts, Ma'am," he complimented with a smile, prompting a grateful bow from the lady. "Could we please get two packs of these?" Without hesitation, he placed their order, and the lady swiftly prepared two paper bags of rice cake dumplings. He handed over his card in exchange for the purchase, completing the transaction with ease.


"My son would absolutely adore these," Tiffany remarked with a smile as she accepted the two bags of dumplings. The lady chuckled softly in response before returning the card and expressing her gratitude to them.


"Hey, let's save that other bag for Da-On, alright? He's been such a good boy, he deserves a treat when we get back home," Taeyeon teased his fiancée with a grin, emphasizing the importance of sharing the sweet reward with their beloved companion.


"Of course," Tiffany chuckled, delighting in the dessert as they meandered through the stalls, immersing themselves in the lively atmosphere of the festivities. Before they knew it, they were swept up in the excitement, purchasing an array of delectable foods, tempting desserts, fragrant flowers, and adorable stuffed toys.



Tiffany couldn't help but smile. 'Ah, cutie,' she remarked softly, as she delicately captured Taeyeon's essence with a of the flower brush. It was their final stop at the festival, where everyone was indulging in face painting. Taeyeon's choice was the cherry blossom, adorning his left cheek with its delicate petals, a subtle nod to the beauty of nature framing his gaze.


"Do I look good?" Taeyeon inquired, snatching her phone to inspect his reflection. "I bet our son's going to be green with envy when he sees this," he chuckled, envisioning Da-On's animated reaction to the snapshot.


"It's my turn now. I can't pass up this opportunity," Tiffany declared, reaching for the booklet showcasing various flower designs. "Aish, cherry blossoms are simply exquisite. I'll choose this one," she determined, resigning herself to matching her fiancé's face paint. With a smile, she edged closer to the painter, while Taeyeon graciously stepped aside.


"Make her the most stunning flower girl, Ma'am," Taeyeon couldn't resist instructing the painter with a playful grin, his admiration for Tiffany was evident in his words.


"Hey, those kids are the flower girls, not me," Tiffany

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues