
The Fugitives
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37 | Dream




'The whirlwind of events unfolded so swiftly—I had hoped to elude my fate, but with each appearance of Taeyeon, my convictions waned. His presence was a testament to my misjudgment, urging me to reinstate trust in him. Thus, here I sit, gazing at him with adoration, still enamored despite the chaos, sharing a quiet breakfast in the early morning, relishing this moment of solitude together before our son awakens.'


'Five years ago, I never imagined this moment would grace my life. It surpasses even my wildest dreams.'


"To expedite Da-On's passport acquisition, Yuri has contacted Ms. Han to get connections and arrange for immediate travel."


"Are we considering a visit to the South Korean Embassy then?" Tiffany inquired, her voice punctuated by a sip of her hot cocoa. She loves the warmth she's sharing with him. Something she had been dreaming of when they left Seoul.


Taeyeon paused, contemplating for a moment. "Yes, that seems like a viable option. It shouldn't be too difficult, especially since none of us have criminal records, and Da-On's welfare is paramount for this journey."


"It might be a lengthy process for ordinary folks, but with your connections, preparing the documents should be expedited to just a matter of days."


"That's the most valuable advice I can offer, and it's for a noble cause. Furthermore, once we're in Seoul, you can start the process of re-establishing your legal identities using your original names," he added. "We can always hire a lawyer later to assist with the formalities."


Tiffany sighed softly. "I'm not sure how I can ever repay you guys for all of this, Tae."


"Our priority is you, Da-On, and your friends. And It's something I feel compelled to do as your husband to be, Da-On's father, and a friend to your friends." He answers firmly.


"I definitely need to look into this Kim Taeyeon—apparently, he's quite the caring individual when it comes to those he holds dear," she quipped with a playful tone. "I wanna knock your head sometimes so you might reconsider this."


With a soft chuckle, Taeyeon reached for her hand, his smile warm. "I owe it all to you. You're my inspiration." They peck each other's lips and giggle.


"I'm endlessly grateful, and that won't ever change," Tiffany replied earnestly, gently squeezing Taeyeon's hand as they shared a warm smile.


At that moment, a gentle knock reverberated through the room, heralding the arrival of the hotel's room service. Taeyeon swiftly rose from his seat, his steps purposeful as he made his way to the door, ready to grant entry to the anticipated cart laden with delectable offerings. Meanwhile, Tiffany gracefully strode towards the bedroom, where she discovered Da-On engrossed in playful exploration with his newfound treasures of building blocks and dinosaur toys, his eyes sparkling with youthful wonder.


"Darling, I thought you were still catching up on sleep," she remarked softly as she drew nearer to the bed, her voice carrying a tender warmth.


"I want to construct a grand castle and let my dinosaurs reign supreme within its walls," Da-On elucidated, his attention fixed on the captivating world unfolding before him, his words b with imagination and excitement, all without so much as a glance towards his mother.


"Aren't you hungry?"


"Later." He shook his head to decline.


With a smile of amusement, Taeyeon stood by the door, observing the scene unfolding before him. "Your meal awaits. Once you've had your fill, feel free to dive back into your playtime," he suggested, his tone gentle yet encouraging.


"You heard what he said, Da-On," Tiffany said softly, her hand gently caressing her son's head. At her touch, he finally looked up, meeting her gaze with a smile that lit up his face.


"Got it!" Da-On replied cheerfully before bounding off the bed and darting outside. Taeyeon trailed after him, guiding him to the table where he could prepare his breakfast. He took special care to prepare his glass of milk, ensuring it was just the way he liked it.


"Where are Seohyun Noona, Yihyun Noona, and Jessica Noona?" Da-On inquired, his eyes scanning the tranquil atmosphere of the family hotel room, noticing the absence of his beloved sisters.


"They're in the room next door, sweetheart. Don't worry, they'll join us later," Tiffany reassured him with a comforting smile as she settled into her seat beside her son, passing him the spoon with a tender gesture.


"Thank you, Omma," Da-On expressed gratefully, scooping rice onto his plate without hesitation. As his glass of milk was placed beside his bowl, he glanced up at Taeyeon with a cheerful smile. "Thank you, Taeyeon Appa!" he chimed in, his appreciation evident in his bright demeanor.


"No worries, sweetheart," Taeyeon replied, his sweet smile lighting up his face with warmth and reassurance. He took a seat across from them, and Tiffany's smile shifted towards her, prompting a nod of acknowledgment. Together, they watched their son adoringly as he enjoyed his breakfast, their hearts filled with love and pride.


"When are we going back to our house?" Da-On suddenly asked, catching his parents off guard. It had been three days, yet they were still confined to the hotel room. "I miss the orphanage," he added with a sad pout, his longing for familiarity evident in his expression.


Gently brushing away the little crumbs from her son's cheek, Tiffany spoke to clarify, "It's going to take some time for us to go back, Da-On. You see, our house was burned down, and we need to rebuild it from scratch."


"We're going to Korea, remember? Didn't I promise you?" Taeyeon gently reminded her son, his voice filled with reassurance and encouragement.


"Oh, we're... But I really want to see my friends at the orphanage before we leave... Especially if we can't go back to our house anymore," Da-On expressed, his voice tinged with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.


"I understand, sweetheart. We'll make sure to visit the orphanage later," Tiffany reassured him with a warm smile, her expression conveying a sense of understanding and support.


"Yay! Thank you, Omma!" Da-On exclaimed joyfully, his gratitude evident in his enthusiastic response. 


"No problem, honey." said Tiffany as she casually kissed her son's cheek.


"I told him before that I would introduce him to his father when we go to Korea. Let's wait and fulfill that promise," 


Taeyeon was reminded of the words Tiffany had spoken, and a sense of impatience began to brew within him as he eagerly awaited the moment when they could fulfill that promise.




As the truck halted in front of the home of one of the villagers who had lost her husband, Yoona's keen observation caught Seohyun's lingering tension. Noticing that Seohyun hadn't yet unbuckled her seatbelt, Yoona discerned her underlying nervousness. Acting on his instinct, he reached out for her hand, offering a comforting gesture as he gently squeezed it, silently reassuring her amidst the somber atmosphere.


"Don't worry. It's going to be alright," he reassured her, his voice soft but firm, seeking to alleviate Seohyun's lingering apprehension. Meeting her gaze with a nod, Seohyun found solace in his words. With a gentle hand, he unfastened her seatbelt, mirroring the gesture for his own. "I'll take the basket," he offered as he exited the truck.


Seohyun took a deliberate breath, steadying herself before she finally emerged from the truck as well.


"Looks like no one's tending to the salon," Yoona remarked as he approached his girlfriend from behind.


"Yeah, perhaps they're inside," Seohyun softly replied, her lips curving into a smile as Yoona reached for her hand. Hand in hand, they ventured into the salon, their eyes scanning the interior. "Hello? Is anyone here?" Seohyun called out, her voice echoing in the quiet space. "Mrs. Jen?"


"Let's wait," Yoona suggested, leading them to a nearby sofa. With care, he placed the basket of fruits on the coffee table before settling beside Seohyun.


After a few minutes, the sound of footsteps echoed from upstairs, causing Seohyun to nervously gulp as she prepared herself to meet Mrs. Jen. As soon as she spotted Mrs. Jen's foot on the stairs, Seohyun stood up, ready to face her. However, to her surprise, Mrs. Jen was carrying a basin of water.


"I told you not to come back to this village anymore!" 




Yoona gasped, his instincts kicking in as he swiftly rose to his feet and moved forward, shielding his girlfriend from the incoming cascade of water that splashed onto his face. Seohyun gasped in astonishment, her eyes widening in shock as she watched his protective gesture unfold before her.


"I have nothing to say to you, you traitor! Leave this place this instant!" Mrs. Jen spat out angrily, her voice laced with contempt. With a sharp turn, she stormed back upstairs, showing no interest in engaging with them any further.


Seohyun made a move to follow but halted when Yoona caught hold of her wrist. "Let's go," he said softly, his grip gentle yet firm. "We'll leave the fruits as a gesture."


With a sigh, Seohyun simply walked alongside Yoona as they made their way out of the salon. "I'm sorry," she murmured softly, her tone tinged with regret. "I shouldn't have thought of this."


"Ugh, it should be her. You didn't do anything wrong," Yoona reassured Seohyun as he opened the door on the passenger's side.


Settling into the truck, Seohyun reached into the compartment and retrieved a towel. "Aigoo, looks like we're heading back to the hotel sooner than expected," she remarked with a soft chuckle, her tone affectionate. With care, she gently dried Yoona's drenched hair and then his face, a gesture of care and concern.


"Of course not. I'll just get some new clothes, and then we can continue on to the orphanage," Yoona said, his smile warm and reassuring. He gently clasped Seohyun's hand before she leaned in to kiss it tenderly.


Playfully, Seohyun lightly tapped Yoona's face with the towel, then let out a sigh. "Maybe it will take some time for them to move on. Hopefully, they'll forgive me," she mused, her tone tinged with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.


"Remember, if you're confident in your actions and know you've done nothing wrong, there's no reason to bear the weight of guilt. Focus on your own well-being without concerning yourself with others' perceptions," Yoona reassured, his tone b with encouragement and resolve. "Today, prioritize your stability to ensure you're equipped to face tomorrow... Sound good?" With a reassuring touch, he gently grasped her hand, offering a comforting squeeze as he stared at her softly.


"Yeah, I understand," she replied, offering him a brief smile of reassurance. Her heart is fluttering with the encouraging words she received from Yoona. "Thanks, Yoong."


Yoona smiled warmly before he resumed driving the truck, their next destination now set on finding a clothing store along their journey.




Yuri's frustration bubbled up, escaping in a groan as wisps of smoke curled from his car's engine. Hours spent tinkering in front of the orphanage had led him to reluctantly let Jessica continue her journey alone. With a heavy sigh, he delivered a swift kick to the hood, only to be met with a perplexing noise emanating from within.


"Seriously? What's your deal?" Yuri exclaimed in frustration, surrendering as he tossed his face towel toward the car in resignation. Snatching up a nearby water hose, he aimed the stream at the smoking section of the engine, hoping to douse the problem before it escalated further.


As Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Da-On arrived at the orphanage, their attention was immediately drawn to the billowing smoke from Yuri's car. Without hesitation, Da-On dashed toward the vehicle, with Taeyeon close on their heels.


"What's wrong with bee, Yuri Appa?" Da-On inquired innocently, but Taeyeon gently grasped his arm, guiding him away from the vehicle.


"It just broke down out of nowhere, Da-On. And unfortunately, I'm at a loss on how to fix it," Yuri explained with a pout, glancing down at the young boy.


"Where's Jessica?" Taeyeon inquired, noting the absence of the blonde.


"She went to the public market," Yuri replied with a sigh, relieved as the smoke dissipated. Da-On finally ventured closer, tiptoeing to get a better look at the engine.


"Without you? Is that going to be okay? I heard from Seohyun that the villagers are everywhere, she might run into them," Tiffany expressed her concern.


"Yihyun is with her, so there's no need to worry," Yuri assured, offering a fleeting smile despite the grime on his face. "Are you all planning to speak with Ms. Park as well?"


"Yeah, we'll hash out our plans in the coming days," Taeyeon shared nonchalantly as he effortlessly scooped up Da-On, cradling him in his left arm.


"We've briefed her on our intentions for the plot where the burned house stood. We plan to return and construct a new one, like a vacation home," Yuri elaborated.


"Wow, Jessica agreed to that?" Tiffany exclaimed, surprised by Yuri's unexpected plan.


"Yeah, it'll be similar in design, with two stories, but we're planning to add more rooms and make sure it's not entirely made of wood," Yuri shared enthusiastically, describing the vision he and Jessica had for the new house.


"Oh, so we can stay there for vacations too?" Taeyeon exclaimed, loving the idea.


"I'm so excited!" Da-On exclaimed, his smile beaming as he glanced at his mother, who giggled along with him.


"Absolutely, that's the plan," Yuri replied confidently. Suddenly, his phone rang in his pocket. He casually retrieved it, noticing an unknown number flashing on the screen. "Who's this?" he wondered aloud but decided to answer the call nonetheless.


[Am I speaking to the person Ms. Jung has given to me?]


"Ms. Jung? Jessica?" His concern spiked immediately. "Where is she, and who am I speaking to?" he asked, his tone reflecting his worry.


Taeyeon and Tiffany exchanged a worried glance before turning their attention back to their friend, sharing a mutual concern for the situation.


["We have your friend. We'll release her if you drop all charges against Ms. Collins and her employees,"] the voice on the phone demanded.


Yuri was about to respond when he detected the youthfulness and lack of professionalism in the voice. He couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. "You're resorting to petty tactics now. Put Jessica on the phone, and then I'll consider taking you seriously." Despite his concern, he remained cautious, unwilling to be easily fooled. After all, Jessica wasn't one to casually hand out his phone number, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the call.


The line went silent, and Yuri waited anxiously, his heart pounding with nerves, until he could faintly hear voices in the background.


"How do we convince him? She's not even here."

"I'll get Mrs. Brent to pretend to be her."

"Okay, go ahead. I'll hold the line."


Yuri felt a surge of amusement, almost wanting to laugh. He discreetly covered the microphone on his phone to address his friends. "There's no need to worry. But just to be sure about Jessica's location, Tiffany, could you try calling her?" he requested.


"Got it." Tiffany swiftly retrieved her phone from her pocket and excused herself to make the call to her friend.


"What's happening, Dad?" Da-On asked, his confusion evident.


"It seems like someone's playing a prank on Yuri Appa," Taeyeon chuckled softly, prompting the young boy to giggle along with him.


Just then, Yuri rejoined the phone call. "So, where is she?"


[She's... She's... I mean, it's me. It's Jessica Jung, Mr. Kwon] the voice on the other end stammered.


"I'm sorry, but you don't sound like her, whoever you are. And please, don't call this number again. I don't know how you got it, but this is illegal. Otherwise, I'll have to report this to the police. I doubt you want to join your accomplices there." Yuri's voice was firm as he spoke, and he immediately hung up with a sigh of relief. He was grateful it wasn't Jessica on the line. The tension drained from him, and he almost felt like collapsing from the stress.


"She's still at the market with Yihyun. They're safe and sound," Tiffany returned with a relieved tone. "But she's asking for a ride. I suggest you go pick them up, Yul."


"Yay!" Da-On exclaimed, clasping his hands together with a delighted smile, which elicited smiles from both the boys and Tiffany.


"Unfortunately, this is going to take some time to fix, unless I call a mechanic," Yuri sighed as he turned his attention back to the rented Lamborghini, now broken down.




Exiting the comfort room, Taeyeon's anticipation propels him into a brisk jog back to the football field, eager to dive back into the game with his son. However, his steps falter as he catches sight of Da-On, now engrossed in play with the other children from the orphanage. Pausing at the corner, a surge of pride washes over him as he watches his son's joyful interaction.

Opting to remain on the sidelines, Taeyeon finds a spot on the bleachers and settles in, content to observe the scene before him. From this vantage point, he witnesses the remarkable prowess displayed by his five-year-old son, effortlessly controlling the ball with his feet amidst the spirited game. Taeyeon can't help but marvel at Da-On's natural talent and the happiness radiating from him as he embraces the camaraderie of the moment.


"Whoever taught him to play this game?" Curiosity piqued, he wonders aloud, intrigued by the origins of his son's burgeoning talent.


"May I join you, Mr. Kim?" Ms. Park inquired politely as she approached Taeyeon.


"Not at all, Ms. Park." He smiled briefly at her.


"Tiffany is catching up with her co-teachers, so I thought I could stroll around the orphanage and find you here. I'm delighted to see you're enjoying this place as much as Da-On and the girls do," Ms. Park said softly, her smile g

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha