A Week Away

The Fugitives
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53 | A Week Away




Following a four-hour bus journey, the couple reached the province of Jeonju, where Mrs. Kim was thought to reside in their former home from Taeyeon's childhood. The couple walks hand in hand, trailing through the quiet neighborhood. It's peaceful and chilly, yet their clasped hands and hearts are warmed by their affection and sincere intentions.


"I still remember, this neighborhood is always filled with people whenever there's a flower festival." Taeyeon couldn't help but mention, feeling nostalgia. 


"It's spring, so has their festival already happened, or is it coming up?" Tiffany inquired gently.


"It's already May, most of the time it's in the middle of the month." 


"That means we can experience it then?" She smiled, excited about the activities.


Taeyeon smiled back as he nodded. "It looks like."


"I'll make sure to make this week a memorable one."


"Tsk, this is just a sudden decision of us, what are you planning?" He is curious.


"Our mission is to win over your mother's heart. Just wait and see, she'll change her mind before the weekend," Tiffany replied confidently, her smile laden with meaning. Without hesitation, she released Taeyeon's hand and dashed away.


"Yah! Do you know which one is the house?" Taeyeon exclaimed, chasing after his fiancée. She stopped and laughed as he caught up to her. "We just passed my house," he chuckled, taking her hand gently.


"You worry too quickly," Tiffany murmurs, returning to the two-story house enclosed by a wooden gate and fence.


"The living room lights are on; that means my mother must be here," Taeyeon concludes with certainty. He presses the doorbell, and they wait patiently for a response.


[Young master? Omo, what a pleasant surprise.] But instead of her mother greeting them through the cam, it was their caretaker.


"Is mom here?" He asked calmly.


[Yes, she's here, upstairs. But I think she's asleep.]


"That's fine. Can you open the gate for  us?"


[Oh yeah, I'm sorry about that.] The caretaker replied and the gate was unlocked afterward.


Tiffany and Taeyeon shared a sweet smile before they walked inside and greeted the caretaker by the door.


"Should I call your mother, young master?"


"Uh, no. We'll greet her in the morning."


"I think I should prepare your bedroom with your girlfriend first." The caretaker said as she bowed and hastily went upstairs. 


The couple settles on the living room sofa, and Tiffany finds herself continuously drawn to an old family photograph of the Kims, identical to the one in Taeyeon's father's house.


"I was only 8 years old in that photo," Taeyeon observed, pointing out his age.


"Really? You look so cute. You actually remind me of Da-On," Tiffany said with a gentle laugh. "It's no surprise I thought your face seemed familiar."


"Silly," he said, playfully pinching her nose.


"Should we prepare breakfast for your mom tomorrow?" she proposed to Taeyeon, struck by a sudden inspiration.


"Oh, I have the same plan in mind. Let's decide what to cook once we're in my room," he said, smiling sweetly as he gently took her hand. "Thank you for joining me, Fany."


"You're not the only one getting married; we're in this together," Tiffany replied softly, smiling back. "Oh my, I think I should call Seohyun. Our son ought to be asleep by now." Yet, her thoughts drifted to their son, left in the care of their friends.


"I understand." Taeyeon released her hand reluctantly, pulled out his phone, and dialed Seohyun's number. He activated the speakerphone so that Tiffany could listen in.


[Oppa!] Seohyun answered the call instantly.


"Seohyun, is Da-On still awake?" asked Tiffany without delay.


[He's asleep, should I wake him up?]


"Really? That's good to know. But let's not wake him again; it'll be difficult to get him back to sleep," she says with a soft chuckle. "Thank you, Hyun, for taking care of our son."


[Don't mention it. Have you guys reached the province?]


"Yes, we've arrived safely," Taeyeon responded. "How are things on your end?"


[Yes, everyone is doing well in their rooms now, while Da-On and Yihyun are sleeping beside me.]


"Yoona hasn't come home?" asked Tiffany this time.


[He called earlier to say he would be coming home tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I couldn't retrieve the actual photo, Unnie; Yoona had already deleted it.]


"Chincha? It's fine. I suppose we can halt this news only if we persuade Mrs. Kim otherwise. Don't fret over it now. And please, kindly take care of Da-On in our absence."


[Rest assured about Da-On as well, Unnie. I'm his second-favorite mom after you.] Seohyun softly chuckled.


"What if Da-On inquires about us?" Taeyeon was suddenly struck by concern.


[I'll inform him that you were away on a business trip. I'm confident he will be understanding.] Seohyun replied with confidence.


"Yeah, Da-On is quite gullible," Tiffany says with a soft chuckle. "But make sure to tell him we're bringing his favorite food, so he'll stop looking for us."


[I think he will ask more of you two if I tell him that, Unnie.] Seohyun giggles. [I will just tell him about the business trip, so he won't overthink.]


Taeyeon slowly nodded. "I agree with Hyun."


"Alright, do it that way. And thank you once more, Hyun. I'm always grateful for your help," Tiffany said with sincerity.


[We're sisters for a reason,  Unnie. But just make sure you guys return home with good news, araso?]


"You're giving us pressure." chuckled Taeyeon as he briefly rubbed the back of his neck. "But we will do our best."


[I know you guys will. Anyway, I should hang up now. I might wake them up. Break a leg, Taeyeon Oppa, Tiffany Unnie!] Seohyun brightly cheered them on.


"Thank you, Seohyun-ah," Tiffany said with a giggle, ending the call just as the caretaker returned to them.


"You may go upstairs now, Young Master. May I bring you some drinks?" asked the caretaker.


"Absolutely, a cup of tea sounds lovely, Miss Byeon," Taeyeon replied warmly, though he felt a gentle nudge from Tiffany, prompting his attention toward her. "And speaking of introductions, allow me to formally introduce my fiancée, Tiffany Young."


"Omo, really? Wow, you two make a stunning couple," Ms. Byeon exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. She extended her hand toward Tiffany with genuine warmth. "I'm Byeon Soobin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Young," she said with a sweet smile.


"Likewise, Ms. Byeon," Tiffany replied, her smile mirroring the same warmth as they exchanged a gentle handshake.


"You two can head upstairs now. I'll take care of the tea," Ms. Byeon said, releasing their hands with a courteous nod before gracefully making her way to the kitchen.


The couple exchanged another sweet smile before ascending the stairs, their hands intertwined in a tender embrace.




[The next day...] 


Giggles and gentle pokes on her cheeks, followed by more giggles, gradually awakened Seohyun from her deep sleep. Upon seeing an adorable young boy smiling brightly at her, she reached out, grabbed his arm, and pulled him into a warm hug.


"Good morning, Da-On," she whispers, planting a few kisses on his cheeks.


"Good morning, Seohyun Omma," Da-On replied with laughter, feeling ticklish from the barrage of kisses.


Seohyun stopped and looked at the young boy in the eyes. "Did you already know about your parents?"


"Yes, Jessica Omma told me." Da-On replied with a grin.


"That's why you're calling me, Omma again?" She teasingly smiled.


The young boy nodded and giggled. 


"Aigoo, this little boy." Seohyun couldn't help but ruffle his hair playfully.


"Help me shower, Seohyun Omma." Da-On declared as he reached for her arms and pulled her up. 


"Oh yes, I need to help my son with his shower." Seohyun rose, lifted Da-On, and took her to the shower room.



While Yuri and Jessica were preparing breakfast, Yoona quietly walked into the living room and was startled when Yihyun entered without a noise. "Aish, you scared me."


"Do you have something for me, Oppa?" Yihyun asked with a playful grin.


"Tsk, here." Yoona opened his backpack and handed over a box of cookies from Busan. 


"Yay! Thanks, Oppa! Your girlfriend is upstairs helping Da-On with his shower," said Yihyun, as she quickly settled on the sofa to enjoy her cookies.


"Yoong, what kept you away for so long?" Yuri's voice echoed from the kitchen as he sensed his younger friend's arrival.


"I snagged a plane ticket at the eleventh hour," Yoona admitted as he made his way to the kitchen, drawn in by the delightful aroma of breakfast—a medley of scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee, strawberries, and potatoes. "Thanks for whipping up this feast."


"Hey, we're not finished yet!" Jessica exclaimed as soon as the doe-eyed Yoona took his seat. "Go fetch your girlfriend from upstairs."


"And don't forget about your son, Da-On," Yuri added playfully.


"Ugh, alright." Yoona sighed, scooping up his backpack from the floor before rising to make his way upstairs.


Both Jessica and Yuri giggle at the same time. 


"I bet he's starving," Yuri remarked.


"He doesn't seem like he got much sleep, and then dealing with morning rush hour traffic? That must have exhausted him," Jessica observed as she fed Yuri two strawberries, the pair exchanging two pecks on the lips afterward.


Meanwhile, Yoona's face lit up with a bright smile as he heard Da-On's laughter echoing from the bathroom. Quickly tossing his backpack onto the desk, he made a beeline for the shower room. There, he found the young boy nestled in the bathtub, utterly captivated by the water and bubbles cascading around him as Seohyun tenderly rinsed him. "Hey, when's my turn for a bath?" Yoona playfully quipped to Seohyun.


"Omo, you're back!" Seohyun exclaimed in surprise, her expression quickly transforming into a warm smile as she greeted him.


"Good morning, Yoona Appa!" Da-On greeted Yoona with an infectious, gleeful smile.


"Tsk, having fun in the tub, Da-On?" Yoona teased, shooting him playful glances.


"Yes, it's good."


"Aigoo, it's just the same water you have in your bedroom, Da-On," Seohyun giggled softly.


"But it smells better here. Omma puts lavender in our bathroom, but here it's strawberries," Da-On explained, flashing a big grin at the couple.


"So you prefer it here, huh?" Yoona raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Yes." Da-On let out a giggle.


"You're just jealous." Seohyun teasingly said, sticking out her tongue to her boyfriend. 


"Anyway, you guys should hurry up; breakfast is ready," he informed them before turning away and heading to the closet, loosening his tie as he went.


"We're almost finished!" Seohyun declared, before helping Da-On apply shampoo to his head and rubbing it into his hair.




Startled by the caretaker's call, Mrs. Kim made her way to the dining area. However, her surprise only grew when she settled into her seat, for there stood Taeyeon and Tiffany, plates in hand, emanating warmth with their morning greetings. Mrs. Kim, still processing their unexpected presence, found herself momentarily speechless in their company.


"It's still warm, Mom. You should try it now," Taeyeon suggests with a gentle smile, his warmth enveloping his mother. "Tiffany prepared it just for you." 


"What brings you both here?" Mrs. Kim inquired, her gaze shifting between Tiffany and her son.


"The Flower Festival is just around the corner in our town, and we thought it'd be lovely to celebrate it together," he explained, savoring a bite of his bacon before filling his mother's cup with black coffee. "It feels like it's been ages, doesn't it?"


Mrs. Kim simply scoffed and redirected her attention to her food. Yet, beneath her composed facade, her heart raced, haunted by thoughts of her actions just two days prior. She couldn't shake the feeling that it might be the reason for her son's sudden appearance before her.


"Oh, and by the way, Ms. Byeon mentioned you caught a couple of fish yesterday," Taeyeon shared, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "We're planning to cook them for lunch."


"No, I'll cook them myself," Mrs. Kim firmly stated, her disapproval evident in her tone.


"Is that okay with you? They were quite large, Mom. Sharing them would be a better idea."


"I'm the one who caught them, not you or that woman," Mrs. Kim stubbornly asserted.


Taeyeon and Tiffany exchanged a swift glance before indulging in their meal.

As they listened to the birds chirping and felt the gentle breeze from outside, a tranquil ambiance enveloped the dining table. However, this peaceful countryside setting failed to soothe Mrs. Kim, whose mood had shifted the moment she laid eyes on her son and his fiancée.


"By the way, Ma'am, have you heard about the singing contest happening on Sunday?" Tiffany broke her silence with a gentle voice.


Mrs. Kim remained quiet. 


"Um, would you like me to register you for that competition? I mean, Taeyeon mentioned you used to be one of those ladies who sings, and you've won a couple of times already. I'd love to join you for this one because they're doing duets this time," Tiffany offered, flashing a genuine smile as the older woman met her gaze.


"I have retired," Mrs. Kim replied coldly. "I have no plans to do that again."


"Really? But the town chief seemed to be expecting you," Taeyeon remarked, eyebrows raised in surprise.


"Have you gone to the town hall, Taeyeon?"


"Um, we were just out for our morning walk when the town chief spotted us," Tiffany explained softly, retrieving the flyer from her pocket and handing it to Mrs. Kim. "He gave us this and asked if we could convince you to join the competition again. Perhaps just one last time?"


"I thought you two were here for the festival?" Mrs. Kim asked, snatching the flyer and placing it on the other side of the table.


"Yeah, we are. It's on Monday, so we're definitely going to see this competition," Taeyeon replied with a warm smile. "So, are you going to compete?" He can sense it from his mother, he'd like to join but because of his fiancee, she is hesitating to tell them. 


"You can recommend any song if you'd like to, Ma'am." says Tiffany and smiles genuinely at Taeyeon as the latter holds her hand under the table. 


Scoffing, Mrs. Kim snatched her utensils back and resumed eating. "What on earth are they up to? Why can't they just tell me about the news articles? It feels like they're just toying with me, doesn't it?" she thought in the back of her mind in frustration.



While Taeyeon is dusting off the windows on the second floor, he notices his mother is outside, helping their caretaker hang the damp curtains. And a smile formed his lips when Tiffany came to also them, much to his mother's annoyance. However, she still allows her as they help each other bring the other curtains to the washing line. 


He took his phone from a table and was about to open the camera when the screen turned to his secretary's caller ID. He casually answered it while watching Tiffany, his mother, and the caretaker outside from the second floor.


[I've successfully got Ms. Young a 1-week leave, Mr. Chairman, but the Mayor has a condition.]




[He wants Tiffany to lead on a project he wanted to do.]


"Ah, I initially thought it might pose a challenge, but I'm certain my fiancee would tackle it with enthusiasm, whatever the task may be. By the way, could you kindly convey my gratitude to the Mayor for this generous gesture? And perhaps include a basket of fresh fruits as a token of my appreciation," he requested with a grateful smile.


[Certainly. Additionally, the stockholders have requested a meeting with you, Mr. Chairman. They wish for you to address the rumors concerning you and Soonkyu. Presumably, their concerns are financially motivated, as they speculate that Kim Bank may merge with SM, an outcome most are opposed to.]


"No need to fret. Just let them know to swing by the company next Wednesday," Taeyeon replied calmly, her tone reassuring.


[I'm confident this will stop the news articles once you address it, Sir.]


"I've got a handle on the situation. Let's allow these rumors to fade before I address them directly. Acting now might stir up more trouble. Eventually, once things settle, people will move on from this," he affirmed, confident in his approach.


[I agree with you, Sir. Anyway, hope to see you soon and Enjoy your stay in your province, Sir.]


"Oh, by the way, have you arranged for some clothes to be sent over for both me and my fiancee?"


[Yes, it's on the way, Sir.]


"Thank you, Ms. Kim. I'll catch up with you later," he expressed gratefully before ending the call. As he refocused on his surroundings, he noticed the absence of the trio. Moving swiftly, he descended the stairs to find his mother tidying the kitchen walls and Tiffany seated in the living room, cleaning the sofa too. Approaching her, he whispered, "How's everything going?"


"She's still giving me the cold shoulder, but I can feel the thaw coming," Tiffany replied with a playful wink. "And you? Have you finished cleaning the second floor?" he asked, seamlessly shifting the conversation.


"Just finishing up the windows for now. We'll catch up later," Taeyeon said before heading back upstairs.


Mrs. Kim glanced at Tiffany, only to instantly

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha