The Lies

The Fugitives
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51 | The Lies




As the couple entered the household, Yuri and Jessica couldn't help but notice Taeyeon passing them in the living room without a word, while Tiffany managed a smile as she headed to the kitchen, and Taeyeon quietly went upstairs. 


"What's wrong?" Jessica asked, concern evident as she followed her best friend to the kitchen, where she found her drinking water straight from the bottle.


"Did you just buy this, Jess?" Tiffany asked, shifting the conversation to the water instead of waiting for an answer.


"Yeah, it's one of the ones we bought. But can you tell me why? It's rare to see Taeyeon like that, and I bet she's genuinely upset."


Sighing, Tiffany opened the cabinet to check if there were any ramyeons left. "I upset him," she shared quietly, before selecting a pack of ramyeon and setting a pot of water to boil. "I wanted to explain, but he was distraught, so I thought I could give him some time to cool down."


"Ugh, can you explain why?"


"I left him hanging in Ms. Kim's office."


"Where did you go?" Jessica furrows her eyebrows. 


"I happened to see his Uncle in the same place and decided to follow him which led me to his father's home."


"Omo, so you ran into his father again?" Jessica smiled upon hearing the news.


"Yeah, I didn't realize I had stayed longer at his home. I lost track of time, and by the time I noticed, Taeyeon was already upset," Tiffany admitted with another sigh, her gaze fixed on the water in the pot. "I ruined our day. It's my fault."


"Make it up to him then. And make sure he understands your explanation. It's not like your wedding is tomorrow and you've ruined the main event," Jessica advised. "You guys are still just starting, there is more stress coming your way as you guys choose the date of your wedding." 


"I know, right? So yeah, I think I'll talk to him later," Tiffany said with a bright smile before she opened the pot and added the ramyeon, along with the powder and sauce of the noodles.


"Wait, let's share," Jessica exclaimed, hastily grabbing a pack of ramyeon and adding them to the boiling water. 


"Let's add some eggs too," Tiffany suggested, heading to the fridge and retrieving two eggs. She cracked them over the boiling water and dropped them in. "What's Yuri busy with though?" she couldn't help but notice from the living room that Yuri was engrossed in his laptop.


"He has an important event in the coming days, and he's checking updates from his team. That's how CEOs operate; it seems easy, but when things go wrong, they feel like it's the end of the world," Jessica remarked, shaking her head in understanding.


"Taeyeon, he's just like him too, checking reports, signing them, and sending them to each department. I don't think it's quite as stressful a job," Tiffany commented, observing the similarities in their responsibilities.


"When you're the boss, yes, it isn't."


"I couldn't agree more." Tiffany let out a giggle.


"Wait, let's crack open some soju," Jessica exclaimed, quickly opening the fridge and grabbing two bottles.


"What? You bought those too?" Tiffany exclaimed, surprised to find soju hidden beneath the veggies. "Planning to drink every day, aren't you, Jess?" she teased with a grin.


"If I'm feeling good or not feeling good, I'd still drink," Jessica said, giggling. "And since you're not feeling quite right at the moment, let's drink," she declared, passing the soju glass to her best friend.


"Tiffany scoffed and made a toast, clinking their glasses together. "Make sure Da-On doesn't get to see those bottles."


"You didn't even notice them earlier; he'll miss them," Jessica remarked. Turning off the stove, she passed the chopsticks to Tiffany, and they sat beside each other, indulging in the tasty ramyeon together and drinking soju for the first time since they started living in their new home.


"Seohyun would give us some beating later if she finds out we drink without her." Tiffany remembers their third buddy drinker. 


"Don't worry, they're going home when we're asleep." 


They clink their glasses of soju and drink them in one go, exhaling loudly afterward.


"Tomorrow's our first day at work. I'm feeling a bit anxious, but I know it's going to be an easy job," Jessica shared confidently, her excitement evident.


"Same here. Um... we're in the same department, Jess. We're going to be partners in crime for sure," Tiffany chuckled softly as she took a bite of their kimchi. "I'm also looking forward to meeting new colleagues. I hope they're friendly."


"Friendly or not, as long as we work honestly, it doesn't matter," said Jessica before eagerly taking a bite of the noodles. "Oh, this is so good. I love this brand," she declared, earning laughter from Tiffany.


"You sound like a commercial model."


"Omo, aren't we?"


They exchanged a high-five and laughed simultaneously as they casually enjoyed their ramyeon and soju together for the next couple of minutes.




After indulging in a refreshing shower, Taeyeon emerged from her room, greeted by the familiar sound of Da-On's spirited voice, undoubtedly immersed in the football game they had just watched. Descending the stairs, he joined the gathering in the living room, where everyone was captivated by the photos Da-On eagerly shared, each snapshot a testament to the excitement of the match they had all witnessed.


"Appa, look! I got a picture with Messi," Da-On exclaimed proudly, as he brandished the photo for his father to see. Instantly, all eyes turned towards him, captivated by the excitement radiating from the young boy.


"At first, Taeyeon felt a wave of shyness wash over him, but he couldn't resist the urge to see his son's prized possession up close. As he approached, he couldn't help but marvel at the printed photos showcasing his adorable son alongside the legendary football player. 'Whoa, Da-On, you're truly one lucky boy, aren't you?' he remarked with a mix of pride and amazement.


"He also got photos with the other players, Tae," Tiffany mentioned, drawing closer to her fiancé as she shared the additional snapshots. "One day, he's going to be out there playing alongside them," she added, her tone filled with optimism and anticipation for Da-On's future in the world of football.


"They might be retired by then, Fany," Yuri chuckled softly, adding a touch of humor to the conversation.


"Or perhaps a coach, right?" She quickly corrected herself, flashing a sweet smile at Taeyeon, envisioning a future where Da-On's involvement in football could take on various roles beyond just playing.


"Yeah, I suppose so," Taeyeon responded with a minimalistic reply, his thoughts perhaps drifting elsewhere momentarily.


"He's still upset," she mused silently, recognizing the lingering traces of Taeyeon's emotions despite his outwardly calm demeanor.


"Omma, Appa, let's watch it together next time," Da-On declared with sparkling eyes, his enthusiasm palpable as he looked up at his parents, eager for more shared experiences with them.


"Absolutely, honey," Taeyeon chimed in, playfully poking his son's nose, eliciting giggles from Da-On as he hugged his father's arm affectionately.


"Bro, I think it's time for me to hit the hay," Yoona announced, letting out a massive yawn from his side. "Seohyun and I are taking charge of breakfast tomorrow, anyway." With that, he grabbed Seohyun's hand and pulled her up, leading her upstairs despite any protests she might have had.


"Those two are always the cutest," Jessica remarked with a fond smile, observing Yoona and Seohyun's antics.


"Um, I think it's time to call it a night too," Yuri suddenly declared, gently pulling Jessica up from the sofa, signaling the end of the evening's festivities.


"Good night, Kims," Jessica smiled, waving her hand at them while playfully struggling against Yuri's pull, her laughter mingling with Yuri's.


Da-On chuckled as he watched them head upstairs.


"Appa, should we go upstairs too?" he asked, turning to Taeyeon with a hopeful expression.


"Yeah, we should too," Tiffany agreed, smiling warmly at her son. But before she could make a move, Taeyeon scooped up their son and carried him upstairs without a word.


Tiffany sighed softly, still sensing the distance Taeyeon was maintaining between them. 

She reached for the remote, switching off the lights in the living room and the kitchen. In the darkness, she felt a pang of loneliness, longing to bridge the gap between herself and her family so she hurriedly followed them upstairs, eager to be reunited with her loved ones.




[The next day...]


It's another bustling Monday morning in Yoona's office, where he finds herself engrossed in a flurry of reports from all directions, particularly those concerning the recent projects he greenlit. As he settles in for the day, his attention is captured by the sales report detailing the performance of their commercial ads from the previous week. With eager anticipation, he opens the folder, his face brightening at the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the public. His excitement mounts as he discovers a remarkable 30% surge in overall sales, accompanied by a staggering 60% spike in demand for their previous family car model."


"Shall I instruct production to double our output monthly?" He queried.


"If the demand persists at this rate by next week, it might be prudent, Sir," the Sales Director replied, sharing his perspective. "Let's keep a close eye on the situation for now and reconvene to make a well-informed decision next week."


"Got it, Director Hong. Thanks," he replied with a warm smile, returning the folder. As the director departed, he reached for his phone, intending to share the exciting news about their family car campaign with Seohyun. Yet, before he could compose the message, he noticed unread messages in their group chat and opted to peruse them first.


Jessica: Ey, Yoong, the breakfast was good! Keep it up!

Seohyun: Ahh, I love the omelette. It tastes like I'm in a hotel.

Yuri: Don't believe them, it tastes like heaven. Good job, dongseng.

Tiffany: Da-On loves it as much as I love it, Yoong.

Taeyeon: Not quite like it, I love it.

Yihyun: Oppa, the breakfast was still good even though I ate the cold one. keke.  


"Why are they complimenting me when I only followed a recipe from the internet?" he chuckled softly, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he read the positive messages about his cooking. Without hesitation, he typed out his response and sent it promptly.


Yoona: Thanks, guys. Next time, I will make sure it stays warm, Yihyun. ^^


He then proceeds to text Seohyun but a notification pop-up above and shows Seohyun is calling. He softly chuckles. "We are thinking of each other right now?" he then pressed the answer button and raised the phone next to his right ear. "I was about to call you."


[You're not busy right now?]


"Not quite. How about you?" He checked the time and it was still far from lunch break.


[I'm bored already. Sitting in front of monitors is boring. Especially since I don't have a partner on my shift.]


"Whoa, I thought you have a partner?"


[The mayor said my partner will be on the night shift. So yeah, he didn't hire a lot of security personnel.]


"How about you play music there?"


[Omo, I should've done that earlier. Hahaha.] Seohyun laughs embarrassingly.


"So instead of doing that, you called me? I think it's fine and better to talk to me than putting on some music. hehehe." He mischievously giggles.


[Nah, You have to work, Im Yoona. I'm hanging up now.]


"No, let's talk first. I'm on a break," he said, halting her departure and preventing her from leaving him in suspense.


[On a break? it's not lunch break yet.]


"Mr. Chairman," the secretary burst into his office suddenly, but he quickly hushed her.


[See? You are working. Let's talk again later. Hmm, a lunch break date, perhaps?] Seohyun suggested excitedly.


"Sounds great. I'll see you later. I love you."


[I love you, Im Yoona]


With that said, He hung up and turned his attention back to his secretary. "What is it?"


"Director Choi would like to talk to you." The Secretary informed him.


"Ah, yes. Be there in a minute." 


"Noted Sir." 


Yoona let out a sigh the moment his secretary left, but his breath caught as he realized he hadn't been able to share the good news with Seohyun. "Aish. Let's just text her," he muttered, reaching for his phone. After quickly informing her, he rose from his desk, grabbing his suit jacket before departing his office.




The office was abuzz with curiosity, unable to resist sneaking peeks at the new hires, especially due to their coordinated outfits: red ties in their ponytails, pink jackets, and chic black skinny jeans. To some, they bore a striking resemblance to twins.


"Why don't we inform them that it's working hours?" Jessica suggests to Tiffany in a hushed tone, given their proximity.


"Nah, it's fine. But I'd like to make friends with them during the lunch break," Tiffany also replied in a low voice. They both giggled as they exchanged glances.


"By the way, have you had a chance to tell Taeyeon about his father?"


"I did, and he promised to bring Da-On there."


Jessica instinctively turned her head to the right, where Tiffany was seated. "Have you guys made up already?"


"Quiet, but he heard me out and was taken aback by the events. He's still hurt, judging by his tone, but we're going to work through it," Tiffany replied, her smile fleeting but sincere.


"Glad to hear that. He must be excited to do that with you. Anyway, I have a dinner suggestion for you guys." Jessica opened her bag, took out a flyer, and handed it to her friend. "I saw this at the front desk. I think this place is new because the lady at the front desk was promoting it. Da-On would be thrilled to see the planets in this restaurant."


"One day, a company will hire you as an AI because you can instantly perform tasks like this," Tiffany muses, her disbelief giving way to intrigue as the restaurant captivates her with its space-like interior where diners enjoy their meals. "I'll tell Taeyeon about this."


"Miss Young, could you please come to my office?"


Upon hearing her name called by the leader, she casually stood up and made her way to the room. She bowed before their leader, whose name is 'Lee Dae Hee', and asked, "What is it, Ma'am?"


"There's a complaint from a citizen; go and resolve this case with Ms. Jung," Dae-hee instructed as she passed a folder to Tiffany, which contained printed photos related to the case.


"Right away, Ma'am," Tiffany said, bowing once more before she quietly left the office and made her way back to her desk. "It seems we have our first assignment now."


"Is it?" Jessica carefully accepted the folder and its contents. "Oh my, it's in Naksan Park."


"Do you know how to get there?" 


She glanced back at Tiffany and hesitated, aware that she didn't know the way. "Um, let's just use Google Maps," Jessica proposed, standing up and slinging her messenger bag over her shoulder. Tiffany's smile was amused as she mirrored the action, and together they left the office, leaving behind the curious stares of their coworkers.




After three hours of navigation, the girls finally reached the park, greeted by its renowned status among foreigners for the enchanting cherry blossom trees and the availability of bicycles for park exploration. However, their enthusiasm waned upon noticing the newly installed outdoor fitness equipment, which unfortunately caused injury to a passing child, prompting concern and complaint.


Tiffany and Jessica examined each piece of equipment and discovered that some were improperly installed or had gone missing during the adults' workouts. They photographed the evidence and forwarded it to their supervisor.


Director Lee: Looks like we have to send some people to

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha