Proposal 2.0

The Fugitives
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43 | Proposal 2.0




The Brothers Group Chat


Yoona: Bro, can I get one like for my new post? 😁

Yuri: What did you post?

Yoona: It's me and Seohyun earlier in our lunch date. Hehehe. 💑

Yuri: Where were you early this morning?

Yoona: Just went for a jog and then she received a call from the police. She was asked about Mr. Lee's group. And then I returned home to have breakfast and went to work. So yeah, I'm here at the office after our lunch date. 😞

Taeyeon: Okay, I liked the photo, Yoong.

Yoona: Yay! Thanks, Hyung! 🤩 You're the best 👍

Yuri: You don't have a lot of followers on your Instagram? You're freaking a car chairman. 😆

Yoona: I'm not as popular as you, silly boy. 😤

Taeyeon: 200 followers is fine. Yoona set it private though.

Yuri: Oh, didn't notice. 😮

Yuri: By the way, I'm inviting you guys to a hunting house! 😎

Taeyeon: What's that?

Yuri: You guys are going to live wherever the girls go, right? So let's help them buy one by contributing to the payment. It will be split into 6 since the girls refused my offer. 

Taeyeon: Did you talk about that with them?

Yoona: Omg, that's a cool idea, Hyung! As long as I am with my Seohyun. I'm in! 😍🥰

Yuri: Yup. So let's help them find the right house. Or more like a building. Because it's hard to find a house now in Seoul.

Yoona: But didn't they mention it will be away from the city? 🧐

Taeyeon: Right, it's better to find it there. A house would be cool. A big mansion house. It will have a lot of space for my family and for your future families too.

Yuri: Hmm, you're right. But where to find it?

Yoona: That's the challenge. But is there a deadline?

Yuri: Nope. As long as we get to find the right place for them or us. 

Taeyeon: I'm in too! 😊

Yuri: Let's go! 😭

Yoona: Yessir! 😻


The conversation with his brothers elicited a heartwarming smile from Taeyeon. Setting his phone aside, he reached for the drawer beneath his desk, anticipation flickering in his eyes as he retrieved the velvet box. With gentle fingers, he unlatched it, revealing a breathtaking flower diamond ring nestled within. Memories flooded back, recounting the journey of how he came to possess such a precious gem.




After a night out with Da-On following a workday, Taeyeon took his son to the nearby mall. Their evening unfolded with a movie, ice skating, arcade games, and a delightful dinner before heading home. However, as they strolled past a jewelry store, he suddenly recalled the ring he had promised to Tiffany.


"Appa?" Da-On's voice broke through Taeyeon's reverie as he stood, gaze fixed on the rings displayed behind the glass of the shop window.


"Should we buy it now, Da-On?"


"What is it?"


"A ring," Taeyeon acknowledged with a fleeting smile. "Yes, we should pick one out for your mother." With a tender gesture, he clasped his son's hand as they entered the store together. "Though I must admit, I'm not sure which one to choose," he confessed softly, his eyes scanning the array of options before him, feeling a touch overwhelmed by the decision.


"Appa, can you carry me?" Da-On pleaded, lifting his arms in anticipation of being lifted. "I want to see the rings too."


Taeyeon scoops up his son and cradles him in his arms as they peruse the rings together, unaware of the three ladies patiently waiting for them to make a decision.


"Appa, that one! I think I love that," Da-On exclaimed, pointing excitedly at a diamond ring shaped like a delicate flower.


"And why is that?" Taeyeon inquired with curiosity, intrigued by his son's choice.


"The flower reminds me of Sunshine Village, and also, my Omma. She's like a pretty flower, just like that one," Da-On explained, his innocent smile lighting up his face.



Taeyeon was left speechless by Da-On's heartfelt words. As he examined the ring more closely, he couldn't help but agree—it was undeniably beautiful. He admired its simplicity and elegance. Despite its hefty price tag of a million dollars, Taeyeon didn't hesitate. His love for Tiffany was priceless, and this ring was but a small token of his affection. "You have a good eye, Da-On," he praised his son, earning a chorus of giggles in response.


"I'll take this one." He told the lady.


"Which size, Sir." The lady asked.


"Omo, I still need to know the size?"


"Yes, otherwise, it might not fit or it might look so big on your girlfriend." 


Taeyeon nodded in understanding. "I see." 


"But you can only choose from these three sizes. I'm sure you already know her finger size by looking at these options," the lady proposed, offering a practical solution.


"Appa, that middle one," Da-On suddenly suggested with a confident smile. "It looks like Omma's. It's not too big and it's not too small. Omma is just like that," he added, drawing a parallel with ease.


"Are you sure, honey?"


"Yes, Appa." 


Taeyeon's smile softened as he planted a tender kiss on his son's cheek. "Okay, we'll go with the medium size, Miss," he confirmed, and the lady promptly retrieved it from their display. "Let's go pay for your mother's ring," he said, leading the way as they followed the lady to the counter.


End of flashback...


"Mr. Chairman."


His secretary walked inside the office which snapped him back to reality. And hastily, he returned the velvet box to the drawer. "What is this?"


"The last report for today, Sir." The secretary confirmed. "You can leave now whenever you want." She declared.


Taeyeon inspected the report before signing it. "Thanks, Ms. Kim," he said politely before rising from his seat. He retrieved his blazer from the rack, slipping it on with care. As he did, he retrieved the velvet box from the drawer, securely tucking it into his blazer pocket. With a quick text to his friends, inviting them to his cafe, he made plans for a gathering before heading back to the villa.




Descending the stairs in her fresh ensemble of a crisp white jacket and snug blue jeans, Tiffany's gaze landed upon her son nestled on the sofa, his companion being none other than Seohyun, whom he affectionately referred to as 'Noona'. Together, they were engrossed in a lively football match, fervently rooting for opposing teams, Manchester and Liverpool, their excitement palpable in the air.


"Da-On, sweetheart, it's time to head to the supermarket," she called out, but he seemed lost in his own world. Closing the distance, she playfully covered his eyes, only to have her hand swiftly brushed away. "Hey there, aren't you going to lend Omma a hand?" she teased, a hint of encouragement lacing her words.


Seohyun couldn't help but smile in amusement as Da-On shook his head, his attention completely captured by the match as if his favorite team had already scored. His intensity mirrored that of a die-hard fan, fully immersed in the excitement of the game.


"Tsk, you promised to come with Omma," Tiffany chided gently, poking her son's shoulder, but he remained resolute, shaking his head in silence. "I'll be meeting Appa later, just so you know," she added, a hint of playful warning in her tone.


"I really want to watch the match, Omma. It just started," Da-On pleaded, his gaze lifting to meet his mother's eyes, a glimmer of eagerness shining within them.


"Are you kidding me?" 


"Go with your mother, Da-On." Seohyun softly chuckled.


"No way, Noona! I can't miss this match! Manchester's definitely going to win!" Da-On replied with firm determination, his voice filled with unwavering confidence in his team.


"Did you two make a bet?" Tiffany asked curiously.


"No, Unnie," Seohyun replied, shaking her head. "But whoever's team loses has to endure a flick on the forehead," she shared with a giggle, enjoying her ice cream as she spoke.


"Seriously? You can't leave me to tackle the supermarket alone, Da-On!" Tiffany whined, shaking her son's shoulder with playful exasperation.


Da-On rose from his seat and turned to face her, planting a tender kiss on her cheek. "Take care out there, Omma," he said softly before settling back onto the sofa.


Speechless, Tiffany could only ruffle her son's hair as he shot her a playful grin. "Aigoo, whatever. Go watch your game. You're going to lose anyway," she teased, and Da-On cried out in frustration when Liverpool scored. "See? Your Noona's team is better," she quipped a hint of triumph in her voice.


Da-On looked up at her and playfully glared, prompting her to stick her tongue out before heading out of the villa.


Seohyun and Da-On redirected their attention to the match, their focus unbroken. With each goal scored by their respective teams, they erupted into screams and playful teasing. Mr. Cha and some of the nearby maids couldn't help but be drawn to their enthusiasm for sports, finding amusement in their passion. Intrigued, they joined in to watch the intense match unfold alongside them.




Jessica awoke from yet another restful slumber, only to be gently roused by the sound of Da-On's plaintive cries emanating from downstairs. Despite the early disturbance, a soft chuckle escaped her lips as she immediately discerned that Seohyun had once again orchestrated one of her playful pranks. Casting a glance to her left, Jessica's eyes fell upon the time, prompting her to sit up abruptly, fully aware of the impending day ahead.


"Only 4 hours of sleep? Well, that's surprisingly refreshing," she remarked, feeling surprisingly rejuvenated after her brief rest. Rising from bed, she reached for her tie resting on the nightstand, swiftly gathering her hair into a tidy ponytail.


In that moment, a gentle knock echoed through the room, followed by the entrance of Mr. Cha, bearing a tray adorned with a glass of water and a single pill.


"Oh, Mr. Cha," she greeted him warmly, her smile radiating genuine happiness. "It's wonderful to see you again." Seizing the opportunity, she met him halfway and enveloped him in a gentle hug, conveying her gratitude and affection.


"Me too, Ms. Jung," replied Mr. Cha, his smile genuine and heartfelt. "I'm truly glad to see you overcoming those challenges," he remarked as Jessica pulled back from the hug, their eyes meeting with a shared sense of relief and admiration.


"Yuri spilled the beans about me and my friends, didn't he?" she asked, feeling a tinge of shyness creep over her.


"Yeah, and I understand the reason behind it."


"Oh, thank you, Mr. Cha," she replied graciously, accepting the glass of water and the pill. "I suppose this will be the final dose for me; I'm feeling much improved now," she declared with a cheerful smile before taking the pill and washing it down with a sip of water.


"Glad to see the pill-taking effect really well." 


"And resting is actually working."


Mr. Cha nodded as he retrieved the glass. "By the way, you might want to check on Da-On downstairs; he's quite upset after receiving a barrage of flicks from Seohyun-ssi," he informed her with a sympathetic tone.


"Oh, don't worry about them, that's just typical," Jessica advised, her laughter soft and comforting. She made her way to the closet, sifting through the items she recently stowed away in Yuri's closet, until she found the scarf and coat she had gifted him. A fond smile tugged at her lips as she reminisced about that unforgettable evening, even though it marked their final farewell. However, her attention was drawn to the broken music box—the very gift Yuri intended for his late daughter.

"Mr. Cha, may I ask for a favor?" she suddenly inquired, struck by an idea.


"Hmm? What is it?"


"Could I perhaps get some glue, or something suitable to... reconnect this ballerina girl to the music box?" she inquired, her voice trailing off momentarily as she picked up the broken music box. A warm smile graced her lips as she looked back at Mr. Cha, hopeful for a solution.


"Yeah, sure." Mr. Cha replied and casually walked out of the room.


Returning to the bed, Jessica attempted to turn on the music box. To her delight, the melody filled the room, but the little ballerina remained still, unable to dance to the music due to the damage. "I'm sorry if I wasn't able to fix you; I was preoccupied with my own life back then," she spoke softly to the figurine, her tone filled with empathy. "But now that I have the opportunity, why don't you come back to the music box, hmm?" she addressed the broken figure, her smile hopeful and cheerful.


Just then, her phone chimed atop the nightstand, and she reached for it with a gradual motion. Her lips curled into a scoff as she noticed it was Yuri calling, requesting a video chat. Despite her initial reaction, she tapped accept without hesitation, and Yuri's warm smile immediately filled the screen, greeting her with familiarity.


"Hey, baby, did you get able to sleep again?"


"Yup, I did," she affirmed. "And yes, I've already taken my last pill for the day. No need for further medication," she added confidently, her voice steady and assured.


"Are you sure?"


"Yah, are you outside? I thought you went to work?"


"Yup, I'm in the market right now. And I want you to tell me which fruit do you want me to buy? Or are you craving for something? I'm going to buy all of them for you."


"Don't be silly and... buy some mangoes and those oranges. And Oh, can you buy dokbokki? I think I'm craving for it."


Yuri laughs softly from the next line. "Okay, I'll get them for you. No more?"


"Could you grab me some apples too? I could really use all the vitamins after battling this flu," she requested one last time, her playful grin suggesting she wasn't entirely serious.


"Noted, my princess. I'll see you in a while. I love you."


"I love you too, baby," she replied affectionately, her smile sweet and genuine as the call ended. Though brief, it left a lingering warmth in her heart. "Never fails to make my day," she murmured to herself, her cheeks flushing faintly with happiness.


After a while, Mr. Cha returned, handing over a glue gun and a stick. "I think this will do, Ms. Jung," he said with a nod, offering the tools with a helpful smile.


"Thanks, Mr. Cha."


"No worries," he replied calmly before quietly exiting the room, leaving Jessica to peacefully mend the delicate figurine of the music box.



"Fruits and deokbokki is here!"


"Yuri's voice echoed from downstairs, causing Jessica to abruptly halt the melodic chimes of the music box and swiftly shut its lid. With a sense of urgency, she dashed out of the room. Upon entering the living room, she found Da-On and Seohyun already inspecting the array of fruits Yuri had brought."


"Da-On, have you ever tried deokbokki?" she asked as she settled into the seat beside the young boy.


"What's deokbokki, Noona?" Da-On inquired innocently, his gaze fixed on her.


Yuri snorted at the sight of the red marks left by the flick. "Did you lose today, Da-On?" he ventured, already anticipating the answer.


"Yes, Seohyun Noona flicked me pretty hard," Da-On confessed, a cute yet sorrowful pout forming on his face. "But it's okay, there's food afterward," he added with a cheerful smile, brightening up despite the discomfort.


Seohyun just giggles from his right side.


"Here you go. I'm sure you'll love this," Jessica said warmly, offering a small plate of deokbokki to Da-On, complete with a stick to make it easier to enjoy.


Da-On took a tent

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha