I woke up from the loud knocking at my door.

NY : "Jihyo-yah! Good morning come on down I need to talk with everyone :)"

JH : "Unnie you're being loud it's too early."

NY : "Gaja!"

She had this gummy smile on her face. I made my way down and saw Mina who was spacing out and Sadness unnie sitting in the sofa.

JH : "Good morning. Where's unnie?"

MN : "Good morning unnie."

SU : "Good morning Jihyo-yah. She said she's getting something."

I sat down beside Mina when Nayeon unnie came down from the stairs all dressed.

NY : "Okay listen up."

MN : "What's this important thing unnie?"

NY : "Before we get to that can you tell more about Yoo Jeongyeon?"

JH : "For what?"

NY : "Just tell me."

JH : "Haaaay unnie. She was our classmate back in med school. Lives on her own, the best surgeon on the country."

MN : "Workaholic."

NY : "Then it's settled! I'm going to live with her."

I opened my eyes wider than I have ever did. Is it just because I'm still sleepy that I'm hearing things? I looked at Mina and she had the same expression that I have.

MN : "Unnie are you crazy??? Do you even know her?"

JH : "You can't just make decisions like that."

NY : "I've known her for sometime now."

JH : "Sorry unnie you can't always have what you want."

NY : "Would you two listen to me first?"

MN : "Arraso."

NY : "So I made a bet with her and I thought about this things carefully. If I want to win then I need to this."

JH : "And whats the bet?"

NY : "I need to convince her with something within a month."

JH : "And whats the prize?"

NY : "The truth is after what happened last time made me think about everything. I want you guys to have more time for yourself. I want Mina to spend her time doing what she loves and not looking after me and Jihyo you're really doing a great job being the CEO but taking care of the company and me is too much for you."

MN : "That's why you decided to let someone else take care of you? That girl doesn't even know how to take care of herself. She don't know how to cook unnie."

NY : "Then I'll cook for her. I just want you guys to spend time without me."

JH : "Unnie if this is some kind of preparation things you do so we can get used from you not being around then I'm really sorry that's one thing I can't give you."

NY : "I already signed the papers for my operation."

JH, MN, SU : "Ehhhhhhhhhhh?"

Did she just said that she signed the papers? Last time we tried to convince her she wouldn't even let me finish talking. She kept saying she's not going to do it ever since mom and dad passed away. Since then it's been like she's just waiting for her death.

NY : "Hahaha didn't see that coming? Well if I win this bet Dr. Yoo agreed to do my operation."

JH : "Unnie that's great. I'll prepare everything will do it as soon as we have a donor."

MN : "You don't need to do that bet unnie, we'll convince Jeong."

NY : "Wait a minute. I told you I'm going to do it but it's under my conditions. If it's not Dr. Yoo I'm not going to do it anymore and in order to do that I need to win that bet. I don't want you guys using your position in this."

There was a brief moment of silence, I was thinking about it. It's the only chance we have. Though I'm not sure if Jeong will agree with this but if that's the only way.

MN : "Arraso! I'll convince her to let you live with her." She said as she stood up.

JH : "Unnie I'm only agreeing with this cause I want you to have that surgery. We'll try our best to convince her."

NY : "Thank you :) Then I'm going to pack my things."

MN : "Huh?"

NY : "I'm moving out today."

JH : "Unnie we need to talk to Jeong first."

NY : "Don't worry I know she's going to accept it she said I can do whatever I want in order to win."

MN : "Unnie....."

JH : "Mina just let her, Sadness unnie would you mind helping her?"

SU : "Arraso gaja Nayeon-ssi."

They went upstairs to pack her stuff and medicines.

MN : "Unnie why would you easily agree with that? You know Jeong, it's not going to be easy."

JH : "That's not important Minari we just have to try harder. This is the only chance we have. We can't afford wasting more time, her heart is becoming weaker everyday."


It was Yoo Jeongyeon off day she was sleeping when she was suddenly woken up by the non-stop ringing of her doorbell. She opened the door with her half asleep eyes.


JY : "Annyeong. What do you need?"

JH : "Yoo Jeongyeon open your eyes!"

I opened my eyes and saw Mina, Jihyo and Nayeon? What is Nayeon doing here with them?

JY : "Is there an emergency? You could have called me instead and what is Ms. Im doing here?"

MN : "Jeong we need to ask you a favor."

JY : "We can talk inside."

I was watching them coming in when I notice Mina pushing some luggage's. Maybe they're heading somewhere.

JY : "Take a sit, want some coffee? I don't have anything on my ref right now."

JH : "Jeong can you let Nayeon unnie live with you for a month?"

JY : "Ehhhhhhhhhh? Nayeon UNNIE? Can someone explain everything to me?"

MN : "Sorry Jeong we know it's sudden but Im Nayeon is our older sister. She's the major stock holder in our company. She said she made a bet with you."

I just sat down there quietly as I listen to Mina, I saw Nayeon sitting in the corner looking down.

JH : "Mina take Nayeon with you, buy some foods this guy doesn't have anything."

MN : "Arraso, gaja unnie." She said as they make their way out.

JH : "Jeong I know it's too much but this is our only chance. I know Dahyun told you about her condition. That's the same reason why she didn't want to be publicly introduce as the major stock holder of the company, that's why we kept her identity a secret."

"She uses our mom's last name so no one will recognize her. Jeong her only option is surgery if we wait more she can die. She's in the top of the list of recipient. She said she'll only do the surgery if you're the doctor." Jihyo started to cry I know it's hard for them.

JY : "But Jihyo you don't need to do this. I'll do it stop crying."

JH : "Jeong she doesn't want us to treat her special. She said you agreed on a bet that if she win you'll do it. That's why were here."

JY : "Jihyo...."

JH : "Jeong please." She kneel to the ground. "We'll pay everything from your rent to the expenses we'll even pay your time."

JY : "Jihyo-yah stand up! You don't need to pay me anything I'll help you."

JH : "Jeong thank you we owe you big time."

She dried her eyes off before Mina and Nayeon arrived.

MN : "Unnie?"

Jihyo nodded at Mina.

JY : "Hmm Ms. Im I only have one bedroom the other room is my office. You can have my room and I'll sleep in the sofa."

NY : "You can sleep with me."

JH : "Unnie! That's a playboy you're talking to."

JY : "Yah Jihyo! I haven't had any girlfriend and your calling me playboy?"

MN : "We can't trust you with that Jeongie."

NY : "Hahaha arraso, no fighting I'll sleep on the sofa sometimes."

We ate lunch together, talking about what she needs what we have to do and Jihyo's constant reminder.

MN : "Unnie we should go we're already half day late."

JH : "Okay, Jeong remember if you're not going to be home you need to tell one of us even Sadness unnie okay?  Nayeon unnie don't be a burden to her okay? Text us everyday. We'll drop by from time to time."

NY : "Arraso, take care you two."

JY : "Bye." The two of them went outside after that.

JY : "Nayeon-ssi you know I'm not always at home right?"

NY : "Yep."

JY : "So what do you plan to do if something happen?"

NY : "I'll call you guys. You live 15 minutes away from the hospital Dr. Yoo and beside I have this." 

She pulled out a small thing and pressed the button on it. *Beep*

NY : "1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10....11...."

JH : "Jeong what happend!!!?"

Jihyo Mina and Sadness unnie came running inside my condo while catching there breathe.

MN : "Unnie are you okay?"

NY : "Mianhe I accidentally pressed it."

JH : "Unnie! You almost killed us."

NY : "Mianhe go now you'll be late."

MN : "Arraso please be careful."

The three of them left afterwards.

JY : "You're crazy, you could just have told me what that is."

NY : "Haha I just want to show you that I can contact you guys faster than texting. Here."

She handed me a necklace with a big heart shaped pendant on it.

NY : "Since were going to live together you should keep one too. It will beep and vibrate for 2 minutes straight if I press this."

JY : "Just don't do what you did a while ago okay?"

NY : "Arraso."

I didn't take her bet seriously because I never thought that she will go to this far just to win.



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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^