The Space Between Us

The Fugitives
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54 | The Space Between Us




"Wake up!"


Taeyeon and Tiffany stirred from their peaceful slumber, roused by the sharp sound of Mrs. Kim's voice echoing through the house like a clarion call. The shrill whistle that followed seemed to punctuate her urgency, urging them into action.


"What's going on, Omma?" Taeyeon inquired, his voice laced with sleep as he slowly lifted himself from the sofa, where he and his fiancée had been resting after their flower harvesting in the afternoon.


"I thought you two were here for the festival," Mrs. Kim remarked, her tone a blend of expectation and determination. She extended two shirts to her son, a silent directive in her gesture. "The chief is requesting your help with the preparations. Get dressed and lend a hand," she instructed before retreating upstairs, leaving Taeyeon to exchange looks with Tiffany before they obediently prepared to join the bustling activity outside.


Tiffany let out a sleepy yawn as she reached for her shirt, unfolding it with curiosity. "Oh, it's a shirt exclusively for the people of Jeonju," she remarked, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she caught sight of the festival logo adorning the fabric. Without hesitation, she slipped it on, layering it over her white blouse with a smile, feeling a sense of belonging to the vibrant community hosting the festival.


"I didn't realize they needed our help," Taeyeon mused, his voice trailing off as the realization dawned on him. "So, she wants us to pitch in with the preparations?" he exclaimed, his eyebrows arching in surprise as the pieces fell into place.


"Yeah, it seems that way. For the past three days, she's been on our case, asking us to do this and that—picking flowers from your garden, sprucing up the house with decorations, even taking food to the neighbors. It's like she's found every possible task to keep us occupied and avoid having a proper conversation," Tiffany remarked with a soft chuckle, her tone carrying a hint of amusement at Mrs. Kim's tactics. With a playful smile, she gently pulled the festival shirt over Taeyeon's head, assisting him in putting it on as they prepared to join the community in their efforts.


"I know, right?" Taeyeon replied, stifling a yawn. "And now she's got us working on a Saturday."


"Hey, it's alright," Tiffany reassured him, reaching out to grab his arms and gently pulling him to his feet. "Tomorrow's the Singing Competition, remember? I bet she'll fill us in on all the details tonight if we lend a hand at the town hall today."


Taeyeon scoffed softly. "Are you sure about that? She seemed to be avoiding the topic whenever you brought it up."


"I know, but I'm confident she'll come around eventually. After all, she's a professional singer from back in the day, isn't she? Singing tomorrow should be a breeze for her," Tiffany replied optimistically, a hint of assurance in her voice.


"I love your unwavering positivity, Fany," Taeyeon remarked, a proud smile gracing his lips. "It's infectious, you know."


"No time for dwelling on the negatives, let's dive into action," she declared, looping her arm through his left and tugging him toward the door, eliciting a chuckle from Taeyeon.


"Why the rush?" he asked, a playful hint of amusement in his voice.


"Who knows what other tasks your mother might have in store for us later," she explained, unlocking the car door and graciously holding it open for her fiancé.


"What? I'm driving," Taeyeon declared, swiftly making his way around to claim the driver's seat.


Tiffany could only comply as she took the passenger's seat.


"Why bother driving for such a short distance?" he questioned, but then realization dawned on him.


"Just as I said, your mother might have another task for us, like running an errand to the market," she replied with a brief smile, securing her seatbelt. "It's going to be easy to return home with the car."


"You're always thinking ahead," Taeyeon remarked, amusement evident in his voice as he admired her foresight. With a satisfied grin, he started the engine and smoothly maneuvered the car out of the garage.


As they drove along the road at a leisurely pace, Taeyeon and Tiffany observed the townsfolk busily adorning their homes with flowers, meticulously decorating fences and gates. They noticed members of the town hall distributing free baskets to each household, spreading a sense of community and festivity throughout the town.


"Wow, it feels just like Sunshine Village, doesn't it?" Tiffany exclaimed in awe, the sight stirring memories of her previous home. "Everyone seems so excited," she remarked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.


"The Sunshine Villa has a festival like this too?"


"Absolutely, it's heartwarming to see everyone lending a hand to their neighbors, ensuring every corner of the village is adorned with flowers," Tiffany remarked with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the beauty of the scene. "Just like back in your hometown, Tae." Her sweet smile met Taeyeon's gaze, prompting an automatic smile from him as well.


"No wonder you're even more excited than I am," he remarked with a chuckle, teasingly nudging her shoulder.



Unexpectedly, the couple passed bowls of soup and dinner boxes to the folks gathered at the town hall while the sunset in the distance. Despite the unexpected events, they thoroughly enjoyed the activity, mingling with elders and children alike, sharing warm smiles, and exchanging brief yet meaningful interactions.


As soon as they handed the last bowl and box of dinner, the couple finally could rest. They find an empty table in the corner of the town hall and enjoy their boxes of dinner and soup as well. Both are smiling and giggling whenever they can hear their names from the elders being mentioned. Little did they know, Mrs. Kim had arrived in the town hall and they didn't notice she was distributing dessert snacks for the past couple of minutes and the latter had been glancing at their side too, observing their happy conversations from nearby.




As Jessica peruses the menu, Yuri politely excuses himself under the guise of a restroom visit. However, as he nears the exit, a glint of determination flashes in his eyes. With a quick sidestep, he slips out of the restaurant and briskly heads to the right, his gaze fixed on the memory of the jewelry brand store he had glimpsed earlier. Upon locating it, he enters with a courteous nod to the welcoming attendant, ready to embark on his clandestine mission.


"May I have permission to photograph the rings? I assure you, it's purely for heartfelt intentions. I'm endeavoring to assist someone special in selecting the perfect ring for my girlfriend." he politely inquires.


"I believe our brochure would be an excellent resource for you, sir." With a warm smile, the lady extends one to him.


"Um, I'm afraid it wouldn't be convenient at the moment since I'm with my girlfriend... I mean, my... nephew." He gestures nervously, trying to maintain composure. "I'd like him to browse through my phone without drawing attention. I promise we'll return once he's made his choice. Pretty please?" With a pleading expression, he clasps his hands together, hoping to persuade her.


The lady exchanged glances with her colleagues, receiving silent affirmation. "What type of ring are you interested in, Sir? Is it a promise ring, a birthday gift ring, or perhaps an engagement ring?" she inquired, gesturing toward the various options on display.


"Engagement," Yuri affirmed, retrieving his phone from his pocket. "Thank you," he expressed gratefully, as he started to capture photos of the engagement rings displayed before him. Each of them has a different vibe which he expects Da-On to choose from.


"You have to know her size too, Sir."


"Yeah, I've got that covered. I actually already know his size since I've been planning this for a week," he assured with a confident smile. After snapping a few more photos, he nodded respectfully. "I'm done, I'll be right back," he promised the lady before swiftly making his way back to the restaurant. Upon returning to his seat, he found only Da-On waiting. "Where's Jessica, Omma?" he inquired, a hint of concern coloring his voice.


"Restroom, Yuri Appa. She's already placed her order too," Da-On informed, a charming smile gracing his face.


"Great," Yuri seized the chance, swiftly moving to the seat next to the young boy. "Take a look at the rings, Da-On. Tell me which one you think is best," he instructed, gently sliding to the left to ensure Da-On had a clear view of the rings displayed in the photos he was showing him.


"This one." After careful consideration, Da-On pointed to the seventh photo, showcasing a dazzling diamond ring shaped like a delicate snowflake. 


"A snowflake engagement ring? What's the reason behind that choice?" Yuri inquired, his curiosity piqued.


"It... reminds me of the snowfall in Sunshine Village. The snow welcomed us at Mrs. Park's home. And I believe Jessica Omma loves snow too because she's always the one who keeps us warm, as if she doesn't feel the cold," Da-On explained with a sweet smile.


Speechless and wide-eyed, Yuri slowly redirected his gaze to the photo of the ring. Gradually, a warm smile spread across his face, touched by Da-On's heartfelt connection to the choice.



"That's... very well explained, Da-on," he murmured softly after a moment, touched by the sentiment. "Alright, I'll get this one for Jessica Omma. Thank you, Da-On," he added, gently ruffling the boy's hair with a grateful smile.


"Yuri Appa, good luck!" Da-On cheered eagerly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.


Yuri smiled and nodded. "Thanks, little bunny," he replied affectionately, his heart warmed by Da-On's support.


"Oh, our order is here!" The young boy exclaimed, his attention shifting to the three waiters approaching them and setting the plates of food on their table.


Yuri noticed Jessica returning, so he tucked his phone back into his pocket and assisted Da-On with his food. Then, he returned to his seat across from the young boy.


"Seohyun called; it sounds like she and Yoona are spending the night in Busan and will come home tomorrow," Jessica informed as she took her seat next to Yuri.


"So, she joined her boyfriend in Busan, just like she mentioned yesterday," Yuri remarked as he cut into his steak. "It's a good thing, considering they've barely had time to see each other with Yoona being so busy this week."


"I know, right? I hope they enjoy their time together," Jessica said, taking a sip of her juice. She smiled sweetly at Da-On, who was thoroughly enjoying his pasta, fried chicken, and fried dumplings. "You're loving it, Mr. Kim Da-On?" she playfully asked.


"Yes, Jessica Omma. Thank you," Da-On replied, a big smile spreading across his face before he eagerly took another bite of his creamy pasta.


After cutting the steak, Yuri passed it over to Jessica and swapped plates with her, taking her plate of steak instead. She smiled sweetly and rewarded him with a tender peck on the lips. Returning the smile, he began to cut his steak expertly.






As boredom crept in while Seohyun awaited Yoona's arrival, she decided to seize the opportunity to explore. Stepping out of the hotel room, she swiftly messaged his secretary, inquiring about the location of the conference ballroom. The response indicated it was in the hotel's third building. Armed with this knowledge, Seohyun embarked on a mini adventure, traversing through the picturesque surroundings of the hotel—a journey that took her past serene swimming pools, lush aisles of trees, and tempting restaurants. With each step, her anticipation grew, until finally, she laid eyes on the elusive third building, a beacon amidst the tranquil landscape.


Upon entering, Seohyun was handed a conference brochure, showcasing various esteemed companies, among them Starlight, the car company owned by Yoona. As she glanced at the familiar logo, a mix of pride and surprise washed over her.


"He oversees numerous headquarters globally, and yet he's chosen to participate in this event," she mused silently, a hint of disbelief coloring her thoughts. It struck her how remarkably humble her boyfriend remained despite the widespread popularity of his automobiles.


"Ms. Seo!" Yoona's secretary caught sight of her amidst the bustling crowd and waved enthusiastically to grab her attention. Seohyun returned the gesture with a warm smile before making her way over to her.


"Any sign of Yoona?" Seohyun inquired, her gaze scanning the room in search of her boyfriend.


"There, Ms. Seo."


Following the direction indicated by the secretary's finger, Seohyun spotted Yoona engaged in animated conversation with a group of businessmen, their laughter and smiles suggesting an intriguing exchange. However, her attention was soon drawn to a familiar face on his right side. "Isn't that..." she trailed off, momentarily pausing to recollect the name. "Soojin?" 


"You know her, Ms. Seo?" The secretary raised her brows at her.


"Yeah, but why is she with them?"


"Ah, her father and Yoona go way back, you know how businessmen are with their networks," Seohyun remarked with a knowing nod. "I believe they've been acquainted since college. Yes, it's her—the ex-girlfriend Yoona mentioned before."


Seohyun's nod was slow, masking the surge of jealousy that unexpectedly swept over her. She couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy as she considered Yoona's ex-girlfriend, with her prestigious background and wealth, not to mention the close connection her father shared with her boyfriend. With a resigned sigh, she veered towards the buffet, hoping to distract herself.


As she del

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha