The day/night before the festival.....


[Tzuyu watching news]

"News and pictures started spreading around the internet stating that Minatozaki Sana is in a relationship with a doctor. The said doctor was named as Dr. Chou of SMC, the two were seen several times going out. It has not yet been confirmed by the actress agency."

I knew one day this will happen, I already told unnie that she needs to watch out everything she does when she's with me

I knew one day this will happen, I already told unnie that she needs to watch out everything she does when she's with me.

To : Minatozaki Sana

"Did you see the  news unnie, can you come here for a moment? We need to talk about it."


From : Minatozaki Sana

"I was doing something I didn't see it, What's up?"


To : Minatozaki Sana

 "Then if you have time lets talk about it, I'll wait for you here."


From : Minatozaki Sana

"Arraso be there in 5 minutes Tzuyu."

When unnie started acting, we had this meeting with her manager asking as to be less clingy with each other. They said it may cause her career to end because she's still a newbie at that time but after some years and with all her achievements she started to get clingy to me again. With that in my mind, I didn't like the idea of her going to the hospital just to visit me. I never wanted to be the reason for her career to end.

*Ding dong*Ding dong*

SN : "Yah! Tzuyu-ah I love you but I'm in the middle of watching my favorite drama. Is this really that important that we need to talk right away?"

TY : "Unnie you should be watching news instead of those things."

SN : "Ehhhh? Theres's nothing new in news."

Mama Chou : "Ohhh Sana-chan, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

SN : "Auntie good evening, I think Dr. Chou here misses me so much." 

MC : "Omo haha I don't mind taking you as my daughter in law."

SN : "I'm flattered auntie :)"

TY : "Ma!"

MC : "Haha I'll go to my room before she spit fire. Good night Sana-chan."

SN : "Good night auntie I'll see you."

TY : "Unnie lets go to my room. I think it will be better to talk in there."

SN : "Arraso Dr. Chou."

We headed to my room and I opened the article in my computer. I let Sana unnie read everything......

SN : "This is it?"

TY : "What do you mean? It's important, your career is at sake here."

SN : "Tzuyu-ah don't worry about me, it will be alright."

TY : "Unnie...."

SN : "Trust me okay? I'll call my manager tonight. It won't do any harm."

TY : "Arraso, I was just worried for you. Sorry for calling you out this late. I'll walk you to your house."

SN : "Okay then lets head out so you can rest. It will be a long day tomorrow for both of us."

TY : "Oh yeah we can go at the same time, want me to pick you up unnie?" I said as we walked out of the gate.

TY :

SN : "That's fine. I don't want to be there early."

TY : "Then I'll just see you tomorrow."

SN : "Yep don't forget to watch me okay?"

TY : "Arraso good night unnie."

SN : "Good night Tzuyu."

I think it's better to let them handle those kind of things since I don't know anything about their profession. I just wanted to make sure that nothing will happen with unnie's career. I don't want her dreams to be ruin because of me.

NAYEON'S POV [Same day]

DH : "Okay Ms. Im, you should be okay for today."

NY : "Thank you Dubu. Then I'm leaving."

JH : "Unnie want me to give you a ride?"

MN : "Jihyo unnie you don't have to Jeong's probably waiting for her."

NY : "Ani, she didn't mention anything to me. Maybe she already went home."

JH : "Ahhh then I'll give you a ride back to her apartment."

NY : "Arraso."

DH : "Haha how bout we bet on it?"

JH : "On what?"

DH : "I'm sure Jeong is waiting for her."

MN : "Hmm me too unnies."

JH : "Haaaay don't give Nayeonnie false hope."

NY : "It's okay I'm not expecting anything from her anyway."

DH : "Okay, so it's me and Mina versus the two of you."

JH : "And what will we get from winning?"

MN : "Unnie are you sure you're going to win though? Haha."

JH : "We all know Jeong since Med school and all of us know that she doesn't wait for anything or anyone at all. She has the shortest patience in this world."

DH : "Dr. Park you don't know what the power of love can do haha."

NY : "Arraso, arraso. How bout a free lunch from the loser?"

MN, DH, JH : "Okay!"

JH : "Gaja! Lets take our free lunch Nayeon unnie."

NY : "Haha right!"

MN : "You'll see what we meant."

The four of us then headed to the lobby. As expected you can't see Jeongyeon anywhere. I wasn't disappointed but I was kind of hoping that Jihyo and I was wrong.

I wasn't disappointed but I was kind of hoping that Jihyo and I was wrong

JH : "I guess you two owe us a lunch."

DH : "Couldn't help it."

MN : "I can't believe I put my trust on that ostrich."

JH : "Haha you should have listen to your unnies in the first place. Nayeonnie lets go home."

We were about to make our way to the parking lot when.....

JY : "Dr. Park!" She shouted, she was standing by the door. 

JH :        

JH : "Dr. Yoo you're still here?"

JY : "I was waiting for your sister, I thought it was better for us to go at the same time."

MN : "Why? Is Dr. Yoo feeling lonely?"

DH : "Hahaha I thought hyung is used to living alone?"

JY : "Yah! You two don't have anything better to say! I don't want her taking the bus anyway."

JH : "How long did you wait?"

JY : "I finished work about 3 hours ago."

Ehhhhh? She finished 3 hours ago but Jihyo said she never wait for anyone.

NY : "You should have told me."

JY : "It's okay, I was resting in my office then I got bored so I started walking around."

DH : "Told you Jihyo unnie." She whispered to Jihyo.

JH : "Arraso, mianhe."

MN : "Haha lunch is free then."

JY : "Really?"

JH : "Not for you! Lets go home."

We made it to the parking lot. Jeong has her motorcycle just beside the exit. 

JH : "Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon! Are you asking my sister to ride that motorcycle?"

JY : "What's wrong with it?"

JH : "It's dangerous."

NY : "It's okay Jihyo-yah, she drives carefully and it makes our way home faster."

MN : "Jihyo unnie let the love birds go."

DH : "Right! Haha I'm sure Jeong is showering her with love."

JY : "If you don't stop I'm going to call your wife to pick you up."

DH : "Ehhhh?"

JY : "Ms. Hirai haha."

MN : "Why is everyone have a wife now?"

DH : "We're not even that close. We only see each other here."

JH : "Okay you three stop bickering you're acting like kids. Get some rest for tomorrow! Jeong be careful okay? Bye!"

It was a little bit awkward when we got home. After hearing what Jeong said about our own world. I was really embarrassed. I wasn't sure if she was joking when she said does things. I went to bed after dinner cause I was shy to talk to her at the moment. 


JY : "Nayeon? are you still awake?"

NY : "I'm coming." I opened the door and saw Jeongyeon standing at the side of the door.

JY : "Hmmm I know I'm too late and maybe they already invited you but want to go to the festival tomorrow?"

NY : "Oh yes I'm going, Jihyo told me earlier."

JY : "I was actually asking if you want to go with me. I'm off tomorrow and your sisters are part of the show. I thought of keeping you company."

NY : "Ehhhh? Are you asking me on a date?" I said jokingly

JY : "Pabo haha your sisters will kill me if I did."

NY : "Are you saying that the only thing keeping you from dating me is my sisters trying to kill you?"

JY : "Haha Ms. Im aren't you full of yourself? Anyways I'm okay if you don't want to."

NY : "Going around alone will be boring. Arraso I'll take you up on your offer Dr. Yoo."

JY : "Okay then we'll leave whenever you're ready. Gaja! Sleep tight Ms. Im."

NY : "Good night Dr. Yoo :)"

It was good that we were able to brush off the awkwardness before we sleep. Jeong is different ever since I started living with her. She started becoming a little bit softer than before. The more I think about her, the more I fall deeply. 

I don't mind falling in love with her, that's one thing I want to experience before I die anyway but one thing I don't want is her getting attach to me. I don't want to take another person time again...

Yoo Jeongyeon I'm sorry but I'm hoping it will end soon for everyone's sake.



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Chapter 28: Just finished reading the story and this was very amazing. Great job author-nim!
Chapter 22: I'm loving the story so far hihi ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 28: Wow!!! For a moment I thot the doner was Jeong. Thank you for not making it a cliche. Wow. Didn’t expect a ring hiding in the bunny. Happy ending for alll!!!
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 25: Oh man. Now the urgency. Is Nayeon’s starting to fail now?! Understand what Jieun said but it was not her place to say those things to Nayeon. I hope Nayeon won’t do anything drastic with NaJeong relationship after Nayeon’s recent hospitalisation.
Masyziyati36 #5
Chapter 25: Finally.. I feel it...
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 19: wow... its aldy 30 days? that's fast. huh... for a moment i thot the major surgery of Dr. Chou is on Nayeon. well... can they operate on Nayeon considering they know her personally? especially now that Jeong confessed her feelings for Nayeon too?
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 9: very cute story but y does the 3 sisters all have different surnames? their father have 3 wives?
the story is making Jeong a surgeon of everything.
phtnquyen #8
Chapter 4: Keep writing author-nim, i kinda like the story ?
Chapter 4: ahhhhh r u posting all the povs today ?? can't wait ^.^