First Time

The Fugitives
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02 | First Time




Both Jessica and Tiffany look at their youngest, nonchalantly after she handed the resumes that she made for them.


"Why is my name Black?"


"And mine is purple?"


Seohyun stirred away from her laptop and giggled. "Because your hair says so." 


"Yah, we demand a better name!" Tiffany shouted, throwing the paperback to their maknae.


"Same. I want to be called Rose, just like last night." said Jessica. Just like her favorite movie, titanic, she loves Rose.


"Mine, Donna, just like my favorite actress." Tiffany also demanded.


"But those are-"


"You change it or we will leave you here?" threatened Jessica sternly, pointing a ballpen towards the youngest.


Seohyun gulped nervously and nodded gently. "Yes, please wait for a while, Ma'am." She bowed her head and return her attention right away to her laptop.


"Aigoo. Don't be so hard on her, Sica." Tiffany chuckled, hitting Jessica's back before going back to the sofa. 


"Tsk. I was just kidding." Jessica took her words back, ruffling Seohyun's hair, and followed Tiffany to the sofa too. She sighs as she took the picture of the young girl again. "What do you think of giving this back to the owner?"


"Are you insane?" Tiffany exclaimed. "That only means you're surrending to the owner." She finds it really ridiculous for her.


"I mean, not like giving it personally. You know, just place it on the table?" Jessica explained herself. 


"Then that means you have to be careful. I'm sure there are CCTVs in their company, Unnie." Seohyun glanced at the older girl and shakes her head. 


"Yah, as if you can't hack their cctv." chuckled Jessica softly.


"Indeed. But we don't even know yet where's their companies." Tiffany shrugs her shoulders.


"Unnie, it's on their websites. It's easy to go there." Seohyun informed and smiled briefly at the two girls.


"Oh yeah." Tiffany flashed a sheepish smile.


"What are you applying for?" asked Jessica as she raised her eyebrows to the purple-haired girl next to her.


"We're relying on their vacant jobs, aren't we?"


"Yep, Unnies." Seohyun cried as she glanced at them.


"What's the vacant jobs for Kwon Group, Hyun?" Jessica stood up and approached the latter on the table.


"They're hiring new PR employees and secretaries, Unnie."


"What about the Kims?" Tiffany also asked, picking one piece of pizza from the coffee table.


"They own cafes, so they're hiring baristas and cashiers." Seohyun also informed.


"Okay, put Secretary on my resume." Jessica instructed as she pulled the chair nearby and took her seat.


"Barista for me. It's easy to make coffee nowadays." said Tiffany as she lazily laid down on the sofa while munching on her pizza.


"Yes." Seohyun replied and type it into their resumes. Suddenly her phone chimes, and Jessica picked it up for her.


"What?" But Jessica was surprised to read the message coming from an unknown sender. "Who's this? You hired someone to bring our weapons to this country?"


"Did I hear it right?" Tiffany instantly got up and walk toward them.


Seohyun snatched the phone from her so she could read it. "It's Jihyun. She knows our location."


"What?" Both older girls cried at the same time.


"Unnies, relax. You know Jihyun can be trusted. She won't tell a single soul we're here. And in fact, she's not working with the boss anymore." chuckled Seohyun softly, amused at their reaction.


"But Park Ji Hyun once fought with me." Jessica reminded the younger girl. "She doesn't like me at all when I joined the group."


"That was like years ago, Unnie. I doubt she still hates you."


"Yeah, Ji hyun can be trusted. I mean, she actually saw us the day before our last heist." Tiffany shared what she saw.


"Chincha? I thought no one knows that mission, Tiff?" Jessica got another surprise upon hearing it.


"Wait, does that mean, she was the reason NYPD came that night?" Seohyun realized something. "But she agreed to send our weapons I stuff in our storage room." yet she felt doubtful once again.


"Damn, this could be some set-up, Hyun!" Tiffany smacks her forehead. "How did you trust her so easily?!"


"We're not going to that location." Jessica pointed at Seohyun's phone. "We need to stay out of their radar, araso?"


Seohyun slowly nodded. "Araso. Aish, I'll block her number now." she said and blocked the number eventually.


"We're not here to do the same thing anymore. So there's no reason for us to get the rifles if it's true Jihyun is in the country too. Last night was the last thing, araso?" Jessica reminded the two girls again earning their nods. "Good." She got up the walked to the shower room. "I'll shower first."


