Childish Couple

The Fugitives
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19 | Childish Couple




Yoona is humming a song while showering in his apartment when he suddenly heard someone trying to unlock his main door. He pause and waited until it was unlocked. He resumed his shower right away knowing it must be Taeyeon and Yuri. Both are the only friends of his that know the passcode of his apartment. 


"Seohyun, I think I should share it with her too." And the thought of the younger just made him giddy. He woke up in the morning feeling good and energized. He can't wait to see her later. 


"Yoong? You there?" Taeyeon's voice echoed outside.


"Yes!" And he replied instantly. 'Is he sick? His voice sounds weird.' He thought as he finishes up his shower. 


Moments later, he walked out of his bathrobe and found Taeyeon lying on his bed while he was on his phone. "Yah, are you okay?" 


"Yes." Came Taeyeon's soft reply. 


Yoona chuckled as he walk to his closet and rummage on his clothes. "What color should I wear today? I feel so good and I think a sky blue or light pink will be good."


"Whatever you like." Taeyeon mumbled only.


He turned his head and squinted his eyes. "Something is really wrong with your voice right now. What did you do yesterday, Hyung?" he wonders as he continues to choose the perfect top he can wear under his blue suit.


"I had a little concert."


"What?" He chuckled.


Taeyeon turned his body to face the ceiling. "My girlfriend requested a lot of songs and I end up singing a total of 20 songs." He shared and deeply sighed. "Now I don't think I can sing for my cousin's band."


Yoona hastily returned to the bed. "Did I hear it right? You sang in front of your girlfriend?" He teasingly asked. 


"I just told you." Taeyeon coughed in the process. "But don't worry, I already had meds for my sore throat." 


"When will be the event?"


"Did I mention it?"


"Yah, you mentioned your cousin. It's Donghwi, right?" 


"Omo, you know he plays for a band?"


Yoona realized what he just uttered. He smiled awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck. "I saw him one time play in a clubhouse. He has a band and I think he plays every Saturday in that clubhouse."


"Whoa, that's new to me." Taeyeon seriously had no idea and he can't help but hit his dongseng's arm. "Tell me where is that?"


Yoona was about to answer when Taeyeon's phone chimes. Their attention immediately shifted to the notification. 


Tiffany replied to Seohyun: I'm so happy for you dongseng. 


"What is she talking about?" the doe-eyed got curious immediately. 


Opening the notif, Taeyeon smiled when the edited image of Seohyun and Kim Soohyun was posted on her social media account.


"Who is he?" Yoona grabs his phone immediately and reads Seohyun's caption: with my bae ♥ "What the heck? Is she cheating on me already?"


"What?! Why would she cheat? Are you guys dating?" Taeyeon exclaimed.


Instead of answering, Yoona opened Seohyun's account and realized there are more photos of her and the guy which is making him jealous and mad. "Tell me who is this?" he yelled at the older.


"Don't you know Kim Soohyun? He's an actor."


"An actor? She knows him since when? She didn't even share it with me."


Taeyeon chuckled softly. "You've been hanging out with her and you barely know Seohyun? But that image-"


"Aish. She never tells me." Giving back his friend's phone, Yoona got out of the bed and grabs his phone on top of his desk. He then scrolled down his contacts and walked out of his room with a loud slam on the door.


Taeyeon got startled. He blinks a few times as he tries to process what just happened. "He's jealous... wasn't he? The edited photo of Seohyun and Soohyun got him jealous?" He snickers and ends up laughing so hard but it only causes him to cough and cough. ", need to take care of this voice." he curses unconsciously as he follows the doe-eyed outside.




"Sit... stay... " Jessica signals Mr. Butter with her forefinger and hand down. The latter did as she told while looking up at her, waiting for the next move. She then get up and opened the cabinet. She grabs a bowl of dog food from the sack and returned to him still sitting. "Good boy." she smiled as she rubs his head before placing the bowl of dog food in front of him. She takes her seat back and watches as Mr. Butter eats his food. "I'm sorry if Yul Appa can't play with you a lot recently. He got busy since he acquired Yoona's company. Businessmen can't even find a break to play with their son."


Sooyoung walked into the kitchen and greeted her with a friendly smile.


"How was your wound by the way?" She remembers the stab she received back then.


"Oh, it's healing fast. No worries." Sooyoung replied. "I think I'm getting used to this Villa, everyone's so friendly." she added before she opened the fridge and checked the products inside. She was tasked to make sure everything inside is fresh and is not expiring.


"That's good to know. I'm happy you get this job."


"Actually." Sooyoung closes the door to face her. "This is my last week."


"What?" Jessica exclaimed. "Why? I think you were just here for 2 weeks only. Why so sudden?"


"I received a better offer and it's the work I've been really hunting to get. So yeah, my agency will replace me right away though since Mr. Cha has a contract with them." Sooyoung explained and smile one more time before she walked out of the kitchen, holding the orange juices and some bread that expired. 


"Well, that was too fast." Jessica shrugged her shoulders. 


Mr. Butter suddenly bark at her, and her attention automatically returned to the adorable golden retriever. "Omo, are you done? That's so fast too." she chuckled softly as she got up and pick up the empty bowl. "Good job, Mr. Butter." She giggles, rubbing his head again and the latter smiled while his tongue is out of his mouth. "Go wake your father up." she instructed. The dog doesn't have to wait as it runs outside right away.


As she walked out of the kitchen, she heard Mr. Cha is hot-headed already in the early morning, scolding some of the maids. She headed to the sliding door and three maids are being scolded outside. 'What's up with him?' It's the first time seeing him like that. All the days she spent in the villa when she was working as one of the maids, he wasn't even like that. 


When Mr. Cha suddenly turn his head, she hurriedly runs to the sofa and exhaled so loud. "What did I just do?"


"What are you talking about?"


"Omo." She got startled when she heard Yuri's voice behind her head which made her turn and hit his head accidentally. 


Yuri snickers. "You jumpy girl." He then jumped to the sofa and pulled her for a cuddle. "You have me for the whole day." 


"Yeah, it's Saturday either way." She gently pushed him. "But Mr. Butter wants to play." She reminded him as the dog approach them with a ball in his mouth.


"Oh, what we got there, Mr. Butter." Yuri received the ball and Mr Butter immediately stepped back, anticipating the throw. He smiled knowing exactly what he wants. "Okay, let's play outside." He get up and walked out with his dog.


Jessica followed them and realized Mr. Cha is now smiling back at them when he saw them. She smiled back and bowed her head a little. 


"Okay, get your ball." Yuri said and throws the ball as far as he could. Mr. Butter instinctively runs after it. 


"Would you like some breakfast now, Mr. Chairman?" ask Mr. Cha with a friendly smile.


"Yeah, sure. Have you-"


"No, I'm fine. I already ate before coming here." Jessica declines as she smiled in the process.


"Okay. Be right back." Mr. Cha bowed and headed inside the house.


Yuri and Jessica walk to the bench nearby as they watch Mr. Butter running toward them.


"Aigoo, who's the happiest dog right now?" Yuri took the ball again and then lowered himself to give him some hugs and rubs. 


Jessica couldn't help and smile in amusement. The bond between Mr. Butter and Yuri is adorable. And she loves that Yuri can rest for the entire weekend after he informed the company about his upcoming surgery. 


"Go get your ball!" Again, Yuri throws it and chuckled as Mr. Butter is quick on chasing the ball. He took his seat back on the bench with a sweet smile at his girlfriend. "I love this. If I have no schedule, my girlfriend doesn't have too."


"Oh, let's change that then. Fire me." Jessica playfully suggested.


Yuri scoffed. "Hell no. I would never do that." He laughs afterward. "It's absurd to even think of it."


"Unless I personally quit, right?"


"Why would you?" 


She shrugged her shoulders. "We can never tell." 


Yuri shakes his head confidently. "I'm confident you won't. You know why?"




"You are in love with me." He winks earning a hit on his arm. "Yah, it's the truth." 


"I know." Jessica softly chuckled. "Omo, Mr. Butter isn't carrying the ball." But she noticed the dog returned to them without the ball and is barking.


"He wasn't able to find it." Yuri got up. "Come, let's search for it." and ushers his dog and Jessica to search for the green ball.


Jessica casually followed them to the woods. She helps them look for it from under the bushes, rocks to every trunk. But instead of finding the ball, she steps into something that causes her to stomp on it a few times. "That sounds weird." she crouched down and it was like a hole and was covered back with soil and dry leaves. She pushes away the leaves and digs out the fresh soil. Much to her surprise, it's a can box. "What the heck is this?"


"Found it!" Yuri loudly announced as he raise his hand. Mr. Butter started barking and jumping as he tries to get it from him. "No, later, Mr. Butter." he said as he noticed his girlfriend is not paying attention. He approached her casually. "What do we have... here?" His eyes can't believe what's in the box. "That's a lot of cash!"


Jessica looked up at him. "Now this is odd we are waiting to see. Who do you think owns this load of cash in a can box?" 


"I don't know... but the bank logo." Yuri picks up the bundle of cash. "This came from me. I mean, I use Taeyeon's bank whenever the villa needs something to be fixed around the villa. M... Mr. Cha... is always the one I... I share this kind of money since he works everything. Damn, no wonder I kinda notice there are complaints from the other maids." 


"Does this mean, Mr. Cha is stealing you?" Jessica get up and her eyes widened.


Yuri doesn't know how to react. He scoffed and looked at the cash in disbelief. "He's... he's the one betraying me... isn't he?"


"We can't be sure but we can confirm it." Jessica smirks as an idea pops up in her head.




Yoona was supposedly going straight to Seohyun and her friend's apartment when he spotted her in front of the laundry shop talking with Taeyong. He hastily pulled the car to the side and as he got out of the car, she already ended his conversation with him. He meets her halfway while suspiciously staring at her.


"You are early, aren't you?" ask Seohyun, flashing a big smile.


"Of course, we're going on a date after all. But tell me what did you talk with my former employee first?"


"What? Oh, we just talk some stuff." She chuckled and continue her walk.


"Like what?" He followed her right away.


