The Trip pt. 2

The Fugitives
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47 | The Trip pt. 2




Yuri emerged from the tent, his mind swirling with the decision of whether to wake his driver to fulfill Jessica's request. He pondered, weighing the importance of her ask against the tranquility of his friends, all asleep in their respective tents. 


After a few contemplative minutes, he resolved to venture out and procure the items from a nearby mart, determined to accommodate Jessica's request without disturbing the peaceful slumber of his companions. With a sense of anticipation, he set off, returning to the tent with a satisfied smile upon successfully completing the task.


"What on earth?" Jessica exclaimed in disbelief as she laid eyes on the pack of pads and a box of chicken wings. "I specifically asked for pads with wings!"


"Yeah, I did. Why, is there something wrong?" Yuri responded, perplexed. He had only purchased exactly what she had requested.


"Ugh, come on. You bought pads with chicken wings, not the 'pads with wings' I asked for. Didn't you read the text properly?" Jessica exclaimed in frustration, gesturing towards the items. "You got me pads without wings and a box of fried chicken wings instead."


"What? Isn't that like pads with chicken wings?" Yuri gestured from the pads to the box of chicken wings. "I thought you were also asking me to buy food. I thought you were craving, to be honest," he added with a soft chuckle.


"Ugh, why are you so innocent about this stuff?" She felt an urge to squeeze him tightly.


"Should I return this and buy that... with wings text on the pack?"


"Aish, never mind. Just eat your wings," she sighed, opening the box and playfully shoving a chicken wing into Yuri's mouth. "I'm changing. Stay there," she instructed before stepping out of the tent.


Yuri blinked slowly before reaching for the fried chicken and taking a bite. "Hmm, it's still good even though it's cooled down," he remarked brightly.



The Brothers Group Chat


Yuri (11:30pm): Bro, are you still awake? Anyone?

Yoona: Why are you still awake, Hyung?

Yuri: I Can't still sleep because my girlfriend is upset with me. I don't understand women sometimes 😭

Yoona: What did you do? 😮

Yuri: I only bought the stuff he asked me for. But she said it was wrong.

Yoona: How? 🤔


I bought her chicken wings with pads. And she told me it should be padded with wings, not with chicken wings. 

Who would've thought, right? I only know chicken wings. And I thought she was craving it so I bought it.

Yoona: That's tasty! 🤤 Do you still have some? 😫

Yuri: No more, we ate it before going to sleep and she's not feeling like talking to me after finishing them.

Yoona: Ugh, you guys are so cruel. Why didn't you share it with us? 🙄

Yuri: Just buy tomorrow, idiot!

Yoona: Still, it would have been great to share it with your friends.

Yuri: You're just hungry again. Just sleep. I'm going to sleep now.

Yoona: Now I'm craving for it. Where did you buy it?

Yuri: To that mart, near the entrance of the camp.

Yoona: I see. I'll buy it now. hehehe go to sleep.Bye.

Taeyeon has seen the group chat


Yuri gently sets his phone aside, its screen dimming as he turns his attention to Jessica beside him, her form curled in peaceful slumber, her back turned towards him.


"Guess I'll have to pick up the right pads tomorrow," he murmurs, a sigh escaping him as he closes his eyes, the weight of the day settling upon his shoulders.




Everyone's already in their new outfits, where the Kim family wears pink and white, yoonhyun couple wears blue and white and Yulsic is once again wearing different colors which are blue and yellow.


"Should we stick together as a group, or perhaps split off and make it more of a couples' outing?" Yuri's sudden shift in perspective suggests a different approach to how they might best enjoy their visit to the zoo.


"Doesn't this mean I'll be going solo, Oppa?" Yihyun reacted, sensing a threat to her single life looming ahead.


"What? No, I mean, you could join us?" Yuri responded defensively.


"Or join our group," Yoona chimed in with a cheerful smile.


"And you're more than welcome with us too," Taeyeon added, suggesting another option.


"How about we leave the decision to you, Yihyun," Jessica suggested, keen on fairness. "Or, to make it even more fun, we could have the boys play rock, paper, scissors, and whichever of them wins, that's the group you'll join."


"That sounds like a plan." Yihyun readily agreed, showing no hesitation.


"Let's have you decide who goes head-to-head first," Seohyun casually instructed, "that way, it's simpler to determine who plays in the second round."


"Alright... Let me see..." Yihyun pondered, placing her finger under her chin as she glanced at the three guys before her. "I choose Yoona Oppa and Yuri Oppa," she declared decisively.


"Alright, easy," Yuri remarked, casually preparing his left hand by giving it a gentle shake.


"Tsk, one hand against two," Yoona chuckled softly.


"Silly, we're not playing with two hands," Yuri muttered. "Let's get this done," he declared decisively, wasting no time.


"Kai, Bai, Boo!" They both exclaimed, tossing their hands with their respective choices of paper and rock. "Hell yeah! I won!" Yoona celebrated victoriously after choosing the paper.


"Fine," Yuri conceded defeat gracefully, stepping back to stand beside Jessica without further protest.


"Brace yourself, Yoong, I'm about to take you down," Taeyeon confidently declared as he stepped forward to face his younger counterpart.


"Of course not, I won't go down that easily," Yoona smirked confidently. "Kai, Bai, Boo!" he declared swiftly, wasting no time.


Taeyeon was a tad late to the game, opting for scissors, only to be defeated by Yoona's rock.


"See? Yay! Yihyun is going with us," Yoona exclaimed cheerfully.


"Of course, she will," Seohyun chuckled softly, quickly wrapping her arm around Yihyun's left arm and leaving with her.


"Hey! Wait for me!" Yoona hurriedly caught up with them, leaving the Kim Family and Yulsic at the zoo entrance with smiles on their faces.




"Appa, look! The birds have arrived! And they're massive!" Da-On's exuberant voice carried through the air, capturing Taeyeon's attention amidst the bustling line for ice cream with his family. Taeyeon grinned and waved back at him, acknowledging the excitement in his son's discovery.


"Why don't you feed him, sweetheart?" Tiffany's gentle smile adorned her face as she passed the food into her son's tiny hands.


After receiving the food, Da-On approached the birds, under the watchful eye of a zoo staff member. With quiet determination, he extended his hand towards the parrot perched nearby, holding it steady without a flinch while the bird was eating the food on his head.


Tiffany beamed as she captured snapshots of her son feeding the parrot, cherishing the heartwarming moment. Observing Da-On's emotional reaction, she noticed a glimmer of tears in his eyes as he gazed back at her. "You really enjoy being with them, don't you?" she murmured softly, to which Da-On simply nodded in agreement.


"What's your name? I'm Benny," the parrot unexpectedly inquired as it shifted its attention to its trainer.


"Da-On, he's talking to you!" Tiffany exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and wonder evident in her voice.


"I'm Kim Da-On. I'm five years old!" Da-On exclaimed with excitement, proudly displaying his hand with all five fingers extended to the parrot.


"Oh, hello there, Da-On. Thank you for the food," the parrot replied, its voice surprisingly clear and distinct.


Da-On gasped with delight, his face lighting up with a cheerful smile before he began jumping excitedly. "Can we be friends?" he asked innocently, his eagerness shining through.


"Of course. We're friends now, Da-On," the blue parrot replied warmly, and the trainer crouched down, inviting Da-On to reach out and touch him.


With a hint of hesitation, Da-On tentatively reached out and lightly touched the parrot's back, his hand trembling slightly. "Omma, I touched him!" he exclaimed cheerfully, turning to share his excitement with his mother. Tiffany smiled sweetly at their heartwarming interaction, proud of her son's bravery.


"You're adorable!" The parrot's words thrilled Da-On, sparking an impulse to embrace it, though the trainer skillfully dodged his attempt.


"Why?" Da-On's voice carried a tinge of disappointment. 


"I'm sorry, Da-On. Parrots aren't allowed hugs. But a gentle touch is okay," the trainer explained kindly, understanding Da-On's disappointment.


"It's okay, honey," Tiffany reassured her son with a gentle rub on his back.


"It's okay." A smile returned to Da-On's face as he grasped the understanding.


"Da-On, we're still friends," the parrot affirmed with certainty, bringing comfort to the young boy.


"Why don't you take a picture with your new friend, eh?" the trainer suggested, gently placing the parrot on her hand near Da-On's head once more.


"Thank you," Tiffany expressed her gratitude to the trainer. "Smile, honey," she encouraged Da-On, who responded with a cheerful grin, while the parrot glanced curiously at the camera as well.






And more snapshots were taken before the trainer took the parrot back and they bowed at the parrot.


"Let's meet again later, Da-On," the parrot said as the trainer carried him away to greet another guest at the zoo.


As Taeyeon finally approached them with their ice creams, he couldn't contain his excitement. "That was so cool, Da-On," he exclaimed, sharing Da-On's ice cream in a cup.


"It is, Appa!" Da-On exclaimed cheerfully before eagerly digging into his ice cream with a spoon.


"It even talks! It was so adorable," Tiffany softly chuckled. "You should've come over to us."


"Nah, it was Da-On's moment, and I love watching him," Taeyeon replied with a sweet smile. "Shall we head to the next station?" he suggested.


"Sure!" Tiffany and Da-On responded enthusiastically, ready for the next adventure.




As Yihyun and Seohyun gleefully capture moments together amidst the backdrop of diverse fish swimming in the aquarium, Yoona stands nearby, a vigilant presence, cradling their shoulder bags with care.


Observing his friends' enjoyment, Yoona's thoughts drift into a realm of quiet contemplation. "When will they invite me to join?" he muses wearily, a sigh escaping his lips, laden with a sense of fatigue and longing. "Perhaps winning that game wasn't worth it," he murmurs regretfully, rueing the competitive impulse that now separates him from the camaraderie he craves with his companions.


"Yoong, over here!" Seohyun's voice called out, finally catching his attention. A smile spread across his face as he jogged towards them.


"Are we going to take photos now?" he inquired, his grin widening.


"Can you take photos of us?" She offered her phone instead.


"What about me?" He frowned.


"Later, hmm?"


"Aish, fine," Yoona sighed, adjusting the shoulder bags on his arms before lifting the phone. Yihyun and Seohyun embraced each other, their smiles aimed at the camera. "Shift to the left a bit; the turtles aren't in view," he instructed, and the girls followed suit. "Keep moving," he directed again, ensuring the turtles weren't obscured by their figures.


"Ugh," Seohyun groaned, shifting to the left alongside Yihyun. "Is this good?" she asked, seeking confirmation.


"Move more."


"What?" Yihyun and her exclaimed at the same time.


"There are plenty of turtles in the aquarium; they tend to scuttle around when you move," Yoona explained honestly, prompting the girls to glance behind them, confirming the turtles' elusive behavior. "What if you two crouch down? It might prevent them from darting away," he suggested, offering a solution.


"Oh, that sounds like a plan," Seohyun smiled, quickly crouching down beside Yihyun.


"Alright, perfect," Yoona grinned in satisfaction. However, just as he tapped to capture the photo, a group of kids suddenly passed by, obscuring the view of the two girls. He couldn't help but laugh as he saw their blurry, frowning faces behind the captured kids.


"What's amusing?" Seohyun shot her boyfriend a glare, her expression a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance.


"The kids, they were adorable," he smiled reassuringly. However, a mischievous thought crossed his mind, 'Serves you right for not including me the picture.'


"Quick, Oppa, take the photo before someone else blocks us," Yihyun urged impatiently.


"Alright, alright," he grinned, opening the camera once again. "Now this is better," he declared as the two girls posed for the camera. *'Aish, my girlfriend is so pretty,'* he couldn't help but comment inwardly. He tapped on the capture button several times as the girls continued to pose, before finally calling it finished and handing the phone to Yihyun. "Now it's my turn with my girlfriend," he declared with a playful smile.


"I don't mind," Yihyun softly chuckled, smiling as she willingly took photos of the couple before her. She couldn't help but notice how cute Yoona looked carrying their bags.




While everyone else revels in the vibrant sights of the zoo, Jessica opts for the tranquil escape of a fish spa, accompanied by Yuri, who embraces the serenity without a hint of complaint. For them, the chance to unwind and rejuvenate together is the ultimate pleasure amidst the bustling beauty of the zoo.


"Feeling any better now?" Yuri asked his girlfriend softly, concern etched in his voice.


"Yuri, this fish spa was such a brilliant idea. I'm really glad you found it," Jessica said with assurance, her smile brightening her features. Leaning in, she gently kissed his cheek. "And I appreciate having a boyfriend who understands what I'm going through, even if we skip the part about pads," she added with a playful giggle.


Yuri blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I haven't experienced someone that open to me. So yeah, forgive my lapses," he admitted shyly. "It means a lot to me that you trust me enough to share everything you feel." he smiled warmly.


"This trip is unavoidable, and I can't help but worry about dealing with everything, especially during my period," she confessed softly, her fingers intertwining with his as she watched the fish swimming around her feet. "But I feel lucky to have you by my side, Yuri, always caring and loving," she added, squeezing his hand gently, finding solace in his presence.


Yuri smiled softly, his gaze drifting down to their feet as he held Jessica's hand in his lap. "Ever stop to think why they call this place a fish spa?" he mused, curiosity sparking in his eyes.


"I haven't looked into it either, but it's definitely relaxing," she replied softly, a serene expression gracing her features.


"Yeah, and it's actually clearing our legs too."


"Your legs are so smooth," Jessica observed teasingly. "Must be ticklish." 


Yuri chuckled softly. "Shh, don't give away my secrets. But yeah, it's a comfortably ticklish feeling."


As Jessica noticed a tiny thread on Yuri's hair, she gently plucked it away, only to realize it was from his red thread bracelet. "Hey, did your bracelet come loose?" she asked, lifting his hand to inspect it closely, noticing the tie part was unraveling. "You never take this off, do you?"


"I don't, why?"


"So it means it gets wet every time you shower?"


"Obviously." He shrugged.


Releasing his hand, Jessica began to untie Yuri's bracelet gently. "I'll mend this once we get back to the campsite," she assured him with a smile.


Yuri looked surprised. "You brought threads and needles with you?" he asked, his astonishment evident in his voice.


"Threading is one of my pastimes, so naturally, I brought it along," Jessica replied confidently, a hint of pride in her voice.


"But I'm glad you saw that. I think it will fall if we have left this place."


"Yeah, lucky you," she giggled, slipping the bracelet into the pocket of her blazer with a playful grin.


"Keeping me in your pocket?" Yuri teasingly asked.




"They say if you do that, it means you want to keep him always with you or by your side," Yuri remarked with a giddy grin, earning a playful hit from Jessica. Chuckling, he leaned in and planted a tender kiss on her cheek. "I'm more than willing to do that, you know," he whispered affectionately.


Jessica shook her head in disbelief. "You're believing a lot of random stuff on the internet," she remarked with a playful smirk.


"Ugh, so you won't do it?" Yuri cutely pouted, dodging playfully when she tried to hit him.


"If you want to be by my side too, then stay close," Jessica said, pulling him back closer with a smile. They laughed together at their randomness, but beneath their laughter, their cheeks were blushing, and their hearts were fluttering with affection.




"Are you absolutely certain you want to do this?" Tiffany's voice trembled with uncertainty as she glanced at her 5-year-old son, Da-On, who wore an innocent smile.<

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0 points #1
Chapter 64: That was adorable!
0 points #2
Chapter 64: cuteee , love it. yeay taeny’s baby no 2
1120 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 64: Lol Da on what will you do if Mr Butter and pumpkin answered you and told you to let them finish their dinner? 😂😂😂 You are right right Tae grandparents are more excited to see their grandchildren than their own children, Da on your grandparents already planned for your and maybe siblings future.... Aww the kids and the staffs in the orphanage will be happy that you are going to visit them again Taeny... And lol Yuri they might do as you said hahaha
0 points #4
Chapter 64: Whoa! Another baby on the way! 🐣🐣🐣
Love this Kim Family Epilogue!
Da-On's so cute during the wedding reception with Mr.Butter and Pumpkin! And his excitement while opening Lawyer Han's gift!
It was so nice of Mrs. Kim to have that party for the Kim family, especially Da-On!
And the black card she gave to Tiffany! 😲
I like what Taeyeon said about the card for Tiffany to use it for herself too, not just Da-On, because she deserved it. ❤️
Awww! They went back to Sunshine Orphanage! It's so warm, the welcome they got!
And they rebuilt the girls' house... 🥹
It was so nice fore Da-On to reunite with his friends!
Seohyun's message to Tiffany though! 🤭
Did Da-On read his Seohyun Omma's mind of sleeping with his friend? 😁
It's so funny how Tiffany's heart race because of the thought of making baby number 2! And when Taeyeon noticed it ...😁😁😁
It was so cute how Taeyeon knew about the baby! 🥹
The Kim family's dynamics is very nice! It all felt very natural!❤️
Love how detailed you write about the whole thing, the setting, the mood! 😉
Looking forward to the last installment of the epilogue! ❤️
multistory #5
Chapter 63: Am all caught up now.. epic ending look forward to the rest 😉
Chapter 63: Seohyun and Yoona are experts in sneaking out! 😁
That secret date that ended up inside the car and Yoona's persistent secretary, that he tried so hard to hide from but in the end he ended up calling to be their witness! 🤣🤣🤣
But having said those vows.. 🥹
How they chose the name to give... Very meaningful! ❤️
And also them catching Da-On eating Seohyun's choco pie despite the note Seohyun put! 😁

More epilogues?! 👀
Chapter 62: 😅
I thought Jessica would really be gone...
But it was really nice to have that silver lining!
It is so difficult to be on Jessica's position, having to witness Seohyun's pregnancy, even though she's happy for her. And add to that the stress and pressure of having a very healthy lifestyle.
It's also nice that she has her family supporting her, despite Da-On's teasing. 😁
And Seohyun and Yoona's little potato is a girl! 🎉
1120 streak #8
Chapter 62: Lol Da On naughty as always 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really love Yuri's supportive and patience towards everything and congrats Jessica, but what you did is silly, if not for that couple then you must've run away from Yuri again
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 63: I love this plot. Sadly it will end soon.
Chapter 63: looking forwards for the 2 last epilogues