Tiffany took the empty chair next to Seohyun right away and watch her edit their resumes according to what they have discussed earlier.




Just as the car have drive off, Yuri felt his phone vibrates in the pocket of his coat. He casually took it out and slides the call to answer. 


[Bro, I thought we're still going to hang out?] Yoona's voice rings through his smartphone.


"Yeah, but I got a call. I need to go back home as soon as possible." Yuri explained his early departure.


[Wait, does that mean you're giving up finding your purse?] Taeyeon snatched the phone from the doe-eyed. 


"What else can I do? Everyone in the hotel wasn't able to find the purse. Let's meet later tonight."  He replied and ended the call, exhaling loudly in the process as he returned his phone to his pocket. His attention eventually shifted outside when it started snowing again.


"Mr. Chairman, do you want me to increase the heater?" His driver asks from the driver's seat.


"Nah, it's fine." Answered him, flashing a small smile. "I'm glad you're back Mr. Baek." The middle age driver is his driver since he become the CEO of Kwon Group a month ago. But because of circumstances, he left and was replaced temporarily.


"Oh, I have nowhere to go, Mr. Chairman. I wouldn't really accept any offer." 


"How's your sister?"


"She's doing fine now and will be discharged next week." Mr. Baek smiled, glancing at his boss from the backseat.


"Good to know." Yuri smiled back before his attention returned outside. He let out a sigh once again as he thought of the only picture he has of his late little angel. He felt like he wasn't a good father and that he let it happen. 'You understand Appa, right my angel?' He really wishes so.


Just then, his phone chimes and he rolled his eyes as he took his phone out to check the message.


Mom: Where are you? Lunch is ready, son. Your father is excited to see you.


He just simply replied 'On the way' and returned his phone back to his pocket. It's a rare breakfast for them together. Hence they're busy in their own lives now since the divorce. But he doesn't even feel excitement at all. Maybe because he had been used to being alone when he goes home.




Back in the hotel...


Taeyeon scoffed in disbelief when he returned to his table with Yoona. The latter has ordered another coffee which is his third. "Are you planning to stay awake for the next couple of days?" He chuckled and snatch the pen from his hand. "What is this?"


"I'm sketching our new design. I have to make one compete for my designers." Yoona explained as he snatch back the paper only to crumple it. 


"So this is why you want to stay awake?"


"Kind of. And also, this weather is making me weak. I hate snow as always. Tsk."


Taeyeon took a sip of his own coffee and smiled as he admires the snowfall. "Why do you hate it so much when it's the most beautiful thing. Right, Zero?" He rubs his puppy's head gently in the process.


"By the way last night, that woman who created a scene... I wasn't able to get her name." Yoona recalls the night before. "She's actually attractive." He smiled dreamily. 


Taeyeon laughs. "You haven't dated any woman for the past few years indeed. Your taste has gone dull." 


"What?!" Yoona sent his friend a glare.


"Omo, relax. I was just playing around. But speaking of that, I meet this woman also last night. Her name is like that Korean actress, Bae Donna. But she's way prettier."


"Really? Did you get her number?"


"Omo, I didn't able to think of that. Tsk. I was having so much fun with her and it was my birthday you know. Aish, I hope I'll see her again." Taeyeon pouted cutely as he looked down to zero on his lap. 


"You're really so slow with girls, Hyung."


"Who is actually single for freaking five years now eh?" 


Yoona rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I'm just busy with our company you know. My grandfather will kill me if I don't take care of it." He reasoned and grabs another piece of paper from the coffee table so he draws again. 


"Well, women will just come. No need to think of them." Taeyeon grins, confident the woman he met last night isn't the last woman he'll meet. He had been single for three months now and he was not rushing it. 




Tiffany and Seohyun are chatting immensely while walking in the hallway as they walked inside a cafe, but before Tiffany can order, Seohyun spotted the doe-eyed and quickly pulled her with her, dragging her out of the place in an instant.


"Yah, what's wrong with you?" Tiffany yanked her hand off.


"The men last night." Seohyun said in a half-whisper. "They're inside."


"Chincha?" Tiffany hastily returned and peek her head. "Omo." Her eyes sparkled in interest at that instant. "This is our chance, Hyun."


"What?! This isn't our plan!" Seohyun reminded.


"I mean, they don't know who took their purses though? We shouldn't be worried."


"Still. Our plan is to get inside their companies not to be friends with them."


Tiffany scoffed. "It's not wrong to make friends, dongseng. Let's-"


"What if they will suspect, eh? And I don't think I can make friends with the doe-eyed, I kissed him last night, remember?" Seohyun grabs the older girl's arm again and drags her only to the lift. Tiffany laughs as she struggles and easily freed herself from her grip.


"Let's just do it like it's a coincidence, okay? There's no harm in getting close with those guys." Tiffany snickers and she turns her body and returned to the cafe, but much to her dismay, they are nowhere to be found. "Aish! That was our chance!"


"It's better to get into their companies than to make friends first. That way, it will not be that suspicious." Seohyun is firm with the group's plan. She herself wanted to make a new life now.


"Fine. Let's just do as the plan says." Tiffany let out a sigh, walking inside the cafe again.


Seohyun exhales in relief as she follows the older. 




The lunch is quiet yet peaceful, but Yuri finds it uncomfortable, especially for a lady that his mother brought with her, who keeps glancing at him. He would glance back but she would eventually return to her meal. He would only ignore it until his mother speaks.


"What do you think of Dara?" 


"Yes?" He looked at her in disbelief.


Mrs. Kwon smiled. "I mean, she's a lawyer and her family is decent and is a friend to your father." She said while flashing a sweet smile.


Yuri looked at Dara vaguely only. And the latter smiled sweetly at her. "Yeah, she seems." he muttered before he returns to his meal. He knows what his mother meant.


"Go out with her, next time." Mr. Kwon speaks softly but is firm. "You're 31 now, it's time to make a family."


"I haven't met the person that I want to spend the rest of my life yet." Yuri nonchalantly replied. "And I'm busy right now with the company, I doubt-"


"Haven't you moved on from your past relationship?" Mr. Kwon cut his son's words. "You know that woman will never return to your life."


Yuri grabs the napkin and wipe his lips before he got up. "I'm done. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Park." He smiled briefly before he left them.


"Aish, I hate it when he just leaves us hanging." Mr. Kwon can't help and throw his napkin to the table. 


"As if we can stop him from doing what he likes." And Mrs. Kwon sighs in defeat. They have a stubborn son no matter how much she wanted to set him up with a woman she likes.


Dara got up and bowed to the couple before she hastily catches up with Yuri along the way. "Are you just going to leave like that?"


"I've got something to do and I'm done, Ms. Park." Yuri explained himself. He however stopped in his tracks just as they exited the mansion. "You're a lawyer right?"


"Yes, Mr. Kwon." Dara smiled brightly.


"Can you give me your business card? I might call you if I need some help."


"Oh, my pleasure, Mr. Kwon." Dara excitedly took her card from her handbag and handed it to him.


"Until we meet again." Yuri smiled one last time before he proceed to his car waiting. His driver opened the backseat door for him as he stepped inside. "Can we head straight to my penthouse?" He ordered his driver and the latter doesn't have to say a word as he drives off carefully.


While they were stuck in traffic, he suddenly spotted the last person that he love, Han Sohee. He smiled watching her talking with her colleagues outside a coffee. He has any romantic feelings left for her and he's happy that she looks happy as well. He only hates the fact that his parents always mention her whenever he doesn't like whoever they're introducing to him. It always annoys him that he chooses to leave than create a fight with them.


"I heard she just move to a new apartment near her working place, Mr. Chairman." Mr. Baek suddenly shared what he knows when he spotted Sohee as well.


"Whoa, how'd you know about that?" Yuri didn't expect to hear it and it surprise him.


"I have a friend that works with her. He mentioned it during our last hang out."


"You really know everyone, Mr. Baek." He chuckles as his eyes returned to Sohee outside. "She was probably promoted."


"She's now the new head sales manager, Mr. Chairman."


"Really? That's good for her." He can't help and feel more than happy for his ex. When they were dating, she was one of the PR team in a food company. He felt proud to learn it.


Just then, he heard his phone chime and he casually fetch it out from his pocket. He received his next schedule for the rest of the week and it includes final interviews for job seekers on Friday. "What are they hiring again?" He forgot about it and decided to open their website and check the lists. "Hmm, maybe the engineering team. They fired the old employees there." He mumbles on his own.


"By the way, Mr. Chairman, I told my eldest to apply to the company. I hope he gets in." Mr. Baek said as he started the engine and resumes his driving.


"Oh, that's good. Is he applying for the driver too?" 


"Nope. He is an engineer so he applied for the position."


"That would be really cool if I interview him." Yuri flashes a bright smile.

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1128 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1128 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1128 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️