"Your car, you'll get pulled if you stay it there for a long time." Seohyun noticed his car.


Yoona grabs the plastic bags from the younger and hastily opened the passenger seat. "Hop in then." He offered. 


She smiled and just stepped into the car without a word. As she buckled her seat belt, she watched him from the rearview mirror, placed the bags in the trunk, and returned to the car in a couple of seconds. "Let me have my shower first before we go on our date." 


"You haven't showered?" The doe-eyed chuckled as she drives off the car. "You posted those photos with Soohyun first, that's how excited you were?"


"You saw it?" Seohyun raised her brows.


"Taeyeon Hyung has his notification to his girlfriend. She replied to your post so I saw the photos. Aish, if he didn't mention to me that he's an actor I would completely believe you are two timing." 


"Are you kidding me?" She chuckled in disbelief. 


"And you didn't answer my calls earlier."


"It was because I was busy with the laundry." Seohyun explained and laughs. "You're funny sometimes."


Yoona pouted cutely. He glance at her but didn't say anything as he quietly drives the car until they reached the building.


"For your information that was edited, Fany Unnie saw him and took photos of him. She knew I like him, I mean, celebrity crush. You understand that, don't you?" She looked at him and waited until his lips broke into a smile and he suddenly peck on her lips. "Yah!" she instantly hit his arm as her cheeks blush. It's not the first kiss between them but it always makes her feel giddy and shy, as if they didn't share a long kiss at the club on their first encounter. 


"I'll wait here, go bring your laundry inside now." Yoona flashes a victorious grin.


"Tsk." Seohyun unlocks her seat belt but before she could open the door, the doe-eyed was fast enough to open it from the outside. She stepped out of the car and was ready to hit him again but the doe-eyed hurriedly went to the trunk and grabs the two bags of laundry. 


"I think I should walk you there. You know, I want to say hello to your friends too." Yoona grabs her hand gently.


"No." However, she let go right away. "Not yet. It's not the right time yet." 


"Fine." He sighs and pouted.


"It's okay. See you later." Grabbing the bags, Seohyun makes it up with it with a peck on his cheek before she skips inside the building. 


Yoona turned as he smiled giddily watching his girlfriend's back. "Well, we're dating now. And it's all that matters." He giggles afterward. But his phone suddenly chimes under his pocket, he casually fetches it out and reads a message from the police last night that risks Seohyun's life. They find out who he really is when they returned to the hospital and he shared about his spy mission. "Tsk."


Hello, this is officer park from last night. I would like to thank you for taking care of Ms. Seo. I hope we could grab a meal once I got out of the hospital.


He holds his phone in both hands and types his reply.


It's okay Mr. Park. I hope you get well soon.


"I hope he doesn't hire her again though." sighs him.




"Are you sure we're going to the right street?" asked Tiffany as she and Taeyeon crossed the road. Instead of resting, the latter asks her to accompany him on a search of his cousin's working place.


"It's the street Yoona told me, so it should be here somewhere." replied Taeyeon while looking around and reading each club they'll pass. 


"Did you call for this?"


"Nope, I want to see how is he doing this clubhouse."


"Ha! You're concerned out of a sudden when you haven't even told him about your decision." Tiffany chuckled softly. 


Taeyeon stopped abruptly from walking. "I'm surprising him at the same time, baby." He said and smile proudly.


"Tsk. You're just showing off." She scoffed but she was excited to see Donghwi's reaction.


As they resume to search, they finally found the place which is close at the moment. The door however suddenly opens and a guy wearing casual attire came out. Taeyeon immediately blocks his way.


"Is Donghwi inside?" 


"Who am I talking to?" The latter asked him.


"His cousin." Tiffany answered on behalf of her boyfriend as she approach them.


"He's out but he will be here tonight. If you guys want to see him play, you can return at 7 in the evening."


"I told you." She literally hit Taeyeon lightly. "We should return-"


"Can I leave a message to him?" Taeyeon has another plan.


"Yeah, sure. Um, I don't have a paper or pen with me." The guy said as he look for it in his pocket.


"No, it's okay. I have a tissue paper." He smiled and immediately turns to his girlfriend.


"What?" Tiffany is confused.


"You have it in your bag."


"Ugh." She groaned as she opened her shoulder bag and grabs her tissue from another pouch. "Do you have a pen?" 


Taeyeon nodded as he received it and took the pen from the pocket of his jacket. "Turn around, babe." and he didn't miss a second to instruct her.


Tiffany sighs and complied. She giggles when he started writing down on the tissue using her back. "Yah, that

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multistory 0 points #1
Chapter 65: These lil troublemakers are too cute!!
1129 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls 🤭🤭🤭... And lol Da On is also a good teacher to his little sisters... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
1129 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 65: Aawwww what a cute and naughty little girls hehehe... Authy thank you for sharing this story with us .... Hope to see more 😁😁😁😁
0 points #4
adorable babies girl, daon protect your 3 sister okay
0 points #5
Chapter 65: Aww (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) this is adorable!
multistory #6
Chapter 64: How you’ll feel better soon. Look forward to the next instalment.
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1129 streak #9
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha