
The Fugitives
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It's new, the shape of your body
It's blue, the feeling I've got
And it's ooh, whoa, oh
It's a cruel summer ~ ♫♫


As a pop song fills the air in their cab, Yuri peacefully slumbers with a hint of tongue peeking out, resting his head on Taeyeon's shoulder. Taeyeon, the sole conscious passenger, delights in the scenic journey passing through enchanting landscapes – from serene rivers and ancient churches to a picturesque sheep ranch and a vibrant sea of flowers. Nature's beauty becomes Taeyeon's steadfast companion during this delightful ride.


Shortly after, they arrive at the hotel Yoona had mentioned. He attempts to disentangle himself from his friend's embrace, but the latter clings on, refusing to let go.


"Hey! Kwon Yuri! Wake up!" With a powerful shove, he jolted him, causing Yuri's head to collide with the window, instantly snapping him back to consciousness.


"Have we arrived?" Yuri looked up, gradually shaking off his drowsiness and regaining composure.


"We are here and it seems the sun is about to set," Taeyeon remarked. Stepping out of the cab, she assisted the driver in unloading their luggage from the trunk.


Yuri exited the cab, adjusting his business suit as he scanned the surroundings. "This doesn't seem like the town yet, does it?"


"If you're referring to the stunning town next to Dublin, it's still a 2-hour and 40-minute drive from here," the driver informed before shutting the trunk. He handed a card to Taeyeon, cautioning, "Be cautious in that town, though; it's known for its diverse community."


"Thank you for the ride, Mister," Taeyeon expressed gratitude, though she couldn't shake off the slightly uneasy feeling from the driver's warning.


Yuri approached Taeyeon and raised his eyebrows. "What does that mean?"


"I have no idea. It was different from what Yoona told us." 


"Just forget it." Yuri advised as he began to pull the handles of his two luggage.


Taeyeon took a second before he followed his friend inside the hotel. Both stopped in front of the front desk and a lady attended them.


"Our friend booked a family room. It's under Im Yoona." Yuri informed her.


"Hold on a second." And The lady swiftly checks on the computer. "It's in the room 639. He left a note by the way." she informs as she handed them the small card.


Freshen up and wait for me in the room.

Be right back before you guys know it.

- Yoong


"Thanks, Miss." Says Taeyeon as she puts the note down in his pocket and grabs the keys. 


"Where do you think he is right now?" Yuri wonders as he follows his friend to the lift while dragging his luggage.


"Maybe in town? Though, I doubt he'll be there after taking a few hits yesterday," Taeyeon chuckled softly. He pressed the floor number as he and his friend stood inside the lift.


"Do you have plans on how are we going to do this?"


"Do you have?" 


They looked into each other's eyes in silence and then laughed at the same time.


"I have. I'll share it later." Yuri said confidently. He isn't like Yoona but he hopes it will go smoothly.


"Same here," Taeyeon smiled, a brief glint of an idea crossing his mind. "By the way, don't you have any casual outfits? You seem dressed for a business trip." Breaking the silence, he pointed out the stark contrast in their attires — him in shorts and a polo shirt, while his friend appeared ready for a business conference or a wedding ceremony.


"Do I not look good?" Yuri asked a hint of offense in his tone.


"No, it's just that... It's Spring, Yul. How about some relaxing outfits, eh?"


"O... okay. But I didn't bring those outfits. It didn't come to mind that it's Spring in Dublin."


"Ugh, you and your busy ." Taeyeon can't help but chuckle. "You've been around different countries with different seasons, I get the reason."


Yuri scoffed in disbelief. "Look who's talking?"


"Come here," Taeyeon released his luggage, turning to face his friend. Gently, he adjusted Yuri's collar and casually ed a few of them. As he wiped Yuri's chest, Yuri simultaneously fixed his hair. At that very moment, the elevator door swung open, revealing a group of people waiting. They couldn't help but smile teasingly at the duo's unexpected grooming session as they entered.


Hastily grabbing their luggage, the two exited the elevator with flushed cheeks, a visible sign of their embarrassment. 




A delightful aroma and a subtle murmur gently stirred Yuri into wakefulness in the early morning. Still grappling with the unfamiliar time zone, he found it challenging to rise from bed. Intrigued, he hesitated, drawn to the asive fragrance emanating from an unknown source in the room. Despite the struggle, he eventually mustered the energy to shuffle towards the enticing scent and was pleasantly surprised to discover Yoona at the stove, expertly frying something.


"What are you up to?" he inquired, only to realize that Taeyeon had also risen from bed, posing the same question simultaneously. Taeyeon met his gaze with a subtle smile.


"Cooking." Yoona replied and mischievously grinned.


"In our hotel room? Where did you manage to find all this stuff?" Taeyeon released a hearty yawn as he settled into a seat on the couch, facing his doe-eyed friend.


"Ugh, jetlag is the worst," grumbled Yuri as he slumped onto the other end of the spacious couch, attempting to shut his eyes. "Wait, is that choro?" His memory jogged, recalling the snack their friend was preparing. He rallied himself upright, reaching for one from the basket and indulging in a hearty bite. "Ah, I love it. This is healing my jetlag."  


"Indeed, I'm whipping up some snacks for the kids and our girls," Yoona shared with enthusiasm.


"Do you reckon that'll do the trick?" Taeyeon nonchalantly snagged one of the choros too.


"Absolutely. I've read online that the way to someone's heart is through their stomach."


"And you think choros will do the trick? Seriously?" Yuri chuckled softly. "Out of all the options, why choose this snack?" she asked, attempting to grab one again, but Yoona playfully swatted his hand away. "Yah!" he exclaimed, successfully snatching one and savoring the taste.


"Aish, can't you guys make some effort too? I thought you were supposed to meet them?" Yoona shot annoyed glares at his older friends, growing tired of their antics.


"Be patient; I'm just dealing with a slight headache from the long flight," Yuri mumbled between bites.


"I'm heading out before lunch; let's go together, Yoong," Taeyeon shared his plan.


"Absolutly, Hyung. How about you, Yul?" Yoona curiously asks his other friend.


Yuri sighed, taking a moment to ponder. "Only if Taeyeon lends me some clothes," he said, breaking into an immediate grin and playfully wiggling his eyebrows at his friend, who responded with a scoff. "Come on, you're the one who insisted I need to change my clothes. But see how I packed? I was so excited that I didn't even think to grab my spring clothes," he reasoned. "You should've given me a heads-up; I could've prepared better."


"I wouldn't be surprised if Jessica Noona kicks you out too," Yoona remarked, amused yet astonished at how his friend had grown accustomed to wearing business suits.


Taeyeon chuckled softly. "He's got no fashion sense whatsoever," he teased, playfully sticking his tongue out at him.


Yuri, in frustration, hurled a nearby pillow across the living room, hitting Taeyeon in the face. "Don't get me started; you're just as bad as me," he remarked, rising from his seat and making his way to Taeyeon's luggage. Without hesitation, he began rummaging through his friend's clothes.


"Yah, cut it out. I'll lend you some; don't worry," Taeyeon said, getting up and swatting his friend's hands away from his belongings.


"Chincha, chincha, chincha?" Yuri grinned mischievously. "Thanks, my brother," he said, reaching for Taeyeon's hand, but the latter yanked it away. "I'll freshen up first." He hastily dashed to the shower before his friend could change his mind.


"Who on earth matured over the years? He's always childish when he's with us," Yoona shook his head in disbelief. He chuckled softly afterward, while Taeyeon smiled as he sifted through his casual outfits.



As Taeyeon and Yoona emerged from the hotel, a vibrant yellow Lamborghini screeched to a halt in front of them, catching them off guard. To their astonishment, the driver swiftly exited the luxurious car and handed the key to Yuri.


"Yuri, did you buy or rent this?" Taeyeon inquired, his hand gripping his friend's arm as he sought an explanation.


"Rented. How could I buy one on such short notice?" Yuri explained, gently freeing himself from his friend's grip. He then proceeded to unlock the doors, stepping into the car, with his friends following suit.


"Now, this is way better than a cab, I honestly couldn't care less about taxis," Yoona remarked, tapping the seat a few times. Although it resembled his cars, he couldn't help but prefer his vehicles.


"You're not planning to flaunt this in front of the girls, are you?" Taeyeon expressed his concern. "I don't think it's a good idea. We might end up intimidating them."


"No, it's simply our ride to the town, and we'll be parking a bit away from the orphanage. It's more convenient than taking public transportation, and besides, this vehicle knows the area well," Yuri explained once more. He then set Sunshine Town as the destination on the GPS for their journey. "Buckle up," he announced, casting a glance at Yoona in the back seat.


"I'm good to go from here, Hyung! Let's gooo!" Yoona exclaimed with excitement, waving his hands in the air.


Taeyeon scoffed, but he had to clutch onto his seat belt when Yuri suddenly accelerated without any warning. "Could you at least consider slowing down?" he shouted, not particularly keen on a high-speed race, unlike his two friends.


"Grab some shades; the dust is kicking up," Yuri suggested as he reached for his sunglasses from the compartment. Taeyeon and Yoona silently followed suit while the speed slowed down a bit.




[Sunshine Town]  


Since she was on a day off, Jessica woke up late and she wasn't even surprised that the house was quiet. Wearing on her oversized shirt and shorts, she the coffee maker and fried herself some eggs and ham. While she's doing so, she dances to the music playing on her wireless headphones, singing at the same time.


"Baby, tell me why you lookin' down
Look at me now
See what you lost, I'm so long gone, I'm out
Tell me, where is she now?
She ain't around~

"So, was she worth the thunderclouds? Tell me why. You did what I never could. It's goodbye. Get it? Got it? Good." She hummed along to the music as she prepared breakfast, placing bread in the toaster and flipping eggs and ham once they were cooked. After carefully transferring the cooked items to a plate, she set it on the table alongside her coffee and toasted bread. Settling down in the dining area, she finally put her headphones aside to start her breakfast, only to be interrupted by a knock on the front door. Setting the bread down, she made her way to the door to see who was outside. "Oh, Donghae-ah."


"Is Yihyun here?" Donghae inquired, attempting to peer inside.


"Nope, wasn't she at the farm?"


"She didn't come."


"Really? Why?" She quickly went to the coffee table, picked up her phone, and started browsing her contacts.


"I thought she was supposed to deliver the first baskets of flowers to Mrs. Scham's house today, but it's almost lunchtime, and she hasn't shown up for work," Donghae remarked as he followed her into the living room.


She taps the call button for Yihyun's number, and the phone begins to ring. "It's ringing," she mutters.


Donghae nodded gently as he waited quietly.


[Unnie! I'm sorry.] Yihyun greeted her with apologies as soon as she answered.


"What is going on?" She asked in confusion.


[I will return to work after this, No worries.]


"Yah, at least tell me what are you doing right now?"


[I... um... I accepted Mr. Ahn's offer to be his assistant photographer. You know, the one who holds the reflector? Yeah, I'm doing it right now. He's having a photo shoot with an engaged couple, and he offered me the job. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you. Please let Donghae know too.]


She sighed in defeat, but at least Yihyun had a valid reason. "Fine. Go back home early."


[Yes, I'm sorry again. Please tell Donghae Oppa.] Yihyun said before hanging up.


Jessica placed the phone down and turned back to her friend. "She's currently working with the photographer," she explained to him.


"What? Who's going to deliver it then?" Donghae felt concerned.




"How can I when I don't know how to drive?"


"Ugh, fine. I'll do it." She offered. She has no choice but to exempt it despite her day off.


"Wait, are you sure?" Donghae holds her arm to stop her from going to her room. "You're in a day off." He reminds her.


"Absolutely. When it comes to things like this, you know I can be the go-to option in no time. I'll follow you to the farm. Just give me a moment to prepare," Jessica instructed as she made her way upstairs and headed to her room to change. "I didn't even have a bite of my food, tsk," she mumbled while putting on her pants. 


"I'll see you there!" Donghae shouted from downstairs and left the house.



As Jessica approaches the front door, she finds it unnecessary to open it herself, as someone from outside takes care of it. "Oh, Da-On ah," she greets with a sweet smile upon spotting Da-On, who has just returned from school. "Did Seohyun Noona bring you home?" With affection, she gracefully crouches down to share some kisses with him.


"Yes, she went to the orphanage to deliver water, Noona," Da-On informs, embracing the older one before pulling back. "Are you heading to work?" He observes her attire – the familiar baggy jeans and green long-sleeved outfit she typically wears when going to the farm.


"You guessed it." Jessica giggles, gently rubbing his hair.


"Can I come?" 


"You're not going to the orphanage?"


"There's no football today; I'll come back later when Omma's finished teaching," Da-On responded, well aware of the orphanage's schedule.


"Can you promise to stay at the picnic table?" Jessica extended her pinky finger, mindful of the young boy's tendency for unpredictable actions, determined not to let him roam freely as he usually does.


"I promise," Da-On eagerly intertwines his pinky finger with Jessica's, bursting into giggles. 


"First things first, let's get you changed. We wouldn't want your uniform to get dirty," she remarked as she scooped up the young boy and ascended the stairs to the bedroom he shared with his mother.




As her class diligently traces letters in their books with pencils, Tiffany taps her finger against the table, patiently awaiting the bell. When it finally rings, she casually rises and writes their homework on the board.


"For tomorrow's reading exercise, make sure to pre-read the pages I've written on the board. Each student will have a chance to read aloud. Understand?" she announced loudly, and the kids responded with a resounding 'Yes' as they began gathering their belongings into their backpacks.


As the kids engage in their activities, Tiffany glimpses through the window of her classroom, spotting Jessica and Da-On leaving together. Their home, situated near the orphanage, provides Tiffany with a constant view of comings and goings. Intrigued by their departure, she reaches for her phone on the table and calls her best friend. "Where are you guys heading without giving me the heads up?" she inquires, keeping an eye on them from her classroom.


[Oh, caught us in the act!] Jessica replied, waving from the truck. "[I'm taking him to the farm. Your boy has a hankering for spending the afternoon in the mountains.]


"Chincha? I thought he told me he's going to wait for Yoona Appa?"


[He did?] Jessica softly giggles. [Guess? He forgot about him immediately.]


"Teacher Young, can I borrow your reading book? I thought I lost mine." One of the kids suddenly approaches her.


"Just a moment," Tiffany sweetly smiled at the young Mexican girl before heading back to her desk and checking the drawers. "You're one lucky girl, Luna," she remarked as she picked up the book and handed it to her. "Make sure not to lose it again, alright? Otherwise, we might have to buy another one." 


The young girl nodded and smiled cheerfully before leaving the room. 


[Your kids always like you, aren't they?]


"Yeah, it always makes me smile." She genuinely replied. "Anyway, just make sure he won't go into the woods."


[That's my concern too, no worries, I'll keep looking after him. But before that, we're going to Mrs. Scham's house to deliver her orders. So yeah, you know who's going to have some fun with the ride.]


"Tsk, call me when something happens."


[Understood, Ma'am. See you later.]


"Be careful on the road." Tiffany softly answered before she hung up and returned to her desk to gather her stuff and left the room in a hurry to the kitchen.




During the initial hour, the boys revel in the journey, belting out a spontaneous hip-hop tune. However, as the town looms nearer, a serene hush descends upon them, and they find solace in silently savoring the picturesque scenery unfolding before their eyes. It's been years since they embarked on a trip together, and the moment feels truly significant, particularly as they approach a place of personal importance.


As they approached a winding curve in the road, Yuri was taken aback by an unexpected encounter with a truck. The sudden presence forced him to sharply swerve the car, losing control and sending

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️