New Friends

The Fugitives
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14 | New Friends




Seohyun smiled so brightly the moment she saw Yoona sitting on the sand while enjoying the marshmallow grill on their small bonfire. 


"Here you go, Mr. Im." She playfully inquired as she offered the cup of caramel he ordered her to buy for him. 


"Thanks, Seohyun-ssi." Yoona replied with the same smile. "And that means, thank you for today. Had so much fun." He added. They did a couple of activities earlier, including singing to the karaoke and paintball shooting. He knew she was a good shooter since their date back then but he always amazed her. 


Seohyun was about to reply when she felt her phone vibrate under a small strap bag. She casually took it out and sighs when she reads the message from the restaurant. 




"Nothing." She smiled and return her phone back. "We should eat this now before it gets melted." She chuckles softly, picks one of the sticks and immediately bites on the marshmallow, only to yelp in surprise.


"Omo, I just put that down." Yoona pick one that had been on the plate for a while. "Here, this one's still warm but not too hot." he handed it casually.


"Thanks." She didn't think twice and took it, replacing it with the one that was so hot. "By the way, did your father call you after that conference?" she remembers she saw Mr. Im on the tv screen earlier, he was escorted to the prosecution. 


"Nope. I bet he has no time to watch. Besides he's under custody now."


Seohyun was glad to hear. She took a sip of her coffee and look back at him, just to catch him taking a big bite of his marshmallow. She giggled. "Yah, don't you think you have a lot of marshmallows left? You looked like it's your last."


"To tell you the truth, this is my first time." Yoona confessed innocently. "Haven't been into camping since then. Well, there's this one in school but my parents don't allow me to join. They always tell me it's a waste of time. Tsk."


"Chincha? Not even with Yuri and Taeyeon Oppa?"


"Nope. Definitely not. We always go to clubs." 


She chuckles. "Now that makes sense."


"Have I shared how I meet them?" He suddenly wants to do so.


"Hmm? How?" Seohyun got interested so she moves closer and listen to him.




"Aaah... let go of me... let go!" Yoona is screaming in pain while being dragged by the bully through his hair outside the building. The school is almost empty and no one seems to be hearing his agony until they push them to the tree behind their school. He was about to escape when the bully push him back and started kicking him. He covered himself with his arms as he endure the pain. But the kick got doubled as his bully's friends arrived and kicked him even more. He could only cry silently as he took all the kicks on his side and his arms for the next couple of minutes until it stopped. 


While shaking, he slowly put his arms down and finds two boys throwing punches at the three bullies. They kick, punch and kick them all hard until they beg for mercy.


"Go away!" The darker one shouted at the bullies and all of them ran for their lives.


Sighing, the white-skinned one turned and looked at him. "Are you okay?" he asks as he approaches him.


"T-thanks." Yoona stammered as he looked down in shame. His tears stream down his cheeks non-stop.


The darker and taller boy crouch down to see his face. He forced him to look at him. "Aren't you, Im Yoona? The junior student?"


"Yes. How'd you know?" He got confused.


"Oh, so this is the loser from the worst class?"


"What?" He got mad upon hearing it and sent the white-skinned boy his glares. 


"He was just kidding, I'm Kwon Yuri and this is Kim Taeyeon. We're both seniors. We've actually been noticing you going to this place but didn't know those bullies are doing this to you. Tell me, what they want and this looks like isn't the first time." Yuri asked in concern. He's a Vice President of the student council and wanted to help him.


"They... they always ask for my money." Yoona exhaled so deeply. "Knowing that I came from a rich family... but... I=I always spent too much on food and video games. I couldn't give them so... they hurt me." He sniffles. "I couldn't fight back."


Taeyeon scoffed. "Those bastards."


"Are they your classmates?" Yuri gently wipes off the dirt on the doe-eyed's face with his handkerchief. He wipes the blood also on his cheek.


"Y-yes. Thank you, hyung." 


"Aigoo, get up there." Taeyeon instructed as he offered his hand.


Yoona hesitantly took his hand and when Yuri also did the same. He smiled and took his hand too before he pulled himself up and they help him up. 


"You need to go to the infamy. Come." Yuri ushered, leading them.


"Don't be shy, hmm? From now on, we're friends." Taeyeon smiled in assurance as he gently hold Yoona by his arm and help him walk. 


Yoona had no words in mind. He felt so lucky yet at the same time happy that these two came not just to rescue him but to also become his friends. His heart is smiling so big at the moment.


End of Flashback...


"No wonder you're like their precious brother." Seohyun finds it cute and sweet. "You got the best big brothers, aren't they?"


Yoona shakes his head. "Not at all. They scold and nag me."


She chuckled. "That's because they love you. Aigoo, if I got friends like them, I would feel so special."


"How about you too, though? You got two big sisters from Donna and Rose." Yoona nudged her teasingly. 


"Yeah, I do. But... I want a big brother too. Having sisters can be tiring too." Seohyun laughs softly as she took a sip of her coffee.


"And same here." He couldn't agree more. "I want a big sister too." And they both laugh at their antics.



Out of a sudden, it started raining. Yoona hastily grabs his coffee and the plate of marshmallows while Seohyun just covers herself with her hand as they run back to the resort. The way to the building was a bit far and they got drenched enough once they reach the lobby.


"Aish, these marshmallows are wasted." Yoona decided to throw it in the trash can. 


"Should we check in for the night instead of going home tonight?" Seohyun finds it difficult for them to go back to Seoul at the time of night when it's raining.


"Is that okay for you?" 


"Why not? We're just going to book two beds in one room."


Yoona stopped her from walking. "You know that's not popular nowadays. They give us a room but have a bed, a queen size bed."


"Chincha? Are you sure? Because in New York, there's a lot of family rooms." Seohyun couldn't help and mention.


"Well, that's in New York. You're in Korea. But anyway, we have no choice. I'll take the sofa and you take the bed." Yoona said as he turn and walk to the front desk. "A room with a queen size bed please." He said as he took his phone out when Seohyun took it from him.


"I told you, you can't open your phone not until we leave this place." She reminded.


"But how can I pay for our room?"


"Your card, didn't you use it?" 


Yoona shakes his head. "I use my phone as my card."


"Chincha?" Seohyun slightly widened her eyes. She remembers the night she tried to steal his purse. 'Now that explains why I didn't feel any purse with him. That was embarrassing.' She's glad however that he doesn't recognize her. 


"Tsk." Grabbing back his phone, Yoona almost want to hit the desk when Seohyun took it back.


"I'll pay for it. Just pay me the half-price tomorrow." She grinned and quickly handed her card to the lady. 


"Okay." Yoona shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't want to argue anymore when she's obviously not going to share what's going on. It's better to be clueless for a while.



Petals on the bed with two towels that were folded into two swans facing each other greeted them in the room. Both are flustered.


"I'll shower first." Yoona, however, don't want to wait that long and he eventually snapped out, grabbed the right swan, and sprinted to the bathroom animatedly.


Seohyun lowered herself and took a picture of the only swan left before she broke it and lay down on the bed. She sent the photo to the group chat with a caption.


Okay, I think my swan will be lonely tonight, Unnies. keke.

Good night and see you tomorrow again!


Jessica: OMG you're with Yoona?

Tiffany: Holy, you're about to break your hymen tonight?

Jessica: Yah, don't lose your ity yet. I am not ready to see you grow up!

Tiffany: Sica, she's already a woman. She's 30 for Christ's sake!

Jessica: She hasn't had a boyfriend! Come on Fany-ah!

Tiffany: Fine. But don't forget to ask him to put on a .


She regretted sending it to them. She hastily closes the app and eventually closes her phone. "How could they think like that when we're just going to sleep? Aish, they're corrupting my mind." She shake her head and cupped her heating cheeks. "I can't with them." Sitting up, she realized she laid on the petals which made her gather them in one place and took them to a trash bin. 


She hastily returned to the bed but change her mind. She rushed to the sofa and curled into a ball as she hugs herself. She closes her eyes in an attempt to sleep but the messages from her older friends can't leave her mind. Her heart pounded as she opens her eyes back. "There's no way that's going to happen. There's no way that's going to happen. There's no way that's going to happen..." she sighs exhaustedly as she finally stretched her legs straight. "Just overthinking." she mumbled to herself. She sits up and the tv so it will distract her from thinking over what her friends have told her.



The moment the door opens from the bathroom, she turned her head and saw him in his bathrobe. She hurriedly runs to the bathroom without even talking to him.


"What's the rush?" Yoona shouted as he chuckled. "What is she watching?" he approached the sofa to check the show.  


Meanwhile, Seohyun has her eyes widened upon seeing the doe-eyed's drenched clothes hanging on the sink. "Geez. He should've hung it on the rod. How could he just place it there?" She went into the shower and turned it on before even taking off her clothes. But she realized there are hangers on their cabinet under the sink. She turned the shower off and doesn't have a choice but to pick up his clothes. "Oh God, I'm not his mother, what am I doing?" she could only laugh at herself as she hangs his suit jacket and blouse first. Then his pants and when she saw the brief, her mind went over her friend's words, causing her to blush. She didn't pick it up. She returned to the shower and finally have her turn to shower.



Slowly tiptoeing as she stepped out, she finds the tv screen was off and Yoona seemed to be asleep on the bed already. She was relieved to see it but she jumped in surprise when the latter suddenly sit up.


"Yo, let's play some jengga. I found one under the coffee table." Yoona said and got out of bed excitedly.


She exhaled so loud as she approached him on the sofa. "Shouldn't we sleep now? It's almost midnight." 


"I can't sleep yet."


"What? Aren't you tired of the day?"


Yoona shakes his head while grinning. "And to be honest, I can't sleep right away when I'm in a hotel or somewhere that's not in my house." He shared as he build the Jenga on top of the coffee table.


"Fine. Just one round." Said Seohyun as she crossed her legs. Her bathrobe is thankfully big, she had no problem getting comfortable with it.


"That's boring. Five rounds rather." Yoona announced and finally finished building it. "Your turn first."


Seohyun doesn't mind. She leaned into the jenga and carefully took one of the blocks that were near the top.


"Ha! Too safe." Yoona then proceed with his block and expertly took it off.


Without a word, Seohyun continued the game and the doe-eyed does the same. They got quiet for the next couple of minutes, until, She dropped the blocks.


"HELL YEAH!" Yoona shouted in celebration and he hastily hit her forehead.


"What? You didn't tell me about that!" She hit his shoulder instinctively.


"Now, you know." Yoona stuck his tongue out victoriously and once again build the blocks.


Seohyun scoffed in disbelief. But she quietly smiles as she watches him in silence with a fluttering heart. When he was done, they resumed the game for the next couple of rounds.



Pouting cutely while her forehead has a lot of red spots, Seohyun feels like she's the one who can't able to sleep. The game ended an hour ago but she's still wide awake on the bed while Yoona is snoring so loud from the sofa. She huffed and pulled the comforter up on her head and muffled her squeal underneath.




[The next day...]


Still half-asleep, Tiffany groggily reached for her phone which was constantly ringing, reminding her to get up and work for another day. But her heavy and exhausted body returned to her bed as she tries to sleep once again after turning it off.


The door in her room swung open and Jessica was there, toothbrush sticking out of as she walk to her friend and shake her arm violently. 


"Yah! I thought you have an interview today." She reminded in a muffled sound.


"I'm still sleepy." said Tiffany lazily as she turns her head to the left side. 


"Aigoo, is this the effect of being in love?" Jessica questioned, shaking her this time. She heard everything last night—the conversation of her friend with Taeyeon on the phone didn't miss her clear ears and it probably ended at dawn break. "That love won't give you work, Tiffany Young!" added which made her friend's head turn and look at her with half-eyes open. 


"Wae? Aren't you in love too?" Tiffany learned last night also what happened with her friend and Yuri. "You couldn't even stop screaming. Tsk."


"Well, at least for me, I avoided it before I end up sleepless." Jessica hit her friend's once again. "Get up or you're going to miss the chance of getting work in an office." and then hit her with her toothbrush a few times. 


Huffing, Tiffany sits up and looked at her friend suspiciously. "I thought you want a fresh start? Why aren't you telling him yet? I mean, it's obvious already."


"I'm... I'm just waiting for the right time." 


"Oh, really?" 


Jessica rolled her eyes. "I'm being careful as well. I mean, he's not just a simple person. How am I-"


"I advise you to go for it. There's no holding back anymore, Jessica. Otherwise, you might see him with another woman. You're going to regret it, babo." Tiffany chuckled softly as she throws her pillow at her friend.


Jessica caught the flying pillow and throw it straight at her friend's face. "Fine. I'm actually planning to make everything clear later. I mean, it's really hard to deny this feeling anymore."


"Whoa, Chincha? We're going on a double date if you do that then."


"Yeah, right. Go shower now before your interviewer forget about you!"


Tiffany giggled. She got up and hug her friend briefly before rushing to the shower.


"Tsk, I hope she gets the job this time." Jessica smiled genuinely. She's happy to hear her friend received a call from one of the companies she sent her resume. Walking out of the room, she walked to the kitchen and continue brushing her teeth. She couldn't help and be reminded of their kiss once again. It was like a makeout or something but she felt every moment of it. Her cheeks heat up unconsciously once again. And she blinks her eyes in a fast manner and shakes her head before she finished brushing her teeth. 


Yihyun walked into the kitchen passing at her still half asleep as well. 


"Yihyun-ah, why were you late last night as well?" She asked curiously. She went home earlier than anyone last night and Yihyun was the last one that went home around 10 pm.


"Seohyun Unnie didn't go home, I think you should be concerned about her more than me, Unnie." Yihyun answered after having a glass of water.


"We know where is she right now but you, we couldn't even contact your phone. I hope you're not doing something bad, Yihyun. We move here because we're trying to have a new life. We don't want any trouble from you." Jessica couldn't help and mention it. She wanted the younger ones to do the same as them too if her attention in staying is genuine. "And to think, you should be in school right now. You're fifteen and supposedly you're high school now."


Yihyun scoffed sarcastically. "Are you going to send me to school then, Unnie?"


"What?" Jessica didn't like the tone. And she grabs her arm when she tried to walk away. "Don't you keep that attitude of yours, Cho Yihyun. I can send you back to New York if I want to."


Yihyun yanked her hand off. "Then send me there."


Jessica couldn't control it and she slap her face, stunning the younger girl. "I'm... "


"I'm just doing my best to live too so I won't depend on you guys. You have no right to slap me like that." Yihyun furiously replied and she walk away with heavy steps.


Jessica let out a loud exhale as she try to process what the younger just told her. She felt the urge to scold her more but she figured it was best to let her have some space. "Okay, relax, Jessica Jung... relax." she close her eyes and inhaled in and out, slowly but surely to let herself calm.


When she's done, she chuckles. "I feel like we're raising a child we never even adopted." she shrugged it off and just prepare their breakfast. She can't continue such a bad vibe from Yihyun in the morning that she played a song called 'Enchanted' on her phone and hum it while she's busy around the kitchen. 




Humming a song while tying his own necktie, Yuri noticed the door slowly opened and there was no one. He turned just to see his dog is the one who entered the bedroom. 


"Good morning, Mr. Butter. How was your sleep?" ask him as the latter looked sad. Instead of giving him attention, the latter headed to the dog house near the balcony and let out a huge yawn. "Didn't he have a good sleep last night?" He wonders as he resumed tying his necktie and when he's done, he proceeds to fix his hair and spray his perfume with a big smile. "Good morning, Kwon Yuri." He greeted himself as he put the perfume down and finally grabs his phone on top of the nightstand as he headed to the doghouse first.


"Hey, aren't you going to say goodbye to your Appa, first?" He tried to ask but Mr. Butter close his eyes and turn his head to sleep. "Are you ill?" He reached for his head and give it some rub. "I'll ask Mr. Cha to bring you to the Vet then. See you later, Mr. Butter." He smiled and stand on his feet.


He checks the time as he walks out of the room calmly while humming the same song once again. Maids bowed at him when they saw him. "Good morning, Ms. Kim, Ms. Choi, and Ms. Han." He greeted brightly at them which stunned them as he passes.


Upon reaching the living room, he immediately heard noises from the kitchen. He got excited and jogged toward it, "Ms. Park!" He greeted her only to find a different person assisting the chef. "Where's... Rose?" 


"Nice to meet you, Mr. Chairman. I'm Choi Sooyoung, the new assistant Chef of your villa." Sooyoung introduced herself as she bowed in front of him.


"Ms. Choi, so you are... her replacement?" 




"I hired a new one since Ms. Park's job description has changed." Mr. Cha said as he stepped into the kitchen.

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha